Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 120 Riding a crane down the mountain, Lu Jin arrives

Chapter 120 Riding a crane down the mountain, Lu Jin arrives

"It doesn't have to be like this. I am enough alone. Uncle Master, don't you worry about my ability?" Zhang Zhiwei said.

In his opinion, if Yi Qian sent more people, he would definitely send two middle-aged senior brothers with senior qualifications. This kind of senior brothers often behave in a rigid and old-fashioned way, and it would be uncomfortable to be with them.

"Your ability..."

Yi Qian thought of Zhang Zhiwei's flying thunder sword last night, which almost knocked out his senior brother Zhang Jingqing for a good or bad feat, and let go of his heart.

That's right, this kid can't even handle it, let alone send two juniors, even if he sends two old masters, he may not be able to win.

"Your skills, the uncle still recognizes, since you don't need manpower, then I won't send it!"

"It's okay not to send people, let's have some material support!" Zhang Zhiwei said along the way.

"Material power?" Yi Qian glanced at the five mahogany swords behind Zhang Zhiwei: "What do you want?"

"Then bring some Seven Star Magic Swords."

Hearing this, Yi Qian choked on a puff of smoke, coughed twice, and said in surprise:

"You son, lion, open your mouth. Five magic swords made of century-old peach wood are not enough for you? You also need five seven-star magic swords. Do you know how precious these seven-star magic swords are? They are all used in some large-scale rituals. , it is considered precious in our Tianshi Mansion, it is impossible!"

"It's okay to give five money swords!" Zhang Zhiwei continued. After all, he planned to go to Liaodong in the future and get a few more magic swords, that is, a few more "missiles".

At that time, the Gao family's action will belong to the Gao family, and he will attack in the dark with a delicate attack, directly killing the gang of Japanese pirates in Liaodong, from mortals to aliens.

No matter what tricks they want to play, if I kill them all directly, won't the tricks be defeated by themselves?This is called professionalism.

"I don't have any money sword or mahogany sword. I know your kid's plan. You just want to use your sword to perform what you did yesterday. The five mahogany swords on your back are enough, but..."

Yi Qian knocked on the table with the cigarette stick, and continued: "I can draw a seven-star magic sword and use it as a close-fitting magic sword. After all, with your cultivation base, using a mahogany sword is a bit inferior."

"Uncle Master is bright!"

Zhang Zhiwei gave a thumbs up. Although he doesn't use swords very much, the material of the Seven Star Sword is much higher than that of the peach wood sword, and it can carry more lightning. Using it to use the Feilei Sword will naturally be more powerful , and after being shot out, it can be reused after being picked up.

As for why you didn't ask Master for the Dharma Sword, the main reason is that the Seven Star Dharma Sword is only owned by the high-level master in the family. Don't find it difficult to find Master.

"Don't say good things too early. I didn't say I'll give it to you now. If you want the Seven-Star Magic Sword, you have to complete this task first. If you do it properly, I will prepare one for you." Yi Qian said.

"Leave it to me. Uncle, just report the location of the sub-view to me!"

Zhang Zhiwei agreed straight away, he has the thunder method by his side, and the last thing he fears is evil spirits.

So what if it is suspected to be the third level of the godhead mask?
Kill it right!

"Okay, I'll give you the map, just look at it!"

Yi Qian took out a large map and laid it flat on the desk, pointing out the location for Zhang Zhiwei.

Zhang Zhiwei leaned over to look at the map in Yi Qian's hand, which was different from ordinary maps. The standard on it was the sphere of influence of Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain.

As the ancestral home of Taoism, the influence of Tianshi Mansion can be said to spread throughout the south, and naturally there is not only Longhu Mountain as a dojo.

In its heyday, Tianshi Mansion successively built ten Taoist palaces, 81 Taoist temples, fifty Taoist temples, and ten Taoist nunnery, which shows its power.

Of course, that was the heyday, and now that there are endless wars, Longhushan has also shrunk its power and concentrated most of its power, so the divisions under the mountain have been reduced by half.

But even so, there are still dozens of them, and the one who is haunted and asked for help this time is one of them.

Zhang Zhiwei glanced at it and said, "Isn't this place more than 200 kilometers away from our Longhu Mountain?"

"Yeah, the situation there is a bit urgent. I'll give you a second-grade Shenxingjia horse. You can run there by yourself. It will probably arrive in half a day."

As Yi Qian said, he took out a talisman from his sleeve and handed it to Zhang Zhiwei.

Yi Qian is an old master who majored in talismans in Tianshi's mansion. He has a very high attainment in talismans. Qing Dadong scriptures".

The talismans he made, even if they are very low-level armored horse talismans, still have incredible effects. After affixing the armored horse, the barren mountains and wild mountains are like walking on flat ground. Even an ordinary person can travel thousands of miles a day.

"Okay, then I'll go!"

Zhang Zhiwei took the Shenxing armored horse handed over by Yi Qian, turned around and left Zhengyiguan, and went back to his barn to pack his luggage. In fact, Zhang Zhiwei's so-called luggage was just a change of Taoist robes that reached the ocean.

When you go out, you have to have some money with you, right? As for the Taoist robe, you must have one. The ordinary Taoist robe he is wearing now is of very ordinary quality. Sometimes when he makes a big move, such as rolling up the sleeves, the thread may be unraveled , Prepare one thing, so as not to encounter troubles when you are in trouble, it is indecent to be shirtless.

After tidying up, Zhang Zhiwei carried a small bag and was about to go out, but he saw the little boy Tian Jinzhong ran over cheerfully with a rabbit in his hand:

"Senior brother, senior brother, what do you think I got? A hare, so fat, today we are lucky!"

At this time, he saw Zhang Zhiwei carrying five mahogany swords on his back and a small bag in his hand.

"Hey!~Brother, what are you doing?"

"Go down the mountain to do something!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

Tian Jinzhong immediately looked up to the sky and sighed deeply: "Hey, it's faded, the relationship has faded, senior brother won't bring me with him when he goes down the mountain!"

"This is to do business!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"We only need to be together for business. Forget what you promised when you returned to the mountain. You will take our brothers and sisters together to exterminate demons and eradicate bandits!"

Tian Jinzhong threw the rabbit in his hand, grabbed Zhang Zhiwei and did not let go, begging:

"Senior Brother, let's take Junior Brother with you, Junior Brother's attainment of the Golden Light Curse is not bad, it won't affect you at all, and I can carry the burden for you, the one who carries the sword!"

Backing the sword... Zhang Zhiwei glanced at the five mahogany swords on his back. Looking at it this way, he was a bit of a second-guesser.

"All right, all right, I'll take you with me, come down quickly, you'll tear my Taoist robe apart!"

Tian Jinzhong immediately stood beside Zhang Zhiwei, as if his brother told him to go east, but he would never go west.

Zhang Zhiwei stuffed the burden and the five mahogany swords behind him into Tian Jinzhong's hands:
"When a real Taoist comes out, there must be two boys around him. How about this, you will be my sword-carrying boy when you go down the mountain this time."

"Isn't it good for Junior Brother Carrying Sword?" Tian Jinzhong objected: "Boy Carrying Sword doesn't sound good!"

It’s like you’re not a chicken… In order to avoid being bullied, Zhang Zhiwei only complained about this sentence in his heart, but didn’t say it, he nodded:

"Brother carrying the sword, let's carry the sword, let's go, follow me to Tianmen Mountain, where we will set off!"

After all, he turned around and left, and it was enough to bring Tian Jinzhong. After all, he was his mouth substitute and sword boy. Zhang Zhiwei didn't want to go down the mountain this time and bring a group of juniors and tour groups.

"Brother, wait for me, wait for me!"

Seeing the back of Zhang Zhiwei going away, Tian Jinzhong hurriedly followed.

The two of them jumped up and down, and soon came to the top of Tianmen Mountain.

Because of Zhang Zhiwei's practice of lightning method here last time, the top of the mountain was smashed into a mess, and there were scorched black marks everywhere after the lightning strike.

However, in the scorched blackness, life appeared again, and a few red buds poked out from the scorched earth. Zhang Zhiwei leaned over and stroked it with his hand.

"Brother, I remember that you often practice here, and it's all because of you!" Tian Jinzhong said with a smack of tongue.

"Forget it, well, ready to go!"

"This is on a cliff, how do we start and climb down?"

"In a very new way!"

After all, Zhang Zhiwei made a trick, and a yellow talisman turned into a paper crane and flew out, rising in the air against the wind, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a big crane.

The last time I saw Master riding a crane back to Longhu Mountain, Zhang Zhiwei was envious for a long time, so he naturally found an opportunity to learn it.

Although his crane's flying speed may not be as fast as his master's, he can fly, it's much better than running on the ground.

As for the god-shaped armored horse talisman Yi Qian gave...keep it as a spare, maybe it will be useful in the future.

This scene made Tian Jinzhong dumbfounded, he couldn't help but stepped forward and touched the crane with his hands, the touch felt as if it was real, if he hadn't seen the crane transformed from a talisman with his own eyes, he would have thought it was a real crane.

"What's the fuss, go up!"

Tian Jinzhong quickly and carefully climbed onto the crane's back.

Afterwards, Zhang Zhiwei stepped up to the back of the yellow crane, and pinched the formula again. The crane spread its wings and flew out from the top of Tianmen Mountain, straight into the clouds.

There are very few people coming, and there are not many high-song and crane groups.

The crane shuttles between the clouds and passes over the Longhu Mountain at an extremely fast speed, while Zhang Zhiwei steps on the back of the crane, giving people a feeling of flying in the air, flying against the wind. In front of him, Tian Jinzhong carefully sits cross-legged I was afraid that I would fall if I was not careful.

As the ancestral home of Taoism, there are many believers in Longhu Mountain. I don't know who is sharp-eyed. When he saw the crane in the sky, he exclaimed:

"Look, there seems to be another person on that crane's back!"

"Hey, there is really a person!"

Zhang Zhiwei's back was too tall and completely covered Tian Jinzhong's figure, so these people only saw Zhang Zhiwei.

Immortals appeared on Longhu Mountain, and the news immediately went viral. The believers who came to offer incense and pray for blessings all looked in the distance, and they really saw an immortal with the appearance of a Taoist riding a crane.

In an instant, these believers exploded, bluntly saying that Longhu Mountain is worthy of being a sanctuary of the gods, and there are indeed gods appearing.

Of course, Zhang Zhiwei didn't know about all these things. He had already flown far away, and when he looked back at Longhu Mountain, he could only see a small dot.

And when Zhang Zhiwei was on his way, the Lu Family Courtyard.

The current head of the Lu family, Lu Xuan, and the former head of the Lu family, Mrs. Lu, are discussing matters.

"By the way, uncle, the head of the left door heard that the Gao family was going to unite the four families to fight against Japanese pirates, so he called Jin'er back from Sanymen. Does the head of the left door mean that Jin'er should also participate in this matter? Ah?!" Lu Xuan said.

"It should be!" the old man said in a deep voice.

"Only Jin'er is back. Does this mean that Trinity School doesn't intend to participate in this matter?" Lu Xuan frowned.

"The Trinity Sect will definitely not participate. The Trinity Sect has provoked the warlords a few days ago, and they are wrangling. Zuo Ruotong has no intention of paying attention to the affairs of Liaodong!" Old Master Lu said.

Lu Xuan slapped the table fiercely: "This group of damn things, now that the country is facing a crisis, people with lofty ideals from all over the world are responding one after another, but these black dogs are making things difficult for us everywhere!"

Mrs. Lu sneered and said, "Don't you look at who is standing behind the black leather dog?"

"The Japanese pirates have been entrenched in Liaodong since the previous dynasty, since they defeated the red-haired ghost. Now they have been operating there for more than 20 years, and they are deeply entrenched. I am not optimistic about the actions of the Gao family this time, but we can't just sit idly by."

The old man sighed: "Jin'er will not participate in this operation, you let him practice at home!"

"But this kid is impatient, I'm afraid he won't listen to persuasion!" Lu Xuan said worriedly.

"After being slapped by the little celestial master, he still hasn't calmed down?" Old Master Lu said.

"No way, the more frustrated you become, the more courageous you become!" Lu Xuan said.

Old Mrs. Lu smiled and said, "The more frustrated you become, the more courageous you become. It's a good thing, a good thing!"

But at this moment, a yellow paper crane flew in from outside, hovering above the desk.

"Longhushan urgent report?"

Lu Xuan reached out to take the paper crane, took it apart, took a look at it, and handed it to Mrs. Lu with a smile on his face.

The old man Lu saw it, and immediately smiled and said: "I'm not afraid that he won't listen to the persuasion, and will go to Liaodong. Tell Jin'er, the little celestial master of Longhu Mountain has an invitation, let him come over and have a good drink!"

(End of this chapter)

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