Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 109: Appointment to work, news from the Gao family, Japanese pirates

Chapter 109: A second job, news from Gao’s family, and Japanese pirates’ movements
Longhu Mountain, just one view.

Zhengyiguan is a symbol of Zhengdao's ancestral home, with extraordinary origins.

It is said that in the Eastern Han Dynasty, the ancestor Tianshi Zhang Daoling led his disciples to Yunjin Mountain to refine the Nine Heavens God Pill, and when the pill was formed, the dragon and the tiger met, and Yunjin Mountain was renamed Longhu Mountain.

On the other hand, it is the place where Zhang Daoling made alchemy back then.

When Zhang Zhiwei came to Zhengyiguan, he saw hundreds of candles as thick as a child's arm burning in front of him, the sound of scriptures and Dharma bells were intertwined, and countless pilgrims walked through it, all of them looked devout.

Not far away, the main hall with gray tiles and white walls is simple and elegant, majestic and proud.

Zhang Zhiwei is no stranger to this place. Anyway, it is his own dojo. He walked over, said hello, and entered the temple.

"Uncles, I'm here to report!"

Zhang Zhiwei waved his hand and said.

In front of him, there was a long table surrounded by several high-level mages wearing robes, all of them were Zhang Jingqing's juniors.

"Zhiwei, tell me, how did you offend your master? Don't you pretend to be a disciple with a surname, baby, don't you just leave the mountain easily, and sit in the Tianshi Mansion and Dashangqingguan? This time, the senior brother unexpectedly It's so strange to assign you to Zhengyiguan!"

One of the elders, Gao Gong, said with a smile.

Zhang Zhiwei, a celebrity in the Tianshi Mansion, is second to none among the younger generation, and the veterans in the mansion naturally know him.

Zhang Zhiwei knew him well, dragged a chair, and sat down at the desk:

"It's a long story to say, and we have to start with..."

"Okay, okay, don't talk too long, the vegetable sellers down the mountain know about your crap, can we not know?"

Several old Gao Gong looked at each other and laughed loudly.

Zhang Zhiwei: "..."

An old Gao Gong holding a dry pipe said with a smile: "Hey, in fact, the purpose of your master asking you to come here, although we didn't say it clearly, but we can all guess it is nothing more than experience and experience, so you don't want to be lazy with us. , when it’s time to make a move, I still have to make a move!”

"Yes, Senior Brother Yi is right. We all know that you are a master. The world is not good recently. We are very busy watching it. Now that you are here, you can show great strength!"

"That's the reason. Now, no matter whether it's the people in the temple or the people outside, there are not many people who know how to use thunder, and it's too cumbersome to draw the Five Thunder Talisman. If you encounter difficult things in the future, let this kid do it. Knowing the five thunders to rectify the law, it's a matter of raising your hand!"

Several old Gaogong discussed in front of Zhang Zhiwei.

Zhang Zhiwei: "..."

Why does it feel a little bad, just fooled You Xinyuan into giving him a black job, and then turned around and it was his turn?Retribution came so quickly?

Just as he was about to speak, a little Taoist priest came from outside the hall, took out some yellow papers, and handed them to the desk.

"Uncle, Jianghu Inn sent a disc newspaper. According to the rules, send the original copy to the Dashang Qing Palace for the Celestial Master to review, copy the content, and send it to Zhengyiguan!"

Zhang Zhiwei, who was next to the desk, turned his head to look at the content.

He knew Jianghu Xiaozhan, a well-known intelligence organization in the alien world.

The person in charge of the small inn today, Liu Wei, nicknamed "Even Through the City", is said to be the No. 1 Qinggong in the world.

This person can be regarded as a righteous man. Later, when the Tang Sect fought against the Bihe Mountain Ninja, he provided the Tang Sect with very important information.

Seeing Zhang Zhiwei tilting his head to look at it, an old Gao Gong smiled and said: "My own people, do these things, come on, Xiao Zhou, Niannian!"

The little Taoist took the yellow paper and immediately read:

"Information [-], a few days ago, Liang Ting, a madman nicknamed White Owl, slaughtered all his masters, joined Quan Xing, made troubles in the rivers and lakes, raped and plundered, committed all kinds of crimes, and killed hundreds of people, most of them It's an ordinary person..."

Liang Ting... Zhang Zhiwei became interested when he heard a familiar name, and listened carefully.

This information records some heinous deeds that Liang Ting has committed recently. After killing himself all over the house, this person is like a wild dog that has run wild, killing wherever he goes, there is no reason to kill, it all depends on his mood.

At the same time, he also has a habit of killing people. He doesn't kill the grass and roots. He likes to abuse the other party's wife and daughter in front of the victim. In the end, he leaves the victim alive and enjoys the feeling of being hated by the other party.

It is said that those victims have joined together and raised a large sum of money to go to Tangmen to buy his life.

Having said all that, several high-level practitioners reacted differently.

Someone scolded: "It's not a pity to die for a whole-sex monster. This person is devoid of conscience, not as good as a pig or a dog. We must get rid of it as soon as possible, otherwise God knows how many more carnages will be caused."

Gao Gong, who was smoking a dry cigarette, took a sip of his cigarette and said, "You don't have to be so indignant, since someone has already bought his life from the Tang Sect, then this matter will probably be over. , this is Liang Ting, he won't live long, let me tell you about the next news!"

Zhang Zhiwei listened silently, did not speak, Bai Xiaoliang stood up, a grand master who embraced the two methods of organ and talisman, he still had two brushes in his strength, and there were not many people in the Tang Sect who could deal with him.

If there were no accidents, Tangmen's assassination would end in failure and the loss would be heavy.

But this matter is not related to Zhang Zhiwei for the time being. If he encounters it, he doesn't mind killing Liang Ting, but if he wants to hunt him down, he doesn't have the time to spare, and he doesn't have any information.

Afterwards, the little Taoist said again: "The second information is from outside the customs. According to the news from Jianghu Xiaozhan, the Japanese pirates entrenched in Liaodong are about to move recently, and they seem to be planning a conspiracy. The forces of all parties want to resist, which is why the Gao family was absent from the Lu family's birthday banquet."

When Japanese pirates were involved, the old Gao Gong lost all interest in smoking. He knocked on the table with his cigarette stick and said with a serious face:


It is said that the four major families are in the same spirit. I wondered before that if they didn’t go to the birthday banquet, what kind of spirit is in the same spirit. It turns out that this is the matter, and it is indeed more important than the birthday banquet... Zhang Zhiwei also pricked up his ears and listened carefully .

The little Taoist took the case and began to tell in detail.

It turned out that knowing that the Japanese pirates were planning a conspiracy, the Gao family communicated with different forces in the Northeast to fight against the Japanese pirates.

And among these alien forces, the biggest one is none other than the Northern Horse—the Chumaxian lineage in the northeast.

For the fight against the Japanese pirates, the immortals behind the Ma family supported and gave a lot of help.

But not long ago, the alien force of the Japanese pirates, Omiyaji of the Shinto Ise Shrine, came to the Liaodong area and met with the major fairy families in the northeast.

Immediately, the situation became strange and strange.

Some immortal families no longer supported dealing with Japanese pirates, and disregarded the agreement with Qianlong that the five immortals would not pass through the Shanhaiguan Pass, and entered the pass to encroach on the Central Plains.

The other part of the immortal family kept the promise and did not enter the customs, but they also had no intention of fighting against the pirates. Although the disciples were still walking around, they obviously didn't want to interfere in these matters anymore.

Of course, there are also some strong-tempered immortals who continue to support the actions of their disciples because of their previous actions.

"Shintoism, what a thief, you want to overwhelm our Taoism?" You Gao Gong sneered.

Zhang Zhiwei pondered for a moment, and said: "Uncle, don't be angry. I have heard about this Shintoism when I went down the mountain this time. The so-called Shintoism of Japanese pirates actually means the same thing as ghost way, and it is the road to the grave."

"So their shrines are built like Yin Temples. Most of the worshipers in them are demons and ghosts, which are equivalent to soldiers and horses in the lower altar. Therefore, although they are called Shinto, they should actually be attributed to the Wumen. Anyway, in our upper altar. Heavenly soldiers and Under the law of thunder, calling it a chicken and a dog is not an insult to it!"

An old man Gao Gong said with a smile: "Zhiwei understands it thoroughly, but what the brother said is true, you kid has some eyes that are higher than the top, and you are no one in sight. You are always a chicken and a dog. The origin of this witchcraft is already there. For a long time, although the methods in the door are far inferior to my Zhengyi, they should not be underestimated!"

At this time, the old Gao Gong in the head knocked on the table with a cigarette stick: "What are you doing with these empty words? It doesn't matter if Zhiwei is indifferent to anyone, or ghosts and witches, I am more concerned about this so-called Da Gongsi meeting the five immortals." , what did we talk about?"

"What are you talking about? You don't need to think about it? The ghost sect believes in ghosts, ghosts, and snake gods. Their grand master's visit to the five immortals is nothing more than to win over, divide, and sow discord. It is simple and rude, but it works. The so-called immortal family, the so-called What they ask for is nothing more than incense and offerings, whoever offers them is not an offering? It’s not worth fighting for your life!" said another old man, Gao Gong.

"For people who are not of my race, their hearts must be different. Without the support of the immortal family, so to speak, the people of the 'horse' family can't do much, but outside the customs is their home field. They have given up their picks. The situation there is very bad. The Gao family and some other alien forces, facing the Japanese pirates, are afraid that they will be alone!"

"If you can't support a single tree, you have to support it. How about it? Write a letter to the Gao family, if necessary!"

Lao Gaogong took the cigarette pouch, knocked hard on the desk, and said firmly: "I, Longhushan, will help you with all my strength!"

Zhang Zhiwei gave a thumbs up: "Uncle Yi is doing well!"

Hearing this, the old Gao Gong surnamed Yi turned his head to look at him, stared at him for a moment, and said:

"Just now I was just excited for a while, and the details of this matter have to be decided by senior brother, Zhiwei, then I will trouble you to run errands once!"

"Okay, I'll go!"

If it's a normal matter, let Zhang Zhiwei run errands, Zhang Zhiwei will definitely refuse.

But on this matter, he also wanted to ask the master's opinion in person, so he turned and left.

(End of this chapter)

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