China Entertainment: Indulge in Vanity Fair

Chapter 148 Did you win the prize?

Chapter 148 Did you win the prize?

The domestic Internet is paying attention to the Oscars awards show, and Sohu even made a live video broadcast this time.

"On the eve of the Oscars, He Fang still cares about the growth of the new generation of domestic actors", He Fang's latest hashtag is creating a storm on the Internet in China, and everyone is talking about it.

"I now believe in a song I sang when I was a kid, 'We are all successors', and I have thought it was a lie all these years because I have never been a successor to work. But the spirit of He Fang who always cares about domestic development makes me believe Someone took over, but not me. So, I shouldn't question the successor."

"Upstairs, when you said that, I immediately discovered the ideological gap between me and my successor. He Fang was thinking about domestic development every day, but I was thinking about how to make a fortune every day. My structure is low, and I Reflect."

"I used to think that what the older generation said about being dedicated to the public and dedicating to the country was a legend. He Fang let me know that there really are such people. He Fang is a role model for my generation..."

"Really or not, is it their propaganda? Are there still such great people in this era?"

"Haha... This publicity is a bit too much, haha..."


Well, He Fang finally has his nickname, and the Internet calls it 'He Fang, the successor'.

What the hell... He Fang would cry to death when he found out, how could he become the successor?

He doesn't want to be a successor, he wants to become a saint, but he is a scumbag, he is also greedy for money, he is also lustful, and he also has personal desires.

The Oscars were in full swing, and the red carpet ceremony didn't end until around [-]:[-].

All the guests were present, and the TV signal was cut to the venue.

He Fang and the others were still sitting in the middle and back row. When the announcer began to remind everyone to mute their phones and start to make plans, the Oscars ceremony officially began.

Every Oscar will have an opening short film, and this time is the same. It is a cross-cutting edit of the nominated films, not to mention that the cuts are really good-looking.

This time, the nominated films such as "The King's Speech", "Black Swan", "Winter's Bone", "127 Hours", "The Fighter", "Inception"... "The Social Network" were all cut together , the short film is very hot, and the audience is very excited.

This is part of a showcase of the countless great movies that have come out of Hollywood over the past year, and it's about showing Hollywood movies to a global audience.

This year's Oscar hosts are James Frank and Anne Heatherway, two popular male and female stars in Hollywood.

When He Fang saw Annie, he still liked her, after all, he had fantasized about her.This is one of the few Western beauties who fit He Fang's aesthetics among Western female stars. To be honest, the others are not as beautiful as imagined, and they are all blessed with heavy makeup and freckles.

With good skin like Annie, there are really few aesthetic points in the facial features.Of course, if you count forward, Sophie Marceau is also considered by He Fang to be suitable for his aesthetics among Western beauties.

Then there is another short film before the official start. The hosts James Franco and Anne Heatherway use the dream of Inception as an introduction, and then look for the secret of hosting Oscars in the dreams of several popular movies. Bridge section.

Well done, with a little bit of humor.

For example, Annie shouted into the microphone on the set of "The King's Speech": "I have good news from the future world, and the microphone has become smaller."

Then the audience burst into laughter.

On the stage, Anne Heather was very active, and the host was very unrestrained. I heard that she had a special drink to host the Oscar. With Anne as a foil, James Franco was like a shy little boy.

After the speeches of the two hosts, the first award was finally ushered in: the Best Art Direction Award.

The nominees are "The King's Speech," "Inception," "Harry Potter, the Deathly Hallows," "Alice in Wonderland," and "True Grit."

Many people don't understand what this art director award is. In fact, the position of art director in the crew mainly refers to the position of directing visual art such as film props and scenery.

Most of the time in the Chinese crew, there is no such position, unless some historical blockbusters will invite some art directors to guide the overall costumes, scenery, props, etc. in the play.

The winner of this award is "Alice in Wonderland", which is not controversial.

Next came the best cinematography award, this time nominated for "Black Swan," "Inception," "The King's Speech," "The Social Network," and "Grit Grit."

The winner was "Inception", which is really great, all live-action special effects, which are very demanding on photography.

He Fang and the others stopped chatting this time, because they had learned the lesson from last time, so they watched the award presentation honestly.

Next is the Best Supporting Actress Award, and the winner is Melissa Leo. She also won the Best Supporting Actress at the Golden Globe Awards, which shows how well she played in the movie "Fighter".

Immediately after the Best Supporting Actress Award was awarded, the Best Animated Short Film and Best Animated Feature Film were awarded. There is nothing to say.

After the two awards were presented, Anne Heatherway invited Javier Bardem and Josh Brolin to present the Best Adapted Screenplay and Best Original Screenplay awards.

"Here we come, here we come, the first award nominated for "Single Zoo" is here, let's see if we can win the award?"

"Why didn't He Fang relax this time? He's so handsome today, tsk, licking the screen."

"I'll go, disgusting, and licking the screen."


Javier and Josh didn't have much nonsense. After a few words, they began to introduce the nominations. The best adapted screenplay award was presented first.

The nominations were "127 Hours," "Toy Story 3," "The Social Network," "Winter's Bone," "True Grit," and the winner was "The Social Network."

After the Best Adapted Screenplay Award was presented, the Best Original Screenplay Award was presented. The nominees are: "The Fighter", "Inception", "The Children Are All Right", "The King's Speech", and "Single Zoo".

The camera was shown to several nominees, and He Fang was the most handsome. He smiled and waved towards the camera, and all the women on the scene were screaming.

"The winner of the 83rd Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay is ... David Seidler, "The King's Speech."

He Fang had already prepared in his heart, because the Oscar's best original screenplay award is often linked to the best picture, so it is almost impossible to give him the best original screenplay award.

So, he applauded politely, and then smacked at Fan Bingbing, Li Bingbing, and Wang Zhonglei, meaning that it was so.

David Seidler went up and went down after talking a lot.

After the best original screenplay award was awarded, the best foreign language film award was awarded immediately, and "Single Zoo" was nominated.

Whether it is successful or not depends on this. If it is not successful, it means that this year's Oscars are completely gone.

Anne Heather started singing in a handsome black suit, and then led to James Frank in a female skirt. The two of them wanted to have a dress swap, but there was only a beginning, no follow-up, which was a bit awkward .

The guest who presented the best foreign language film award was Helen Mirren, an old lady.

This old lady is not simple, Oscar Best Actress, Cannes Best Actress, Golden Globe Best Actress, Berlin Honorary Golden Bear...too many awards.

But even if she is old, her facial features still make her look very beautiful. When she was young, she played the role of the Roman queen in "The Romance of the Roman Empire", and her appearance is very impressive.

On the stage, she and her partner made a joke together, which is a little humor.

Next is the list of nominations announced:

"Beautiful Mistakes", "Dog Tooth", "Scorched Earth World", "A Better World" and "Single Zoo", among which "Beautiful Mistakes" competed with "Single Zoo" in Cannes, "Better World" "The World" competed with "Single Zoo" at the Golden Globe Awards. Are you really friends who don't get together?

After the introductions of the five films were completed, Helen Mirren opened the envelope and took out the results to read.

"The Oscar went to ... a Chinese film, 'Single Men's Zoo'. Please, please invite the winner."

There was thunderous applause at the scene, and He Fang shook hands with Li Bingbing, Fan Bingbing and Wang Zhonglei one by one.

"Wow, I got it, I got it, I got it, what is so good about it, this movie swept the three major film awards, including Cannes, Golden Globes, and Oscars."

"How can such a handsome man still be so talented? How can he be so accomplished? Ah, it's so unfair. Didn't he say that God will not gather perfection in one person?"

"It's over, I'm in trouble, I want to divorce my husband, where do I go to..."

"Wake up upstairs, you don't have a husband, and you're a man."


He Fang stepped out of his seat, high-fived the people who greeted him in the aisle all the way, then trotted up the steps, went up and hugged Helen Mirren with open arms, finally received the certificate and trophy, and then stood in front of the microphone.

"I thought God would let the most handsome man sit in the auditorium tonight, but at this moment, I know God can't tolerate this happening, so I came up."

After He Fang finished speaking, the audience burst into laughter. They didn't expect He Fang to be very humorous.

"OK, it's only 45 seconds, I have to speak fast. Thanks to the Oscar judges for voting for Singles Zoo, I believe it's the fairest vote because we don't have PR."

"Haha..." The audience laughed again.

"Really, I am really grateful, I see fairness. Of course, in addition to thanking the Oscar judges, I also have to thank my parents, thank you, for giving birth to such an excellent son, I am jealous, What do you tell me to do in the future, I am afraid that I will not be able to give birth to a son who is as good as me."

"Haha... Is this a narcissist?" The audience laughed again.

"Okay, it's a joke. But I'm serious. Thank you to all the creators and cast members of "Single Zoo". Without you, there would be no award. This is not my personal award, but all for "Single Zoo" To those who have worked so hard, thank you, thank you!"

After He Fang finished speaking, he bowed slightly to the audience.

Clap, clap... thunderous applause,
After He Fang finished speaking, he helped Helen Mirren get off the stage. Helen Mirren looked at He Fang with a smile.

"Handsome guy, you speak very well. You are one of the most confident oriental people I have ever met."

"Thanks for the compliment beautiful lady, I think I will be happy all day because of your compliment."

"I'm afraid it's because I was happy all day because I won the award?"

"No, I'm so happy for the whole day on the basis of winning the prize."

"Haha, you're so funny."


"Wow, He Fang is so narcissistic, but I like it."

"It's called self-confidence, okay? Chinese people need to be more confident outside. Besides, no one has the capital of self-confidence. The youngest director who swept the three major film awards, the most handsome director, and the most talented director, why can't he be confident? ?”

"Well, I have forgiven He Fang's previous shortcomings, because he has achieved such achievements, I have no reason to black him and be dissatisfied with him."

"Isn't it the No.1 director in mainland China? Such an achievement at the age of 28, tsk tsk..."

"No, who praises the fairness of Oscar, is it a real compliment or a fake compliment? You hear he is praising, but he is making black stories."

"Hehe, I guess Americans can't tell whether He Fang is praising or making rumors, right? Isn't this indirectly telling audiences all over the world that Oscar awards can be used for public relations?"


Netizens in China were full of praise, and the media on major websites also immediately published various drafts.

"Chinese film [Single Zoo] won the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film, a zero breakthrough for mainland Chinese films"

"Chinese director speaks eloquently on the Oscars stage"

"Where is the benchmark for the new generation of stars"

"The successor of the Internet transmission is well-deserved"


 Thank you veterans for voting for monthly votes, this is the first time since writing a book that the number of monthly votes has exceeded [-]!Poor me!
  Let me experience it in advance next month, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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