Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 105 Huaiyi's Ambition [Part 2]

Chapter 105 Huaiyi's Ambition 【Second Update】

"Come with me, it's been so many years, I don't want to wait any longer, I know your experience, that's why I have this second test!"

Zhang Jingqing got up and walked out of the room, Lin Huaiyi hurriedly followed.

The two came to the back mountain.

Zhang Jingqing walked with her hands behind her back and said, "This test is nothing else... I just want to see your true face in this desperate situation!"

Lin Huaiyi followed silently without saying a word.

Zhang Jingqing continued: "Based on my observation of you, I was not surprised that you fought back against me yesterday. However, you didn't make any excuses, but ran away directly. I really didn't expect it. I was very disappointed at the time, but with With your current means, it is not a problem to survive outside."

"But you went and came back, which surprised me even more. Although you guessed my intentions and came back with your own wishful thinking. But you are still willing to take the risk of giving up your life's cultivation. We must stay in Longhushan."

Zhang Jingqing stared deeply at Lin Huaiyi: "It's rare, Huaiyi, this is the first time you have shown your true nature in front of Master in so many years."

"Master, this disciple is wrong!"

Lin Huaiyi lowered his head in shame, feeling that he was ashamed of his master and senior brothers. They treated him like a son like a brother, but he was always on guard against them.

"This test, although it is not satisfactory, but I will force you to pass!"

Zhang Jingqing turned around, turned her back to Lin Huaiyi, and said slowly: "The talent is passed, and the character is barely passed, so as a reward, from today on, I will teach you the five thunders as a teacher!"


Hearing this news, Lin Huaiyi was taken aback. The five thunders are the most profound spell in Tianshi Mansion, and it is also one of the most profound spells in the alien world.

Generally speaking, if you practice the five thunders, you will have the opportunity to become a celestial master. Usually, when senior brother Zhang Zhiwei practices kung fu, he is often pulled by Tian Jinzhong to wait and see. Had the idea of ​​stealing lessons.

But Wu Lei's Fa-rectification is profound, and no one taught it, so it was impossible to learn it. Gradually, he gave up this idea, and occasionally experienced eye addiction, but he didn't expect that Master planned to teach him today?
Lin Huaiyi looked at Master in disbelief, and exclaimed:
"Ah, is that so? Master, is this the test that our disciples must pass before practicing Leifa? Has your brother also experienced it?"

"Other people don't have this kind of test, it's only for you, Huaiyi!" Celestial Master Zhang Jingqing said meaningfully.

"Ah?!" Lin Huaiyi was puzzled.

"Because you have a thief in your heart!" Zhang Jingqing pointed at Lin Huaiyi, and said word by word: "A thief can't see light, a thief has the most righteous ideas, a thief is also the most daring, and a thief is the least courageous."

"Master, this disciple realizes his mistake, and this disciple must make up his mind!" Lin Huaiyi hurriedly bowed his head to admit his mistake.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not hurting you. Of course, I'm not praising you. This is just your characteristic. A thief is just a tool for you!"

Celestial Master Zhang Jingqing said: "As for whether it will become your advantage or your disadvantage, it depends on how you use it in the future!"

"So if you want to achieve something along the way in your practice, what you should be most wary of is not other people's eyes, but your own."

"By the way, Huai Yi, I understand that your experience made you hide yourself, but is that really the only reason?" Zhang Jingqing asked back.

"Uh..." Lin Huaiyi was a little embarrassed.

"Speak! Are you still unwilling to be honest?" Zhang Jingqing squinted at him, squinting at him: "I understand you hiding, but I can't explain why you are so ruthless in private work!"

"Master, this is not a matter of being frank or not." Lin Huaiyi said hesitantly, "It's just that I said this, as if there is some gap between me and other senior brothers!"

After a pause, he said again: "Actually, I just feel that I really have nothing to let everyone know about my trivial means."

"Small means? Judging from my temptation yesterday, few of your peers can match your strength." Zhang Jingqing said.

Lin Huaiyi didn't speak, his face was silent.

Zhang Jingqing understood in an instant: "So that's the case... because there are still people above you, right? You are very ambitious. Either you don't show off the mountains or the water, or you want to be the number one?"

Lin Huaiyi was a little embarrassed and said: "Master, actually I know that I am wrong in thinking this way, but Wen Wu is the first and Wu Wu is the second. Everyone has learned about the same, so there is no need for rehearsal."

"If I compete, I will definitely suffer. In this case, why bother? It's better to hide your strength and watch from the sidelines. Anyway, watching from the sidelines can improve and improve your eyesight."

"You suffer? How could you suffer?"

Zhang Jingqing said angrily: "According to my observation, even if among your senior brothers, there is no one who can win against you, I don't think there is anyone except Zhang Zhiwei."

Speaking of this, Zhang Jingqing suddenly said: "Oh! I understand, so Zhang Zhiwei is the reason why you hide yourself but work hard in secret?"

Lin Huaiyi nodded: "You are right, the disciple's mood problem is indeed because of Senior Brother Zhiwei!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Huaiyi let out a long breath. After saying these words buried in his heart, he felt much better.

Zhang Jingqing looked at the apprentice who was frank, he hesitated to speak, he did not object to the strengthening of the spirit of competition between the disciples, this is a good thing, there is competition to make progress.

Zhang Zhiwei is so defiant because no one of his peers competes with him. He has always wanted to find a whetstone for Zhang Zhiwei. Yesterday's test of Lin Huaiyi did not lack this thought.

But after this morning, Zhang Jingqing completely gave up on this idea. She didn’t look for it, and she couldn’t find it. Judging from the previous school examination situation, let alone the younger generation, there are many older generations. I’m afraid none of them are Zhang Zhiwei. opponent.

As the saying goes, if the skill is high, it means that it is infinitely high. Before Zhang Zhiwei's Golden Light Curse broke through, Zhang Jingqing wanted to deal with him, not to mention that it was easy, but it was not difficult anyway.

But if it is higher than this line, it will take a lot of effort to make it right. If you don't pay attention, the situation like picking up Tian Jinzhong before will appear.

Moreover, this is just breaking through the realm, and the cultivation base has not yet matched the realm.

Because, although Zhang Zhiwei has stepped into the realm of the inner sage and the outer king, but only after reaching the realm, the disputes over the mutual generation and restraint of the five elements in the small world in his body have not stopped.

Once he started to "govern the country" and began to intervene in it, reduce the internal friction of various parts of the body, let the various units of the body stop fighting and exert energy in one place, then his cultivation base would enter a period of rapid improvement.

And when he finished his promotion and his cultivation reached the bottleneck again... Zhang Jingqing reckoned that even if he was competing with him for the school exams, he would have to work hard, otherwise he might capsize in the gutter .

So when he learned that Lin Huaiyi had always regarded Zhang Zhiwei as an opponent and a target, it was a bit difficult for him as a master.

This difficulty is not because they are worried about the brothers killing each other, but because of Zhang Zhiwei, Lin Huaiyi has been dormant all this time. He wants to show his strength after surpassing Zhang Zhiwei.

But judging from the current situation, it is almost impossible to go beyond, even if he has a small stove and personally guides it.

Could it be that Lin Huaiyi wants to hide his strength for the rest of his life? !
But if you say bluntly, don't think about it, it will be difficult for you to surpass in this life, then it won't work, it will destroy this kid's Dao heart.

Zhang Jingqing thought for a moment, and said: "You are still young, and it is right to have ideals. As a master, I should support you. As a teacher, I can only raise a few points about your psychological problems, and you have to solve them yourself, but your means, You can give me advice as a teacher, but as for whether you can catch up with Zhang Zhiwei, it depends on your own luck!"

Hearing this, Lin Huaiyi looked resolute: "Master, this disciple will not be weaker than others throughout his life, and this disciple has confidence!"

Looking at Lin Huaiyi's eyes, Zhang Jingqing frowned, and thought to himself, what was hiding was not a mouse, but a sword.

If Zhang Zhiwei is a sword without a scabbard, its sharpness can be distinguished at a glance.

That Lin Huaiyi is a sword with a sheath, usually does not see the sharpness, and when he sees it, he wants to "kill".

And the one he wanted to "kill" was Zhang Zhiwei, so he couldn't pull it out.

In the end, Zhang Jingqing still didn't point it out. He planned to let Zhang Zhiwei be Lin Huaiyi's sharpening stone and his goal.

After Lin Huaiyi's strength has improved to a certain level, at a suitable time, arrange for the two of them to compete to break the gap, so that Lin Huaiyi can face up to the obsession in his heart, break through the barriers in his mind, and have a great understanding.

Although this move is a bit risky, after all, Zhang Zhiwei's whetstone is a bit hard, and it may grind Lin Huaiyi's knife off.

But Zhang Jingqing is still somewhat sure, he can't break Zhang Zhiwei's state of mind, can't he break Lin Huaiyi's?


But at this moment, whetstone Zhang Zhiwei sent away a group of fellow apprentices, returned to his tent, and started his own practice.

Zhang Zhiwei closed his eyes, meditated for a moment, and saw a small white ball sitting cross-legged in the innate fire and gold qi in the Jiang Palace.

The little white ball had a green head and a white body, surrounded by lightning, and when it saw the giant face descending from the sky, it suddenly trembled, and fear flashed across its golden pupils.

And this trace of fear was noticed by Zhang Zhiwei at a glance.

Moreover, because the heart ape is the form of the heart, he also heard his heart say:
"Oops, this big face is here again. I just condensed myself and recovered a little bit of energy. Could it be that he came to burn me?!"

(End of this chapter)

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