Warhammer: My Brother Is the Emperor.

Chapter 116 Brother Huang, Become a God!

Chapter 116 Brother Huang, Become a God! (Seeking the first order tomorrow!)

On the outskirts of the city of miracles, in an unknown ruin, Lorgar quietly looked at the retreating imperial army, and smiled at the remaining two primarchs:
"Everyone, the Webway project has failed, and the gods have won!"

Mortarion raised his eyebrows: "Why do you see that? There is only one Draconian, but the empire has more troops than Barbarus' poisonous gas. The false emperor must win!"

Perturabo agreed: "That's right, even if you stand still and let it be cut, it will take a whole year to cut, not to mention that as long as you occupy the gap, the false emperor will win!"

Luo Jia smiled proudly: "If that's the case, why does the false emperor need to kill this monster himself?"

"The gods just revealed to me that Draconian's combat power will become stronger with the killing. As long as it keeps fighting, one day it will be comparable to the Primarch or even the False Emperor."

When Perturabo heard this, he turned and left silently. Lorgar asked, "Where are you going?"

Perturabo said calmly: "The false emperor has failed, my battle is over, and it's time for me to do my own thing!"

Mortarion nodded: "This is already an arena for warpspace and false emperors. It has nothing to do with us humans in the materialistic world. I plan to take my children to be free pirates."

"What about you? Perturabo? What are your future plans?"

Perturabo looked at the line of the Imperial Fists from a distance, and said calmly: "I have a debt to settle with Don, take care, my brother!"

After finishing speaking, he headed towards the Dorne front. Lorgar smiled and shook his head: "If you want to go, go, I will stay here for a while!"

Mortarion nodded, and walked alone towards the gap in the webway.

After Draconian regained his freedom, he once again turned into an assassin in the shadows, hunting down the soldiers of the empire, from the mortal auxiliaries to the fighter jets, they all became the souls of the sword.

Gradually, its strength began to skyrocket, unlocking more abilities, and gradually reaching a level comparable to that of the Primarch.

So, it set its sights on Primarch Dorne, just as Perturabo had the same idea.

In the frontline command post, Sigismund reported to Dorn: "Father, Draconian can easily kill our soldiers, but we have nothing to do with it!"

Don said: "Then you can't retreat, you must stick to your position. I will ask His Majesty for instructions and send more reinforcements!"

While speaking, there was a loud noise from a distance, and the violent bombardment covered the Emperor Fist position. Don was taken aback, and asked with a sullen face:
"This firepower...is it Perturabo? He also came to take advantage of the fire!"

The next moment, air reinforcements from the defenders arrived and bombarded the Iron Warriors' positions indiscriminately, successfully suppressing them.

However, the Iron Warrior launched a charge and got mixed up with the Emperor Fist soldiers. Dawn looked gloomy and gritted his teeth:
"This damned traitor, I'm going to cut it down myself!"

After all, he picked up the chainsaw sword and went to the front line to kill, but before he found Perturabo, he ran into Draconian who was hunting alone.

It turned into a big mouth full of sharp teeth, and swallowed Dawn in one gulp. Dawn fought back hastily, using the original body's physical strength to quickly dodge, but was still a step too slow, and half of his body was bitten off.

Dawn's personal guards were not spared, and Draconian, enjoying Dawn's anger and persistence, was ready to give him the final blow.

At this moment, a shell hit the demon. Although it couldn't do any damage, it was enough to attract its attention.

It was the Primarch Golem who came, and behind it, a large number of Krieger Golems charged and overwhelmed it.

Draconian roared angrily. It hated these wooden men who tasted like chewing wax the most.

Every time he sees them, Draconian will stay away from them and avoid fighting as much as possible. This time is no exception. It quickly turned into a shadow and merged into the ground before disappearing.

After beating Draconian away, the puppet reinforcements began to reinforce the Imperial Fist line, beating off the Iron Warriors, and said to Don:

"Your Majesty orders that the Fist of the Empire withdraw to the City of Miracles!"

Although Dawn was seriously injured, he refused to accept it and said: "Why! We almost hit the gap, why retreat!"

The puppet calmly said: "You can't get through the gap, you can ask His Majesty for the specific reason, and execute the order now!"

At the same time, other Primarchs also received orders and began to retreat to the City of Miracles.

In the palace, Said asked puzzledly: "Is Draconian really so powerful? Can he disintegrate the offensive of tens of billions of imperial troops?"

The emperor shook his head helplessly: "It's not how powerful it is, as long as I find it, I can exile it no matter how many times, but time is no longer on our side."

"The wordless oath can only last for one day. After one day, I will have to sit on the Golden Throne, and Draconian will be invincible in it!"

"It can attack the command layer, key nodes, and even enter the throne room, threatening the real universe!"

Said's face was heavy, and Draconian would enter Terra and the real world through the artificial webway, and even attack the Emperor on the throne.

But Said was puzzled: "But Brother Huang, you should have all the troops withdraw, and let the puppet army cover the rear, but why did you retreat to the City of Miracles?"

The emperor said: "If it really gets to that point, the Webway plan will fail. I really don't want to see that scene, so I plan to take the last gamble!"

Said was even more puzzled, guessing: "Are you planning to..."

The emperor said calmly: "I plan to draw Magnus's psionic energy to maintain the psionic barriers and gaps in the Webway!"

Said was startled, and hurriedly dissuaded him: "Farewell, brother, if Magnus is corrupted by Tzeentch, do you know the consequences?"

The emperor calmly said: "Then do you have any other options?"

Said was speechless. He originally wanted to withdraw the human troops and put them all on top of them.

Anyway, the number of puppets is endless, and the Gestalt consciousness does not have the problem of being attacked by the command layer, so it can be consumed slowly with Draconian.

However, its raid on the Throne Hall could not solve the problem. The Emperor on the throne had no power to resist. Once he was gone, the empire would be over, and humanity would be over.

Now Draconian doesn't do that, it's all because he wants to kill more people, accumulate strength, and survive the time limit of one day.

Said was also at a loss, and calmly said: "But we must prepare for the worst. If the webway collapses, we should at least withdraw our troops!"

The emperor waved his hand and said tiredly: "You arrange it, my brother!"

The emperor gave the order, and the imperial army carried out Magnus's stasis box and placed it in the groove next to the throne. The red light of the psyker who made the silent oath has turned red in large swaths, indicating that the psychic power has been drained, and the psyker die.

The emperor ordered the imperial army: "Once the silent oath is exhausted, immediately draw the NO.15 psychic power!"

After all, under Said's worried eyes, the emperor led the main force of the imperial army into the webway, seeking a duel with Draconian.

A day later, the Custodian activated the Psionic Adapter and extracted Magnus's psionic energy. At this moment, the Emperor was still playing hide-and-seek with Draconian in the webway.

Knowing that the Emperor can only stay in the webway for one day, the demons have been avoiding the decisive battle and hiding everywhere.

However, with the extraction of Pony's spiritual energy, the Emperor was able to persist for more time, and Draconian's intelligence failed. Finally, on the third day, he was found by the Emperor and Sister Silence, and the siege began.

This time, there were no rebels to help it out, and it was directly exiled by the nuns.

Said heaved a sigh of relief, looked at the pony's stasis box, and found nothing abnormal, and couldn't help but secretly sighed that he was worrying too much.

However, at the next moment, the webway began to tremble and became violently unstable. In the man-made webway, a wave of spiritual energy gathered out of thin air, forming a huge number "9".

9 is the holy number of Tzeentch, which means that all the psionic energy that maintains the webway at this moment comes from Tzeentch.

In the throne room, blue psychic energy surrounds Magnus' stasis field, a sign of Ascension.

Said immediately yelled: "Quick! Start the extermination program!"

In order to prevent today's scene, Magnus's stasis force field contained an ultimate move capable of killing the devil prince. After the imperial army was activated, there was a wail from the pony.

A gigantic demonic phantom emerges from the stasis chamber and roars silently at Sayed, but Sayed is unmoved because he has been exiled.

The emperor quickly returned to the throne room with a solemn expression. This was not a sign of victory, but the beginning of defeat.

At this moment, the puppet charged towards the demon tide, covering the rapid retreat of the human legion, and Tzeentch's psychic power was rapidly eroding the webway, eliminating the influence of the emperor.

Once it succeeds, destroying the man-made webway is just a thought away.

Said asked: "Brother Huang, is it still useful to sit on the throne now?"

The emperor shook his head with a heavy expression: "It's useless. No matter how powerful my psychic power is, I can't compare to the gods of chaos. In a few hours, the Tzeentch army will pass through the throne room and enter Terra."

"Even if you sit on the throne and reopen the spiritual energy barrier, you are still vulnerable to chaos. We have failed, Said, and humans have failed!"

Said opened his mouth, not knowing what to say, but he didn't want to believe that it would fail, and said:

"We still have an army of tens of billions, and the vast territory of the entire galaxy. We still have enough resources to resist the army of Chaos. We are far from defeated!"

The emperor shook his head and said heavily: "I'm not talking about the present, but the future!"

"Countless civilizations have been like us. The road to ascension is in front of us, but they missed it. I thought that human beings can jump out of this vicious circle, but in the end, they are still the same as them, returning to the origin!"

Said shook his head: "This has nothing to do with us, Brother Huang, as long as you live and continue to fight, you will always get new opportunities!"

The emperor turned around suddenly, focused his eyes on Said, and said:

"Sayed, this war is over. No matter we win or lose, we have been cursed by chaos, and the subspace will become a cancer that cannot be removed by human beings!"

"The empire may be able to survive for a hundred years, a thousand years, and a state of ten thousand years, but it will eventually fade away! The road of light no longer exists, and all we face is darkness!"

Said shook his head and gritted his teeth: "No, it's impossible! We definitely have a way!"

The emperor tilted his head and asked, "No? Then what are your plans, my brother, to use your endless puppets to bring the fate of reincarnation back on the right track?"

Said raised his head, looked directly at the emperor with burning eyes, and said word by word: "My brother, Your Immortal Majesty, you can become a god! Become a god of humans!"

 The emperor is about to become a god~ My loyalty to the emperor has allowed me to temporarily remove the curse of Nurgle, and this chapter is written!
  Save some drafts tonight, ask for a first order tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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