China Entertainment: Indulge in Vanity Fair

Chapter 199 The roc spreads its wings and rises with the wind, soaring 9 miles

Chapter 199 The roc spreads its wings and rises with the wind, skyrocketing to [-] miles

At [-]:[-] in the evening, when all the red carpets were gone and the arrangements were similar, He Fang and the others were notified that the big leader had arrived.So the host came to the stage and immediately called on everyone to welcome the big leaders with the warmest applause. At this time, the audience burst into amazing cheers. Unexpectedly, there is such an opportunity to watch a movie.

I won't introduce the process, anyway, He Fang was praised a few times, and the whole process was recorded by Yang Ma, but it only took two to three minutes.

At 45:3, under the reminder of the host, everyone turned their mobile phones to silent and put on [-]D glasses, and then the movie officially started.


"Ha ha……"

The humor at the beginning made the audience laugh, but after Wu Jing flew the 20 fighter jet upside down on top of the American fighter jet in a handsome roll, the audience immediately let out an exclamation.

"Wow, so handsome, so handsome, this fighter..."

"Hiss..." Even the big leader was stunned for a moment, when and where did he know the final shape of this plane?It's impossible to leak the secret, is it based on his imagination?Is this too coincidental?

But the audience was very excited, who wouldn't dream of our weapons being so advanced, this is so cool.

"Where is this, really imaginative, this doesn't excite domestic audiences?" Feng Xiaogang shook his head lightly.

Wang Changtian also clenched his fists, and he murmured, "This is a blockbuster movie with special effects. It's really refreshing."

Immediately afterwards, China's aircraft carrier and super handsome fleet appeared, with straight-through deck catapult takeoff, [-]-ton large-scale drive, and uniform deck staff's military salute, which made the Chinese people excited.

This plot is exciting before it even starts. This is the fucking advanced navy in our dreams. I didn’t expect to see it in reality, but we saw it in our movie.

Some viewers with military plots even quietly wiped away their tears excitedly, which really boosted their spirits.

It’s just that some people with different thoughts wrote down in their notebooks: Selling patriotism, exaggerated, obscene and unrealistic weapons pretending to be a military power comparable to the United States and Russia...

The music for "Pacific Rim" this time was composed by Hans Zimmer, so it was particularly positive and shocking.

It's not that he doesn't believe in domestic musicians, but to ensure that movie music can have blockbuster specifications, Hans Zimmer is more experienced in making blockbuster music after all.

Just look at his works, "Rain Man", "The Lion King", "Thelma and Louise", "Stone Breaker", "Gladiator", "Batman: The Dark Knight", "Pirates of the Caribbean 2, 3", "The Da Vinci Code", "Kung Fu Panda"... how many blockbuster and good film soundtracks come from him, why is such a steady master escorting the first super sci-fi movie than using domestic composers without blockbuster soundtracks? Definitely be more at ease.

Therefore, the sound at the beginning of the movie shocked the audience in the theater. After all, the sound system of the National Center for the Performing Arts here is a proper Dolby surround stereo multi-channel sound system.

Therefore, the soundtrack made by Hans Zimmer and this speaker system will not lose the audio viewing experience of "Avatar".

Especially when the waves appeared, the monsters appeared, and the soundtrack was really amplified for the first time, everyone was shocked by the music and the picture, and all the pimples on the skin appeared one by one.

In the dark, the old professors from Nortel whispered secretly, "I heard it was Hans Zimmer's soundtrack."

"Yeah, it's very impressive."

After just watching the movie for a few minutes, the movie has shocked more than 2000 audience members so that their breaths became short of breath. Some couldn't believe it. This is a Chinese sci-fi blockbuster, and the special effects are so shocking, and the imagination is so rich.

Of course, although the plot is compact, there is no shortage of humor.

When the movie was played by monsters attacking Tokyo Bay, someone in the theater suddenly yelled: "Okay, fuck the little days."

"Pfft, haha..." Everyone laughed, and they didn't blame the person who yelled. This is an emotion of many Chinese.

But some people in the dark are gnashing their teeth. How can there be such a hostile plot?Be friendly, be peaceful, what is He Fang promoting?This will cause a big event.

However, He Fang didn't care, because what made them gnash their teeth hadn't even started yet.

Because the following plot is the plot of the joint meeting in the film where the American leader decides to use nuclear bombs on the monsters that attacked, this time the audience in the theater applauded even more.

In the dark, a director Lu who was wearing glasses gritted his teeth. Where is this? He managed to make a friendly film between the two countries that promoted the relationship between the two countries, but now it is useless.

Monsters keep appearing and attacking various countries and coastal cities in the Pacific Rim, so there are scenes of troops from various countries fighting and rescuing.

He Fang's private goods were also seen by the audience...

For example, the attack on Los Angeles was full of chaos, looting and looting, and the police and army shot at the looters and disobedient people to maintain law and order...

The rescue of other countries such as island countries is to save the rich and save politicians, civilians?It is guided by someone, but this is not the point. Some countries even let the common people die for the rich...

And how about China's rescue?The military and the people are in harmony and do not give up any civilians. Soldiers and public officials are willing to pay the price of their lives for this, while other citizens are also united and united.

"This kid is not bad, this shot is good." The big leader smiled and said softly to his wife.

Other viewers may not have noticed, but who is the big leader?How could this little trick of He Fang have been hidden from his eyes?

Many people haven't found this kind of private goods from He Fang, and even think this is normal, which is brilliant.A lot of private goods are exported in such a smooth and silent way. Are there still few such output of Hollywood blockbusters?
For example, in American movies, plots such as black families, colored families, children rebelling, breaking with their parents, and fighting against each other will be praised by an important supporting role in the movie, thinking that this is a manifestation of children's independence.

The white family always emphasizes the family. In the plot of the movie of the white family, it is always a plot where the family helps each other, cooperates with each other, and finally the family is happy.

How can there be dozens of private goods of Hollywood movies like this, all of which are their private goods.So, what's wrong with He Fang putting some private goods in the movie?He learned from Hollywood.

Hollywood's private goods are also neglected by everyone, making everyone think that this is normal. After one movie after another is exported, the audience slowly takes these private goods for granted.

Now He Fang is promoting this, to let audiences around the world know that once a disaster strikes, China's rescue is really for the people, while those in other countries are either politicians or the rich and powerful.In the future, when Chinese blockbusters continue to export this concept, audiences around the world will have a solid impression of the government of each country, so that they will give a thumbs up when they mention China. This is a country that truly serves the people.


The following plot followed with twists and turns. Anyway, whenever human beings see some hope, monsters always pose a greater threat.

"This is not bad. The sense of oppression is created very well. He Fang's script is really good. It would be nice to have the opportunity to shoot one of his scripts." Feng Xiaogang is still thinking about He Fang's script.

"Dream." His wife said with a smile.

Next is the present world of mechas. When the monsters rushed out of the sea again, the mechas of the Three Kingdoms came.

This time is the highlight of the six mecha pilots. They are inextricably fighting with the monsters. Anyway, they have always been at a disadvantage, making the hearts of the audience jump out of their throats.

There's nothing to say about the following plot, anyway, it's over when it's cool, but it's the kind that's so cool.Of course, in the middle of this, He Fang still showed China's production capacity in a timely manner, and why it was able to take over the production of mechs.

This introduction process is also processed, and it shows China's production capacity ten years later. After all, it looks better this way and can boost people's confidence in Chinese manufacturing.

For example, when the movie introduces the design and production of mechs, it is a fully automated factory, with unmanned operations throughout the entire process, and 3D printing technology, etc. are displayed one by one.

The ending of the movie is a little humorous, and I will make everyone happy after watching it. This is the sincerity of commercial movies, so that you can come and go happily.

As soon as the movie finished, the subtitles came together, and the lights came on, the audience burst into thunderous applause. It was really amazing, and the meaning seemed unfinished.

Almost all the viewers are in disbelief at the moment, unable to imagine that this is a Chinese science fiction film, it is so exciting.

"Okay, I'm going to invite the main creators of "Pacific Rim" to come on stage..." After the applause fell, the subtitles were played, and the host came to the stage to host.

He Fang brought the main creators to the stage at this time, and even some staff members came over and whispered to each of their main creators. This is a temporary way to teach them how to deal with it later, because the big leader will come to the stage to shake his hand.

He Fang is okay, he has a big heart, although he is a little nervous, but he is well controlled, while the others are nervous and keep rubbing the corners of their clothes.

Several Hollywood stars also looked dignified. It is an honor to place this kind of specification anywhere.

When they came to the stage and stood up one by one, the host began to speak.

"Do you think the movie is good?"

"Looking good." The audience at the scene shouted in unison.

"Then do we have to ask how the director of this movie made such a good-looking movie?"

"Yes." The audience agreed.

"Okay, Director He Fang. How is the film made? Is the process complicated? What difficulties did you encounter in the middle?" the host asked.

"Well, I mainly learned from Hollywood blockbusters and learned from other people's successful experience. This is also the result of my study and work in the United States. Therefore, I am very grateful for that experience."

"As for the difficulties, the difficulties in the process are unimaginable. First of all, blockbuster sci-fi movies are the symbol of heavy film industry, but when I returned to China in 09, not to mention China's heavy industry, even the foundation of the film industry was gone."

"That is to say, if I want to make a film like "Pacific Rim", I have to start from scratch. First lay the foundation of film industrialization, and then use the power of Hollywood to build a platform for film heavy industry, and then we have to cultivate our industrialization. talent."

"There are many difficulties, not to mention that we don't have the equipment for the film heavy industry, we don't even have a place to show the film heavy industry equipment, and we don't even have people who understand the instructions of those equipment, let alone top-dimensional talents with big film thinking But there is no way, the bulls who blow it out, the dream that is said out, no matter how difficult it is, it must be realized."

"Over the past two years, there are quite a few people who have made fun of me and the Huying Group. Although no one has caused many obstacles, there are many people who say bad things about us. Fortunately, we have the support of the government, which gave me a venue and funds. , and give us room for trial and error.”

"After two years of hard work, to this day, what I want to say is to thank the government for its support, for the support of Hunan Province, for the support and cooperation of the leaders of Huying Group, and for the hard work of Changsha Tuanhuo. It’s done. At this moment, I want to say that the successful completion of "Pacific Rim" is not due to me alone. With the support and hard work of all of you, everyone’s dream has been fulfilled. Thank you! You guys, don’t worry about the Chinese film industry out of fashion!"

The more He Fang spoke, the more excited he became, and his sonorous and forceful voice moved the audience.

To be honest, it’s really not easy. He Fang led the Huying Group to make a sci-fi blockbuster that 99% of the countries in the world could not complete from a poor and blank foundation.

This kind of spirit, this way of doing things feels like returning to the era before the 80s, when people at that time realized all the impossible dreams on the ruins of zero foundation with a passion.

This kind of thing has been going on for decades, and now it is said that it is better to buy than to buy, and it is better to rent than to buy. No matter how the industry is, it only cares about its own self-interest.

But the reality just happened. He Fang, a young man who received a western education, really led a group of people to do this with his passion.

Therefore, some elderly people sigh with emotion, some young people are excited, some middle-aged people admire, and some Western minions are gnashing their teeth.

clap clap clap...

The big leader in the audience also nodded movedly, this young man is really good, if someone else went to the United States, would he come back?

Even if he came back, he wouldn't use his identity and background to seek political resources or wealth resources for himself?
But where is this? Not only has he returned, but he has not entered the system, and he wants to lead Chinese films to a new path.

Such young people have great perseverance, great feelings, and big dreams...

This has the same spiritual resonance with the concept of national rejuvenation that he will promote. These are outstanding talents in the country and must be supported.

And the old leaders of Huying like Gu Yang nodded frequently in the audience, very gratified, thinking about the scene when I was planning the industrialization of the film with a young man, I can't help but feel emotional.

Huayi's President Wang's face is uncertain at this time. He thought he was a figure in the Chinese film industry. After all, he cooperated with Feng Xiaogang to open the road to the commercialization of Chinese films, but compared with He Fang, the situation is too low.

And a group of movie stars now hold He Fang even more sacred. It's really amazing. They usually play heroes in film and television dramas, but they didn't expect a real hero to be by their side. It's really great.

"Director He Fang is awesome. I really don't know what words to use to describe the changes you have brought to Chinese films, but I believe that the recorders of film history will write beautiful praises for you."

"So, Director He Fang, why did you choose such a story? Can you tell us about your creative experience?" the host continued to ask.

(End of this chapter)

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