Chapter 189 The scumbag is not a scumbag this time...he is still a scumbag
On the 22nd, He Fang received a text message from Yan Ran at noon. She chose a place and asked He Fang to go there at seven o'clock in the evening.

Let's go in the past, are you still afraid that she can't eat people?

So He Fang went to the appointment, in the private room of a western restaurant.Well, this is a product with Chinese characteristics. It has been seen all over the world, and only the West Wing Hall in China has private rooms.


Forget it, he won't play such a slow game with women, and he doesn't want to establish any relationship with women. The two of them sleep directly with each other. Feelings are not something that people in the entertainment industry play. That thing is too extravagant and needs Too much time and energy.

How many people in the entertainment industry have the energy to fall in love?Could it be that I am so tired from filming that I still have to think about coaxing my other half?Could it be that we haven't seen each other for a few months and half a year, and then we can resist not having anything to do with other opposite sexes on the set?

Love is a necessity for the poor and a luxury for the rich.

How can the poor persevere for a lifetime without love?They are all so poor, and they can’t enjoy material things, so love will always be vigorous for a lifetime, right?

The rich are all for profit in the end. Everyone is so busy and has the opportunity to play with the opposite sex casually. How can it be possible to only care about one opposite sex?In the end, I found that there is no true love in my life.

In the entertainment industry, if two people of the opposite sex don’t see eye to eye, don’t have too many interactions. If you nod your acquaintance, cooperate when you have the opportunity. .

Therefore, when He Fang looked at Yanran and was a little nervous about organizing some words, He Fang spoke directly.

"You invited me to dinner alone to simply thank me, right? If that's the case, then don't think too much about it. After eating, you can go back and have a good rest, and then go back to school tomorrow to sell your vacation."

"There are no unspoken rules in other places, but I don't have them here, understand? You don't need to pay anything, you just need to play a good show, don't think too much."

He Fang smirked at the corner of his mouth after he finished speaking, then cut a piece of steak seriously, put it in his mouth with a fork, then wiped his mouth with a napkin, and picked up his wine glass.

Yan Ran's face was flushed by He Fang's words, seeing He Fang raised his wine glass, she had no choice but to raise the glass and touch it.

"Uh..." Yan Ran didn't know what to say after being punctured by He Fang.

"It's the end of the year, and it's almost time to go back to school to sell a vacation? After you go back, find a suitable agency and broker. Those companies that need you to accompany you to drink and socialize must negotiate good terms and don't be sold out. This The circle is a big dye vat, don’t learn from it. If you have any difficulties in the future, you can come to me... By the way, if you can’t find a suitable agency, I’ll introduce you to the agency when you get back.”

He Fang babbled like a parent, and after eating another piece of meat, he waved his fork and said.

"Of course, you can't come to me for everything, I don't have that much free time."

"Then what kind of things can I find you?" Yan Ran asked.

"When there is a big event in life, or a time of great difficulty. For example, you have encountered a hurdle that you cannot overcome, for example, someone else is going to be against you. You can come to me for this kind of thing, and I will try my best to help you settle it. Other things like you Don't say you know me about bullying others, I won't admit it. Also, when you can't compete with others for coffee, don't come to me and cry, it will only make me feel that you are not good enough in the entertainment industry. "

"Pfft..." Yan Ran suddenly laughed.

"What are you laughing at? What I said is true." He Fang said, "I hope that you will not get involved in those messy things, and I also hope that you can fight when you should. There is no way, this is the entertainment industry, contradictions After a while, you will understand. However, it is very difficult to do what I said, so it is up to you in the future, and I can only send you this far.”

Yan Ran nodded, "Actually, it's not that difficult. The director said it's hard to get resources without being contaminated. I don't think it's difficult."

"Why is it not difficult?" He Fang asked unexpectedly.

"You don't need to do this here. We haven't got any bad habits, but we have won resources again." Yan Ran said mischievously.

"..." He Fang laughed for a moment.

Damn it, you've overplayed it, pretending to be a heart-warming, good brother.

But I'm a scumbag, when will I be a heart-warming brother?

"No, you're wrong. I'm not as good as you think. I'm just like everyone else. Remember, it's not that there are no good people in the entertainment industry, but that everyone in the entertainment industry is interested. If there are interests, everyone is A good person, who is a good person with you if you have no interests?"

Yan Ran smiled again, "But you are very good to us, how are you different from others? What benefits have you gained from us, so that you can pretend to be a good person?"

He Fang put down the knife and fork, took a sip of water, then took out his cigarette and lit it, took a long puff and exhaled the smoke ring.

"Name, although I won't let you say that you are a Fang girl, but I have the same name. I need this name because it will make me the most talented art film director and commercial film director. A director who is good at cultivating newcomers. And you, under all conditions, just meet the needs of my name Bo, so you won this role, otherwise, who should I choose?"

"Uh... well, then I understand." Yan Ran nodded disappointedly.

He Fang looked at her disappointed expression, twitched the corners of his mouth, and sighed inwardly: Would this be too cruel?She shattered her illusions about beautiful things.However, if you want her to grow up, don't you have to experience the baptism of cruel reality first?
After the two chatted for a while, they were almost done eating.

"Let's go, I'll take you back." He Fang checked the time and found that it was getting late, so he said to Yan Ran.

"Oh, no, you don't need to send me off. I live upstairs in this hotel. I've already got a room, so I thought you..." Yan Ran blushed up to her ears when she said this, and then lowered her head.

"..." He Fang was stunned, and then two He Fangs were fighting in his mind.

One shouted there: "I'm a scumbag, don't put any moral shackles on me, I want to go, go, go and go to all possible girls."

One shouted there: "No way, you were pretending to be aggressive just now, why did you do this immediately?"

The two He Fang fought thousands of rounds in his mind, but in reality it only took two seconds for He Fang to make a decision.

"You can't grasp it. Don't go overboard with a handsome and talented man who disturbed you for the first time. You can't grasp it."

He Fang still took a deep breath and said.

"Why, why? I, I can. I didn't say I would stay with you forever." After Yan Ran said this, all the muscles in He Fang's body trembled, and he really couldn't control it.

"No, it's impossible for you to grasp it. You know your old senior Gong Li, she was defeated by this. Then she spent her whole life in vain, went away to live in peace, and started a low-key life. I heard that she and her relationship Her husband is divorced. It can be seen that her relationship did not get a good result."

"..." Yan Ran was in a state of confusion, not knowing what to say.

"Okay, put away your little thoughts. I know you may have other thoughts about me. You think I am talented, young and handsome, and you are your noble person. In addition, you may pay attention to me for a long time. so……"

"Pfft!" Yan Ran both smiled.

"What, did I say something wrong?"

"No, you're right, it's just that you will be happy if you praise yourself like this?"

"Of course, people have vanity."

"Okay, then can you promise me one thing?" Yan Ran asked.

"What did you say."

"If I can control my time, do you think it's okay?" Yan Ran asked.

"..." He Fang pursed his lips, this is really a test.

"Let's talk when you are ready and I confirm that you are ready. Let's go back and have a good rest."

He Fang still made up his mind.

Seeing that He Fang had talked to this point, she was a little sad, as if something in her heart had been shattered.His eyes were a little red, he nodded and ran away.

He Fang was stunned for a moment, then stretched out his hand, but he still didn't stop calling her.

Suddenly, he was taken aback, damn, treat me to dinner, you haven't paid the bill yet.

He Fang smiled helplessly and shook his head, "Scum girl, don't you even buy the order if you can't get it? Sigh..."

After He Fang sat there smoking a cigarette, he rang the checkout bell.

"Hello, sir, do you want to pay the bill?"

"Yes, how much?"

"A total of 580 three."

"Well, swipe your card."


"...What's wrong with the woman who broke her heart? This is the result you want. Whom can I tell my pain without tears..." He Fang hummed and couldn't remember the lyrics of the song, feeling inexplicably irritable Driving around in a car.

The more he wandered around, the more irritable he became. He suddenly remembered that a flight attendant had had an in-depth communication with him before, why don't he ask.

After looking through the call records for a long time, I found it. I sent a message, but the other party replied in seconds.

"Is it in Changsha?"

"Here I am."

"Look for a place to communicate in depth?"


Tsk, He Fang is a little depressed holding the phone, just now there is a pure and innocent one who likes to play with himself, so he just came out to look for this.

After thinking about it, he sent a message, "Come to Huatian, I will tell you the specific room later."



Man, it's so complicated.

Sometimes I really can't understand, he has to pretend to be noble in front of others, pretending to be dismissive of Huazi who costs tens of dollars, and then he turns around and looks around for ten dollars of high-quality Baisha to relieve his addiction.

Pretend to be machismo and ask for guilt.

This night, he let himself go, showing the super skills that he once praised the 1.9-meter tall man for 30 minutes and returned three times.

In the next few days, he didn't text the other women and asked them to wait in Changsha Kong for two days before leaving.

In this way, He Fang got up after the movie "Three Attacks on the Bones" was finished.

Even though the trailer of "Human Purge Project" went viral all over the Internet, He Fang didn't come out to make a sound, even Liu Yan didn't say anything, but just reposted the trailer on Weibo.

"What's the situation? Why is He Fang's new film so low-key? The publicity is so low-key? There is no press release, no interview, no program, and even heard that there is no premiere. Why is that?"

"Yeah, why are you keeping a low profile like this? What does this mean? Could it be that he was suppressed?"

"It must be. Some time ago, so many people complained about He Fang and Huying Group. Seeing that those people wanted to eat He Fang's meat, it was as if they smashed Huying's bowl. I guess they made some moves."

"No, why not keep a low profile, we movie fans can't keep a low profile, we help them promote it, everyone forward it."

"Yes, He Fang, you are not alone. Even if you are suppressed, we will help you to promote the film. After all, there is an excellent young director, why should we destroy it?"

"Huh? He Fang's new movie was suppressed? What's going on?"


As soon as the netizens made a fuss, someone called He Fang and asked what happened to He Fang. How did He Fang explain it?It is said that this movie should not be high-profile, because it was a movie that passed the review after leaving the relationship and deleting some scenes.

It is said that the movie should be released quietly, so He Fang didn't hold a big fight, nor did he hold any premiere ceremony.

However, the promotional materials and film schedules are the same, it's just that there is no momentum on the bright side.

He Fang had no choice but to speak out on Weibo regarding the uproar of netizens.

"Everyone, I have not been suppressed by anyone. The new movie is not publicized. I just want to release it in a low-key manner and return to the movie itself. We don't shout. So, if you can support it, please support it. Oh, yes, teenagers should not go , this movie is not for you."

As soon as He Fang posted this Weibo, everyone became even more curious, what do you mean teenagers should not go?
"Could it be that there are eighteen forbidden contents? I lost it, so I have to go and have a look."

"Is it true? So explosive? Can this kind of thing pass the trial? I don't believe it."

"Shooting an R-rated movie in Hollywood, so..."

"Hiss, then you have to watch this."

"No, isn't Liu Yan the heroine? She is a restricted-level heroine... don't you want to see it?"

"I'm going, I can't wait."


"He Fang, look, everyone on the Internet is guessing, we might as well follow the normal process." Zhang Qian complained in the company.

"No, it's not the same. If we follow the normal process, someone will definitely be scolded to death. They will say that we are promoting violence and blood. If we deliberately don't promote it, their scolding will be reduced by half, and the higher-ups will also feel that We didn’t cause trouble, but the audience will be more curious and more people will watch it. Isn’t this the best of all three.”

"Will it be?" Zhang Qian rubbed his chin, always feeling uncertain, "Won't it mess up?"

"Don't worry, it won't mess up."

Will it screw it up? On December 12, "The Purge" was released low-key and on time, but the audience was not low-key at all. A large number of young people lined up to buy tickets to watch this movie, wanting to see what is restricted.

(End of this chapter)

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