China Entertainment: Indulge in Vanity Fair

Chapter 147 He Fang Didn't Sleep All Night Concerned about the Growth of New Domestic Actors

Chapter 147

He Fang and Deng Wendi looked a little bit unhappy, and Li Bingbing was embarrassed to sit next to her. She thought she would introduce some contacts to He Fang, help him facilitate some cooperation, and let He Fang take care of herself in terms of roles in the future.

As a result, the two couldn't talk together, and she didn't understand why He Fang didn't like such a large resource?

"Ha, sister Deng, that..." Li Bingbing smiled awkwardly.

"Ha, it's okay, Director He is a young man, it's normal to have some enthusiasm. Thank you for your introduction this time, come on, do one."

Deng Wendi said with a smile.

Fan Bingbing, who was not far away, sneered and said, can't she see everyone's Xiao Jiujiu?
Everyone's wishful thinking has been clattered, but what a pity, who is He Fang?

That night, He Fang did not return to the villa, and the two soldiers were very disappointed.

Li Bingbing wanted to talk to He Fang to ease the embarrassment.

Fan Bingbing wanted to prove that she was more interesting than that Chinese opera school belle.

As a result, this guy He Fang didn't reply directly, and he knew what he was doing after thinking about it. Before he became famous, he was the little prince of Hollywood parties, and the domestic media reported it.

Now that you are famous, isn't it...

Indeed, He Fang is now with Emma Roberts, and the two are very busy.

An American girl who just turned 20, isn't she sweet?

How can I have time to go back?
This is also He Fang's idea of ​​launching "Fang Girl" in China. Emma Roberts, who is only 20 years old, is already famous all over the world. Now, which 20-year-old female star in China is famous all over the country?

The industry will not prosper if newcomers do not come out in large numbers, so he is trying to see how Hollywood's newcomers develop.

The next day at 10:30 noon, He Fang woke up from his sleep. This is the rare time since he practiced Tai Chi with Wu Jing that he didn't get up early to practice boxing.

There is no way, it was too crazy last night, He Fang went to find Emma purely because the mouse served as a bridesmaid for the cat and sent it over.

Emma was excited... This guy was shaken, and all the bone dregs were squeezed out.

Emma is still too young, she has physical strength but can't master the fire, so she can only do it recklessly.

Alas, the new generation in Hollywood is too fierce, how can you think about the younger generation in China... many of them haven't made their debut yet, and some of them have to be in their thirties until they debut and become famous.

"Hey, He, I have to go, I have to try on clothes and make up..." Ai Ma snatched the breakfast cigarette from He Fang's hand and took a few puffs.

"..." He Fang had no choice but to light another one.

"Okay, then you go."

He Fang watched Emma pack himself up and leave, he thought for a while and took out his mobile phone to call Hu Kai.He also forgot that it was almost one o'clock in the morning in China, but Hu Kai didn't sleep either. As an actor and assistant director of an international director, his daily life was wonderful.

Now he is drinking with a group of assistant directors and actors at the KTV in Sanlitun, and he is a little drunk.

"Hey, director, what are your orders?" Hu Kai was a little surprised. He Fang would call on the day he attended the awards ceremony. There must be something important.

"Oh, it's nothing, have the new actors been arranged? You must pay close attention to the martial arts training. Also, ask a Chinese opera teacher to train the actors again, and strengthen them during this time."

He Fang ordered.

"Oh, okay, Director He, don't worry, I'll arrange it right away. Well, isn't your side going to present the Oscars today?" Hu Kai said.

"Yeah, but when I thought about those newcomers, I couldn't fall asleep last night. Thinking about our new generation has never made a movie, but the new generation of Hollywood is famous all over the world before they are 20 years old. So, we must let them lay the foundation.”

He Fang glanced at the guy who seemed to be exhausted and could no longer move his muscles, and then said sadly.

"..." Hu Kai was immediately moved. He didn't expect He Fang to be so young and so caring, always caring about the development of talents in China.

"Don't worry, director, I will definitely convey your concern to them and urge them to study hard."

"Hey, there's no need to go too far with this one. If you practice too hard, you will lose your spirituality. Just be appropriate. Alright, let's not talk about it. I'm going to prepare for the red carpet at night."

"Okay, director, you are busy first."

He Fang got up after smoking and went to take a shower. After practicing Neijiaquan, he recovered very quickly. He felt that he could fight again. It seemed that he had to keep practicing Taijiquan every day.

While in China, Hu Kai excitedly posted a Weibo on the Internet, and then told He Fang that he was always concerned about the cultivation of the new generation of talents in China.

"I just received a call from Director He Fang. During the Oscars ceremony, Director He Fang saw that Hollywood's new generation is famous all over the world under the age of 20, and some of our new generation actors haven't even made a decent movie, so he Didn't sleep all night last night, worrying a lot."

"Those who only scold director He Fang have no idea how much the young He Zhu has put into Chinese films. Which of the producer-centred system, industrialization of film, and training of a new generation of young actors he mentioned is for the sake of He made his own profit? It’s a shame that some people just keep spraying him.”

"It doesn't matter, I believe those who like him will always support him, all young Chinese filmmakers come on!!"

"Ait Yanran, Ait Pan Zhilin, Ait Danni, Ait Kan Qingzi, Ait Xiwang, Director He Fang said, 'You must keep an eye on their martial arts training. Also, ask a teacher to strengthen the training Let’s talk about some of their actors. During this period of time, they must lay a good foundation. Of course, they don’t have to be too hard. If they practice too hard, they will lose their spirituality. Just do it properly.’ Let’s work hard together, and strengthen your foundation during this time , not for the movie "Three Attacks of the Bones", but also for ourselves."

When Hu Kai received a call from He Fang, he was immediately agitated by He Fang, and then he was moved, so he tweeted about it.

This was a Weibo post in the middle of the night, but it immediately caused a sensation among some people in the circle who hadn't slept.

It's a pity, He Fang didn't know. After washing up, he went to the hotel restaurant to have a combined meal of breakfast and Chinese food.

At about 12:30, he called Du Chunsheng and asked where they were.

Knowing that several people went to the Sunset Tower Hotel to try on clothes and make up, he quickly called a car to go there.

It's just that as soon as he arrived at the collapsed room of the hotel "Single Zoo", he saw a few people looking at him very strangely.

"Hey, President Xiao Wang hasn't come yet?" He Fang took a look, but Wang Zhonglei was not there.

"No, I just called him and said he will be here soon." Yang Tianzhen said.

"Oh, okay, it's still early, have you eaten yet? Why don't you have a meal first, and then the assistants better prepare some biscuits or white rabbit toffee for me."

He Fang said.

"Ah? Why do you want this?" Li Xue was puzzled.

"The Oscars are different from the Golden Globes. If you don't have time to eat in the middle, what should you do if you are hungry in the middle? It is best to have fudge that satisfies your hunger and doesn't make a sound. You assistants remember to buy some half an hour before the end of the Oscars." Burgers and hot coffee, because when we come out, everyone is going to be so hungry, we need something to eat right away."

He Fang immediately arranged it.

"Yang Tianzhen, did you hear that? Director He arranged to do it quickly. Director He is a big figure who can't sleep all night and cares about the development of young Chinese actors. This matter needs to be arranged by him. You don't know how to find out in advance. .” Fan Bingbing immediately reprimanded Yang Tianzhen.

"Uh, I know, let's do it right away." Yang Tianzhen looked pitiful.

"..." He Fang couldn't understand immediately, why did Fan Bingbing's words sound yin and yang?

"No, Teacher Fan Bingbing, why are you scolding Yang Tianzhen? She can't know everything. You... don't know anything about caring about the people around you." He Fang criticized.

"..." Fan Bingbing gritted his teeth angrily.

"Pfft, haha..." Li Bingbing suddenly laughed.

"..." He Fang was even more puzzled. At this time, Yang Tianzhen took out his mobile phone and searched it on the phone before handing it to He Fang.

Where can I see...

There is an MMP in his heart who doesn't know whether to speak or not, this Hu Kai, how can he be rounded up now?
"Director He Da, didn't you stay up all night last night? You were thinking about the growth of the younger generation of actors in China. Why don't you take a rest first, anyway, it only takes an hour for you to put on makeup and try on clothes. How about calling you an hour before departure?" Fan Bingbing said in a strange way.

"Cough, that's fine, then I'll go and have a rest first." What can He Fang say, run away quickly, embarrassing cancer has committed.

However, as soon as he went out, he ran into Wang Zhonglei who rushed over. Wang Zhonglei pulled He Fang excitedly with dark circles under his eyes.

"Director He, the domestic Internet is discussing you, you have been up all night worrying about the new generation of actors in China, you are really a role model for everyone... Hey, hey, hey, Director He, where are you going? "

"I didn't sleep all night last night. Go to rest. You didn't sleep well, did you? Do you want to go to rest too?" He Fang asked.

"Oh, that's fine, let's go..."


He Fang fell asleep soundly, and felt full of energy after being woken up.

Next, I went to put on makeup and try on the costumes. This time, Fan Bingbing was no longer eccentric.

Then, they got the number plate for playing, No. 145, it's okay, the position in the middle.

The next thing is to wait, someone will arrange to sit in Oscar's official courtesy car.

He Fang's attire today is very good-looking, not inferior to that of the stars of Buttercup. He has a fashionable parted back hairstyle, which is indescribably young, handsome and energetic.

He Fang's face is an oval face, with his hair combed sideways, he has all the temperament and imposing manner, once he wears a thin blue suit and a set of white leather shoes, tsk, it has that smell.

At 05:30 in the afternoon, they got into the car. He Fang and Fan Bingbing were in the same car. Fan Bingbing looked at He Fang from time to time.

"What? Seeing such a handsome guy, your heart is moved? Don't worry, I will let you get my man, but it is almost impossible to get my heart."

"Bah!" Fan Bingbing spat.


"The following are the crew of "Single Zoo" who are nominated for Best Foreign Language Film and Best Original Screenplay."

Red carpet host Maria Menounos read with a hand card.

"I invite Mr. Wang Zhonglei, the producer of "Single Zoo", Mr. He Fang, the screenwriter, director and starring actor of "Single Zoo", and the actresses Fan Bingbing and Miss Li Bingbing of "Single Zoo"..."

Next, it was the appearance of the four of them, and the reporters on the scene were filming frantically.

He Fang and Wang Zhonglei had experience, walked very slowly, let the two soldiers pose wildly there...

After 5 minutes, they came to the end of the red carpet.

"Hi, welcome, He, last month won two awards at the Golden Globes, what are your expectations for this Oscar?" host Robin Roberts asked.

"Of course I hope to win two nominated awards, provided that the Oscar judges like "Single Zoo" like the Golden Globe judges."

"Ha, I'm sure your dream will come true, okay, thanks, please..."

There was only time for a question, and then they went in.

"Wow, He Fang is so handsome today. I have never noticed that He Fang is so handsome. He is no worse than a top star."

"Tsk tsk, I heard that He Fang hasn't talked about a girlfriend yet, so I wonder if he would like my post."

"Upstairs, you are a man, please shave your beard first, please? There are very few high-quality men, and you come to snatch it by yourself. What do you mean?"

"Hey, what's the matter with men? There are so many girls and boys, I can't find a woman and you have to worry about finding a man?"

"Get lost, pervert..."


 This time is really the last day, ask for a monthly pass!It’s just a little bit full of [-] monthly tickets to be able to draw a lottery. I haven’t drawn a lottery yet. Please help me!

(End of this chapter)

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