China Entertainment: Indulge in Vanity Fair

Chapter 198 The domestic enthusiasm and standards are too high, making everyone a little nervous

Chapter 198 The domestic enthusiasm and standards are too high, making everyone a little nervous
It is a pity that "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" did not win the award, although... its values ​​are extremely in line with Hollywood values, but "Farewell" shocked the West even more, and the demand is greater, and the West needs to praise "Farewell" to the gods Altar, not "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins".

Afterwards, there was nothing to talk about at the awards show, except He Fang went on stage to advertise and "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" did not win the award, that is, whether Xiao Lizi and Kate Winslet can win the award is the focus of everyone, and the result... None won prizes.

This is a pair of filmmakers who are desperately pursuing art. Since 98, they have been nominated for Golden Globes and Oscars, but their luck is always so bad. They missed it again and again, and missed it again this time.

Of course, Kate Winslet was luckier. In 09, she won the Golden Globe for "The Reader" and also won the Oscar, but Xiao Lizi was miserable. She won a Golden Globe for "The Aviator" in 05. , and it has been fruitless since then.

Alas, they are also a pair of poor people.

Perhaps it is a topic that the organizing committee wants to deliberately create?The most popular actor is nominated again and again, but the most popular person award is not given to prove that our award is not the popularity award, but the strength award.

Of course, in addition to the Golden Globes and Oscars, awards in other parts of the world seem to be like this, which is very unfriendly to popular actors.It is often very difficult to win awards for those who are very popular, and they have been running with them all year round.

It's just that this move has attracted audiences all over the world who like them, but it has hurt Xiao Lizi, so that he didn't make a commercial blockbuster, so he plunged into this award-winning movie.

After the Golden Globe Awards, He Fang and the others participated in the final reception. Of course, it was inevitable to pretend that the two Chinese crews were united and intimate in front of the audience.

Therefore, He Fang also shook hands with Zhang Weiping in front of everyone.

"Mr. Zhang, hello."

Zhang Weiping also nodded, "Director He, why do you think the Golden Globe Award for Best Foreign Language Film should go to an Iranian film?"

He Fang pretended to be stunned for a moment: "Didn't Director Zhang tell you?"

"What?" Zhang Weiping paused.

"Oh, this is a movie problem. Anyone who plays movies understands it. What does Hollywood say? What does the Western film industry say? Politically correct. "Farewell" is more correct than "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins". The correct one." He Fang explained.

"What, what is political correctness?" Zhang Weiping was stunned. Look, his uneducated side was revealed.

He Fang spread his hands: "This is a concept, just like someone asking you what a literary film is. It can't be explained clearly in one or two sentences. Mr. Zhang can slowly understand it when he has time. However, it doesn't matter if he doesn't understand it. , it does not delay making movies, and does not delay making movies make money."

He Fang smiled, and Zhang Weiping also smiled awkwardly. He had a feeling that He Fang looked down on him, but he couldn't find evidence.

He Fang didn't invite the three of Zhang Weiping to get together again later, nor did he invite them to the domestic premiere of "Pacific Rim". They just chatted enthusiastically at this reception and then broke up.

"Director He, what do you mean by saying that this Iranian movie is more politically correct? I don't understand it either." Wu Jing asked on the way when He Fang and the other Chinese crew members returned to the villa after the reception.

Hou Yong, Zhang Qian, and Fan Bingbing were all curious, but they didn't understand.

I really can't blame them, because this is a Western method, and no one in China popularizes science, so they don't know.

If someone in China has popularized science, Western methods will not be able to deceive many people in China.

So He Fang took up the responsibility of a popular science lecturer, "Because this "Parting" is about a divorced couple in Iran who are confronted with the conflict between morality based on Islamic teachings and the laws of modern civilized systems. This kind of conflict has raised doubts about the teachings of Islam. Think about it, the two sects in the West have been in conflict for thousands of years, and suddenly the artists of the other sect questioned the teachings of their own sect. These people in the West do not praise this movie as a god. Tan, how could such a thing be let go?"

As soon as He Fang finished speaking, everyone suddenly realized.

"Oh, so that's the case, I understand." Wu Jing nodded.

"So, this is the reason why our previous director made films that satirized and satirized our traditional culture and defeated Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism in the West?" Hou Yong asked suddenly.

He Fang immediately gave Hou Yong a thumbs up, "Mr. Hou is still transparent."

Suddenly everyone suddenly realized again that they were so bad.

"Then "Jinling Thirteen Beauties"..." Fan Bingbing asked suddenly.

He Fang glanced at her and smiled.

"If you can understand it, you can understand it. If you don't understand it, there is nothing you can do. However, this movie has nothing to do with director Zhang Yimou, it has something to do with the original author of this story. I believe that director Zhang Yimou did not want to express certain aspects, but the original story may be I have something else to express. Don’t discuss this issue, as long as you can understand it clearly in your heart, we don’t discuss it, and don’t let outsiders know that we have “ulterior motives” to deconstruct this movie.”

He Fang didn't say anything, but they felt itchy, but it was not easy to ask, but they didn't find any special problems after thinking about it.

Is it 'erotic patriotism' as it is said on the Internet?But what does this have to do with political correctness?
Could it be the War of Resistance?It seems that the Anti-Japanese War was politically correct in the past, but I always felt that something was wrong.

So, after returning to the villa, Fan Bingbing couldn't sleep because he didn't get an answer, so he had to ask the director for advice. This is called discussing film art issues with the director, which is a serious matter.

After Fan Bingbing's soft grinding and hard soaking, he forced the crank handle to soften. He Fang had no choice but to tell Fan Bingbing the answer.

Fan Bingbing was dumbfounded for a long time after hearing the answer, and only then did she figure out a lot of things.

"No, this, this, why don't ordinary people think of this? Many filmmakers including China didn't think of this? Don't tell me I didn't think about it at all." Fan Bingbing raised an ultimate question.

"Because this is a cultural routine woven by the West. Those who don't understand this routine will never understand what the problem is, and it will always be correct. Its main point is not that it is logically unreasonable, nor is it wrong in practice, nor is it morally flawed. So the average person can't figure out where the loophole is. In fact, they just change the background of the character, it's as simple as that."

"Hiss, the routine is so deep." Fan Bingbing sighed.

"Yeah, I also think it's very deep. I didn't get to the bottom just now, why don't we explore this routine again?"

"Huh, huh? Bah..."


On February 2th, He Fang took all the main creators of "Pacific Rim" across half the world by plane. The American main creators are very interested in the Chinese New Year. This time, they plan to deeply experience this culture, which makes them very excited.

Therefore, the creators in China are also introducing some of the rules to them, such as teaching them to learn some words like 'Happy New Year', 'Happy New Year', 'Gong Xi Fa Cai', 'Bring Red Envelopes', and taught them how to send money to others. Red envelopes, let each of them prepare more renminbi and send more red envelopes to fans.

Of course, this kind of bad thing was taught by Wu Jing, which made a few Chinese staff try their best to hold back their laughter, feeling that this was a trick to trick a group of wealthy foreign stars into China to give out red envelopes.

Anyway, they came to China with laughter and laughter all the way, and they were greeted grandly by enthusiastic movie fans. This was planned by the organization.

No, it made several Hollywood stars feel the enthusiasm of Chinese movie fans and was very happy.

"Director He Fang, the world premiere of "Pacific Rim" in Los Angeles received a lot of response, which is exactly the opposite of what domestic public opinion was worried about before. What do you want to say?"

The reporters asked questions at the airport.

"Want to say? I don't have anything to say. The quality of the movie is right there. The so-called reduction of [-]% in one effort, I believe that anyone who has watched the movie will not worry about the prospect of this movie." He Fang replied confidently.

"Cameron said that the 3D special effects of "Pacific Rim" are second only to "Avatar". How did you achieve this? Did you really rely on the post-production team of Lake Shadow?" The reporter asked again.

"This is for sure, there is no doubt that it is the team of Huying. As for why we can reach this level, it is because we have a huge talent pool in China, there are film talents who are eager to master new technologies, coupled with our hard work, So we did it." He Fang reaffirmed.

"Does that mean that the Lake Film Group has completely mastered the special effects production of film industry?" The reporter asked again.

"Hey, it's a bit exaggerated to say this. We have only mastered the basic skills based on all the existing conditions in Hollywood, but there is still a big gap from real industrialization. Industrialization is not about having equipment, but having the ability to operate equipment It's such a simple thing."

"Then with today's equipment and technology, will the cost of our domestic blockbusters be greatly reduced in the future?"

"Of course. Okay, okay, we can't be stuck in the airport and cause congestion in public places. If you have any questions, wait until after the premiere of "Pacific Rim" tomorrow night."

He Fang ended the interview in moderation, and they couldn't ask them all at once, so what will they ask tomorrow night?
Of course, in addition to asking questions about where, the reporters also asked questions about other creators.

"Mr. Jason, are you satisfied with the "Pacific Rim" movie?"

"Yes, I am very satisfied. The level of this movie has surpassed 90% of the sci-fi blockbusters. I am excited to see it." Jason Statham replied.

"Fan Bingbing, as one of the heroines of China's first sci-fi blockbuster, how do you feel?"

"It's a great honor, and I'm very grateful to director He Fang for inviting me to participate. After watching the movie, my hands were shaking with excitement, as if I was watching my first movie that was released." Fan Bingbing laughed.


After bidding farewell to the fans who picked up the airport and the difficult reporters, everyone got in the car and returned to the city.

And the leaders of Huying also came over. Huang Dong, Mr. Wang and Vice President He were all present. After all, this is a major event for Huying. Huying Group’s first real sci-fi giant after the industrialization of films, how could they not Where are you going?
First, everyone had a meal together at the State Guest House, and welcomed the main Hollywood creators to China for the New Year. Everyone drank some baijiu, which made several Hollywood stars miss them very much.

After eating and drinking, it was already evening, and we had to fly for about [-] hours, so we let everyone go to rest.

As soon as He Fang took a shower, he immediately found a new email. It turned out to be an email from Mucheng Xuehu, which stated that after his careful consideration, he agreed to He Fang's offer to sell the film and television adaptation rights of "Gunmeng" to He Fang.

"Zhang Qian, Zhang Qian..." He Fang is very happy to win the film and television copyright of "Gun Meng". "Alita: Battle Angel" is a very good science fiction work.

It is mainly due to the rare sci-fi blockbusters made from the perspective of women, and the rare half-human, half-machine sci-fi themes.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Qian ran over and asked He Fang.

"Tomorrow, you go to the island country to find Mucheng Xuehu, and he has agreed to sell his film and television adaptation rights of "Gunmeng"." He Fang laughed.

"Ah? It's "Gunmeng", I thought it would be "Killing Reincarnation"."

"They have the conditions to bargain with Warner. Of course, they should give priority to talking over there, and they will come to us unless the negotiation fails. Don't worry, be patient, don't worry, if Hiroshi Sakurazaka is a greedy person, he must sell before Come trick us again."

"Haha, when you say that, it seems to be true. They are relatively cunning in the first place. If they have the opportunity to cheat, they will let it go."


So Zhang Qian quickly arranged the things here, and he sorted it out and flew to the island country early the next morning.

And the crew of "Pacific Rim" gathered again, preparing for today's premiere.

This time, the premiere of "Pacific Rim" was held at the National Center for the Performing Arts, and few films premiered at the National Center for the Performing Arts, this time it was an exception.

As China's first sci-fi blockbuster with special effects, many leaders and guests came today. This is a grand event, and it is a blockbuster praised by Cameron. How can the leader let go of such a good thing?

Therefore, this also caused He Fang to be very busy.He was very busy before the start of the red carpet ceremony, and leaders kept coming over, so he had no choice but to go to welcome them.

Although Hu Ying's leader is there, it is impossible for He Fang, the righteous master, to stay out of the matter.

Today's audience is also crowded, because this time they premiered in the auditorium of the Grand Theater. This auditorium can seat 2207 people, which is the largest hall.

In order to satisfy the three-story audience, Tuanhuo Culture found China Giant Screen Company to make a super giant screen of 24 meters by 13 meters, which is a full three-story height. Such a large giant screen should be able to satisfy More than 2000 viewers watched this sci-fi masterpiece.

"He Fang, He Fang, I just received the notice that the big leader will come to see the premiere tonight." At this time, Wang Tiejun found He Fang.

"The big leader? Which big leader?" He Fang was confused.

"..." Wang Tiejun said a name that made He Fang tremble with fright.

(End of this chapter)

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