China Entertainment: Indulge in Vanity Fair

Chapter 188 The Four Actresses Want to Treat He Fang to Dinner Alone, What Should They Do?

Chapter 188 What do the four actresses want to invite to dinner alone?
On December 12th, He Fang returned to the crew of "Three Dozens of Bone Demons" and officially started the final sprint of the film. It will wrap up on December 13st, and the next step is to prepare for the release of the two films.

On December 12, the Golden Globe Awards announced the list of nominations. Among them, the Chinese film "Thirteen Hairpins of Jinling" appeared in the best foreign language film, but there was no "Scorching Sun" as everyone thought. Many people expressed a little surprise.

"Do you know why "Scorching Sun" which won two awards in Venice was not selected and "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" was selected instead?"

"I don't know, but it seems reasonable to choose anyone for these two movies."

"Indeed, in my mind, both directors' films are fine, but I hope that "Scorching Sun" will be better, because it seems more exciting to let He Fang win more awards than Zhang Yimou. Besides, He Fang With the experience of winning the Golden Globe, Zhang Yimou has never succeeded once."

"If you want to say that, it seems reasonable. But why did you choose it?"

"Hey, did you go to see "The Thirteen Hairpins of Jinling" today? The people who watched it felt so uncomfortable, I don't know what's going on."

"Who can watch this kind of movie comfortably?"

"No, I always feel that something is wrong. Oh, forget it, my appreciation level is too low."

"Wow, Bell is so handsome and charming."

"I just went for Bale, and I heard that the response to screenings in the United States was very good."

"Bell is such a hero, he stood up and helped those poor Chinese..."

"When the devils rushed into the church to harm the female students, Bell stood up, so handsome. It was like a hero blocking the enemy's attack for the weak behind him. This is like a scene in an anime, so cool."

"If it wasn't for the church to prevent the devils from acting rashly, the students would probably be doomed, so we have to thank the missionary."

"Yeah, the teaching team can't do anything about the devils, and in the end it can only be Bell."

"Unfortunately, Bell can't save everyone, after all, he only has one person."

"In the movie, Bell and George met a friend on the way to find cardamom. The friend asked him to board the boat and leave Nanjing together. He refused because he promised to save the women and girls in the church. What kind of spirit is this? The spirit of internationalism, without the United States in World War II, we would never have won so quickly. We have to thank the United States. I don’t understand why the United States, which has been so kind to us, is always being abused. Do we want to be ungrateful?”

"I think Lao Mouzi's scene of the last sacrifice of the teaching team is superfluous. Do we need them? The fate of prostitutes and students is the same. With Bell, their sacrifice is just Lao Mouzi to emphasize the time It is nothing more than the sacrifice and heroism of the soldiers who are not afraid of life and death in this war, and there is no other meaning."

"Yes, I think this scene was filmed to promote that the Chinese people are not afraid of sacrifice. Otherwise, what is the significance of this scene? To protect the students, did they protect them? It wasn't Bell who took them away in the end."


He Fang has no time to pay attention to the comments on the Internet, because he doesn't want to pay attention either.He said that this movie is a story about thirteen prostitutes sacrificing themselves for the female students, but it actually tells that the one who can really save "Hope" is a fake priest who peeped into China in the early days American women.Therefore, he does not agree with such a position.

In fact, apart from He Fang who doesn't like "The Thirteen Hairpins of Jinling", there are other people who don't like it.

For example, there is a famous article on the Internet called "The Erotic Patriotism of Thirteen Hairpins". Maybe the author can't see the real problem, but just doesn't like it, and then he thinks that thirteen prostitutes saved the female students. They are selling erotic patriotism.

But the fact is that prostitutes saving people are just appearances.

At the same time, comments from American film critics after "The Thirteen Hairpins of Jinling" were screened in the United States circulated on the Internet.

American film critic Dodd McCarthy once published a comment in the "Hollywood Reporter", clearly expressing his doubts about "Thirteen Hairpins of Jinling". The doubts are mainly aimed at the transformation of the core characters of the film, the American Miller and the prostitute Yumo .

Here are his exact words: "It cannot be denied that there is no morality in men who are not of peace, and that when they are called upon to great and unselfish deeds, they reveal the nobility of feeling and morality which they concealed before. But no matter from the real world or the movie itself, the environment and method of this huge transformation are unreal and incredible, and the calculation and measurement are omitted, so that the credibility of the final result, or in other words, It’s less powerful than it should be.”

Therefore, there are many people's praise in public opinion, but there are also many people's doubts.

But the reporters didn't get any rebuttal words from Zhang Yimou's mouth. Everyone thought that Zhang Yimou was maintaining his usual style, but in fact, Zhang Yimou had been thinking about what to say.

After he came back, he watched "Lawrence of Arabia" and "Pocahontas" overnight, and then recalled the story of "Avatar".

It seems that what He Fang said is well-founded, and "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" does have the feeling that Bell is portrayed as "only Americans can save us".


After the release of the two blockbuster films "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" and "Flying Armor of the Dragon Gate", the box office is also evenly divided, and the bite is tight.

On December 12, "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" received 15 million, while "Flying Armor of the Dragon Gate" received 1740 million.

On December 12, "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" received 16 million, while "Flying Armor of the Dragon Gate" received 3294 million.

On December 12, "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" received 17 million, while "Flying Armor of the Dragon Gate" received 4920 million.


Generally speaking, "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" is slightly ahead, but "Flying Armor of the Dragon Gate" is not letting go.

On December 12st, the winter in Changsha was very cold. Even the staff members were stomping their feet in the cold when they stayed in the studio. A group of people in military coats were running around.

Deng Chao rode on a horse, carrying a statue of Tang Monk on his back, and then the four of them walked on the paved stone road with a fake stone forest beside them.

Zhu Bajie: "Oh, big brother, what should I do if I'm hungry?"

Monkey King: "Be hungry if you are hungry."

Drifting: "Then go for alms."

Monkey King: "Hey..."

Wait for a few people to walk away slowly...

The camera slowly rises and pulls back...

"Okay, click." He Fang shouted while holding the walkie-talkie.

"Okay, click, click."

At this time, the crew all stared in He Fang's direction, and He Fang took the walkie-talkie and yelled, "Play it back, let me see it."

"Okay, replay."

He Fang wore headphones and stared at the screen carefully.

"Pour it back a little bit, then a little more, okay, let it go."

"Well, okay, it's over, it's over." Following He Fang's words, the entire crew erupted in joy.

Finally finished.

He Fang also stood up, shook hands and hugged the people around him one by one, thanking them.

After a while, the production team also ordered flowers to be delivered to each of the main creators, and then rolled out a big cake.

It says 'successful completion, big box office hit'!
"Everyone, everyone, come here and take a group photo. Come on, the girls stand in the front row. Director He, stand in the middle. Yes, it's in the middle of the girls."

... After some qualifying, the stills photographer took multiple photos in succession.

"Okay, light the candles and cut the cake."

After the commotion, He Fang was pulled to the cake.

"Director He, let's blow out the candles with the main creators. As for the words on the cake, use the breath of the last word to blow out the candles, come on." The production director shouted.

Several creators surrounded the cake and took a deep breath, "Come on, come on, come on, one, two, three..."

"Successfully completed, the box office sold well..."

The candle blows out.

"Director, come on, you make the first cut." The production director handed He Fang a plastic knife, and He Fang handed flowers to the people around him.

"Okay, let's save the finale speeches for the finale banquet. Now it's time to divide the cake and celebrate. It's a smooth finale. Thank you everyone." He Fang made a gesture before making the first cut.

"Big box office!" the others yelled together.

After such a commotion, it didn't feel so cold anymore.

"Come, come, eat cake!"

"Wow, Producer Zhang sent a red envelope, thank you Mr. Zhang..."

"Thank you Mr. Zhang..."

"Thank you Mr. Zhang..."


After about half an hour of commotion at the scene, He Fang and the main creators withdrew first, leaving the rest to the staff of each group to clean up.

He Fang also returned to the hotel, returned to the room to take a shower, then dried his hair, sat there making a cup of coffee and lighting a cigarette.

At this moment, He Fang's cell phone rang, and he picked it up to see that it was a text message from Yan Ran.

"Director He, are you free tomorrow? In order to thank you, I would like to treat you to dinner alone tomorrow, do you think it's okay?"

"..." He Fang scratched his brows, embarrassed.

Don't eat it, I am thanking you openly, why don't you give me noodles like this?
Go ahead, what if there is a misunderstanding?
and so……

"Don't be so polite, it's over, isn't it time to go back to school and sell the vacation?"

"It's not a one-day rush to sell vacations. Everyone says that I am Fang girl. I also thank you for giving me this opportunity. I should thank you alone once."

"Okay, then you can choose a place, and send me the time and address after you choose."


He Fang shook his head and was about to put away his phone...

"Director He, are you free tomorrow? I'll treat you to dinner." Pan Zhilin asked.

"Director He, I want to invite you to dinner alone to thank you, when will you be free?" Kan Qingzi.

"Director He, I'm Danni Chong. When will you be free recently? I want to thank you alone and invite you to dinner."

"Director, I'm Xi Wang. I'll be staying in Changsha for a few days. When will you be free? I want to thank you alone for inviting you to dinner."


It's numb, why do you use such a trick, can't you change it?

Thanks individually, how would you like to thank?He Fang involuntarily had daydreams. Although he put his energy into the film creation during the filming period, he could feel the eyes of a few girls looking at him.

How to do?
Am I a scumbag?
He Fang didn't think too much, and replied in a unified way, "It depends on the situation these few days. If you are busy in advance, you should go back. When I am free, I will send you a message. There are many opportunities to eat, and I don't care about it for a while. In the future Mix well in the industry, and don't fall into the reputation that I have won."

After returning home, he received a call from the production director, informing him to go to the third floor of the hotel for a wrap-up banquet at 06:30.

The finale banquet... It's the same thing, it's just different for people.

But this time, those who can drink can drink freely.

Deng Chao really gave full play to his weight of four catties. He just gave birth to a son and has been very happy. Not only because of filming, but also went back on the three days when his son was born and the day of full moon wine.

So I didn't dare to let go of the joy of having a son in those two times, and I was very upset that I couldn't express the joy in my heart.

Now the film has also been finalized, this year's Best Actor has won, the son is born, and commercial blockbusters have also been filmed.

So why not get drunk for a while?

"Director He, Director He, Director He, listen to me, listen to me, I must toast you three times. My dream for many years was fulfilled for me at once by you, I..."

"What's the matter? Still want to make a promise with your body? I, a man of sex, loves women, so I'm not interested in you." He Fang waved his hand and said.

"Tsk, when did I say I'm going to sell my ass, I... No, it's messed up, where did I say it?" Deng Chao shook his head.

"It doesn't matter where you talk, the important thing is that you have to find an excuse to drink with me, come, come, clink glasses..."

"Okay, do it, do it, do it..."

Only then did He Fang put down his wine glass, and then a crowd of people lined up with glasses to drink with him.

"I can't do it with you anymore. You can ask Teacher Xiao Ming to drink. Look at the queue behind, they are all waiting for me. Even if I take a sip with everyone, it will take more than half a catty."


That night, He Fang was really drunk, and Deng Chao went crazy.Drinking and drinking, those who were grateful to He Fang all clamored to kneel down to He Fang, and He Fang was frightened.

I had no choice but to go crazy with him and then get drunk.

(End of this chapter)

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