China Entertainment: Indulge in Vanity Fair

Chapter 179 He Fang Inexplicably Becomes the New No. 1 Tyrant in the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 179 He Fang Has Inexplicably Became the New Tyrant in the Entertainment Industry
After He Fang saw the news, he didn't bother to take a shower and immediately called his father, because his father had to make this decision.

Could this be a father punishing an opponent for his son?

"Dad, why did you withdraw "The Legend of the White Snake"?"

"Why, shouldn't the file be withdrawn? They have slandered us over and over again for Hu Cinema, so why should we keep silent? What do we think of us?" He Ben said coldly.

"Oh, I thought it was helping me to avenge my injustice. I was afraid that the outside world would think differently about me." He Fang said.

"Report injustice? Of course there are. But it's not just your father and me, it's also the decision of the company's top management. Can the reputation of Huying Group's theaters be ruined at will? The fire with Huying Group broke the bones and the tendons Can culture be corrupted at will? Do you really think we are easy to bully?"

He Ben's cold voice shocked He Fang immediately, that's right, we can't always give in, otherwise people will really think that we are tricky or easy to bully.

After hanging up He Ben's call, He Fang got up to wash up, and then went out to Huying Film and Television City.

Maybe the reporters got the news a long time ago, so He Fang was caught by them as soon as he came here.

Not to mention, now Huying Film and Television City has a bit of a Hengdian flavor, and a lot of extras have gathered in the movie plaza, and now there are about ten crews filming in Huying Film and Television City every day.

Therefore, it also drives the consumption of surrounding private housing rental and catering and entertainment.

"Director He Fang, what do you think of the withdrawal of "Legend of the White Snake" by Hu Cinema Line today? Will it help the box office growth of "Scorching Sun"?"

Facing the reporter's trap-like interview, He Fang smiled, then took out a cigarette and lit it.

"To be honest, I just woke up not long ago, because I got home very late last night. Therefore, I only saw the news on my mobile phone when I was waiting for a red light while driving on the road. So, I don't have too many opinions."

"However, I read Huying's announcement. It seems that the "Legend of the White Snake" continuously questioned the fairness of Hu Cinema Line. For the store, you belong to the factory that produces the products, you sell the products in my store, and you will pay as much as you sell, this is the rule that everyone abides by.”

"As a result, you repeatedly felt that the person who opened my store was greedy for the sales of your products, and deliberately reduced the good position of your products. As a store owner, he thought it was okay for you to question it. You came to check it, but you didn't come to check it , always cursing there, so is it difficult for you to cooperate? If it is difficult to cooperate, then don’t cooperate, you just go to another store to sell it.”

"I thought about it carefully, and I think it's reasonable, and I can't say anything else." He Fang took a puff on his cigarette and prepared to leave with a bottle of water.

"Will the withdrawal of "Legend of the White Snake" benefit "Scorching Sun"?" The reporter asked.

"It is good for all films except "The Legend of the White Snake", not for a certain film. After all, the space it gives up will be used by others." He Fang will not be fooled.

"Shouldn't it be a good headline movie?" The reporter continued to dig holes without giving up.

"Who is benefiting? You will know when you look at the number of films tomorrow. Whoever has the most increase in filming will benefit the most. I don't know the rest."

He Fang left after answering this question, and Tong Weidong also blocked the reporters who still wanted to ask questions. How could He Fang be entangled with reporters every day when he was free?

But the reporters also wanted to ask He Fang these two questions, and then they went to the media center to find a seat to sit down and start writing on the spot.

Not to mention, they quite like Huying Film and Television City. There are not only stars to interview, but also a place for them to rest and work.

There are places for free charging, free internet, and free mineral water, but you have to pay for drinks and food yourself.

The key is that if there are no celebrity interviews in the film and television city, you can go across a bridge to the opposite Mango TV to stop the variety show star for an interview, and you can come back after the interview.

This is so convenient.

Therefore, in the eyes of the reporters, the film and television city built by He Fangrang Huying Group is not bad.

"Where: Hu Cinema Line's withdrawal [White Snake Legend] is reasonable"

"He Fang: [Legend of the White Snake] Withdrawal from the Hu Cinema Line will benefit all other films released"

"He Fang uses the product manufacturer and seller as an example of the case of Hu Cinema Line's withdrawal [Legend of the White Snake]"


At this time, the autumn wind in the capital city is a bit urgent, and the weather is slightly cooler. The sun is clearly high, but you have to wear thick clothes. splash.

Yang Zhi, who had never suffered such a setback, was furious in the office. He didn't expect that Huying Group would really withdraw his movie. The movie's loss of money was second, but what shame did this make him?

He Yang Zhi is also a second generation, and he is also known as a tall, rich and handsome in the circle, everyone wants to sell face.

What the hell, didn't he just hurt Huying twice, you want to embarrass me like this?Even if you secretly downgrade the film, it's okay to lose face so publicly, can this make the second generation bear it?
"They are suppressing maliciously. I'm going to the General Administration to sue them. They don't talk about Wude, don't talk about Wude..."

Yang Zhi was roaring in the office, while other employees were trembling outside the door. At this time, a spirited old man just got out of the elevator and walked into the company.

"Hello, Chairman."


The old man nodded mechanically to everyone with a sullen face, and then walked directly into Yang Zhi's office.

"Get out, get out...Dad, why are you here?" Yang Zhi was taken aback.

"Tsk tsk, is this the attitude? Is this unbearable? Is this the leadership you have cultivated over the years? How will you lead the company forward at this level?" the old man reprimanded.

"Dad, I was bullied, I..."

"What are you? I understand the cause and effect clearly. It is obvious that you act recklessly and provoke others again and again. Is it true that everyone in the world will sell you face? How old are you?"

"I..." The old man's reprimand made Yang Zhiyou unable to express his anger.

"You what you? You have been dazzled by that woman, and you have no way to do things. Is this still you? How did you teach you before? When you compete with others, you must win them without making a sound. Tigers never prey Keep quiet, and the prey will not be able to react when there is a sound. How about you, the world is full of bad words, and now someone will catch you and give you a fatal blow, right?"

"You idiot, if you lose, you will lose, and you will learn your lesson next time. But if you look at you, you still have to sue others, you sue, no matter where you sue, you won't win..."

When Master Yang was reprimanding Yang Zhi in the office, Huang Shengyi got out of the elevator in a daze. She didn't know what to do now, so she could only stay close to Yang Zhi.

You can't lose the entertainment industry, and in the end even lose Yang Zhi, then you will really lose your wife and lose your army.

It's just that as soon as she arrived outside the office door, she heard the voice of Chairman Yang scolding President Yang loudly. Some content made her body sway, and she was so nervous.

"Yang Zhi, ever since you were with that female star, you have lost your rationality. To please her, you invested [-] to [-] million yuan in movies to praise her, and the company's affairs are in a mess. Her. Is a woman so important? If your career is gone, your status is gone, your money is gone, are women still useful? "

"Why are you so stupid? Don't you think about it. If your career is good, what kind of female star will you not get? What is a Huang Shengyi? Can't you tell the difference? Look at you, in your thirties The more you get older, the more you go back."

"Okay, this matter is over, the film business is suspended, you can't do well..."

"Dad, how can this be..." Yang Zhi was in a hurry.

"Are you still being stupid at this hour? Haven't figured it out yet?" Old Man Yang was furious, and he slapped the table with his palm to make a loud bang.

"I..." Yang Zhi shook his head, forcing himself to calm down.

"You have been blocked by Huying Group in a disguised form. Do you think you can do Huying in the film and television industry? At this time, you should retreat first, and come back when you find a way again. Also, don't do it for that woman again I lost my mind. If you continue to mess up because of women, I think I should reconsider my successor."

"You take care of yourself, hum!"

After Yang Laozi finished speaking, he opened the door, then glanced at Huang Shengyi who was standing at the door with a pale face, snorted coldly, and left.

Being snorted coldly by Mr. Yang, Huang Shengyi felt cold from head to toe.

It's over, it's over, the entertainment industry can't get along, and even the diamond king is about to lose it?

"Yiyi, why are you here?" Yang Zhi also saw Huang Shengyi at the door, then pulled her in and closed the door.

Only then did Huang Shengyi react, tears streaming down his face.

"Yang Zhi, let's get married. I want to give birth to a son for you. It's okay for the entertainment industry to be a mess, so don't embarrass yourself." Huang Shengyi immediately cried while hugging Yang Zhi.

"Ah? Really? I, Yiyi, I messed up this time, I..."

"It's okay, it's okay, I know you're good for me, as long as we're together."

"Okay, then let's take a break in the entertainment industry for a while. Is it true that you said you want to have a son for me?"

"of course it's true."

Huang Shengyi's heart sank when he heard that Yang Zhi was willing to marry her and have a child. Fortunately, as long as the son lives his life, everything will be fine.


The outside world is very strange. After Huying Group issued an announcement to withdraw "Legend of the White Snake", the crew of "Legend of the White Snake" did not make any voices. It seemed that they had acquiesced and did not resist.

But Yang Zhi is the second generation, with a background, so he can't beat it?Even if you die, don't you have to go back and forth for three hundred rounds?Why didn't He Fang stop cooking without personally going to the stage?If you say press to death, press to death?

Hiss, this...

It was said before that Huayi was a tyrant, but it seems that another tyrant in the entertainment industry is about to appear, who would dare to mess with him.

At this moment, He Fangzheng is leading the crew of "Three Attacks on the Bone Demon" to make the final preparations, and they are reading the script together. In the past few days, let everyone get familiar with the script, and the shooting will be smoother.

It's just that when he came to the set on the 5th to prepare for the opening ceremony, everyone's attitude changed when they saw him.

Seems to be more polite and awe-inspiring, He Fang is dumbfounded, what's going on?What happened?

It's not easy for him to ask.

Forget it, I'm going to be very busy today, so I don't have time to think about it.

After all the crew members arrived and the actors' makeup was done, they went to the media center to prepare for the press conference.

At this time, the largest media hall No. [-] in the media center of Huying Film and Television City was full of reporters and staff, and everyone was waiting for the appearance of the crew of "Three Dozens of Bone Demons".

At [-]:[-], the producer Zhang Qian appeared first, and he walked to the host stage and nodded to everyone.

"Welcome friends from the media and colleagues in the industry to attend the movie launch conference of "Journey to the West: Three Fighting the Bone Demon". I am Zhang Qian, the producer of this film. I will host the conference next. "

"First of all, I would like to invite the main creators of "Journey to the West: Three Fighting the Bone Demon" to appear, please..."

(End of this chapter)

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