China Entertainment: Indulge in Vanity Fair

Chapter 183 The quota for the Olympics has been replaced, He Fang is making greater preparations

Chapter 183 The quota for the Olympics has been replaced, He Fang is making greater preparations

When did the problem of quarreling extend from the problem of movies to this?After someone criticized Huying Group for being wrong, Tuanhuo Culture began to deconstruct and fight each other in a targeted manner.

Then in this mutual quarrel, everyone quarreled and raised the question of whether state-owned enterprises like Huying Group should be disbanded, should private enterprises be allowed to do these things according to the market, and this quarrel will not happen. ?
From the dispute between state-owned and private ownership to the dispute over the system, it is said that the reason why China has such a bullying second generation is a product of the system.Therefore, some people think that the system is broken.

Anyway, the entire Internet has become a chaotic battlefield, and many people who originally only wanted to say a few words of persuasion have also been involved. In short, more and more people have begun to turn the final debate into whether we should abandon this system. .

This sign is very dangerous, but some departments are always slow to respond.

Therefore, He Fang took the lead in writing such an article to warn and point out certain forces that are leading the rhythm on the Internet. Do you really think that He Fang has nothing to do with them?
Is this another conspiracy theory?Last time it was involved in the conspiracy theory of some people in Taiwan Province, and it was involved again?
It's really not that anyone is willing to talk, take the initiative to talk, and go to talk about these things.

For his sake, if you just want to be a director, you don't need to talk about these things.But after all, a large group is involved behind him, and the concept of industrialization makes some people dissatisfied, and he is unwilling to be wooed by outsiders, so if there is a gap, he will be bitten by flies.

"Hurry up and spend money to find someone. Make sure this article disappears, Farke..."

At this time, the technical director of Zha Lang's Weibo company had just received a call saying that he wanted to delete director He Fang's latest article on the grounds that it would damage the image, damage free speech, and affect communication.

What the hell reason is this?But he is just a laborer, what can he say, if the higher-ups say delete it, then delete it.

At this moment, another call came in. He didn't understand why so many calls came in in the middle of the night at once.


"Xiao Wu, put Director He Fang's Weibo on the hot search, and let all netizens see it when everyone wakes up tomorrow morning."

"Ah, Mr. Zhang, here, that Mr. Wang said just now that he wanted to delete this Weibo."

"Delete? If we delete Weibo now, our reputation will be completely destroyed. Many people have taken screenshots, and it will be fine if we delete it? Are we double-standard when we delete Weibo? The platform that leads the way in the mouth? Once this reputation is gone, how many users will we lose? Don’t worry about it, I’m responsible for it, and do as I say.”

"...Oh, okay." Xiao Wu had no choice but to agree.

After hanging up the phone, he became numb. What's the matter?
After waiting for a while and no one called him, he put Weibo on the trending list.

But at this time, Weibo's top executives got angry. One side said that Weibo's image was damaged and the other side said that even the Americans could scold the United States. Why should we withdraw a factual article written by a Chinese?What about free speech?I asked you to withdraw the article saying that this is bad or that bad in China. You are all desperately defending freedom of speech. Why are you playing double standards when you come to the United States?

Anyway, the two sides are choking on it.

However, all of this has nothing to do with He Fang. After he woke up from a good sleep, he continued to shoot "Three Dozens of Bone Demons".

Today's scene is a scene in which a group of robbers pretending to be bone spirits used the name of Mrs. Bone to rob everywhere, and even captured little girls, and then they were killed by the real Mrs. Bone with a few goblins.

When He Fang arrived on the set, everyone greeted him. He nodded and asked Hu Kai, "Are the actors ready?"

Hu Kai: "The makeup will be finished soon, and they should be almost ready when the camera seats here are set up and the lights are arranged."

"Okay, hurry up. Brother Jiale, how did the next move come about? Let's demonstrate it live, and I'll see the effect."

"Okay, director, I'll let the brothers go..."

So He Fang, Qian Jiale, several executive directors and photographers made gestures there for a long time, making general gestures, and then discussing some details.

"Director, let's take a look at the monitor. Is the lighting suitable?" the lighting director asked through the intercom after setting up the lighting.

He Fang walked to the monitor and looked at it, "Generally, it's about the same. Come and take a few people, and the camera will also go, and I'll take a look."

"Okay, come on, Xiao Fang, Xiao Wu, Xiao Wang, take a seat."

Basically, several camera assistants of the crew acted as stand-ins to adjust the camera and lighting when the actors did not come. They walked according to the route, and the camera also moved for a while.

He Fang looked at it, "Mr. Sun, turn up the color temperature of the main light on the top a little bit, it's not white enough, I want a milky white one, have you adjusted it to 5500K?"

"Oh, okay, should it be whiter and brighter, or milky white with moonlight?" Master Sun asked through the intercom.

"Yes, there must be the kind that radiates and radiates."

"Okay, I understand. Xiaoliu, adjust the color temperature of the main light to 5600, and then add a white flag in front of the main light, right..."

The lights are being adjusted here, and He Fang is still watching the replay of the movement just now.

"Ms. Du, the No. 3 machine, the one that was shaken down from the beam, adjusted the water balance a little bit. Then, the composition is a bit ugly. Pull it to the left to bring out the sense of space between the cross beams. After a while, the snake demon will come out from the middle of the intersection, yes, yes, a little bit to the left, okay, okay, okay, just like this, shake it for me to see..."

He Fang was checking all the preparations on the scene. At this time, the makeup of the actors was also finished. When a few female fairies came out, the scene was suddenly silent, tsk tsk, almost the male staff's eyes were straight.


The snake demon, bat demon and porcupine spirit are all wearing flesh-colored tops with no hood underneath, and they flicker as if they don't have any clothes on, they're really alluring.

"Cough," someone coughed, and immediately everyone at the scene pretended not to look at them just now.

"Director, the actors have finished their makeup." Hu Kai walked over and said.

"Well, come on, executive director, tell them about the play, how to move, how to act." He Fang looked at them, tsk, this look is quite tempting.

"Where's the bone spirit? Haven't you put on your makeup yet?" He Fang shouted.

"I'm coming."

At this moment, Yan Ran, who was dressed in white, ran over, and someone raised his eyebrows and licked his lower lip.

He Fang saw that this dress was really good, with sharp edges and corners, and the feeling of white moonlight.

"Well, go, take a seat."

"Oh, yes, director." Yan Ran nodded.


The shooting is so cumbersome, and the scene that was a bit difficult to schedule was not finished all morning. It can only be said that one-third of the shots have been completed.

There is no big plot in this scene, just to explain two things, one is someone pretending to be Mrs. Bone to snatch the little girl, and the other is Mrs. Bone showing up with her team.

But the difficulty of this scene lies in the scheduling. Don't look like an easy scene, the scene needs to be shot smoothly, and the scheduling is not so easy.

He Fang was nervously filming, Zhang Qian had been here for a long time, waiting for him to finish filming.

He Fang had seen him a long time ago, but he didn't come up to talk about it, he thought it was not a big deal.

After He Fang looked at the camera and confirmed, he nodded.

"Okay, this one is over, let's eat."

"Oh, let's eat and eat."


He Fang took out a cigarette and lit it, then looked at Zhang Qian who came over.

"What's the matter? My Weibo has been blocked?" He Fang asked with a smile.

"No, it's another matter." Zhang Qian said.

"What's the matter?" He Fang held the kettle and motioned for Zhang Qian to walk, saying that they were going to eat too.

"The General Administration called and said that "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" was selected as the film for this year's Olympic bid. Recently, our affairs have become a bit serious, so let's avoid it first." Zhang Qian said.

"..." He Fang looked at Zhang Qian unexpectedly, and then snorted coldly, "Okay, let's do it according to the arrangement of the superiors, is it possible that we can still resist? It's just that I'm afraid that "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" will fetch water Float."

He Fang shook his head, "By the way, you go to contact Director Zhang Yimou and say that if he is willing to find another way out, our Tuanhuo culture welcomes him. Tell him about our advantages and conditions. My condition is that no matter what he wants to film As long as he thinks, I will vote for any movie and how big the investment is. As for the director's fee, it is based on the standards of top Hollywood directors."

"..." Zhang Qian was dumbfounded, "No, no, Director Zhang, how could he change jobs?"

"What if he and Zhang Weiping fall out? The husband and wife still have a seven-year itch. They have been working together for more than ten years, so there should be some conflicts."

He Fang smoked a cigarette and laughed.

"This, the probability is a little low, right?"

"Trust me, just find someone to contact. If he is moved, tell me, and I will talk to him in person."

He Fang patted Zhang Qian on the shoulder.


"Come on, let's talk about the situation on the Internet. What's the reaction today after I posted my blog post?" He Fang asked.

"Reaction? See for yourself, it's a blast. There are countless people who scold you, and the scolding is ugly. But there are more people who support you, and now you are the number one most searched on Weibo."

"Haha...Okay, then I'm relieved, let's go and eat."


He Fang is completely the type who runs away after firing the cannon. He doesn't care about it after posting Weibo on Weibo.The main reason is that he can't afford to get involved, and getting involved in some things too deeply will really affect his work.

The Weibo post he is posting now is at most a counterattack after he was attacked. Although it is sharp and pierces through many people's lies, it is still reasonable.

After all, he didn't say a lot of outrageous things. It happened 20 years ago, and the Soviet Union shouldn't have a reunion if he said it.


Netizens were stirred up and fought with each other online for more than ten days, and the matter passed away without a sound.

Until October 10th, "Scorching Sun" has been in theaters for three weeks, and the third week's box office has also come out. In the third week, it won 16 million, and the total box office came to 1.47 million, which is close to 4.974 million.

As expected, with the current box office market, the box office of the top films in the National Day file is definitely more than 5 million.

"Five consecutive films are successful, when will He Fang fall from the altar?" "

"Continuous success, where has gone?Starting to point out current affairs? "

"Where is not a god, a healthy film market should be contended by a hundred schools of thought"


During this period of time, there were similar news attacks on He Fang almost every day, and they wanted to anneal He Fang, because He Fang's popularity was not conducive to the interests of some people.

He Fang smiled when he saw the news, and didn't have time to talk about it.

He knows that as long as he moves forward, he will be caught in something, which is a situation that development must face.

Because he is not alone, but he had previously imagined to lead the industrialization of Chinese films and then expand the international market.

If this idea is successful, it will inevitably touch the interests of some people abroad when expanding outward.In this way, conflicts are bound to arise.

So it's not a question of whether he wants to be involved, but a question of sooner or later.

Since it is necessary to face it sooner or later, it is better to face it sooner or later.

Not to mention going out, but now that his performance in the country is a little bit better, it has touched the interests of some people, and others want to mess with him again and again.

The road ahead is not easy, and there are still many difficulties to overcome.

He needs a team, a strong backing, and more importantly, he needs to train himself well.

Therefore, it is also good for the current domestic small winds and waves to temper the team.

"Where is this? We can't make him more powerful, and next year's Golden Globes and Oscars can't make him gain anything, understand."

"Oh... we don't need to do this, they did it themselves."

"Ha, Yuxi."

(End of this chapter)

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