Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 108 Zhang Jingqing's arrangement, born early

Chapter 108 Zhang Jingqing's arrangement, born early

Zhang Zhiwei practiced for a whole afternoon.

In the middle of the night, Zhang Zhiwei finished his practice and was planning to go to the Zhaitang to get some food.

Tian Jinzhong and Lin Huaiyi ran over cheerfully.

Both of them were carrying things in their hands, Tian Jinzhong was carrying a roast chicken, and Lin Huaiyi was carrying a small jar.

"Brother, do you see what we brought you? The more you eat the roast chicken and wine, the more delicious it is, hahaha!"

From a long distance away, Tian Jinzhong yelled.

"Hey, what day is it today? Is there such a good thing?"

Zhang Zhiwei greeted him, took a look, and said with a smile: "It's roast chicken, wine, and peanuts. Where did you get the money?"

"Hehehe..." Tian Jinzhong said with a smile, "Everyone has a share in Huaiyi's treat."

"Everyone has a share? Why shouldn't Huaiyi bleed a lot?"

Zhang Zhiwei looked at Lin Huaiyi in surprise. It's rare. Although this kid never takes advantage of others on weekdays, others don't want to take advantage of him. Why are you thinking about treating him today?

"What is the bleeding? Look at what Senior Brother said," Lin Huaiyi said sullenly, "This is the money I picked up, so don't feel bad about spending it!"

In fact, he was so distressed that it was all the hard-earned money he had saved for several years, and it was ruined in one day!

Seeing Lin Huaiyi's pained look, Zhang Zhiwei knew in his heart that he must have been taught a lesson by his master and embezzled the small treasury. In this way, the master should have been teaching him the method of thunder.

However, Zhang Zhiwei didn't care about this, he never regarded Lin Huaiyi as an opponent, even Lin Huaiyi could learn the thunder method, and he was behind the push.

"Huaiyi, there are only so few people on our mountain, you picked up the money and treated it with such a big fanfare, aren't you afraid that the owner will come to you?" Zhang Zhiwei teased.

Lin Huaiyi endured the pain in his heart: "Then there's no way to find the door, it's all in the stomach of the big guy."

Tian Jinzhong said nonchalantly: "It's not a big deal. I have agreed with the other seniors. If the benefactor comes to find me, then everyone will pool money together to make up for it. If no one comes to the door, forget it!"

"It's true!" Zhang Zhiwei laughed, looking at Lin Huaiyi, "If you have any difficulties in the future, whether it is in life or in practice, you can come to me!"

Hearing this, Lin Huaiyi's heart warmed up, and he didn't feel distressed anymore, and said with a smile:

"Thank you brother, if there is trouble, I will definitely not see you!"

"They're all seniors, so what are you talking about?" Zhang Zhiwei took the roast chicken, tore off a chicken leg, stuffed it into his mouth, and said while chewing, "Do you two want to eat some more together?"

Tian Jinzhong rubbed his hands and said, "Eat the roast chicken yourself. We have eaten it before. We will accompany you to drink some wine and eat some peanuts!"

"I can't tell, you guys still have the potential to be a drunkard?"

Zhang Zhiwei turned around and took several big bowls. He drank in big bowls and ate meat in big pieces. The two juniors drank in big bowls and ate peanuts in small bites.

"By the way, brother, there have been a lot of refugees at the foot of the mountain recently. I heard from them that wars are happening everywhere now, and people everywhere are living in dire straits. I don't know what's going on?"

After drinking some wine, Tian Jinzhong talked the most, and began to talk about what he saw and heard when he went down the mountain this time.

"It seems to be because someone died, let's fight for power!"

Lin Huaiyi took over the conversation. The information on the mountain was too underdeveloped, and he was immersed in cultivation, and he had only a half-knowledge about the things down the mountain.

Zhang Zhiwei thought for a while, took out a Dayang from his pocket, and blew on Dayang, "buzzing" Dayang vibrated and made a crisp sound.

"It's not bad now, but in the future, the world will become more and more chaotic!"

"It's getting more and more chaotic?!" Tian Jinzhong said, "It's impossible to mess up our Longhu Mountain, as long as the big guys are okay!"

It's a mess, your limbs are all messed up... Zhang Zhiwei knocked on Tian Jinzhong's head and said:
"You should practice hard. Let's not talk about whether Longhu Mountain is chaotic or not. When the world is in chaos, has our Taoist sect ever been a coward? Then maybe we will go down the mountain with our swords on our backs and save the common people. Don't hold back! "

"Don't worry, I definitely won't."

Halfway through Tian Jinzhong's speech, a rough voice interrupted him:

"It must not be so?"

The three turned their heads to look.

I saw Zhang Jingqing standing on the roof, looking down at the three people below.

Master, why are you peeping at every turn? It's the same as those class teachers who like to peek in the cat's eye hole. Zhang Zhiwei complained in his heart.

"I will definitely not lose. Lose our Longhushan's face!" Tian Jinzhong stammered and finished speaking.

"Why don't you practice hard and come here to eat chicken and drink?" Zhang Jingqing said angrily, "You two brothers are practicing secretly, and you are the only one who has fun with them all day long!"

"Huh?" Tian Jinzhong looked at Zhang Zhiwei and Lin Huaiyi incredulously. He knew that the senior brother practiced hard. Was Huaiyi also doing private work?
Zhang Zhiwei drank with a smile, Lin Huaiyi looked at the sky at 45 degrees.

"Go back to practice now, go back now"

Jiu Zhuang was cowardly, and after drinking, Tian Jinzhong became a little more courageous, saying that he would go back, but his hand didn't stop, he picked up the bowl, and drank it all in one gulp, punishment is punishment, the wine can't be wasted.

Then he touched a handful of peanuts and took a peek at the master, seeing his face darken, he felt bad, and hurriedly ran away.

"That little bastard!"

Zhang Jingqing cursed with a smile, and said to Lin Huaiyi: "You also go back to practice first, I will talk to your senior brother about something!"

"Yes, Master!"

Lin Huaiyi got up and saluted, then turned and left.

"What's the matter, master, it's quite mysterious, uh, would you like some?"

Zhang Zhiwei handed over the other big chicken drumstick, and he ate one at the beginning. He planned to save this one for the last one.

Zhang Jingqing glanced at it, took it and ate it. As a master, why be polite to an apprentice, he said while eating:

"Zhiwei, you will be eighteen after August [-]th this year, right?"

"Yes!" Zhang Zhiwei nodded.

Zhang Jingqing said: "I'm almost an adult, and I can't continue to have fun on the mountain anymore. I'm going to arrange you to be in charge of some sect affairs!"

As a big faction in the alien world, Tianshi Mansion naturally doesn't just rely on rent collection for a living, but also takes on some jobs, such as exorcising evil spirits, watching Feng Shui, fortune-telling, demons and demons...

Among them, practice and exorcism accounted for the majority. After all, they are Taoists, and they should not forget their old profession.

Previously, Zhang Jingqing had discussed with Lao Gao Gong and Zhang Yi for a while on how to arrange Zhang Zhiwei.

In the end, Zhang Jingqing gave up the idea of ​​letting Zhang Zhiwei not have to cultivate, practice in the world, and refine his mind in the world of mortals.

I chose to accept Zhang Yi's second proposal - to let Zhang Zhiwei enter a semi-communicative state, usually sitting in Longhu Mountain, and he can go out of the mountain and join the WTO if he has a mission.

In this way, Zhang Zhiwei will not be completely out of sight, he can still be taken care of by the sect, and at the same time he can go out to practice, killing two birds with one stone.

Now, Zhang Jingqing came to Zhang Zhiwei just to talk about this matter.

"No problem, Master has any arrangements, just ask!" Zhang Zhiwei agreed very simply.

Regarding what Zhang Jingqing said, Zhang Zhiwei didn't have any opinion, and didn't think too much about it. This is quite normal.

Zongmen is not a welfare home. It raises you up, provides you with food and drink, and imparts your skills. When it's time to repay, you still have to repay.

However, Zhang Zhiwei was a little surprised that he was arranged to intervene in the sect's affairs now.

Because it deviates from the plot.

If Zhang Zhiwei remembers correctly, in the original plot, the old heavenly master seems to have been staying in Longhu Mountain to clean up, teaching skills on behalf of the master, teaching the skills of the disciples, and rarely coming out of the mountain.

The only time I went out of the mountain for a long time was after a sparring with Lin Huaiyi.

In that sparring session, Zhang Jingqing seriously underestimated Zhang Zhiwei's strength. Even though he wasted a lot of practice time teaching art on behalf of his teacher, Zhang Zhiwei's progress in strength was still terrifying. Lin Huaiyi used all means, and he could parry it casually.

Later, under Lin Huaiyi's strong request, he became a little more serious.In the end, with one move, Lin Huaiyi was beaten unconscious.

After waking up, Lin Huaiyi told Zhang Jingqing with a look of lovelessness, and asked Zhang Jingqing to fight Zhang Zhiwei while he was still able to beat Zhang Zhiwei. Maybe in two or three years, he would not be able to beat Zhang Zhiwei.

So far, the great plan of Tianshi Zhang Jingqing to train his disciples has completely gone bankrupt.

Zhang Jingqing had nothing to do with this apprentice, so she chose to drive Zhang Zhiwei down the mountain, so that he could go to the world of mortals to practice as a market peddler without supernatural powers.

And this so-called experience, in fact, did not have any effect.

Because Zhang Zhiwei ran down the mountain, he didn't do things down-to-earth at all, but went to be a charlatan.


Originally, I was supposed to be teaching on behalf of the teacher on the mountain, but now I have to go out on business. The development of things has gone awry!
Zhang Zhiwei thought to himself: However, it may not be a good thing. In a few years, the war will start, and there will be no eggs under the overturned nest. If you enter the world and practice early, you can also make arrangements early.



"Isn't it very straightforward to agree, so you're not nervous at all?" Zhang Jingqing said in surprise.

"Master is worried about my safety?"

"I'm worried about you? I'm worried that you will go out and cause trouble!" Zhang Jingqing said angrily.

"How can it be?" Zhang Zhiwei said with a sneer, "Don't worry about me doing things?"

Although he said so, Zhang Jingqing still instructed: "Don't think that you are showing off your power on Longhu Mountain, but you can continue to show off your power when you go down the mountain."

"The rivers and lakes under this mountain are different from those on the mountain. There are many intrigues and deceptions. You must know that people's hearts are separated from the belly, and the heart of others is indispensable. You must remember it."

"Also, pay more attention to your surroundings, pay more attention to the attitude of the people around you towards you, don't keep your eyes on your forehead every day, and everyone looks like a chicken and a dog..."

Zhang Jingqing, like a long-winded old man, babbled for a while, then waved his hand: "Go and watch the report, the teacher is already there to say hello."

"Yes! Master!"

Zhang Zhiwei immediately got up and went to Zhengyiguan in front of Longhu Mountain.

The so-called Zhengyiguan is actually a part of Tianshifu.

Compared with the Tianshi Mansion under the control of the company in later generations, the current Tianshi Mansion is much larger.

Including the surrounding Shangqing Town, it is all owned by Tianshi Mansion, occupying more than tens of thousands of acres of fertile land, and has countless tenants.

There are three Taoist temples in Longhu Mountain in Tianshifu, namely Zhengyiguan, Dashangqing Palace, and Dazhenrenfu.

Among them, Dazhen Man's Mansion, also known as Sihan Tianshi's Mansion, or Tianshi's Mansion for short, is where Zhang Zhiwei is now. This is the place where Tianshi and his disciples live.

The Dashangqing Palace, which is two miles away from the Tianshi Mansion, is the place where major pujas are held. Activities such as the conferment of scriptures by the disciples of the sect and the holding of the Luotian Dajiao are held there.

As for Zhengyiguan, it is located in front of Longhu Mountain, which is regarded as the office of Tianshi Mansion. Pilgrims offer incense to pray for blessings, ask people to exorcise evil spirits, and so on, that's where they go.

Zhang Zhiwei was in charge of some sect affairs, so he had to go there to report.

(End of this chapter)

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