Warhammer: My Brother Is the Emperor.

Chapter 115 Failed to kill

Chapter 115 Failed to kill (for the first order tomorrow)

Draconian no longer swooped forward, nor hunted alone. After experiencing the trauma of the Black Stone, it became much more cautious.

Although it lacks perfect thinking ability, it still learns from failure. The experience of being exiled by the Black Stone made it understand that it is not invincible, and humans have the ability to hurt it.

As a result, Draconian changed from a reckless warrior to a shrewd assassin. It hid in the demon tide, waiting for opportunities to hunt and kill human beings one after another.

By connecting with other demons, its abilities have been evolved, and it can hide anywhere and change shape and shape as it pleases. The hideous monster form can no longer satisfy it.

It broke up its own form, merged into the pus sprayed by another demon when it was killed, passed through the titan armor attached by the pus, and entered the body of a warlord-level titan.

The pus passed through the titan's visor, infecting the cognitive wetware soaked in the nutrient solution, and within a moment the titan aimed his plasma cannon at his companions.

The Titan next to him was caught off guard, and was pierced through the cab. It sounded like it was asking why its comrades backstabbed.

The Titans farther away saw this scene, and activated the corrupted Titan one after another, smashing it into pieces in the breath.

But this did not affect Draconian, it retreated from the wreckage of the Titan, searching for the next target.

It was happy with the result just now, and it could feel the puzzlement and anger of the enemy driver when he was backstabbed. All this pleased him, and he planned to make persistent efforts.

It jumped into a Thunderhawk gunship above its head, with a little force, the shell of the gunship twisted, heated up, and swelled.

The demon's body stretched out like a thread, blending with the aircraft's inorganic structure, while rewriting the machine's soul, causing the Thunderhawk gunship to explode.

The gunship machine did not shatter, nor did it fall to the ground. It was loosely linked by the demon, spinning and burning, and each piece carried a part of the demon, like a group of raptors flying and burning.

The other Leiying gunboats turned sharply, trying to avoid the burning debris, but before they could pull the joystick, they were cut to pieces by the demonic debris.

All of a sudden, Draconyon went on a killing spree, no matter whether it was a Titan or an Astartes, almost no existence could stop it.

Every successful hunt will repair the demon's wounds and make it stronger.

However, he still has things that he is afraid of, such as wooden puppets, no matter how he kills them, he will not be able to gain benefits, just like chopping a stone, which is extremely boring.

Another example is a few Primarchs, which make the demons instinctively perceive danger and stay away from them.

Another example is the nun of silence, the black hole of these soulless people is the same as the black stone, as long as the number is large enough, it can be exiled again.

But Draconian is full of confidence. The wooden man is weak and can be ignored. As long as he persists in killing it, one day it will be strong enough to destroy the Primarch and the Sister of Silence.

At this moment, a large number of puppets surrounded and killed the demon, countless lasers focused on it, and the tanks in the distance slowly raised their gun barrels.

The demon sneered, it didn't bother to entangle with the puppet, and disappeared in place in an instant, letting the firepower strike fail.

On the other side of the battlefield, Draconian appeared, ready to start a new round of hunting, but noticed a powerful aura.

Among them is not only the soulless person it hates the most, but also an aura of an old enemy, a target that has been hunted and killed since its birth.

Spiders can weave webs without being taught, and flies can fly without being taught. Every life is born with an innate order.

And Draconian's order is: End the Empire!

And that order told him that as long as he killed the owner of the enemy's breath, he could end the empire and complete the order.

Driven by instinct, the demon did not act as an assassin anymore, but showed his figure in a dignified manner, raised his head to the sky and roared, and killed his old enemy in destiny.

The emperor frowned and clenched his hand gestures tightly. The guards and nun of silence beside him stopped and looked at the monarch suspiciously.

The emperor said: "It's coming, spread out quickly!"

Immediately, a thick lava ray swept across the battlefield, and several Silent Sisters were caught off guard and were swallowed by the thick ray.

Immediately afterwards, a warlord-level Titan broke through the ruins and charged towards the Emperor majestically.

The regiment of ten thousand soldiers of the Forbidden Army is waiting, surrounded by the Silent Sisters, preparing to use the Soulless Domain to imprison the demons and create conditions for the Forbidden Army to kill them.

The devil hates the nuns of silence very much. Just like the puppets, their flesh and blood taste like chewing wax. Killing them will not provide a trace of nutrients, but will be damaged.

As long as they get close to them, the demon will feel a bone-chilling chill, and the essence will be pulled away layer by layer, and the soul will be pulled away, which is completely smaller than the Black Stone Domain.

To demons, the Sister of Silence is a pile of poisonous shit, disgusting and harmful, as the highest priority target.

It was about to move the Titan's barrel, but it was enveloped by the spiritual energy emitted by the Emperor. The next moment, the Titan was completely dismembered and turned into a wreckage.

Sister Silence took the opportunity to bully her, and the Soulless Domain enveloped the demon, making it feel the pain of being exiled by the Black Stone again.

It roared, and the fragments of the wreckage turned into a storm, trying to tear the nun of silence into pieces. Although the nun had strong magic resistance, her physical body was no match for a mortal.

But the next moment, the fragments were immobilized by the emperor's psychic energy, unable to move a single bit. The Forbidden Army took the opportunity to press on, brandishing the guard's spear and the castellan's ax to attack the corrupted titan.

This is the way the Emperor's Claw fights. The Sister of Silence traps the enemy, and the Custodian is responsible for the output, and finally exiles the demon.

With the emperor on the sidelines, Draconian could hardly escape the fate of being exiled again. Without this human special attack, the imperial army could smoothly advance to the gap and start repair work.

However, if nothing else, accidents will happen at this moment.

At this time, beside the emperor, Said reported through the puppet network: "Brother Huang, those rebels have moved and are coming straight in your direction!"

The emperor nodded and said: "I see, can the puppet stop it?"

The puppet shook his head: "I can't stop it. There are only 10 giant soldiers in the local area, but they have to face [-] Astartes, and they can last for [-] minutes at most."

The emperor's tone was calm: "Hold on, reinforcements will be here soon!"

After speaking, with a wave of his hand, a large number of the cursed legion rushed to the distance, but halfway, the cursed legion was blocked by many demons, and the advance was slow.

At this time, the rebels broke through the puppet's line and quickly rushed towards Draconian, but at this time the curse was still entangled by the demon tide.

Said was furious: "This must be the work of the four gods of chaos, they don't want you to destroy Draconian!"

The Emperor closed his eyes, meditated for a few seconds, and with a wave of his hand, two thousand Custodians broke away from the corrupted Titan and lined up in the direction of the rebels.

Compared with space fighters, the Forbidden Army is stronger, enough to be worth a thousand!

However, the first thing they saw was not the rebel army, but a tsunami-like demon tide, and the rebel army was behind them, driving hundreds of millions of cannon fodder.

Said dispatched a large number of planes to bombard and let nearby troops reinforce them, but they were still unable to follow the footsteps of the rebels and the demon tide.

The emperor sighed, waved his hand, and ordered: "Retreat!"

He knew very well that the best time to kill had passed, and after learning from this lesson, the demon would become stronger and more cautious until it grew to match him.

The Emperor's Grasp disengaged and retreated in an orderly manner, but at this moment, Draconian violently rose up, devouring a forbidden soldier, and instantly read the memory of the forbidden soldier.

The Lord of Humanity has only one day, and after one day, he must guard the Golden Throne and cannot enter the Webway.

Then, it will be Draconian's hunting time!

Now it needs to hang on!
 It will be on the shelves tomorrow, please make a first order~
  In addition, the king's recovery is so uncomfortable, but at this time~
  Is this the God Emperor's test...

(End of this chapter)

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