Warhammer: My Brother Is the Emperor.

Chapter 114 Webway Strikes Back, Draconian

Chapter 114 Webway Strikes Back, Draconian
The Emperor defeated Horus, and the Loyalists achieved a great tactical victory, but they could not cover up a strategic failure.

The rebels attacked the webway in order to prevent the loyalists from retaking the gap and repairing the webway.

Before Horus died, he manipulated the Spirit of Vengeance, smashed the black stone array, dispelled the forbidden magic field, and let the demons flood in, making it impossible to repair.

At this moment, although the rebel army is retreating steadily, they still control the gap in the webway. If the spirit of revenge comes an hour later, the loyalists can retake the gap and prepare for repair work.

But there are not so many ifs in the world, and the vast number of demons crossed the rebel positions and overwhelmed the Webway defenders.

The Puppet Legion and the Space Wolves are at the end of their battles, especially the Puppet Legion. The previous reckless style of attack caused huge casualties, and they were swallowed by the tide of recharging their energy.

Said said to Leman Russ through the puppet: "The puppet army is at the rear, the people who lead you retreat quickly!"

The wolf king looked at the puppet for a few seconds, and said solemnly: "Although the puppet is lifeless, it does not prevent me from respecting them. Your Royal Highness, please cherish them!"

The remnants of the wild wolves retreated, and the last tens of millions of puppets, all strapped with bombs, charged towards the demon.

In an instant, there were continuous explosions, and the flames soared into the sky. A large number of demons were exiled in the flames, and the attack momentum suddenly stagnated.

At the same time, in the Taila Palace, Said said anxiously: "Brother Huang, activate the second insurance!"

The Emperor nodded and glanced at Sister Silence, who immediately understood and said in sign language: "Activate the silent oath!"

Before the start of the Great Rebellion, the nuns collected 1000 million psykers from all over the galaxy, sealed them in the stasis field, and used them as fuel for the Golden Throne.

The golden throne is surrounded by grooves, and coffin-shaped boxes are stuffed inside. The blue lights on the boxes flicker, producing spiritual energy to supply the golden throne.

At the gap in the webway, a psychic light curtain slowly closed, but was stretched open by the influx of demons.

The emperor said: "The silent oath can only last for one day, we must drive the demons out of the gap in the webway within one day!"

Said's face was serious, and he said with high fighting spirit: "Brother Huang! There is good news, the frontline army has returned!"

Heavy footsteps came from outside the Throne Hall, and Malcadohui reported: "Your Majesty, the Imperial Fists Legion, White Scars Legion, and Auxiliary Army have all assembled, and reinforcements to the Webway are ready at any time!"

Said said loudly: "There are still 15 giant soldiers of the Prince's Legion and the Raven Legion have assembled, and they can reinforce the Webway at any time!"

There are 30 interstellar warriors in this support army, and the mortal and puppet auxiliary army is close to tens of billions, not counting the forbidden army and the nuns of silence. Compared with the webway defenders in history, they have robbed more than a hundred times.

Holding a powerful army in his hand, the emperor couldn't help smiling, glanced at the golden throne built here, and said boldly:

"Sayyed, your body stays here, all troops, follow me into the webway!"

At this moment, the demons have just recovered from the self-destruction of thousands of puppets, reorganized a huge offensive, and rushed towards the city of miracles.

As long as this hub city is captured, it will be possible to attack Terra along the tomb, and the Warp will achieve its great victory.

The city of miracles is intertwined with countless bridges and platforms. The Mechanicus has set up a large number of sentry guns and other fortifications on it.

The demons flocked to the city of miracles, and the defenders responded with fierce firepower, and a large number of mechas and space fighters retreated to the strongholds, desperately resisting.

But there are too many demons, even though each stronghold has caused thousands of times more casualties, they can only slow down the demons a little bit.

The strongholds were lost one by one, the cities were eroded bit by bit, and the situation gradually became unfavorable to the defenders.

At this time, a huge army suddenly surged out from the tomb of the City of Miracles behind the defenders. Hundreds of thousands of Astartes and giant god soldiers crashed headlong into the demon tide like a torrent.

Chainswords swung, bolters roared, Librarian's psychic flashes blazed, and the demon was hit head-on, stalling its advance.

The Primarchs turned into assault spearheads and took the lead in rushing into the demon tide to kill and kill. The morale of the rest of the defenders was boosted, they fought back bravely, and gradually pushed the front line back.

The situation was reversed in an instant. Behind the space fighters, a large number of vehicles and titans poured out. Together, they formed armored spearheads and charged at the demon.

Every titan is surrounded by a large number of Leman Ruth tanks, more armored personnel carriers, and countless auxiliary troops.

There are countless planes in the sky, forming waves that cover the sky and cover the sun, tilting ammunition towards the devil.

The advance of the battle line accelerated, and behind the devil's battle line, the firepower hit the sky and covered the sky, and the scene seemed to be falling apart.

Hundreds of millions of laser guns fired at the same time, heavy weapons sprayed heavy explosion barrage, anti-tank missiles and heavy mortar shells, ion fireballs and hot melt rays made a gap in the magic wave, dense rockets and shells whizzed into the enemy's formation, and exploded violently Throwing spirit bones and demon stumps high.

The firepower output is massive enough to take out the most stubborn foes, and any counter-charges of the Daemon are retarded by armored spearheads and then smashed to pieces by the Space Marines.

With the coordination of the space fighters and the auxiliary army, the battle was grand and bloody. In this way, the Lord of Humanity sounded the clarion call to counterattack the subspace.

Soon, the demons retreated to the starting point. Although the tide of demons was still raging, the speed of replenishment was no longer as fast as the speed of killing. As the gap gradually narrowed, the victory of the empire was in sight.

And the emperor, the lord of mankind, stands in the headquarters of the city of miracles - the tower of gods, watching the gradually receding battle line, lost in thought.

Beside him, the imperial guard Valdor said: "Your Majesty, if you and the Emperor's Claw can make a move, the counterattack speed will increase by [-]%!"

The emperor shook his head: "No, it's not yet time, we are all other enemies!"

Valdor was puzzled: "Other enemies?"

At this time, the emperor's expression became condensed: "Here we come, the Imperial Army and Sister Silence are ready! Follow the Bound Legion to attack!"

After speaking, with a wave of his hand, a large number of cursed legions rushed towards the front line. Behind them, the forbidden army and the nun of silence followed the assault.

After Waldo left, Said manipulated the puppet and asked, "Draconian is back again? It seems that it is the only one that deserves so much attention from Brother Huang!"

The emperor nodded: "The demon born in the first murder of human beings has additional damage to human beings. Even the four gods are afraid of its destructive power!"

Said didn't believe in evil, and muttered: "Is it so exaggerated? We have such a magnificent army, even if it drives Wushuang, it will have to be driven for a whole year to win!"

The emperor said calmly: "But we don't have a whole year, we only have one day. If we can't clear this place within one day, the webway will have to give up, and I will be on the golden throne!"

At this moment, somewhere along the line, an Emperor Fist fighter's auspicious bird suddenly caught a target. The Thinker quickly calculated the trajectory, and the Emperor Fist fighter raised his bolter.

At this time, on the screen of the bird divination instrument, the target instantly moved to the side of the Emperor Fist fighter, and a huge mouth full of sharp blades appeared, swallowing the Emperor Fist fighter in one gulp.

 Draconian has a special attack on humans, and he can't kill them, even the emperor is quite afraid~

(End of this chapter)

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