China Entertainment: Indulge in Vanity Fair

Chapter 180 What did the rumors ignite in Fan Ye's heart

Chapter 180 What did the rumors ignite in Fan Ye's heart

Waiting for the actors of "Three Dozens of Bone Demons" to wear makeup, the reporters are now excited, the camera film seems to be free... Oh, there is no film now, so you can shoot wantonly, shoot hard, shoot desperately .

Then the reporters frantically filmed for ten minutes. The actors listened to the reporters and posed in various poses. They were all high-definition big pictures. This time they uploaded them online so that fans could use them as wallpapers.

Deng Chao was almost unrecognizable, only a small part in the middle of his face was still himself, and the rest of the face was covered with golden hair.

Xu Zheng's pig-nose, long ears and big belly didn't change much. Zhu Yawen's Drifting shaved his head, painted his whole body in blue, and hung strings all over, which is a bit interesting.

As for the actresses, they are indeed all Yingying and Yanyan, each with their own characteristics.

"Okay, everyone, please sit back and let me introduce the general situation of our film project..."

It took Zhang Qian about ten minutes to introduce the ins and outs of the movie, and then the publicity entered the media interaction link.

"Director He Fang, there are rumors that the withdrawal of "Legend of the White Snake" from Hu Cinema is related to you. Is this true?"

Is the first reporter so fierce?He Fang glanced at Zhang Qian, does that mean you didn't take care of it?Let this reporter be the first to ask a question.

Zhang Qian also had a very long face, and his complexion was very bad, and then his eyes were not good when he looked at the reporter. At this time, the reporter gave a slight thud, and it was over, and he would not have his part in the interview of Tuanhuo Culture in the future.

"First of all, this is the launch conference of "Three Dozens of Bone Demons". I will not answer questions that have nothing to do with this film. And this matter has nothing to do with me. I didn't open the Lake Cinema Line and I didn't decide what to do. What do they do? Do you still need to ask me? Isn’t this a joke? Alright, next one.”

The reporter was very annoyed, he shouldn't have asked that question just now, and he probably won't even give the red envelope later, and he won't be able to get an interview opportunity from Tuanhuo Culture in the future.

It's all to blame, who said that there will be enthusiasm for asking this question, so why don't you think about it?

"Director He Fang, there has recently been a wave of Chinese ancient costume myths and magic. Do you think this will be a new major genre in the development of Chinese films?"

The reporter's question was more normal, He Fang nodded.

"Actually, I think magic and myths are not hot enough, because there are too many excellent myths and magical stories in ancient China. In addition to the ancient ones, there are also modern ones. For example, there are also many excellent fairy tales and fantasy stories on the Qidian Novels website."

"I personally think that this big genre can be a selling point that distinguishes China from foreign blockbusters. It can not only reflect the production level of our film industry, but also spread our culture and show the uniqueness of our culture. Others The country can’t make this. Our Tuanhuo culture will release some mythology, magic, fairy tale, and fantasy movies in succession in the future.”

He Fang's answer makes everyone feel that it is relatively new. He Fang intends to point out a clear path for Chinese films.China's industrialization of films does not necessarily mean making blockbuster sci-fi films, but also films of mythology, magic, fairy tales, and fantasy.

"Then why did you choose the episode of Journey to the West, where the three fights against the Bone Demon are played? There are so many wonderful episodes in Journey to the West, why did you shoot this one first?" The reporter is also very professional and asked very well. .

"There are a lot of interesting things this time. In the original book, Monkey King and Tang Seng had a huge disagreement because of the bone spirit, which led to their second separation and break."

"There is another interesting thing this time. Tang Seng's cultivation base is not enough at this time, so he was deceived by the bone spirit with beautiful girls, old women, and husbands. Monkey King kept telling him that this was fake, but he felt that Sun Wukong killed indiscriminately."

"So, Tang Seng can't see his heart and see his nature. He doesn't distinguish between true and false, and he is obsessed with illusions. These are some problems in our society. Now we are just like Tang Seng. Some people want to eat our flesh and drink our blood. But , Some people just don't believe it, they don't distinguish between true and false, and are addicted to false appearances."

He Fang said unhurriedly, tsk, this reflects He Fang's level again, and everyone knows that He Fang still has this idea.

"What are the illusions you said we didn't see? For example?" At this time, the reporter also became interested.

"For example, our young people are confused by some consumption concepts, confused by the instant gratification instilled by others, and then start to consume things beyond their ability, resulting in heavy debts. Another example, some people are using some public opinion to change our life. Cognition... let’s not say much about it, it involves ideology.”

"In short, what I mean is that in our current society, due to the development of the Internet, some people with good intentions are using Antioch to make good opinions pour into our cognition, causing some of us to make wrong decisions. This is Just like Tang Seng in "Three Attacks of the Bone Demon", he can't see his mind clearly, doesn't distinguish between true and false, and is addicted to false appearances."

Is this true?Why did He Fang shoot "Three Attacks of the Bones" for this reason?Of course it's nonsense, He Fang copied it from another time and space.

But he must give everyone a reasonable reason, so last night he carefully studied this episode of "Journey to the West" to deal with reporters.

"Director He Fang, you mean that we are now Tang Seng, and we have been confused. And what deceives us is a powerful monster, and you want to use this film to play the role of Sun Wukong in the Three Dozens of Bone Demons to kill the monster and help Tang Seng Acknowledge the reality?"

He Fang was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that someone would help him make up his mind, maybe a director is awesome, so his actions in front of ordinary movie fans are all profound.

"Your understanding is very good. You can see through my intentions at once. Of course, this film will not only explain the truth. Moreover, I will not make any great truths in it. I will only make the film Good-looking, after all, good-looking is the essence of movies.”

He Fang had no choice but to make up nonsense, and everyone nodded after listening.

"Then director He Fang, why didn't you take part in this film again? Is it because you won't participate in the award?"

Another question popped up.

"I originally wanted to play Monkey King, but Deng Chao was too active, and his image was more like Monkey King than mine, so I didn't have a chance."

"Then there is Tang Seng."

"Teacher Huang Xiaoming is more suitable than me. My face is not as kind as his."

"Where's Zhu Bajie?"

"I've acted this before, and it's incomparable to Mr. Xu Zheng's professional Zhu Bajie."

"Hey, where did you play Zhu Bajie?" Suddenly the reporter found a problem.

"Ah? No, I mean I used to act in an opera when I was a child." He Fang hurriedly concealed it, Zhou Xingchi had told him, and must not spread rumors.

"..." Just when the reporter wanted to ask more questions, He Fang spoke up.

"Don't keep catching me asking, there are so many actors here, just ask them."

Only then did the reporters start to ask other people, and Deng Chao must be the first to be asked.

"Deng Chao, why did you play the role of Monkey King? Why don't you develop more into literary films?"

Deng Chao nodded and pulled the microphone.

"Actually, I also care about the box office. Blockbusters like "Three Dozens of Bones" belong to the top resources. I have already won the best actor for literary films. Wouldn't it be better if I could win the box office again?"

Deng Chao's answer was vulgar, but more sincere.


After the reporter asked Deng Chao a few questions, he asked Huang Xiaoming, "Xiao Ming, why did you come to play Tang Seng?"

"I also want to play Monkey King. The director thinks that my face is more suitable for playing Tang Seng, so there is no way, so I believe in the director's choice."


"Yan Ran, as the first 'Fang Girl', are you under a lot of pressure now? What kind of preparations have you made? Three fights of bones, but you have to play three roles. Can you control the performance of the old lady and the old man?"

"Yes, I think I am ready. For this, I have been preparing for half a year, practicing acting and martial arts every day, just to meet the director's requirements. I believe I can bring you amazing performances."

Yan Ran's answer surprised everyone, but it was good. He expressed it confidently. He Fang also smacked his lips and raised his eyebrows. He answered very well.


The entire press conference lasted for nearly an hour, 10 minutes, and finally came to an end, followed by the opening ceremony. Everyone tore off the red cloth covering the camera together, and then Zhang Qian announced the official launch.

What did you shoot on the first day?According to the announcement slip, it was the opening title.

It is the story of Tang Seng encountering a big tiger on the way to learn scriptures, and being chased and killed by the tiger, he finally got into Wuzhi Mountain, tore off the spell, and released Monkey King.

"Three Dozens of Bone Demons" has no exterior scenes, and it was all done in the studio. The scenes are set up inside, and the special effects modeling has already been built. Just turn on the camera and connect to the software to see the special effects on the scene after effect.

"Okay, are you all ready?" He Fang picked up the walkie-talkie and asked.

"Photography OK."

"The recording is fine."

"The lights are fine."

"The prop art is done."

"Makeup is fine."

"The actors are in place."

"Okay, field record, master, come on, lay down the first board, let's start." He Fang shouted on the intercom.

"Okay, Mr. Ban is here. Attention everyone, the first scene of the first scene of "Three Attacks on the Bone Demon" is the first time, let's start."


"He Fang's New Film [Three Dozens of Bone Demons] Starts Up"

"He Fang said he wanted to play Monkey King, but he didn't grab Deng Chao"

"[Three Dozens of Bone Demons] What Fang Expressed"

"He Fang: Developing China's Myth, Magic, Fairy and Fantasy Movies is also the Road to Industrialization with Chinese Characteristics"

"Deng Chao wants to use [Three Dozens of Bone Demons] to win the box office championship"

"Huang Xiaoming bluntly said that he did not choose Monkey King"

"Xu Zheng: I have experience playing Zhu Bajie"

"Zhu Yawen: Playing a Drifting Monk suits my character, I am an honest man"

"'Fang Girl' Yan Ran: I am ready and confident that I can complete the director's task"

"Pan Zhilin: The director said I was too sweet, so I can only play Guanyin"


Take a look, the key projects are different, and there are a lot of news, no wonder reporters are willing to interview.

"Hey, Yang Tianzhen, do you think this magical theme is really good? Seeing that "Legend of the White Snake" and "Painted Wall" are crushed by "Scorching Sun", I feel that "The Origin of the White Snake" lacks confidence." But at this time in the capital, Fan Binghou asked Yang Tianzhen worriedly.

"Fan Ye, it depends on who is directing. If He Fang is directing the worst movie, the audience will pay for it. He Fang is now the brand. What are you afraid of? Of course, it would be even better if you can pull him to play Xu Xian. It's gone." Yang Tianzhen raised an eyebrow at Fan Bingbing.

Fan Bingbing smiled wryly, "You don't understand, at our level, if a movie doesn't break records at the box office, it's a failure, not if it doesn't lose money, it's a success. Of course, it would be better for He Fang to be the leading actor. I'll tell him However, he did not agree. Of course, he did not refuse. "

"Then find a way to get him to agree. He plays Xu Xian, you play White Lady, tsk tsk, if there is another Xu Shilin, haha..."

"You little girl, what are you thinking?" Fan Bingbing made a gesture to hit Yang Tianzhen.

Although she also wanted to, but He Fang didn't have this idea.

"Mr. Fan, I heard that He Fang was forced by his mother to go on a blind date before Chinese New Year last year. The woman who went on a blind date with He Fang said that He Fang had no intention of getting married. You said, if he doesn't want to get married, he must want to have a baby, right?" Yang Said innocently.

Fan Bingbing looked at Yang Tianzhen seriously, "What kind of bad news do you believe?"

"Hee hee, is it true? If you try to trick He Fang, it will be clear?" Yang Tianzhen said with a smile.

Fan Bingbing suddenly rolled his meaningful eyes, as if something was ignited in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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