Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 114: Heavenly Master Attacked?

Chapter 114: Heavenly Master Attacked?

When Zhang Zhiwei was experimenting with the flying sword to kill the magic altar.

In the back mountain of Tianshi Mansion, there is an open field in the middle of a dense forest.

The old and the young stand here.

The old one, wearing a plain blue Taoist robe, with sword eyebrows and white hair, stood with his hands behind his back.

The younger one, wearing a gray Taoist robe, is short in stature and plain in appearance, except for a pair of big ears that are extremely eye-catching.

It was Zhang Jingqing and Lin Huaiyi.

"Master, when I was practicing Yang Wulei just now, I felt hot and hot in my heart, as if I had a burst of qi, I couldn't spit it out, and I couldn't swallow it, like a stick in my throat, what's going on?" Lin Huaiyi said with some doubts. .

"Don't worry, this situation is normal, and it is a process that must be experienced in the practice of the five thunders."

Zhang Jingqing explained: "You have never broken your body, you are full of spirit and energy, and you are full of yang energy. What you practice is the five thunders of yang, and the heart qi leads the lung qi to lead first."

"The heart qi belongs to fire, and when it is generated, it is naturally hot and unbearable. As long as you can survive this test, overcome the hotness, and radiate the heart qi."

"The next step is to grow the lung qi. The lung qi is gold and extremely sharp. Therefore, when you grow the lung qi, you will feel as if your lungs have been cut by a knife."

"But as long as these two difficulties are overcome, the two qi are released, and they are gathered together, this Yang Wulei will be regarded as an entry!"

After listening to Zhang Jingqing's explanation, Lin Huaiyi suddenly realized: "So that's the case, thank you for your guidance, Master, just now I thought I was insane, this disciple will try to subdue that hotness.!"

After Lin Huaiyi finished speaking, he sat cross-legged and meditated, closed his eyes, and was about to exercise, when he suddenly opened his eyes again, and said curiously:

"By the way, master, how long did it take Zhiwei senior brother to generate his heart energy when he was practicing Yang Wulei?"

Lin Huaiyi has a contradictory temperament. On the one hand, he wants to hide his clumsiness and not attract anyone's attention, but on the other hand, he is eager to win.

Hearing this, Zhang Jingqing frowned, recalling the scene of Zhang Zhiwei's Xingyang Wulei in his mind.

At that time, he told Zhang Zhiwei Yang Wulei's method of exercising qi, and Zhang Zhiwei, like Lin Huaiyi just now, began to exercise qi under his protection.

However, unlike Lin Huaiyi who felt hot and unbearable, he opened his eyes and asked if he was insane.

This kid Zhang Zhiwei spent the whole night in samadhi, and when he opened his eyes again, a few inches long lightning shot out from his eyes.

He didn't ask for any advice, he just knew the method of practicing qi, and overnight, Yang Wulei's practice entered the door.

Lin Huaiyi asked him this question, which was tantamount to humiliating himself.

Zhang Jingqing thought for a while, but instead of telling Lin Huaiyi the truth, he advised:
"Huaiyi, on the way of practice, don't be competitive. Only by controlling yourself can you control others. You should focus on yourself."

"Yes, Master!"

The big-eared thief is so smart, he immediately understood the voice of Zhang Jingqing's words, and he must be inferior to his senior brother.

I will definitely try my best to catch up with and surpass my senior brother!Lin Huaiyi took a deep breath, and was about to enter a state of sedation, when suddenly he felt flustered for no reason, as if some catastrophe was imminent.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw clusters of "burrs" growing on his Taoist robe and Master's Taoist robe, and from time to time, some very slight static electricity appeared.

"This is... Master wants to practice Lei Fa for me?"

Lin Huaiyi was stunned, and he still didn't understand the situation.

Then I heard the master shout angrily: "Who dares to do anything to me?!"

Immediately afterwards, with a wave of his right hand, golden light came out through his body, forming a mask to protect him and himself.

"Do it? Who is so daring, who dares to make a move against the Celestial Master in Longhu Mountain?"

Just as Lin Huaiyi thought about it, he suddenly felt his scalp tingling and goosebumps all over his body.

When I looked up suddenly, I saw that the clouds in the night sky were pitch black, but the edges of the clouds were bright as burning, as if the sky was densely covered with burning charcoal, which would land on the earth at any time.

"This is……"

Before he could figure out the situation, the next second, the sky and the earth brightened, and brilliant white light filled his eyes.

Afterwards, a "boom" thunder exploded in the ear, as if someone had hit the eardrum with a heavy hammer.

Lin Huaiyi lost consciousness in an instant.


Then, there was an explosion in the old forest. The wind and fire, thunder and electricity all blazed and roared, engulfing the two of them in an instant.

It is not a wise choice to face Thunder directly, even if this person is a celestial master.

After the thunderstorm passed, Zhang Jingqing looked a little embarrassed, her Taoist robe was torn, and most of her beard, which was originally thick and bearded, was burnt. There were scorched black marks on her face, and she looked ashamed.


Zhang Jingqing gasped heavily. He wasn't at the center of the explosion just now, but he didn't feel well either.

Looking up, he saw that the cloud layer that was originally densely covering the sky had been cut open. This end of the opening was his side, and the other end of the opening was at Longhu Mountain.

"Huanghuang Tianwei, the wind and thunder are moving, it is me who is attacking me, and has such power, who is it? Which old master in the house is attacking me?"

Zhang Jingqing's face was filled with anger and disbelief. Several brothers and sisters who had been awarded Lei Fa by the previous generation of celestial masters quickly flashed through his mind, but he rejected them all.

"Impossible, they can't do anything to me!"

Just wondering, I suddenly felt something strange in my arms.

Zhang Jingqing came to his senses, twisted out Lin Huaiyi who had been protecting him all the time, and looked around for a while.

At this time, Lin Huaiyi was disheveled, his eyebrows and hair were curly and fluffy, his eyes were tightly closed and tears were streaming down his face. He was held by Zhang Jingqing in his hands, just like a milk cat that hadn't opened his eyes.

But fortunately, people are fine.

Zhang Jingqing breathed a sigh of relief, and pointed at Lin Huaiyi's eyebrows.

Lin Huaiyi woke up leisurely, but he also woke up with dizziness in his head, tingling in his body and soreness in his eyes.

He opened his eyes a little, and was surprised to find that there was a scorched black hole around him, with a raised piece in the middle of the big hole, and he and his master were on this raised piece.

"This is……"

Just as he was about to ask what happened, he felt his body soaring into the air, and it was Master who was leading him to the Dashangqing Palace.

Being held under the armpit, Lin Huaiyi secretly looked at the somewhat embarrassed master, noticing the fury on the master's face, and then thinking of the sudden thunderstorm just now, he clicked his tongue, fearing that Longhushan was about to change.

And at this moment, Longhu Mountain, Yifang District.

When Zhang Zhiwei made such a big commotion, the brothers around him naturally came after hearing the news, and the first one to come was Tian Jinzhong, a little fan.

Tian Jinzhong leaned on the window, stuck his head into the hole, and looked around to see what was going on inside.

But now it's night, and it's dark inside, and he can't see anything clearly. He thought something happened to Zhang Zhiwei, and howled anxiously:

"Senior brother, what about you, senior brother, you didn't..."

With a movement of Zhang Zhiwei's figure, he moved out of the main entrance in an instant, came to the outside window, and patted Tian Jinzhong's shoulder, who was lying on the window and howling dryly.


Tian Jinzhong was taken aback, jumped into the room, and then quickly stuck his head out from the room. Seeing Zhang Zhiwei standing outside, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Brother, what's going on with you, it's like fighting with someone."

Zhang Zhiwei waved his hand and said: "It's okay, I was practicing Lei Fa on a whim and something went wrong, don't worry!"


Tian Jinzhong looked at the scene inside the house, and was dumbfounded: "You said it was because you practiced on a whim? Is Lei Fa's power so powerful?"

"Yeah, so you practice hard and try to let the master teach you!" Zhang Zhiwei said casually.

"The power of Lei Fa is not so strong, Zhiwei, what are you doing, you brat? Your uncle and I are in meditation, and I was shocked by you. I really want to beat you. This is the master of heaven. Mansion, you have to fiddle with it, go to the back mountain to fiddle with it, there is a spacious place, you can do whatever you want..."

At this time, Zhang Yi, the old Gao Gong, came out, furious, and reprimanded Zhang Zhiwei all over his face.

His barn is not far from Zhang Zhiwei's barn. The "missile" just now went up to the sky next to his barn, shaking his eaves.

You know, he majored in talismans, not alchemy, and his life cultivation was limited.

One can imagine the fright that Zhang Zhiwei received when the flying sword with more than a dozen lightning strikes flew past his scalp.

At that time, he looked up to the sky and shouted "my life is over" in the quiet room.

As a result, the thunder made a graceful turn and ascended to the sky, a false alarm.

When he came back to his senses, he slapped his old face, rolled up his sleeves, and rushed out.

Now that Zhang Zhiwei, the culprit, was found, he was already very restrained without hitting him on the ground with a hammer.

Zhang Zhiwei was speechless because of this matter. He scratched his head and said with a sneer:
"Hey hey, Uncle Master, Uncle Master, this was all an accident, accident, don't worry, there will be no next time, absolutely not, look, my own bungalow has become like this!"

Seeing Zhang Zhiwei's positive attitude in admitting his mistakes, Zhang Yi let out a sigh of relief. Although he still had some lingering anger, he was too embarrassed to reprimand him. He just had a half-hearted thought and asked his senior brother to reprimand him.

"By the way, what were you doing just now?" He asked.

Zhang Zhiwei didn't hide it, so he gave Zhang Yi roughly what he did just now.

"You set up a flying sword to punish the magic altar, and then attached the five thunders to the flying sword? How did you do this? The thunder method is not so powerful, and the flying sword is not so powerful. This thunder method plus the flying sword, Is it so powerful?"

After Zhang Yi listened, he asked with a puzzled expression.

Zhang Zhiwei immediately explained: "I hit more than a dozen lightning spells in one breath, and the power is naturally extraordinary!"

"A dozen hits?" Zhang Yi's eyes widened: "Why, your Lei Fa still recognizes people, can you distinguish the enemy from me? Don't you blow up your broken mahogany sword?"

Zhang Zhiwei explained: "The thunder method is formed by the fusion of two qi. When I apply the thunder method, I only add two qi, and don't let them accumulate and merge. It's fine. Wait for the moment of launch, and then detonate!"

Only add two qi, don't let them gather together... Zhang Yi's teeth ached when he heard that, what kind of broken method is this, can it be done by humans?
The process of the meeting of the two qi and the birth of lightning is no less than dry wood meeting a raging fire, and it is very difficult to control it.

And if you want to control more than a dozen of them in one go, it's as difficult as reaching the sky, okay?

This little thing is not very old, but he is quite capable.

I have to report to my senior brother. This old guy worries about this and that every day. Why doesn't he worry about himself as a junior?
I almost died just now!
Zhang Yi cursed in his heart.

While the few people were talking, the other senior brothers also came to hear the news from the roof one by one.

Seeing that this movement was made by Zhang Zhiwei, he suddenly realized:

"I thought it was an enemy attack, but it turned out to be Zhiwei, no wonder!"

"Brother Zhiwei, what happened!"

Everyone asked in a hurry.

Zhang Zhiwei waved his hand: "There was a little accident during my practice, come here, everyone, come and help me clean it up!"

"You're really good at drawing young men!" Zhang Yi squinted at Zhang Zhiwei, and was talking, when suddenly, the bronze bell of the Dashang Qing Palace rang.

"A major event happened, you juniors, don't run around. Also, the eaves of my tent were also collapsed by you. When you deal with it, remember to fix it together!"

After giving the instructions, Zhang Yi moved and flew towards the Dashangqing Palace two miles away.

(End of this chapter)

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