China Entertainment: Indulge in Vanity Fair

Chapter 140 The cast was finalized and was taken on a blind date by He Ma

Chapter 140 The cast was finalized and was taken on a blind date by He Ma
In three days, He Fang had almost auditioned the cast of "Scorching Sun", and the cast was basically confirmed, not much different from the actors in another time and space.

Xin Xiaofeng, one of the male protagonists, is played by Deng Chao. Yi Guchun, He Fang still chose Duan Yihong, Duan Yihong, what should I say?
He has a unique temperament, and his acting is very loose. When you don't see him as a character, you can't tell what kind of school he is playing. You can feel that he is good or bad.

When you put him in the role, you think he plays decently very well.But you put him in a villain or a villain, and he's great as well.

It’s that you can’t define Duan Yihong’s acting role based on his off-screen image. He can be anything, and his acting skills are very online. The key is that he has a great appearance, handsome and tasteful.

It's a pity that this kind of actor has no one to ask him to make a commercial blockbuster, otherwise he can really become a benchmark in China.

He Fang did a little more research, and finally understood why such an actor couldn't become a top-notch actor.

Because he works in the Chinese Drama Theatre, which private company would support this kind of actor?Huayi Club?How is it possible, you, Duan Yihong, are not Huayi's contracted actor, why are you supporting you?

He Fang has a general understanding, and he can really cooperate with him more in the future.

These two actors have been decided, but Yang Zidao's actor has not been decided. He Fang decided to act by himself, mainly because Guo Tao from another time and space did not come to the audition. It is impossible for him to force someone to audition, right?

In addition, the main reason is that He Fang had a scene with Deng Chao and felt that acting with Deng Chao was very refreshing, so his hands were itchy and he wanted to act.

For Chen Bijue's role, he was looking for Liao Fan. What did Liao Fan say?

Liao Fan has a fierce face, and his face is very distinctive. Apart from his unique face, his acting skills and lines are very refined.

The key is that he and He Fang are still fellow villagers, so Liao Fan has to be given a role no matter what.

Liao Fan came to try out the role of Xin Xiaofeng, but He Fang dragged him to play Huang Bijue. Liao Fan smiled and said he felt bad luck.

That's how the four main male actors were determined. As for the female lead, Huang Yi came during the audition, and He Fang gave it to her.

After all, she had a cameo appearance in "On the Journey", and the heroine in this movie doesn't have much weight, so it doesn't matter much.

Return the favor.

There is also an important supporting role. He Fang called Wang Leehom and asked him if he would be interested in playing that Taiwanese designer who is gay and has a kiss scene with the leading actor.

"Boss, do you want to do this? I thought you invited me to play the main male lead, but... Well, it's fine if you let me play a cameo, but you actually asked me to play a GAY and real kiss scene .I lost..."

Wang Leehom complained.

"Ha, that's all I'm asking. If you don't act, then forget it. I'll ask Jay Chou. But, he doesn't seem gay. You can always ask. What if he does."

He Fang doesn't care about Wang Leehom's complaints.

"Oh, forget it, I'll accept this play, but you have to promise, you have to play a role in my play." Huang Leehom said.

"Okay, guest roles are fine. I have to read the script for the male lead and important supporting actors. If the script doesn't work, I won't act." He Fang's voice.

"I know, you value your reputation very much."

"Okay, since you agreed, I won't find anyone else. I'll let the assistant director talk to your agent about other matters."

"Ok, no problem."

He Fang also heaved a sigh of relief after hanging up the phone. He didn't want to consume his favor at first, but he thought about the principle that favors don't expire and become invalid...

The main reason is that He Fang has long thought of Wang Leehom for this role, that kind of handsomeness can make the audience scream, and playing a gay will not make the audience disgusted.

Wang Leehom was actually very happy to receive this call. Although the character is very perverted, it is He Fang's award-winning film. If he can win an award in the three major film festivals, it will not be bad for his reputation.

Besides, the most important thing is that He Fang's resources in mainland China are so good, let's not say that his own movies are the existence that all actors are flocking to, but the variety shows under his company, which one is not popular?

The key is that he still has a lot of energy on Mango TV, Zhejiang TV, and Dongfang TV, all of which belong to the right to speak in the media.

Shouldn't you have a good relationship with such a director?No one else has a chance to lick it.


Then the entire cast of "Scorching Sun" has been selected, and next, He Fang will choose the cast of "Three Dozens of Bone Demons".

Of course, the selection is not going to start right now. After all, the cast of "Scorching Sun" is already on the 30th. In a few days, it will be the Chinese New Year on February 2. There is no time for him to continue. casting.

So, hurry home to celebrate the New Year, if you don't go back, you will really be on an embarrassing journey.

On the 31st, He Fang returned to Changsha, and didn't even have a rest, so he went to do New Year's shopping with his mother on the 1st.

In name, it is to do New Year’s goods, but in fact it is to go shopping, mainly because the New Year’s goods have already been done.

The Huying Group distributed some dried fruit oil and rice candy, which is enough for their family's expenses for the New Year. This is the benefit of the agency. The wages may not be high at ordinary times, but the benefits for the New Year are good.

In addition, some relatives and friends sent some fish balls and tea seed oil from Hengyang in advance, salted duck and grapefruit from Yongzhou, dried tofu and pig blood balls from Shaoyang, Xiangxi...

Anyway, their house prepared a large room and three large freezers on the first floor to store these things.

But New Year's goods, how could it be just these?

Do you want to buy gifts for the New Year?As for He Fang's family, how much do they have to give as gifts every year?
His father, He Ben, bought ten boxes of Moutai, ten boxes of tea, and ten boxes of He Tianxia.And He Fang asked Tuanhuo Culture to give benefits to employees at the end of the year and purchased a batch of the latest IPADs. He Fang took the opportunity to let the company purchase more. He personally paid for dozens of new year gifts.

In addition, he ordered a batch of real Lafite wine in France, but it was the 2010 Lafite dry red wine.

Do you think it is exaggerated for He Ben to buy these things?It's not an exaggeration at all, it's just that ordinary people don't understand the prosperity of this kind of New Year's greetings and gift-giving within the system during the Chinese New Year.

Although it is not allowed to give money to the leader, there is no rule that you cannot give some tobacco, alcohol and tea. Besides, it is a custom of the Chinese New Year and holidays, and everyone turns a blind eye to such things.

So every Chinese New Year, the tobacco, wine and tea are all hard currency, and the consumption is not by ordinary people, but by government agencies.

It is estimated that in one year, there will be a market of tens of billions of tobacco, wine and tea.

He Ben only prepared these because he had calculated how much he would give and how much he could receive.

Anyway, Chinese New Year is more troublesome than usual.

He Fang went shopping with his mother for a long time, and He Fang shouted that he couldn't take it anymore and wanted to go home to rest.

The main reason is that Zeng Jinghua didn't take him shopping, she just took him to meet people.

He Fang couldn't believe it was such a coincidence that he could meet so many people on the street on this day.

Some are Zeng Jinghua's old colleagues, some are old friends, and some are from the hometown. It just so happens that these people are shopping for new year's goods with a young girl...

Do you believe it?

What a ghost he believes.

He Fang could only keep smiling awkwardly at people, he didn't want to harm these girls, it would be nice for them to marry an ordinary person in a serious manner and live a peaceful life.

Where are you following?

Widowed?no need.

He Fang also didn't want to worry about the women at home cuckolding him every day.

After all, I can't be with her every day, the ghost knows what the women at home will think and do.

"Fang Yazi, what are you doing? This is Miss Dai Qingqing. She lives in the family courtyard of the Construction Department. She is also working in the Construction Department. She just graduated from Nanjing University last year. Let's chat first. I will talk to you, Auntie Dai. Go look at the clothes."

After saying that, Zeng Jinghua left with a middle-aged woman.

Sitting in front of He Fang was a very pretty girl who wore glasses and smiled at He Fang.

"Oh, hello, Miss Qingqing."

"Hello, director He Fang, your filmmaking is really good, and your acting is also very good. Can you sign me? It's better to sign more. I have a few younger brothers and sisters who want to."

"..." Is this really a chance encounter?You're not here for a fan meeting, are you?
"Uh, okay, ah, that, no paper or pen." He Fang said awkwardly.

"Uh, I brought it on purpose." Dai Qingqing took out a notebook and a marker pen from his bag as he spoke.

"Hey, how many do you sign?" He Fang asked.

"Well, how much can you sign?" Dai Qingqing asked carefully.

"..." He Fang remained silent, meaning that it would be best for him to sign the whole book in the end?

"Uh, that means I'm looking at the signature, right? That's fine." He Fang picked up the pen and began to sign.

After signing about [-] or so tickets, it stopped. It was almost enough, and it should be enough for her to give it away.

"Ah, thank you, thank you Director He."

"You're welcome, so coincidentally, you're shopping here today?" He Fang asked.

"Ah? Didn't you say you're here for a blind date?" Dai Qingqing asked.

"Blind date?" He Fang patted his forehead, "Cough, don't believe that, our industry doesn't have the energy to take care of marriage at all. So, getting married now is for me..."

"Well, I know, I know. So I didn't expect to be able to go on a blind date. How could a big star like you marry an ordinary person like us? Even if you want to marry, you have to find the same big star, or someone who is very talented A very good woman... I just came out to meet a real big star and ask for an autograph."

"Uh, that's it, that's no problem." He Fang heaved a sigh of relief.

"Then can I ask you a few questions?" Dai Qingqing asked curiously.

"What question? You ask." He Fang waved his hand.

"How many girlfriends did you date before? How many foreigners are there?" Dai Qingqing asked gossipingly.

"'s inconvenient to disclose this." He Fang said awkwardly.

"Then, in your opinion, what kind of woman is most in line with your aesthetics? After all, you have seen many celebrity beauties at home and abroad, so you must have your standards?" Dai Qingqing.

"Ah... Well, this question is hard to answer. How should I put it? In fact, there are two types of aesthetics for women, one is sensory aesthetics, and the other is standard aesthetics."

"Then what are these two terms?" Dai Qingqing was curious.

"Ah..." He Fang really wanted to escape, but his mother didn't come back...

"This sensory aesthetic is the one that looks average in the eyes of others, but in your eyes is the one that excites you the most. When you see her, it's like seeing the lover of your dreams. The standard aesthetic is based on the five senses. For example, How should the facial features of the oval face be the most beautiful, and how should the oval face be the most beautiful."

"The standard beauty of Eastern people is different from the standard beauty of Westerners. For example, in Europe, the standard beauty of southern Europeans is different from that of northern Europeans..."

At this moment, He Fang's phone rang, he picked it up, and gave Dai Qingqing a sorry look.

"Did you invite a friend to save the scene? It's okay, go get busy. My goal has also been achieved. With so many signatures from you, I also asked you to answer these questions. It's great."

Dai Qingqing smiled, then she stood up and shook hands with He Fang.

"Ha, you figured it out. Well, let's talk next time when we have a chance." He Fang was a little embarrassed.

"Hehe, okay, let's talk again when we have a chance." Dai Qingqing left generously.

He Fang pressed the answer button.

"Hey, He Fang, come here, I have something urgent..." Zhang Qian was deliberately loud on the phone.

"Okay, I was spotted by others, and they left. Come out and find a place to have a barbecue."

 It's the end of the month, ask for a monthly ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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