Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 116 2 Filial Piety Disciple Talk, Did I Kill the Celestial Master?

Chapter 116 The two filial disciples talked, and I hacked the celestial master?
"What a terrifying blow. The thunder light just now should have been aimed at Master. Do you want to discuss this matter with your senior brother?"

On the mountain road, Lin Huaiyi wore an afro head, pale face, and tremblingly walked from Dashangqing Palace to Tianshi Mansion.

Even with the protection of Zhang Jingqing's Golden Light Curse, he was still greatly affected by the flying sword plus Leifa.

He hasn't fully recovered yet, his head is dizzy, and his ears ring from time to time, but he has no intention of paying attention to these.

He is a very thoughtful person, and at the moment his mind is full of the previous scene, the thunder that pierced the sky.

"Not long ago, I was discussing with my senior brother about the chaos in the world. He said it would last for a long time, and he also said that the chaos might reach the Dragon and Tiger Mountain. Now the chaos has really come to the Dragon and Tiger Mountain. Senior brother may know something!"

"It's a pity that Master doesn't allow me to attend the meeting of the Dashang Qing Palace, otherwise, I can know more!"

Lin Huaiyi dragged his feet all the way, stepping over the gate with the plaque "Sihan Tianshi Mansion" hanging on it.Came to the Yifang area of ​​Tianshi Mansion.

As soon as I arrived, I saw a group of brothers and sisters walking through it, and what they were doing was in full swing.

Lin Huaiyi was taken aback, what's going on?
Tian Jinzhong's eyes were sharp, and he saw him at a glance: "Huaiyi, what are you doing standing there with a ball head on your head, come here and help me!"

Lin Huaiyi turned his head and saw Tian Jinzhong was carrying a big log, he quickly took one end to share some pressure with him, and then asked:

"Senior Brother Tian, ​​what is this construction worker doing?"

Tian Jinzhong moved the big log on his shoulders, found a comfortable position, and explained:

"Brother Zhiwei practiced Leifa before, but he didn't control his strength for a while, and there was an accident, which made a mess of his tent, and even knocked off the eaves of Zhang Yi's house, and even the beams were broken. Now it is crumbling. , isn’t it, are the brothers rushing to fix it overnight?”

"What?! You said that senior brother Zhiwei practiced Leifa and knocked off the roof of his own house?"

Lin Huaiyi said with a dumbfounded face, he has been practicing Thunder Technique recently, so he is a little more concerned about it, if he wants to blow the roof of the house, it will be so powerful!

Tian Jinzhong corrected: "I didn't knock off my roof, but I knocked off my windows, I knocked off the roof of my uncle's roof, and I walked away, and I put this log on my uncle, and it was done." It can be capped!"

In this era, almost everyone is a small expert in life, and the Taoist priests in Longhushan are no exception. Wen can go to the house to repair tiles, and Wu can go to the field to plow the fields.

And the current Tianshi Mansion, excluding the Dashangqing Palace and Zhengyiguan, the inhabited Dazheng Palace alone covers an area of ​​more than 5 square meters.

Such a big place is exposed to the wind and sun, and the people living in it are all strangers. It is commonplace to tear down a house or something.

Over time, the disciples of Tianshi Mansion are all first-class construction experts, so don't look at Zhang Zhiwei's previous disturbances, all the furnishings in the house were destroyed, and the windows were blown into big holes.

But after repairs by a group of fellow apprentices, his room has taken on a new look, even better than before.


Lin Huaiyi and Tian Jinzhong carried a big log and ran all the way to Lao Gao Gong Zhangyi's barn.

At this moment, Zhang Zhiwei waved the sky on the roof, acting as a humanoid crane, using the golden light spell to move materials, and by the way directed his brothers to repair the house.

Zhang Zhiwei noticed that Lin Huaiyi and Tian Jinzhong were carrying the logs, and stretched out their hands, the palms of their palms glowed with golden light, turning into a big hand, grabbing the logs from their shoulders and putting them in a suitable position.

Without the cover of the log, Zhang Zhiwei also noticed Lin Huaiyi's explosive head, and said curiously:
"Huaiyi, what's the matter with your ball head?"

Could it be that Lian Leifa lost his temper and chopped himself up... Zhang Zhiwei cursed in his heart.

He knew that his master had already taught the big-eared thief the method of thunder.

Lin Huaiyi touched his head, and said calmly, "Ah, this one, I went down the mountain to Shangqing Town before, and found a barber to cut a fashionable hairstyle!"

Zhang Zhiwei: "..."

"It's so fashionable, you hold on to it!"

Zhang Zhiwei said with a smile, turned his head and arranged: "Everyone is busy, and the roof will be capped and tiled soon!"

Then, with a wave of his hand, more than a dozen strands of golden light were distributed, sending all the materials to the person who should send them.

Lin Huaiyi stared blankly for a while, then came to the garbage pile next to him, stared at the scorched building ruins all over the ground, turned his head and asked:
"Senior Brother, what kind of Leifa are you practicing? Why are you in your own room, blowing up the uncle's tent? This distance is not very close!"

Zhang Zhiwei did not hide anything, and said bluntly:
"Recently, I was researching the method of opening the altar, and I learned a method called Feijianju magic altar. On a whim, I tried to apply the thunder method to it to see if there would be any miraculous effect, but I didn't master the power well. Make a mistake!"

Feijian Jialeifa... something went wrong... Lin Huaiyi suddenly remembered the scene in the old forest.

A somewhat shocking idea popped up in his mind.

Fuck, the master was attacked earlier, could it be the brother who did it? !
Probably not, he quickly denied, how could the senior brother do that kind of power?Certainly not, let me not scare myself...

Lin Huaiyi kept admonishing himself, but the idea in his mind became more and more intense.

He couldn't help but asked tremblingly: "That... Brother Zhiwei, where did you hit the thing that your flying sword Jia Leifa made?"

Zhang Zhiwei was busy doing the work of the human crane, and said without raising his head:
"That, I was thinking that it might be a bit powerful. In order to avoid hurting people, I shot it to the old woodland in the back mountain. I plan to go to see it tomorrow morning. In that old woodland, there are still wild game. There are quite a lot, maybe one or two unlucky blind bears can be killed, and then we will have bear paws to eat."

Zhang Zhiwei was talking while building tiles.

But Lin Huaiyi didn't want to listen any more. Zhang Zhiwei's words just now were no less than a bolt from the blue to him. His body softened and he collapsed directly on the ground.

He has always regarded Zhang Zhiwei as an opponent to surpass!

He even once thought that the gap between himself and his senior brother was not very big, and that the reason why his senior brother was stronger than him was that he was older and had practiced the five thunders.

But now it seems... a big mistake...

Thinking of the previous scene, Lin Huaiyi felt chills in his heart.

Even the master was so embarrassed by his senior brother's lightning strike, can he really catch up and surpass him?
For a moment, Lin Huaiyi's face was full of confusion, as if he had lost his life goal.

Seeing Lin Huaiyi sitting there paralyzed, foolishly, Zhang Zhiwei shouted:

"Huaiyi, why are you in a daze there, hurry up and help, and you can rest for a while after you finish!"

Lin Huaiyi was so confused that he didn't listen to what Zhang Zhiwei was saying.

Zhang Zhiwei flicked out a golden bean, which hit Lin Huaiyi's forehead.

"Ball head, why are you in a daze? Hurry up, come up and cover the tiles!"

"Uhhhh, here we come!"

Lin Huaiyi quickly got up, stepped on the roof, and started to work skillfully.He was originally the son of a wealthy businessman, and he was well-clothed and well-fed since he was a child, but since his family suffered drastic changes and he went to Longhu Mountain, he has completely changed his appearance.

"Have something on your mind?" Zhang Zhiwei sensed that Lin Huaiyi's state was not right.

"A little bit!"

"Tell me?"

"Hard to say!"

"If you don't like it, don't say it!"

Zhang Zhiwei looked at Lin Huaiyi's ball head, and didn't even think about the direction he was chopping.

I thought it was the big-eared thief who was a little confused when he was practicing thunder.

I wanted to give him an answer, but since I don't want to say it, forget it.

"It's not a big deal, brother, don't worry about it, I'll be fine if I figure it out, but..."

Speaking of this, Lin Huaiyi pondered for a moment, not knowing whether to speak or not.

"But what? Hesitating, let it go!" Zhang Zhiwei said without raising his head.

"Brother, you've got something to do, a big thing to do!" Lin Huaiyi said.

"Huh? What's wrong with me?"

Zhang Zhiwei thought about it, and felt that he hadn't done anything recently, and he hadn't written any letters to Lao Lu, Da Bi and Er Bi.

Lin Huaiyi looked embarrassed, and organized his words: "Brother, I was a little confused about my practice tonight, so I went to ask my master, who took me to practice in the old forest in the back mountain, but I was attacked!"

"Master was attacked...the old forest land in the back mountain..." Zhang Zhiwei had a bad thought in his mind: "You...you have been recruited?"

"Successful, successful!"

Lin Huaiyi widened his eyes, pointed at his afro head with his finger, and said expressionlessly, "My ball head was made by you, a barber."

Hearing this, Zhang Zhiwei's hand trembled, and only he knew the power of that flying sword.

That's more than a dozen lightning strikes. Although the material of the mahogany sword is limited, it can't bear so much and melts a little, but its power should not be underestimated.

When I usually spar with Master, I only use the Golden Light Curse to passively defend, and rarely take the initiative to attack. I am worried that if I don't pay attention, I will break the old bone of Master.

As a result, he suddenly hit him with a ruthless...

"Then is Master okay, is Sui injured?" Zhang Zhiwei asked quickly.

While building tiles, Lin Huaiyi said: "I don't know if there is something wrong with Master, but you must have something. The bells of the Dashangqing Palace were ringing just now. Brother, you can't think of what is going on. I advise you to hurry up and apologize. It's late, but..."

Before he finished speaking, Zhang Zhiwei was no longer in front of him, only a ray of lightning flashed in the air.

Lin Huaiyi looked at the direction where Zhang Zhiwei disappeared with some disappointment, and was speechless for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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