China Entertainment: Indulge in Vanity Fair

Chapter 184 "33 Days of Broken Love" premiered, it's time to test new directors

Chapter 184 "33 Days of Broken Love" premiered, it's time to test new directors

After entering the middle and late October, although there are still some sporadic discussions on the Internet about some matters between Huying Group and "Legend of the White Snake", but there are not many.After all, the parties involved don't come out to talk, no matter how fierce the other people are arguing, at most they will lose enthusiasm after arguing for two or three days, just like watching a TV series, why are you arguing if there is no follow-up?
He Fang was also busy every day in the crew of "Three Attacks on the Bone Demon", and there was no major accident.Although such a large-scale movie is not easy to shoot, it is not difficult to shoot, at least it is much easier than "Pacific Rim".

Of course, there was nothing like what happened between He Fang and Miss Fang as everyone imagined.

It seems that He Fang's choice of Fang girl is really suitable, without any other thoughts.

This surprised everyone. Could it be that He Fang received too much attention a while ago, and he didn't want to make trouble again?But that kind of thing won't happen. Under normal circumstances, as long as Miss Fang is willing, this kind of thing can't be exposed.

How do outsiders know what happened to the two of them?

Yan Ran had already made preparations for that, and even hinted to He Fang a few times that she was fine, but He Fang didn't seem to understand, as if she had no ambition at all.

Since He Fang has no idea in this regard, then everyone will not make trouble, and make a good film.

Time passed day by day, although He Fang didn't appear in public much during this period, but his name still resounded in front of the public again.

On October 10, the results of "Scorching Sun", which was released for a month, were released, with a total of 29 million yuan, or 54313 million.

"Painted Wall" won 2.3 million, and "Legend of the White Snake" won 1.67 million.

Of course, in addition to the box office data of "Scorching Sun", there is another thing.That is, on November 11th, "8 Days of Broken Relationship" will be released, saying that it is a gift for Singles' Day.

Everyone regards it as He Fang's new film, but He Fang has always claimed that he has not participated in much.

On November 11, "6 Days of Broken Relationship" held its premiere in Beijing, and He Fang specially took a day off to come to support.

He can't do it if he doesn't come, he's still the producer of the first film of the newcomer in the company, can he not come to support it?
In November, not many stars are idle, because this time is the time to complete this year's tasks before the end of the year.

So not many celebrities came to join in, but fortunately, there was some face, as long as they were free and in the capital, they would come.

Executives from several major film and television companies have come, and they value this movie more than the stars.

Because they want to see if Tuanhuo culture can go the way of supporting new directors, this is also the first film that follows the industrialized process of the lake shadow green light system, filming consulting service analysis, investment and financing platform, etc. Movie.

I don't know if this system is reliable, but now is the time to witness its success.

If it works, it will give some studios confidence.If it succeeds, directors can produce in batches, scripts can be appraised by a system, and consulting services can provide an optimal plan for filming. Huying's film industrialization plan can be commercialized.

If it really works, then how did you say it, making movies will become easier, and many film companies will not lose money all the time.

"Ah, Mr. Wang, congratulations, your "Painted Wall" won a box office of 2.3 million yuan, isn't it a loss?" He Fang cheerfully received the bosses of these film and television companies in the theater.

"Hehe, I was lucky this time and made a small profit. However, next time it will be hard to say if the quality is still the same. I still need to improve the quality of the movie." Wang Changtian evaluated his movie objectively.

"Take it easy, it will only get better."

"Well, this time I also want to see how good your company's newcomers are. How is the movie? Is it okay?" Wang Changtian asked.

"Don't worry, I've seen it, it's absolutely reliable."

"Ha, then I want to congratulate you in advance for another successful movie."

"No, it's not just our success, it's everyone's success, proving that this model works, isn't it?"

"Yes, yes. All right, you are busy first, and we will have a good chat later."

"Maybe I won't have time to chat with you later, I have to go back to the set tonight, and I have to go back to shoot tomorrow."

"Haha, you are a busy person, okay, you are busy first, don't worry about me."


"Ah, Mr. Yu, long time no see, your stomach is getting bigger again, you have made money recently, how about food?" He Fang and Yu Dong teased.

"Haha... I accept your good words, but the truth is not what you think. It's because business has been difficult recently, so I have been socializing and drinking too much." Yu Dong laughed.

"Why is the business not doing well? Are you kidding me?" He Fang asked curiously.

"Hey, that Hong Kong filmmaker is very worried about the distribution in China, so they have doubts." Yu Dong laughed.

He Fang saw his expression of having a secret but didn't say anything, and immediately understood what was going on.

Although the domestic turmoil over the conflict between Huying Group and Cheng Xiaodong and Jet Li has passed, the people in Hong Kong are afraid. Once they hear that the second generation in the mainland has such great energy, will they withdraw their movies at every turn? ?
This purely belongs to those who do not understand the inside story, and then blindly believe Cheng Xiaodong and Jet Li's words, but what can we do with this thing?You can't force others to understand the real situation and force them to believe it, right?

"Ha, it's okay, as long as they find that there is no problem, the worry will naturally disappear." He Fang didn't say much.

"If your movie is successful, it is estimated that Huying's business will be improved to a higher level."

"That's a good thing. It proves that more and more people are willing to participate."


He Fang plays the role of an internal receptionist here, and it feels busier than the main creators who greet guests on the red carpet. Film workers are actually not easy. It's super big.

When he saw Liu Yan coming in, he suddenly remembered that he hadn't done anything for a long time, and he had to eat meat tonight, and he was still lingering on Liu Yan's big scale last time.

"Hey, Teacher Liu Yan, long time no see, you look even more beautiful." He Fang opened his arms and gave Liu Yan a big hug.

Tsk tsk, soft, very comfortable.

"Are there any big ones tonight?" He Fang whispered in her ear.

Liu Yan concealed the look in her eyes very well, and nodded lightly.


"That's fine, I'll have time to talk later. Come on, please, please." Look, how well the people in the entertainment industry are acting.


After about an hour and a half, the red carpet ceremony was finally completed, and the next step was the formal viewing session.

In He Fang's opinion, the quality of "33 Days of Broken Relationship" after the replacement was even better. I dare not say that the acting skills surpassed another time and space, but it is definitely not bad.

What makes He Fang most satisfied is that this "33 Days of Broken Relationship" is obviously better than the other time and space in the use of mirrors and composition.

After all, one is a director who is used to filming TV dramas, and these three are film directors who went to the United States for further study and were personally directed by He Fang, or are they the crystallization of wisdom of the three, can this be the same?

The 120-minute movie basically used all their talents, and He Fang required the movie to have a rhythm of 3 minutes for a small laugh and 5 minutes for a big laugh.Coupled with the fact that the plot is compact and not procrastinated, the audience at the scene laughed and were also brought up by the plot.

This is a comedy that is different from Feng Xiaogang's Feng-style humor, and it is also a comedy that is different from Ning Hao's black and cold humor.

"33 Days of Broken Relationship" is a comedy that is close to life, without artistic exaggeration.

After the movie finished, seven or eight main creators came on stage, but He Fang didn't go up, he was afraid that going on stage would steal their limelight, the movie was already a success, and he didn't need to support him anymore.

After Jing Wei stood up with several main creators, Jing Wei would ask where to go first.

"Director He, as the producer, why didn't you come on stage?"

The staff immediately handed the microphone to He Fang in the audience, and He took the microphone and turned it on.

"If the truth is to be told, I really had a few guidances before the pre-shooting in this movie, and after I went to the set to assist in the first ten days of shooting, I never participated in this movie again. It was produced. So, why am I on stage? I didn’t participate in the creation, so I just took credit for it?”

"Haha..." The audience laughed.

"Okay, let me ask you a question in advance. Do you think this movie is good? What's good? Are there any problems? If there are problems, what are the problems? Did the three directors meet your requirements? ?”

Jing Wei asked.

"Why are you always dishonest when you are a reporter or a host? You ask me one question when there are five."


"Okay, then I will answer your five-in-one question. I think this movie was very successful and very good."

"What's so good about it? First, as a comedy, it managed to make the audience laugh 43 times. This is what I counted just now. It's true and effective. If a comedy movie can't make the audience laugh, it's a failure, so this is One of the successes."

"The second is an urban film, which successfully restores 'art comes from life', and truly makes the audience feel that these are stories that really happened around us. Therefore, it is closer to life."

"Third, all the film technologies of this film have reached a good level, and some of them have reached excellent. What do you mean, it comes from such technologies as scripting, directing, photography, lighting, art, music, costumes, and performances?" In other words, they have all reached an excellent standard, such as drama and photography can even be considered excellent."

"These three points make me think that this movie is very good and successful. As for whether there are any problems, as long as there are problems in the movie, after all, the length of the movie is limited and it is helpless to fill in all the loopholes. But at least I didn't see any obvious problems in "33 Days of Broken Relationship", so I can't find fault with it."

"As for your question about whether the three directors have met my requirements, they must have met them. They met my requirements as early as the filming. Otherwise, I would not have just sat on the set for more than ten days and then left. gone."

"Okay, that's the end of my answer. Today is their stage, let them perform as much as possible." He Fang turned off the microphone after finishing speaking.

Clap, clap...the applause rang out.

"Okay, thank you. Thank you, Director He Fang, for your answer. Three directors, do you think the evaluation of your boss and half of your teacher is correct?"

Jing Wei problem.

Among the three directors, Wang Zhiyong, who stood closest to Jing Wei, glanced at Tian Li and Tian Yusheng, and then the three nodded, and the three of them collectively bowed to He Fang.

There was warm applause at the scene, He Fang was also surprised, he immediately stood up and applauded.

Wang Zhiyong picked up the microphone: "The three of us would like to thank Director He Fang first. He is our boss and our teacher. Without him, we would not have successfully made our first film, and we would not have learned so much. directing skills."

"It can be said that he has been with us since we graduated from the advanced training class and taught us how to put the knowledge learned in the advanced training class into practical use. We have never had any experience in filming to making a film that makes anyone feel happy. The director is also satisfied with the movie, so I have to thank him. Thank you, thank you to Director He Fang."

clap clap clap...

Many filmmakers in the audience were in a daze. Although it is said that He Fang has made great achievements in several films, he is only under 30 years old, so he is a teacher?This has its own faction?
If these apprentices of his grow up... Tsk, I dare not think about it.

"Okay, this is a very good ceremony and a good testimony. Respecting teachers is a virtue of Chinese culture. Today we are here to witness such a virtue. Then the three directors, can you specifically Can you tell me how Director He Fang usually teaches you? For example, what did he do on the set of your first movie?"

Jing Wei asked.

The three of them took a look, and let Wang Zhiyong answer.

"On the first day of filming "33 Days of Broken Relationship", we were still not used to it. After shooting the first scene, we didn't dare to say that we had to see Director He. Then he reprimanded us and asked us to take it by ourselves. My idea, don't look at him. From that moment on, I really felt that I was a real director."

Wang Zhiyong said.

"Is there any more?" Jing Wei asked.

At this time, Wang Zhiyong asked Tian Li to speak, and Tian Li nodded.

"And the second most important thing is that Director He taught us how to deal with the disagreement among the three directors. When the three of us got a taste of being a director, we were a little excited, and then we were inspired by some creative things. It suddenly opened up. So the three of us had a lot of new ideas, but we also had differences and couldn’t argue.”

"We had to ask Director He to judge. Director He didn't say who is good and who is bad. He taught us a way, that is, if three people have two opinions, the minority should obey the majority. If three people have three opinions and both If it makes sense, then shoot all three styles and hand them over to the post-editing teacher to choose."

When Tian Li said this, Jing Wei immediately applauded.

"Wow, Director He's method is good. The differences that have been resolved have not been buried in the creation."

When the applause of the crowd stopped, Tian Li's words took a big turn.

"However, although Director He gave us a solution, he immediately criticized us again, and he criticized us severely."

"Why criticize you?" Jing Wei was puzzled.

"Director He criticized that we should not use a large number of temporary creations that are separated from the director's script on the scene. He said that if one temporary creation is made at a time, what is the difference between this and the director-centered system? If one shot is created one by one, then the previous script will be different from the director's script. What's the use of the director's script? Isn't that completely overthrown?"

"Who can guarantee that temporary creation will not destroy the original script structure and director's script and become better? If there is creation, why not finish it before shooting? As a professional director, you must not do this kind of creation that is divorced from the script and the director's script. This will only throw the whole crew into chaos, delay the production schedule, and increase the cost."

As soon as Tian Li finished speaking, the audience did not applaud, but there was a lot of discussion, because this practice caused people in the audience to have differences. Some people supported and others had different opinions. They felt that He Fang was stifling the director's creation.

Jing Wei also saw this, so she had to ask the three directors.

"Then do you agree with Director He's approach?"

"I didn't agree with it very much at first, but we had to implement it. But after the film was finished, we agreed instead."

"Why?" Jing Wei asked curiously.

"Because Director He didn't allow us to add impromptu creations beyond the script and the director's stage, the three of us recorded our inspirations on the spot, and wanted to see what we created on the spot after the film was finished. Will it increase the color and add points, or how to guide and say will reduce points."

"Hmm, what's the result?" Jing Wei asked.

"The result is that after the three of us took out a pair of our notes, if we change according to our inspiration, there is a high probability that the plot of this movie will collapse. Regardless of whether the crew will be messed up because of this, or whether the shooting will be prolonged , The whole story alone will collapse, and we think that better inspiration is not as complete and logical as the script that has been determined long ago, is smooth, useful and reasonable.”

Tari replied.

"Is it really that serious?" Jing Wei was a little bit in disbelief.

"Really, because we found that temporary creation is like dominoes. It doesn't feel like changing one small place, but after changing two places, we need to change more places to connect the two changed places. , and then more and more changes, patching in multiple places, related plots must be changed accordingly, and the characters will also change after the plot is changed... Finally, the plot is no longer the same as before, and the changes in the characters will also be inconsistent. If you don’t believe me, we can post our notes on the Internet for everyone to see.”

"Oh... I think I understand a little bit. It's like the documents in the office. Every leader changes a place, and changes and changes. The last document and the earliest document have different meanings."

Papapa... After Jingwei's explanation, many people understood better.

"Okay, besides these things, what is director He Fang doing on the set?"

"It's gone, all that's left is to sit behind us and smoke, play with our phones, and occasionally brag and fart with actors."

"Ha ha……"

"No wonder he ran away after staying for more than ten days. I guess he was too embarrassed to stay."


Next, we communicated with several actors, and the main creators accepted the interactive session, and finally ended the premiere in a peaceful and joyful atmosphere.

"Director He, I've seen this movie well, and the box office is at least hundreds of millions, so I'm relieved." Wang Changtian patted He Fang's shoulder very reassuringly.

"Haha, hundreds of millions? I think [-] million is the bottom line."

"Really?" Wang Changtian couldn't believe it. He only invested 2.3 million for such a big "Painted Wall", and this movie, which only cost more than 3000 million after publicity, got 3 million?
He Fang didn't speak, just nodded with a smile.Why can he guarantee it?Because another time and space took more than 3 million.


(End of this chapter)

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