Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 121 Lu Ci's Progress, Departing from Longhu Mountain

Chapter 121 Lu Ci's Progress, Departing from Longhu Mountain

Lujia Village.

The Patriarch of the Wang Family and the Patriarch of the Lu Family are discussing matters.

"Brother Lu, how many people are you going to take this time with Lao Gao?" Patriarch Wang said.

Master Lu said: "For this operation, we need to be precise but not too much. I can just bring a few good hands over there."

Patriarch Wang nodded and said: "I think so too. Do you want to take those two boys of yours to practice?"

Lu Jiazhu pondered for a moment, and said: "Not all of them, I am going to take Lu Ren there. He is a few years older and more mature, and he was tricked by the little celestial master from Longhu Mountain in the last competition in the Lu Family Courtyard." Defeated, I gave some pointers. After coming back, I learned from the pain and worked hard secretly, and my cultivation has improved a lot, especially in terms of self-defense methods. I have made great progress in taking him there, I am at ease."

The head of the Wang family smiled and said: "What about Lu Ci? The Lu family's two jades are about to separate?"

"What are the Lu family's double jades? They were all promoted by people in the Jianghu, and they are actually vulnerable. It's not that Brother Wang didn't see the scene in the Lu family's compound. Don't make fun of me anymore." Lu family leader said.

"No, no, last time in the Lu family's compound, I didn't blame the Lu family's double walls, but only blamed the monsters in Longhu Mountain. In the year when Zhang Zhiwei was weak and crowned, he was more powerful than many old seniors. Not to mention Lu Ren and Lu Ci, just For an old guy like me, I'd be very upset!"

Patriarch Wang sighed and said that his family has a unique knowledge and supernatural powers, but if he wants to fight Zhang Zhiwei's five thunders, he has no idea. Yu old-timer's reserve.

"Me too!"

Master Lu paused, and then said: "By the way, Brother Wang, I received news earlier that Longhushan will also participate in this incident. You said that this young man will be involved?"

The Patriarch of the Wang family thought for a moment, then shook his head and said, "If I were Zhang Tianshi, I would rather go to Liaodong by myself than send Zhang Zhiwei there."

The Patriarch of the Lu family nodded approvingly: "I understand very well, so I will never let the second boy of my family go to Liaodong. After the last competition, he followed the devil like a demon, and he was bent on going evil ways. Instead of following the characteristics of Ruyi, strength, straightness, myriad shapes, and unpredictable attacks, I should instead shrink my strength and condense it into substance, and then imitate the natural power of heaven and earth, and now I am practicing boxing in the river all day long!"

"Don't care?" Patriarch Wang said with a smile.

"I can't control it!"

While the two were talking, a yellow paper crane flew over, with dew and dust on its paper wings, apparently flying some distance away.


The Lu family noticed it, and stretched out their hand, the palm of Ruyi breathed out, took the paper crane from the air, checked it, and showed a smile on his face.

"Feihe passed on the letter, this is Longhushan's method, Brother Lu, at this point, does it have something to do with the Liaodong incident?" Patriarch Wang said.

Master Lu shook his head and said, "Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here, we just talked about the little celestial master of Longhu Mountain, and he sent a letter, saying that he wants to invite the dog to go to Longhu Mountain for a gathering!"

After finishing speaking, Patriarch Lu showed the letter to Patriarch Wang for a look.

The Wang family is mainly scheming, read the contents of the letter, and speculated: "From the situation of the competition in the Lu family compound last time, it is unlikely that this little celestial master will do such a thing, or It's because he has ulterior motives. Or it's because he pinched his heart and made his heart more rounded, so he made this move!"

When Master Lu heard this, he was shocked and said: "Brother Wang, what you mean is that this little celestial master who is already powerful and messed up is also diligent?"

He didn't think about anything else, the Longhushan family has a great career, and this little celestial master is also supernatural, what can he do for his own dog?
The Patriarch of the Wang Family said solemnly: "It should be like this, by the way, Brother Lu intends to let Lu Ci and Lu Ren attend the appointment?"

Lu Jiazhu said: "Although Lu Ren wants to go to Liaodong this time, he will not go, but it is not good to let down the kindness of this little celestial master, so let Lu Ci go."

"This kid, knowing that I won't let him go to Liaodong to kill Japanese pirates, is still anxious to me. Let him go to Longhu Mountain this time, and he will calm down."

"Brother Wang, I'm not afraid of your jokes. Since the competition in the Lu Family Courtyard, this kid has admired that little celestial master so much that he wished he could set up a memorial tablet to enshrine it."

"Hahaha..." Patriarch Wang said with a smile, "The most sympathetic among the strong is right!"

Patriarch Wang turned around, sighed, and said:

"Since Brother Lu wants Lu Ci to go to Longhu Mountain for a banquet, why not ask Lu Ci to bring my kid along with him!"

"Looking at Brother Wang's expression, what is there to hide?" Lu Jiazhu said.

"I'm not afraid of making fun of you if you say it!"

Patriarch Wang shook his head and said: "Last time when I met people from the Ma family, there was a chubby girl, so I said a polite word, so that they, the juniors, should get closer."

"As a result, that silly boy in my family has been eyeing that little fat girl. These days, he keeps writing letters to the Northeast. I thought, it won't work if this continues."

"This time, since Lu Ci is going to Longhu Mountain, let's take him with me. Last time I asked him to challenge the little celestial master, he didn't dare, and he didn't get any guidance. I hope he can get something this time. What's the big man?" What's the point of staring at a daughter's house every day without a wife?"

This is the truth. Of course, Patriarch Wang has another consideration. He wants Wang Ai to establish a good relationship with Zhang Zhiwei.

After all, anyone with a discerning eye can see how extraordinary Zhang Zhiwei is. If a friendship was established when he was young, what kind of connections will he have in the future.

The head of the Lu family naturally couldn't fail to think of this, but there is nothing wrong with the four families being in the same breath.

"That's fine, I'll inform Lu Ci right away and ask him to take Wang Ai to Longhu Mountain together."



Lujia Village is not far away.

The river was flowing fast, and a thin but powerful arm was thrown out of the river, splashing water everywhere.

Lu Ci jumped out of the water and walked across the river, with a live fish in his mouth, he leaped to the shore, bit the live fish with one bite, and burst out laughing.

After laughing, he slapped his palm fiercely, and Ruyi Jin surged out like a raging wave, rolling the river water, forming a big vortex, rolling up the sand and rocks at the bottom of the river, making the river water turbid.

"I practice strength at the bottom of the river every day, and today I finally integrated the turbulent stacking strength like a wave into Ruyi strength. With one palm strike, the strength is as unstoppable as opening a flood gate!"

"Sure enough, Brother Zhiwei is right. No matter how clever the cunning and treacherous methods are, they are all small tricks that cannot be put on the table. With my palm, the river flows backwards, and the turbid waves are surging. This is no better than hiding strength in the wind. Do you have a strong internal energy?"

Lu Ci laughed heartily.

"Okay, you can just talk about it in private, if your father hears it, you will have to scold you again!"

Lu Ren was dressed in a clean and strong attire, walked over, and while talking, threw a vest and a towel to Lu Ci.

Lu Ci took the vest and put it on, wiped his face with a towel, and said cruelly:

"Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the country. Brother, I am making a breakthrough, and I am going to Liaodong. I want to kill the Japanese pirates and drink the blood of the Japanese pirates!"

"Based on your words, father will not let you go!"


"Too frizzy!"


Lu Ci was about to speak again.

Lu Ren threw him a piece of yellow paper.

Lu Ci took a look and was overjoyed.

Lu Ren laughed and said, "Tell me, do you want to go to Liaodong or Longhu Mountain!"

Lu Ci said: "I am diligent, and Brother Zhiwei is also diligent. He is indeed a person whom Lu Ci respects. I have benefited a lot from my teaching last time. This time, I must still gain a lot. The Japanese pirates are there, and they will not Run, I can kill whenever I want, but brother Zhiwei's invitation is not very common, brother, don't go to Liaodong, let's go to Longhu Mountain together!"

"I would like to go with you, but the situation is here, if it's not possible, you go to build a good relationship with Zhang Zhiwei, and when I come back from Liaodong, I can ask him for advice!" Lu Ren shook his head.

"That must be!" Lu Ci laughed.

"By the way, remember to bring Wang Ai with you when you go to Longhu Mountain this time!" Lu Ren said.

"What are you taking Fatty for? Shouldn't he be arguing to go to the Northeast with Uncle Wang, to meet the little fat girl whom he has been thinking about so much?" Lu Ci asked puzzled.

"You still know, that's why I asked you to take him to Longhu Mountain. Don't you understand what Uncle Wang means? You just want Zhang Zhiwei to give Wang Ai some advice, and I hope he will be enlightened too!" Lu Ren said. .

"Okay, okay, then I'll take him with me, and I happen to have a companion on the way!"

Lu Ci agreed, and he squeezed his fist hard, and he couldn't bear to be taught again.

(End of this chapter)

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