Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 104 Zhang Zhiwei's preaching, the event that shocked Longhushan [Part 1]

Chapter 104 Zhang Zhiwei's preaching, the event that shocked Longhushan [First update]

Lin Huaiyi felt cold all over his body, his clothes were soaked in cold sweat, and he fell into a huge entanglement. He begged for mercy:
"Master, it's not easy for disciples to cultivate!"

"Cultivation is not easy?!"

Zhang Jingqing's face was somber that people couldn't see his expression, and his tone was very cold: "Could it be that in your heart, I am a disciple, and only after practicing these methods of hurting people can it be considered as spiritual practice?"

Hearing this, Lin Huaiyi burst into tears, and fell to his knees, crying so hard that he couldn't make a sound.

Zhang Jingqing's expression softened, and he said, "Looking at your posture, you chose the first path, right?"

"Master, I still call you Master!"

Lin Huaiyi cried and said: "It's just that after you abolished me, I really can't guarantee that I can still be willing to worship under your sect. But now, you are still my master, my most respected master, what you gave me, if you If you want to take it back, then take it back!"

"Okay, then I'll do it!"

Zhang Jingqing put his hand on Zhang Huaiyi's head and said, "Are you wronged?"


Lin Huaiyi cried like a child, and when he thought of these years of hard work day and night, he had finally achieved some results, and it was about to be discarded, and he was destroyed by his most respected master, he cried even more sadly .

"It's right to be wronged. In this world, how can there be anything that is not wronged?"

After finishing speaking, Zhang Jingqing patted Zhang Huaiyi on the head.

Lin Huaiyi stopped crying and fell to the ground. Immediately afterwards, he was held under the arm by Zhang Jingqing and brought back to Longhu Mountain.


At the same time, after Zhang Zhiwei came out, he first found Tian Jinzhong who was sulking.

"Brother, you went too far before, you used me as a hidden weapon!"

The little fan said angrily, anyone who just got up and stretched himself will not be happy when he is thrown out as a hidden weapon and throws all kinds of meat and vegetables.

"Didn't you see that Master was chasing me earlier?" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"You provoked the master yourself, what does it matter if the master wants to beat you?!" Tian Jinzhong said.

"Good boy, I don't talk about the friendship of the same family at all. I only know that I share the blessings, but I don't know that I share the difficulties. Why didn't you say that it didn't matter to you when I took you down the mountain?" Zhang Zhiwei said.

Tian Jinzhong glanced at Zhang Zhiwei's slightly swollen eye sockets, and immediately felt balanced: "Senior brother is right, so let's not be an example!"

Zhang Zhiwei said: "Okay, let's get down to business. Although I sacrificed you as a hidden weapon earlier, it was actually a kind of test. I wanted to test the thickness of your golden light. Judging from the test situation, your golden light is not as good as it is now." In terms of strength, it is still possible."

"Isn't this what you have been saying all the time, brother? When practicing the golden light mantra, don't focus on the golden light, but on the improvement of life by the golden light mantra." Tian Jinzhong said.

"Yes, this cannot be forgotten at all. At any time, the improvement of life needs to be the first priority, but after the cultivation of life reaches a certain level, it is necessary to consider improving the application of golden light and improving the means of protection. .”

Zhang Zhiwei said: "Senior brother has gained a new understanding of the Golden Light Mantra in the past few days of retreat. Let me demonstrate it to you!"

Speaking of Zhang Zhiwei, with a thought, he executed the golden light spell, and a thick golden light suddenly burst out from his body, and it became more and more intense, turning into a rolling golden wave, almost pressing in front of Tian Jinzhong.

Tian Jinzhong suddenly opened his eyes wide, filled with golden light, everything in the world seemed to lose its color.

But this feeling was only for a moment, the golden wave disappeared as soon as it was released, and disappeared without a trace, only senior brother Zhang with his head held up and smiling in front of him.

"This... senior brother... what's going on?"

Tian Jinzhong said incoherently: "How did your golden light become like this? Under your golden light, I feel my own insignificance, like a drop in the ocean, not worth mentioning!"

Zhang Zhiwei smiled and said: "This is what I want to tell you today. The Golden Light Mantra is in our Tianshi Mansion. Although it is only an introductory exercise that everyone knows, it is the essence of Taoism, one of the eight great mantras, and the "Tao" contained in it There are a lot of 'and' reasoning."

"It's like a blank piece of paper, you can draw whatever you want, and everyone can understand it. Although everyone's Golden Light Curse looks the same, there are huge differences in details. Some people's Golden Light is better than physical defense. Very strong, some people's golden light is very aggressive, and some people's golden light is good at controlling, why does this happen?"

"It is because the Golden Light Mantra enhances our 'life', and the golden light is an external manifestation of our 'life', the intensity of the golden light is the embodiment of our 'life', the nature of the golden light, the characteristics of the golden light are The embodiment of our 'sexuality'."

"So look at yourself clearly, find out your 'sexual' characteristics, and then integrate this characteristic into your golden light. Not only will the application of golden light be more handy, but the power of golden light will also be multiplied."

"Integrate your personality into the golden light, and put your own unique label on your own golden light..." Tian Jinzhong recalled the golden wave he felt just now, and said quickly:

"The characteristic of your golden light, brother, is that you despise everything like the boundless sea?"

Immediately, he suddenly realized: "Senior brother, no wonder Master always says you are crazy. I never thought you were crazy before, but now I feel the nature of your golden light. Master, his old man's vision is really unique!"

"Hmm, this is just the superficial appearance, an illusion caused by the huge gap between you and me!" Zhang Zhiwei said seriously.

"Is that so? By the way, brother, after incorporating the characteristics of 'sex' into the golden light, the power of the golden light will multiply. So how strong is your current golden light?"

Little fan Tian Jinzhong still cared about his senior brother's strength, so he said hastily.

"Well..." Zhang Zhiwei looked up at the sky, stroked his chin and said, "Did you see the picture of me taking my master's exam this morning?"

"I saw it, not only did I see it, I also intervened!" Tian Jinzhong said in a low tone, "You even sacrificed me as a hidden weapon."

"Hmm, hidden weapons are not important, the important thing is that during the school examination, I split Master's thunder method with golden light!"

Zhang Zhiwei said with an inscrutable expression: "Tell me, how powerful is my golden light?!"

"Using golden light to split thunder? And it's Master's thunder, this...isn't incredible..."

The little fan stared wide-eyed, and stars appeared in his eyes. Who in Longhu Mountain doesn't know the power of the five thunders?

Whether it is the five yang thunders or the five yin thunders, they are more powerful than the golden light curse, especially the fierce and fierce yang five thunders, it is impossible for the golden light to stop them at the same level of cultivation.

But the senior brother actually used the golden light to break the master's lightning method, which is like a fairy tale.

Although the master must have put water in the school exam, but no matter what, the strength of senior brother Jin Guang is beyond doubt.

For a moment, the little fan's admiration for his senior was like the water of the Yellow River, and he said quickly:

"Brother, I want to learn too, so please teach me!"

Zhang Zhiwei grinned and said: "Don't praise the basic exercises, don't praise the basic exercises, after all, senior brother is a little older than you, it's normal to be stronger, I will tell you about my experience now, and see if you can grasp it... "

Immediately, Zhang Zhiwei began to preach to Tian Jinzhong.

And while he was speaking, a few more juniors came over and saw the two of them talking, so they came over to say hello.

"Brother Zhiwei, Jinzhong, what are you doing?"

Zhang Zhiwei stopped preaching, turned his head and said hello: "No reason, just guide the practice of the younger brother!"

"Brother Zhiwei, you are still secretly giving Jinzhong a small fire. It's not kind. I don't know how to call the big guy to listen. By the way, what's wrong with your face? Who hurt you?"

One of the juniors said with a look of surprise.

Oops... Zhang Zhiwei said badly in his heart. His master was under the test, and his face was still bruised and purple. He was too busy to appease Tian Jinzhong before, but he didn't have time to deal with it.

Hearing this, the big-mouthed Tian Jinzhong next to him wanted to speak, Zhang Zhiwei quickly held down his dog's head, and said calmly:

"Who can hurt me? It's all an accident. Last night, when I was studying self-created kung fu, something went wrong with my Xing Qi. The Yangming large intestine meridian in my hand was blocked, and my face was swollen. I laughed at it!"

Tian Jinzhong: "..."

All the brothers: "..."

For a moment, everyone was a little dumbfounded.

That junior subconsciously said: "But...that won't make the eye circles turn blue!"

You really don't have any eyesight, which pot can't be opened and which pot to lift, right?Be careful to beat you into a pig's head...

Zhang Zhiwei complained in his heart, but said seriously:

"Your senior brother, after all, how much older you are, my cultivation base in the past few years, naturally there are some mysteries!"

Many senior brothers: "..."

Tian Jinzhong: "..."

That junior glanced at the hand on Tian Jinzhong's head, then at Tian Jinzhong who was constipated, wisely he didn't ask further questions, nodded, and said:
"Ah...hehe, it turns out that's the case. I'm being superficial. By the way, what are you guys talking about? Why don't you let the juniors listen too!"

"Okay, everyone is a family, so you don't need to see outsiders. After I teach Jinzhong, I will teach you too!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

Regarding things like preaching, Zhang Zhiwei never hides his clumsiness, he preaches whatever he wants, anyway, everyone doesn't learn as fast as him.

And at this time, Tian Jinzhong, a little fan next to him, looked very proud and said excitedly:

"Then you have to listen carefully. What Senior Brother Zhang is going to teach today is incredible. After learning the unique application of golden light, the power will be multiplied. Senior Brother even used golden light to break Master's thunder method!!"

Zhang Zhiwei: "..."

"Ah, what's the situation, Jinzhong, what you said just now is that senior brother Zhiwei used the thunder method...to break the golden light of the master, right?"

The junior student suspected that he had heard wrongly earlier.

"Is there something wrong with your ears?" The little fan said angrily, "It's not the elder brother who used the lightning method to destroy the master's golden light, but the senior brother who used the golden light to destroy the master's thunder method."

"I'll go, true or false."

"Presumably Jinzhong didn't dare to joke about Master, it's probably true, hurry up, tell me in detail!"

"This is amazing, let's talk about it in detail..."

"No wonder the face was swollen from the beating. It turned out that Master lost face."



And when Zhang Zhiwei was preaching to his brothers and sisters.

Lin Huaiyi jumped up from the bed and looked around in a daze.

Immediately afterwards, he recalled the previous conversation with the master, and quickly checked his cultivation.


A golden light shot out from the palm.

Looking at this golden light, Lin Huaiyi felt inexplicably lost and found again, and wept with joy on the spot.


The door opened, and Zhang Jingqing walked in with some steamed buns, glanced sideways at the crying and laughing apprentice, and said lightly:

"It's alright, it's alright, how big is it, and it's like a three-year-old child, crying and laughing!"

Lin Huaiyi wiped tears: "Master, you are not."

"Huaiyi, I want to ask you something for my teacher!"

"Master, tell me!"

"Would you really rather have my means withdrawn than stay in Tianshi Mansion, or"

Zhang Jingqing narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at Lin Huaiyi: "Or did you figure it out that I didn't really want to abolish you, but came back because of ulterior motives?"

Want to tell the truth? Lin Huaiyi was stunned. After struggling for a moment, he knelt in front of Zhang Jingqing, kowtowed a few times, and said sincerely:

"Master, I said...all of them, do you believe me?"

"Are there any?"

Zhang Jingqing pondered for a moment, but there were mixed emotions in her heart, she couldn't tell what she was feeling, a little surprised, but it was reasonable.

"Master, there is no Huaiyi's home outside. I regard Master and my brothers as fathers and brothers. Longhushan is my home. Huaiyi has nowhere to go. Huaiyi really doesn't want to leave Longhushan!"

Lin Huaiyi revealed his true feelings, knocked his head on the ground, and said:

"Huiyi does have his own calculations. Over the years, it is indeed my big mistake to deceive Master and hide his fellow disciples, but you are definitely not the person who will kill your disciples just because of this kind of thing!"

"Hui Yi asked himself, apart from this, he has never done anything wrong to the teacher, and you are not the one who would believe rumors and impose punishments indiscriminately."

"That's why Huaiyi boldly guessed. The master's move is to test the disciple for some reason!"

Yes, this is Lin Huaiyi's confidence to come back.

After escaping yesterday, he was wandering down the mountain alone, feeling that there was nothing to support him, the sky and the earth were big, but there was no place for him to stay. Only then did he face up to his feelings for Longhu Mountain, and it turned out that he couldn't leave.

Afterwards, he thought about it carefully, how could such a good person as Master be disabled just because of this reason?

If he is really so moody, then senior brother Zhang Zhiwei will be demoted at least eight hundred times.

There must be a reason for the abnormality, so he dared to go back to Longhu Mountain to gamble.

Zhang Jingqing didn't refute, nodded and said: "That's right, it's well-founded, it's true, but you're so smart, so what do you think I'm testing you for?"

"Disciple doesn't know!"

"Then let me ask you again, why did you hide yourself from me and other disciples?"

Zhang Jingqing returned the topic to the original contradiction.

"Disciple... I really didn't mean to deceive Master and fellow disciples on purpose..."

Lin Huaiyi said: "Disciple... There is no special reason... I just want to not be so showy, I want to keep a low profile!"

As he spoke, Lin Huaiyi recalled the past: "Master, you know about me. Back then, my disciple was ignorant. If it wasn't because of my publicity, how could it have brought disaster to the whole family? Because of my publicity, my disciple killed the whole family. Life!"

The past is vivid in my mind, the scene where the family was burned, and the whole family had no bones left, reappeared in my mind again, Lin Huaiyi cried bitterly:

"Since then, I don't want to attract the attention of others anymore. I really don't have any sinister intentions, Master!"

Hearing this, Zhang Jingqing was moved with compassion, nodded and said:

"I know all of this. In fact, if I really find out that you have a dirty mind, I don't need to test you."

"A few years ago, I have been observing you since the first time I found out that you were practicing secretly. In fact, since then, my test for you has already begun, but you failed."

Lin Huaiyi was stunned: "What test? The disciple didn't notice it at all?!"

Zhang Jingqing shook his head. This little apprentice is usually very shrewd, but he gets confused at critical moments.

In contrast, Zhang Zhiwei usually plays around, but rarely loses the chain at critical moments.

"I just didn't do anything, but this is the test!" Zhang Jingqing said: "My teacher treats you with sincerity. All these years, I just hope that you can no longer hide anything from my teacher?"

"Even if it's not for being a teacher, it's fine for anyone on the mountain. You can let anyone on the mountain know about you, and being a teacher will count as your passing."

"As a result, you have concealed it from everyone all these years, even Tian Jinzhong, who has the best relationship with you, you can hide it!"

Zhang Jingqing stared at Lin Huaiyi.

Lin Huaiyi bowed his head deeply and had nothing to say.

(End of this chapter)

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