China Entertainment: Indulge in Vanity Fair

Chapter 146 Someone Wants to Pull Fox's Pyra He Fang to Hollywood Development

Chapter 146 Someone Wants to Pull Fox's Pyra He Fang to Hollywood Development
He Fang spread his hands: "Gossip, everyone can take it as gossip. Does this need to be explained? Since it is gossip, don't really believe it. If it is true, someone has already produced evidence for everyone to watch. Believe it If someone posts a torrent about this on the Internet, many people will want to read it.”

"Pfft," Yang Lan laughed, He Fang really dared to say it.

"Besides, in our line of business, who hasn't had scandals? I don't take this matter lightly. Gossips are scandals. As long as it's not personal attacks or personal smears, whatever you like to say, it's purely to find something for everyone's life. fun."

After He Fang finished speaking, he picked up the water on the table and took a sip.

"The news said that you have been in Hollywood for eight years and your private life is chaotic?" Yang Lan asked.

"There is nothing to say about this. In fact, I made it very clear in a Weibo before. If someone has trouble reading comprehension and can't understand what I wrote, it's okay to force me to explain it again."

He Fang's answer was very sharp, and Yang Lan was a little embarrassed. Doesn't this mean that her understanding is not good enough?
"The last controversy is that you are an anti-American vanguard, what do you think?"

"Hmph!" He Fang smiled, then shook his head.

"I don't understand where I am anti-American in the eyes of some people. I filmed "Invasion of Wall Street" and talked about a real situation in the United States, and then someone attacked me, saying that I am anti-American and black-American. I am really wronged. Why does it feel like they are not the ones who have lived in the US for eight years? It seems that those who have never been to the US know the US better than me.”

"I don't understand the mentality of this kind of people? In China they call us every day not to cover up, we have to dare to speak out, dare to speak out about problems. When I arrived in the United States, I didn't care much about the United States. I just filmed an American film. Realistic movies about life, and then criticize me for smearing? Why don’t they say that they dare to speak out about the problems of the United States? Dare to speak out about the real situation in the United States?”

"In their philosophy, everything in China is a problem, and everything in the United States is fine. It's all good. We can't say that the United States is bad, but we can only say that our own is bad. This double standard is really slippery. Maybe even Americans can't believe that there are such a group of people loyal to the United States on the other side of the ocean defending the United States, and they should be given a 'Best Licking Award'."

He Fang said it happily, Yang Lan's face was a little embarrassed.

"Then you say that, aren't you afraid that some people will attack you?"

"If I don't say that they all attack, I don't say that they won't attack? Otherwise, where do you say my fourth point of criticism comes from? It comes from their attacks."

"Okay, I've finished talking about your four criticisms, and now let's talk about awards. Do you think you can win an Oscar this time?" Yang Lan changed the subject.

He Fang thought for a while, "It's almost impossible. Of course, miracles can't be ruled out. Just like the last Golden Globe Awards, didn't there also be miracles and accidents?"

"Why are you so unconfident?" Yang Lan asked.

"Because you think the Oscar is too good, and think it is the fairest award in the world. No, it's just a game played by Westerners. Awarding awards to countries other than the West is just to show their fairness and generosity. Most The main thing is that this time I don't have a PR, so it's hard."

"Public relations? Isn't the Oscar the fairest award for voting and counting?" Yang Lan asked curiously.

"Fair? Ha, huh, I guess there are many people who think the same as you. They all live in China and imagine that everything is good on the other side of the ocean. This is called "Utopia" in Plato's eyes, which means that there is a country far away. The most ideal country in the hearts of all of us, where the fairest and most just, also has untold wealth.”

"In the eyes of some people, the United States is the utopia in their hearts. It is a pity that Plato's "Utopia" is just a dream for thousands of years. In reality, is the United States a dream in the hearts of those who have never set foot in the hearts of Americans?"

"In fact, as a person who has lived in the United States for eight years, what I have come into contact with and learned is not the ones in "Utopia", but no one will believe me even if I shout out. Others will say, because you are there The dream failed, so I hate it."

Speaking of this, He Fang shrugged: "As long as anyone has a dream about "Utopia", I suggest to go and see it for yourself, and live for a while, so I don't need to talk about it here."

"Let's talk about your films. Director Feng Xiaogang said that your film concepts and techniques are very fierce, like a knife to the point. Director Zhang Yimou said that your films are very deep, and director Chen Kaige said that you make him not alone. I think Ask yourself, how do you watch your own movies?"

Yang Lan asked.

He Fang nodded, "The question about the movie is easier to answer. I thought this episode would not ask."

"The three major directors praised me, I am very happy, but in fact it is not as good as they said. Let me talk about how I look at my own movies. First of all, I think my filmmaking skills are qualified, and the audio-visual language performance is clear. The picture belongs to the point of public aesthetics, and then the story to be told is clearly told. As for how many people like the film? Then leave it to the market.”

"Secondly, in fact, I think every movie is not good enough. Although the story is told clearly, it is not perfect. There are more or less regrets and shortcomings. There are many things I want to tell because of time constraints. Endless. Therefore, I rarely edit movies myself, because I am afraid that I will not be able to control myself and want this and that.”

"Finally, I still have a long, long way to go before becoming a film master. Don't look at the films I'm making now. The ones that require awards have awards, and the few films that require box office have box office. However, this only shows my The directing technique is relatively proficient. In the words of Taoism, it is Taoism. I have mastered the basic skills of art, but I am still far away from Taoism, and I need to shoot more and understand more.”

After He Fang finished speaking, Yang Lan nodded.

"Director He is very modest. According to what you say, there are too many directors in China who have not mastered the skills." Yang Lan originally just praised, but He Fang nodded.

"Yeah, there are very few truly qualified directors in China now, and they can't even do a good job of visualizing the script, let alone telling the story well. However, their skills are not good and they still want to win awards every day. The film is on the market. It’s the audience’s fault if it doesn’t sell at the box office. This is very bad.”

"..." Yang Lan was stunned for a moment, did He Fang stab so hard?No wonder those literary film directors don't like him, isn't this too hurtful?

Then Yang Lan asked him about film aesthetics, film criticism, the trade-off between art and commerce, performance, and even some questions about He Fang's vision for future film development, and He Fang's private life. Both of them were in front of the camera. In-depth discussions were held.

The program was recorded for about three hours. After the recording, He Fang invited the program team to have a meal, and brought Zhang Qian and others to accompany him.


The next day, He Fang also packed his luggage and was about to go to the United States, but he seemed to remember something.

"Zhang Qian, didn't you say you wanted to recruit an assistant for me? Where is the person?" He Fang asked.

"Ah? Oh, we have to wait for this matter, because that person hasn't been fully settled yet."

"Who? So mysterious? Don't be the one who gets stuck when you go abroad." He Fang urged.

"Don't worry, it's definitely not. When someone arrives, I'll bring it over for you to have a look at. You can rest assured before using it." Zhang Qian promised.

"Where's the assistant at work?" He Fang asked.

"It will be implemented when you come back from Los Angeles, don't worry."

Since Zhang Qian said so, He Fang didn't ask any more questions. In fact, he didn't care if he had an assistant or not, he just asked when he remembered.

On the 26th, He Fang, Fan Bingbing and Li Bingbing met at the Capital Airport and boarded the flight to Los Angeles together.

"Director He, do you have no hope of winning this time?" Li Bingbing asked with a smile.

"Haha, it's true, don't get your hopes up this time. Because there is a rule, the chances of winning an Oscar for a movie that wins a Golden Globe will generally decrease by 50%. This is two waves of people in itself, and the Golden Globe won't affect it Oscar's."

"The Screen Actors Guild Awards, the Directors Guild Awards, the Critics' Choice Awards, and the British Academy Film Awards, these awards are more like outposts of the Oscars, and the Golden Globes are not considered..."

Immediately, a few people sat on the plane and chatted with each other when they were bored. Fortunately, there is one thing, some foreign international flights can drink alcohol, and they can fly on United Airlines. A bottle of red wine, and some snacks, chatting while drinking.

Just chatted like this for a while, and then fell asleep as soon as the wine was finished, and fell asleep until the plane landed.

After arriving in Los Angeles, it happened to be noon on the 26th, and then I stayed in the villa rented by Tuanhuo Culture Los Angeles Branch.

"Hey, I heard you chose a girl from the Chinese opera school to be Fang's girl? Is it beautiful?" Fan Bingbing came to He Fang and asked when there was no one around.

"What's wrong? Can't you?" He Fang asked.

"Tsk, who said no, I just want to know."

"That's for sure. She must be beautiful. If she's not beautiful, why should I choose her?" He Fang said confidently.

"Tsk tsk tsk, alas... Men really like the new and hate the old."

"You just know? But, I'm also telling the truth. Do you think there are opportunities for newcomers in the film and television industry besides you? It's a terrible thing if it really breaks down, because young audiences have to chase Some young stars are not available in China, so they will go after foreign stars, haven’t you seen that Korean stars are very popular in China these years?”

He Fang dragged a chair to the lawn of the yard, and then sat down there, basking in the sun, the sunshine in California is quite good.

"Oh, I didn't expect that I would be regarded as old at the age of 30." Fan Bingbing also sighed.

"Why don't you end up fighting with Korean stars? Are you a big spender now, or a child? Hurry up and make a few movies to win a few awards, then make some commercial blockbusters to make some money, and by the way, make more money from endorsements. "

"Uh, by the way, I'll give you a piece of advice that will determine your future career." He Fang suddenly remembered something.

"What advice?" Fan Bingbing asked curiously.

"Don't evade taxes, don't sign yin and yang contracts with other crews, and don't go to the stock market to get money. Don't make some money that shouldn't be earned, or you will cry sometimes."

He Fang took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it.

"Ah..." Fan Bingbing didn't understand.

"You don't have to believe me, but don't come to me if you have an accident in the future, and I can't help you. If you have other things, I can help you, but I can't help you with this kind of thing. I I have to tell you this in advance. Don’t I stop helping you at that time, and you call me too ruthless in your heart. Let me tell you in advance now, it’s not that I’m ruthless, it’s that you may cause too much trouble and I can’t help you. "

He Fang said and took a long breath of smoke towards the sky.

Fan Bingbing was really shocked now, because He Fang said it very solemnly.

Afterwards, she went to find Yang Tianzhen, and they spent a long time in the room with Yang Tianzhen, figuring that if she really wanted to pay taxes in the future, she would die of heartache.

But as soon as he gritted his teeth, he still did as He Fang said.

The so-called yin-yang contract matter also told Yang Tianzhen that she could not sign such a contract in the future. Moreover, she asked Yang Tianzhen to pay attention to the business cooperation in the future, and she must understand clearly in advance what is suspected of violating laws and regulations.

When He Fang and the others arrived in Los Angeles, in addition to waiting for the awards ceremony the next day, there were still many parties in the evening. They were going to a Fox company party.

After all, they still have cooperation with Fox. Li Bingbing asked He Fang if he wanted to meet Wendi Deng, saying that the other party wanted to know him.

He Fang thought for a while, but didn't refuse, this woman is very cunning.

After all, Wendi Deng is the current wife of News Corporation boss Murdoch. No matter how she develops with Murdoch in the future, at least she is now the boss of News Corporation, and Fox is owned by News Corporation.

The relationship between Li Bingbing and Deng Wendi is excellent, and Li Bingbing's "Snowflake and Secret Fan" is Wendi Deng's role.

Since the other party wanted to see him on his own initiative, he could meet this woman, but only as a nodding acquaintance. This woman's heart was American.

So, at the Fox party in the evening, He Fang, Fan Bingbing and Li Bingbing attended together.

He Fang has been chatting with his former old colleagues, and then chatted with Cameron for a while, and now Cameron can be said to be in a half-rest state.

Because it is really difficult for him to make a movie that surpasses "Avatar". Although he is preparing for the sequel of "Avatar", it is difficult to surpass the first one.

Of course, Leonardo also came, and we all chatted together, nothing real, just bragging.

After a while, He Fang pulled away, and Li Bingbing introduced Wendi Deng to him.

"Ms. Deng, hello."

"Director He is really young, young and promising." Deng Wendi praised.

"Hehe, that's all the capital." He Fang laughed.

"Director He, I heard that you have a lot of film business cooperation with our Fox, are you interested in making blockbuster films in Hollywood?" Wendi Deng asked.

"..." He Fang was stunned for a moment, he was so relieved, Wendi Deng couldn't get involved in any Fox film, it felt like she could turn clouds and rain at Fox.

If He Fang didn't know Hollywood very well and knew that the current relationship between her and Murdoch's family is very bad, she would have divorced Murdoch in 2013.Ordinary people would really be intimidated by her name as the proprietress of News Corp. In fact, she can't decide anything.

In the eyes of Americans, she is just Murkdo's plaything, who will listen to her?
"Ha, I don't have such a plan for the time being. My film schedule in China is full. I will definitely cooperate next time when there is such a plan." He Fang laughed.

Wendi Deng was stunned for a moment, and the director didn't want to cooperate with Fox to make a blockbuster?
"Oh, I see. What kind of film industrialization did Director He do in China? According to me, what else is there to do? Come to Fox. If you want money and people, you need money, and it's a global market."

He Fang didn't understand whether it was Wendi Deng's own intention or Murdoch's intention. This was to break his film industrialization route?
"Haha, this has nothing to do with the industrialization of movies. I'm afraid I can't control Hollywood blockbusters. I still make domestic blockbusters. I think it's good. Oh, sorry, excuse me."

He Fang stood up and walked towards Jason Statham as he spoke.

Deng Wendi looked at He Fang who was leaving, although there was still a smile on her face, she was a little cold.

 This time is really the last day, ask for a monthly pass!It’s just a little bit full of [-] monthly tickets to be able to draw a lottery. I haven’t drawn a lottery yet. Please help me!

(End of this chapter)

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