Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 110 Master's Thoughts, The Plans of the Senior Gong

Chapter 110 Master's Thoughts, The Plans of the Senior Gong

Leaving Zhengyiguan, Zhang Zhiwei walked towards the Dashangqing Palace, while walking, he said to himself:

"It is said that the older generation is more rigid than the other, and the younger generation is more negative than the other. Now it seems that this is not the case. The rigid is not the older generation, the rigid has always been that generation!"

Zhang Zhiwei actually knew the deep meaning behind the fact that Uncle Yi asked him to run errands to ask the master's opinion.

The original copy of the secret report just now arrived at the Dashang Qing Palace, and after a copy was copied, it was sent to Zhengyiguan.

That is to say, Master has already heard the news, and may have even made a decision.

But Uncle Yi asked him to ask the master's opinion.

Isn't this superfluous?

It is nothing more than wanting him to find out about the master, to confirm that he is a false disciple, a candidate for a future celestial master, to sit down and observe, just to find some trivial things to hone his temper and experience the various states of the world , or really can be entrusted with important tasks.

And this Gaojia incident is a good test point.

Once the master lets him participate in this incident, it means that Zhengyiguan can entrust him with important tasks and entrust him with some dangerous and difficult tasks.

Once he is rejected by his master and he is not allowed to participate in this incident, it means that he came to Zhengyiguan just to grind his temper, and he cannot get involved in some tasks with a high risk factor.

In the future, these old masters will make arrangements, and they will know it well.

And all of this, Zhang Zhiwei actually understood, but he still chose to pretend to be confused, and cooperated with the masters and uncles to test the master's ideas.

Because he also wanted to know the answer.

As far as he knows, plot 36 is when the thief becomes sworn.

Zheng Zibu once asked the big-eared thief, what is his brother Zhang Zhiwei doing, and why doesn't he go down the mountain to join the battle?

The big-eared thief told Zheng Zibu that Zhang Zhiwei had asked several times to go to war and go down the mountain to destroy the Japanese pirates, but he was suppressed by the master and would not let him say anything. He would rather go by himself than let Zhang Zhiwei go.

The reason was that Zhang Jingqing was worried about Zhang Zhiwei's personality, and something happened on the battlefield where shells were flying, bombarded wildly, and foreigners were dormant.

"This Gao family incident should be just a small-scale friction with the Japanese pirates. I wonder if Master intends to let me participate?"

After talking to himself, Zhang Zhiwei began to recall the knowledge points he had learned in the past: "In this time period, how many major events will happen outside the customs?"

"Shortly after, the King of the Northeast took control of the entire territory of the three provinces, and it was the Japanese pirates who began to show up..."

"Hey, it's a pity that I didn't study history well. I will hate the book when it's time to use it!"

Thinking to no avail, Zhang Zhiwei sighed and came to the Great Shangqing Palace.

The architectural layout of the Dashangqing Palace is in the shape of "eight trigrams", with double eaves and red sills, Tongbi Zhufei, surrounded by Xiangshan Mountain on the left, facing the Luxi River, facing the cloud forest, and resting on the platform stone.

As a disciple with a false surname, Zhang Zhiwei went in without any hindrance. In the main hall, he met his master and told Zhang Jingqing about it.

Hearing this news, Zhang Jingqing didn't answer too much, but just nodded lightly:

"The teacher already knows about this matter, Zhiwei, you go down first!"

Did not get the result he wanted, Zhang Zhiwei asked again:

"Master, are we going to help the Gao family?"

Zhang Jingqing glanced at Zhang Zhiwei, and said lightly: "This matter is of great importance, how can we make a hasty decision? Master Rong will discuss it with the high-level practitioners in the mansion before making a decision. You don't have to worry about it, go and do your work first."

It seems that he is unwilling to let me participate... Zhang Zhiwei immediately understood, and he couldn't help but have other thoughts in his heart.

At this time, Zhang Jingqing asked him suddenly: "By the way, Zhiwei, although your seniority is not yet high, I would like to ask your opinion on the matter in Liaodong this time."

"Master, Japanese pirates are all wolf ambitions!!"

Zhang Zhiwei didn't say much about the truth, he pretended to give advice, and it was fine in front of the juniors.

What doesn't Zhang Jingqing understand?It's not his turn to preach any great principles.

"Yes, you are right, you are right."

Zhang Jingqing nodded, and said earnestly: "I understand your thoughts, but as a teacher, I have to remind you a few words. Now that you have all the means, [-]% of the inner alchemy skills are still a little shallow. Learn more other methods. , and then go down the mountain, it may be useful at critical times."

Learn more other methods, and then go down the mountain to act, maybe it will be useful at critical times.Doesn't this mean that I will also participate in this incident, let me expand my means a little bit to be safe...

Zhang Zhiwei repeated what Master said just now in his heart, cheered up, nodded quickly and said:
"Disciple remember!"

"Okay! Then you go down first!"


Watching Zhang Zhiwei leave the hall, Zhang Jingqing's face darkened a little bit, and murmured:
"These old boys, come and test my skills!"

"Brother, listen to your tone just now, if the Gao family's affairs are settled, do you really want to let Zhiwei go?"

At this time, Lao Gao Gong and Zhang Yi came out from the back of the palace.

He was discussing this matter with Zhang Jingqing before, and Zhang Zhiwei broke in.

"The situation outside the customs is very chaotic now. There are warlords fighting inside, and Japanese pirates looking around outside. The smoke and soil are rampant, and the three religions and nine streams gather. It can be described as a chaotic place."

Zhang Jingqing did not answer his question directly, but instead asked Zhang Yi:

"On the way to Lu's house last time, I asked Zhiwei about how to behave in a chaotic place. Can you guess what he said?"

"What did this kid say? It can't all be like this!" After speaking, Zhang Yi wiped his neck with his hand, and said with a ruthless face.

"..." Zhang Jingqing's face darkened, "I'm afraid you didn't secretly teach my apprentice badly!"

"It's nothing, don't talk nonsense, talk about it!" Zhang Yi said quickly.

Zhang Jingqing spread out his hands, surrounded by golden arcs, he looked at the arcs and said:

"He said that as long as he sells tobacco and soil, it doesn't matter if he is a red-haired Japanese pirate or a warlord or a monster. To him, they are all a group of local chickens and dogs who can't stand on the stage."

"Under the thunder in his palm, all living beings are equal. If you see one, you will kill one, and if you see a couple, you will kill both. You said, he is going to the place where the pirates outside the customs control the oppressive land, and if he doesn't do it, is he?"

Hearing this, Zhang Yi stared at the boss, took a breath, and said: "My big baby, this kid usually smiles at Longhu Mountain, but I didn't expect him to be so arrogant and murderous! However, these words , Crazy to crazy, but the words are not rough, those dirty things, really deserve to die!"

Zhang Jingqing said slowly: "They should be damned, that's right, but in this world, there are too many damned people, if it's because of these picky things, it's not worthwhile to compromise yourself."

"Zhiwei's current strength is strong, I don't deny this, but in the world of aliens, there are too many cases where the strength is weak and the strong is brought down. If it is an upright competition or even a battle, I will not restrict Zhang Zhiwei. But outside the pass There, it is now a local battlefield."

"There are not only Japanese pirates' long guns and short cannons, but also a considerable number of ninjas dormant. This group of ninjas, like the Tang Sect, are proficient in assassination techniques. No one knows their details and methods."

Zhang Jingqing turned her head and stared at Zhang Yi: "With Zhiwei's character, he will definitely be the focus of everyone's attention. What if among the ninjas, there is an assassination method similar to Tangmen Danzhu? You can't bet on it!"

Hearing this, Zhang Yi pondered for a moment, then nodded and said, "Brother is very considerate. The ninja's tricks are tricky, and there may be similar ones. This kind of tactics, in one-on-one, or even multi-on-one, There are traces to follow, but in that chaotic battle, the enemy is indistinguishable from the enemy, and it is really difficult to control the confusion if it is suddenly poked at you."

Zhang Jingqing said: "That's the reason, so he can't participate, at least in the past few years, until his mind is calm, he can't participate in this kind of thing."

Zhang Yidao: "Since you don't want him to participate, why do you ask him to learn more methods, and say that he will go down the mountain to take action later, which will be useful at critical times?"

Zhang Jingqing said: "Although he didn't express anything obviously just now, I can see that he wants to participate. This kid has been thinking carefully since he was young, and he has a lot of strange ideas. If I don't lie to him, why is he messing with me? manage?"

Zhang Yi smacked his lips and said, "As a master, I am ashamed of how well you understand my apprentices. It seems that the root cause of my two apprentices' disappointment is because of me as a master!"

"Don't be poor!"

After finishing speaking, Zhang Jingqing waved his hand.

In the main hall, above the censer with incense sticks, the smoke spread out densely, forming the appearance of a tall and thin old Taoist priest holding a pipe.

"Senior brother, what's the matter?" Old Gao Gong's voice came from it.

Zhang Jingqing shouted: "I heard what you are planning in Zhengyiguan. I heard it in Dashangqing Palace. I just arranged for my apprentice to come over, and you want him to go through fire and water? Yi Qian, I can ignore other things, but the matter of Liaodong , Zhang Zhiwei cannot participate!"

Old Gao Gong Yiqian smiled and said: "Hahaha, Brother, wouldn't it be over if you said that earlier? You must tell me to arrange a little thing for him, to hone his state of mind."

"Aren't I thinking about it? What matters are small and what are big? According to my junior, for Zhang Zhiwei's strength, the matter in Liaodong is not a big deal!"

Hearing this, Zhang Jingqing stared.

Seeing this, Lao Gao Gong, who was holding a dry pipe, said quickly: "Okay, I understand, don't worry, I won't let him participate in the matter of Liaodong!"

Zhang Jingqing said: "It's not that you don't want him to participate, it's that you don't let him know the details. When he asks, you just say that this matter is being discussed with the Gao family. Watch the pirates' movements and make changes later. If there is any change, you will inform yourself. "

Lao Gaogong reacted: "Are you afraid that he will act without permission?"

"Yes!" Zhang Jingqing nodded.

"That's fine, I understand. Senior brother, don't worry. Zhiwei is a simple-minded boy with well-developed limbs. I'm going to be perfunctory and arrange him to go out to do a few things. Isn't it over?"

After all, the smoke burst and Lao Gao Gong Yiqian's figure disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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