Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 115 Longhushan Conference, Who Attacked the Celestial Master

Chapter 115 Longhushan Conference, Who Attacked the Celestial Master
On Longhu Mountain, Tianmen Peak plunges into the sky, covered with dark clouds, the dark green forest sea is swaying, and the strong wind sounds like a tiger roaring.

In the Great Shangqing Palace, Zhang Jingqing had already changed into the robe of the Celestial Master, sitting in the middle

In front of him was a group of old Gao Gong wearing various robes, all of them were Zhang Jingqing's peers.

"I was attacked today!" Zhang Jingqing said in a deep voice.

As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar in the hall.

"what happened?"

"Who did it?"

"Dare to attack the Celestial Master, this is a war with our Longhu Mountain!"

"No matter what, I, Longhushan, will definitely investigate this matter to the end!"

Longhushan, the ancestral home of Taoism, the celestial master, and the leader of the Taoist sect were attacked in their own dojo.

At this time, Lao Gao Gong Yiqian stepped forward: "Where was the brother attacked?"

"Back Mountain!"

"Brother, what are you doing in the back mountain in the middle of the night?"

Zhang Jingqing pondered for a moment and said: "I teach apprentices in the back mountain!"

"Teaching apprentice? Is it Zhang Zhiwei?" Yi Qian said: "This time Zhang Zhiwei showed his face in the Lu family compound, could it be that someone went after Zhang Zhiwei? Brother, this is Zhang Zhiwei's robbery!"

"It's not Zhang Zhiwei, it's a new disciple!" Zhang Jingqing said.

"Brother, please explain it in detail!" Yi Qian said.

"At that time, I was preaching and teaching, and suddenly the sky was full of wind and thunder, and a fireball-like thing struck with lightning."

Zhang Jingqing told everyone that there was a certain distance between him and the disciple at that time, and he led him to dodge, fearing that it would be too late, so he used the Golden Light Curse to take a hard blow.

And through contact, he discovered that the bolide-like method was quite powerful. If it hadn't been for the landing point being a little bit off, it would be difficult for even him to retreat completely.

After listening to Zhang Jingqing's description, Yi Qian frowned and said, "Fire Meteor? Judging from the description, it looks a bit like Lei Fa. Can Senior Brother detect the opponent's roots?"

Leifa is not unique to Longhushan, many sects have the ability to control this way, such as the warlock's shaking spell.

Of course, among all kinds of thunder methods, the most famous and powerful one is Longhushan's five thunder methods.

Zhang Jingqing lowered her eyes, and continued: "The fireball-like thing itself is like a sword, wrapped in wind and thunder, but after it landed, I didn't see the blade of the sword."

"As for the root of the person who attacked me, I have already seen it. It is indeed the thunder method, or our Dragon and Tiger Mountain's five thunder method, and it is extremely powerful. It cannot be used without being immersed in this way for many years."

As soon as these words came out, the hall, which was in an uproar just now, fell silent.

Like a sword... Zhang Yi's heart skipped a beat, and it was difficult for him to think of a single thought, could it be...

"Brother suspects that it was done by the people present?" Yi Qian opened his eyes wide and looked around.

"No, if I had doubts, I wouldn't have called you here to discuss this matter, but I see that the fireball's trajectory really came from my Heavenly Master's Mansion!"

Zhang Jingqing shook his head and said, the decades of relationship between their seniors and brothers, although they often have constant conflicts over some small things, but in fact they are of one mind, Zhang Jingqing really can't think of anyone who will take action against him.

At this time, a Gao Gong from the audience said: "By the way, I seem to have heard a little movement when I mentioned that the Fire Meteor came from the house, but I didn't pay attention to it at the time, and I thought who was practicing Lei Fa? "

Another Gao Gong said: "I didn't pay attention to this. In the past few years, Zhang Zhiwei often practiced lightning techniques in the middle of the night, making people uncomfortable. So when I meditate at night, I habitually spread a layer of quiet spells around me!"

By now, Zhang Yi basically knew what was going on, and he didn't hide anything, so he stood up and said:

"Hey, I know what's going on, it's all a misunderstanding, misunderstanding, no one wants to attack senior brother, everyone, let's go, let's go!"

"Huh?!" Zhang Jingqing stared, "Zhang Yi, did you make the Bolide?!"

Although Zhang Yi majored in talismans and his alchemy skills were not strong, he could also create lightning spells together with talismans, such as the Five Thunder Talisman.

Moreover, after opening the altar, you can also go to the Lei Department in the Famai to ask Lei to kill the enemy.

Several other veterans also looked at it one after another.

"How can I? Do I look like Meng Lang?" Zhang Yi said, "Speaking of which, brother, you have to blame yourself for this matter!"

"Blame me? Blame me for being attacked?" Zhang Jingqing stared, but immediately afterward, he had an ominous premonition.

Sure enough, Zhang Yi was heard saying:
"It is said that the son is not the fault of the father, the laziness of the teacher's laziness, what happened to Zhang Zhiwei, who do you blame? Speaking of which, I am the real victim. I was practicing in a quiet room, and I was almost accused by you. The Fire Meteor gave Yijian the head!"

"Wait a minute, you said Zhang Zhiwei made the bolide?"

Zhang Jingqing was a little unbelievable. It was a few kilometers away from the tent to the back mountain. Can Zhang Zhiwei's thunder method do it?

Isn't he practicing the Golden Light Curse recently? Why, Lei Fa also has this improvement?

Moreover, that kind of power is not normal at all, it doesn't seem like it was shot directly, it's more like a long-distance divine thunder issued by the Ministry of Thunder by raising an altar.

After experiencing it personally, Zhang Jingqing can best understand its power.

"Your own apprentice, you don't know what he is capable of? Let's break up, let's break up, everyone, there is no fun to watch here, it's all a misunderstanding."

Zhang Yi waved his hand, and said in a strange way: "It's nothing more than Zhang Zhiwei's experimenting with a new trick. There was an accident. He was afraid of hurting others, so he went to the old forest in the back mountain. Who knew that this master would not sleep most of the night and ran to Houshan opened a small stove for the apprentice? Isn't this struck by lightning?"

Hearing this, the high-level performances will not be over. Isn't there a lot of fun to watch?

The apprentice studies new moves, a blind cat meets a dead mouse, and a thunder strikes the master who is opening a small stove. Why does it sound so ridiculous!

"Let me see, call Zhang Zhiwei over and talk to him face to face, look at the Fire Meteor he used, what kind of move is it? It can actually hurt the senior brother, and then he should be punished, and he should be punished!" Yi Qian suggested. .

"I think it's a good idea. Hitting Master with lightning is a treason and should be punished!" Zhang Yi raised his hand in agreement.

"It's not necessary. A junior is not sincere in trying out tricks. Those who don't know are not guilty. Forget about it, you must not spread it!"

With a wave of Zhang Jingqing's hand, he rejected the proposal to call Zhang Zhiwei to punish him.

With such a small matter, can he still eat Zhang Zhiwei?
But if Zhang Zhiwei finds out about this, he must not raise his tail to the sky?
Moreover, with Zhang Zhiwei's big mouth, after knowing this, everyone who hasn't spread it will know about it in a few days, so he can't afford to lose face.

For the sake of face, Zhang Jingqing decided not to deal with Zhang Zhiwei for the time being, but to find a suitable time one day, and use whatever reason to step into the hall first with his left foot, and deal with him well.

"Zhang Yi, just repeat the situation directly!" Zhang Jingqing said.

Hearing this, Zhang Yi immediately explained it, including how Zhang Zhiwei used more than a dozen Yang Wulei qi to match Feijian.

After listening, the hall was silent for a moment.

This method sounds easy, but it is as difficult as heaven to achieve.

Yi Qian suggested: "Senior brother, this kid's methods are terrifyingly high, are you really so protective? I fooled him last time and asked him to lead the team to Liaodong, or just let him go, and I will lead the team personally." The team won it, and there is no problem in keeping him."

Zhang Jingqing glanced at him, but did not speak.

Zhang Yi first said: "I think it's better to say goodbye. The senior brother opened a small fire for the apprentice behind his back, and he hacked him. Can you control him? With his method today, if he goes to Liaodong, it's okay? I'm worried. He bombarded the headquarters of the pirates that day!"

A Gao Gong said with a smile: "This is not right!"

"What's good?"

Zhang Jingqing said: "That's just the vanguard of the Japanese pirates. It's refreshing, but what's the point? Then all the Japanese pirate forces in Liaodong came out and started to retaliate wildly? We went to Liaodong this time just to cooperate with the Gao family to crush the Japanese pirates' conspiracy." , not to kill the Quartet!"

Zhang Jingqing looked at Yi Qian: "How's the discussion with the Gao family going?"

Yi Qian said: "The general content has been finalized, but the participants have not been fully finalized. It is known that in addition to the four schools and our Zhengyi faction, there are people from Yanwutang and some of the 'Ma' family participating. By the way, senior brother, I heard that the Wuliu faction of Quanzhen's lineage also has people coming out of the mountain!"

Hearing this, Zhang Jingqing said: "There are also people who advocate escapism and practice. It's not easy. Now that the content has been finalized, you should quickly arrange people. By the way, before you arrange people, find a few things and hurry up. Zhang Zhiwei get me down the mountain, don't make any trouble for me!"

"I've already made arrangements. To find something tricky tomorrow, call Zhang Zhiwei down the mountain. Everything is in order!" Yi Qian said.

(End of this chapter)

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