Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 150 The Difference Between Lin Huaiyi and Zhang Zhiwei's Realms

Chapter 150 The Difference Between Lin Huaiyi and Zhang Zhiwei's Realms
Longhu Mountain, in front of the plaque of Sihan Tianshi Mansion.

Zhang Zhiwei, Lu Ci, and Wang Ai are waiting for Lu Jin.

Zhang Zhiwei sat cross-legged, staring at the sky with dull eyes, sitting and watching the clouds roll and the clouds relax, and at the same time distracted and polished his life without showing any traces. He would never waste this kind of leisure time in a daze.

But Lu Ci did not have such a state, he frowned, paced back and forth, and said to himself:
"Lu Jin is a bitch, a big man, when he goes out, he's just like a bitch, how long will he last? I want to kick Lu Jin's stinky face with my feet."

At this moment, Wang Ai tugged at Lu Ci's clothes, and whispered, "Lu... Lu Ci, that Taoist priest who kicked Lu Jin's face hard is here."

"Huh?" Lu Ci turned his head to look, only to see a little Taoist priest with ears that didn't match his figure walking slowly.

What is the name of this Taoist who looks a bit weak but is actually very strong... Lu Ci thought for a while and remembered that Wang Ai had said before when he told the story that his name was Lin Huaiyi.

I heard from the fat man that this kid has a very high level of attainment in the Golden Light Curse, and he can also use lightning techniques. Although he can't do two tricks in front of Senior Brother Zhang, is this not an appropriate weakened version of Senior Brother Zhang?

Thinking of this, Lu Ci was a little eager to try. This kid Lu Jin fought him for many rounds. Although he was beaten in the end, his strength should not be much different.

How about I try it?If I can't beat Senior Brother Zhang, I will learn some sutras from Senior Brother Zhang's junior brother first!

Lin Huaiyi, who was walking slowly, looked at the thorn in front of him in surprise.

Unlike Zhang Zhiwei, who always observes himself, although Lin Huaiyi learned the technique of observing himself, he likes to observe his surroundings.

He heard the conversation between Lu Ci and Wang Ai clearly, and he even keenly noticed the changes in Lu Ci's eyes and the ups and downs of emotions.

This thorn wants to fight me... Lin Huaiyi reacted instantly, but he didn't take it to heart. He is the most inferior and conceited.

Inferiority is low self-esteem in front of the strong, and he would rather lie dormant before reaching the strength of a battle.

Conceit is conceited in front of the weak, stronger than you, he doesn't even bother to compete with you.

Lin Huaiyi didn't compete with his fellow disciples, let alone fight with Lu Ci. Before fighting with Lu Jin, it was purely pushed by Zhang Zhiwei, who himself wanted to refuse.

Lin Huaiyi walked up to Zhang Zhiwei without even looking at Lu Ci and Wang Ai.

Zhang Zhiwei looked at him, finished his meditation practice, and his godless eyes instantly became as bright as a big star.

Noticing Zhang Zhiwei's eyes, Lin Huaiyi was taken aback. What Lu Ci and Wang Ai felt just now was unreal, and they only knew that Zhang Zhiwei seemed to be in a daze when he was waiting for Lu Jin.

But Lin Huaiyi knew what this meant, which meant that brother Zhang Zhiwei could enter into a state of concentration anytime, anywhere.

He can even be in meditation while doing other things, as long as he wants, he can even maintain a state of practice all day long.

He suddenly realized, no wonder he couldn't keep up with his senior brother no matter how much he did his private work, and even got farther and farther away. !

"Senior brother is so high in the state of Jinggong, he is still practicing at this time!"

Lin Huaiyi's words startled Wang Ai and Lu Ci.

"Brother Zhang was practicing just now?" Lu Ci asked with a look of surprise.

"Isn't Senior Brother Zhang in a daze? I also heard him say that Lu Jin looks like a woman when he goes out to eat!" Wang Ai also looked disbelieving.

The two of them didn't notice this at all.

Zhang Zhiwei smiled and said: "The state of Jinggong is only a small achievement. As for the cultivation... It's like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat. Like ordinary people like me, you can only make up for your weakness with diligence!"


Lin Huaiyi, Lu Ci, and Wang Ai were all speechless, and a word came out of their hearts.

You listen, do people say anything?
"Brother, do you know that your behavior is called a scab at the foot of the mountain, and you will be beaten to death!"

Lin Huaiyi pointed to Zhang Zhiwei and said that before he entered Longhu Mountain, his family was in business, so he naturally knew these things.

"To be beaten to death?" Zhang Zhiwei narrowed his eyes: "Believe it or not, I will slap you, right now, the kind that will never show mercy!"

Lin Huaiyi stopped talking immediately, his realm was not enough, he couldn't understand Zhang Zhiwei's views, and couldn't tell whether this sentence was a joke or serious.

Therefore, he chose not to take any risks. If Tian Jinzhong was a guy, he would have to make a few sentences at this time, and he would eat a few chestnuts before he would stop.

"By the way, brother, you let me play on purpose yesterday, right? How did you find out that I was hiding my cultivation?"

Lin Huaiyi looked puzzled and said, he thought he controlled it very well, except for the master, many old masters hadn't discovered it, how did the senior brother know.

"Last time I tried the Tiandi Audio-Visual Dharma Altar, and saw that Master was giving you a small fire!" Zhang Zhiwei casually said a reason.

Lin Huaiyi suddenly said: "So that's the case, no wonder..."

"You didn't take care of your own affairs, and you came to me just to talk about this?"

Zhang Zhiwei said: "Even if my master often says that I don't have long eyes, I can see it. Although the brothers didn't say anything, and everyone even congratulated you...but I still have a lot of opinions on you in my heart! "

"Brother, actually I came here to apologize to that Lu Jin. I played a little harder yesterday during the discussion. As for the brothers..."

Lin Huaiyi sighed, and said, "Oh, I really don't know what to do in the future...how should I get along with everyone!"

At this time, Wang Ai suddenly said: "Yesterday, you beat me badly during the sparring session. Why don't you apologize to me?"

Lin Huaiyi gave him a sideways glance: "You are like a fat pig, and you have laughed at my appearance many times. In yesterday's competition, I have already restrained you!"

"You heard it all..." Wang Ai was at a loss for words, and stood next to Lu Ci with a resentful expression on his face.

Is this the beginning of the grievances of the three generations... Zhang Zhiwei secretly laughed and said:

"If you want to apologize to Lu Jin, you may have to wait a while. Lu Jin is still arranging the haircut that was burned by you!"

"Then I'll wait for a while!"

After a while, Lin Huaiyi suddenly said: "Brother, what happened before, if you were me, how would you get along with the big guys? I am too embarrassed to see them now, I want to hide when I see them, I am ashamed to see them people!"

"If it were me..." Zhang Zhiwei thought for a moment, and said: "Just get along as usual, if you are really sorry for what you did before, it's simple, be more honest with everyone in the future, such as more How many times do you invite everyone to eat or something, how can everyone remember you for the rest of your life?"

Lin Huaiyi was taken aback: "Is it really that simple?"

Zhang Zhiwei said with a smile: "You have been thinking about how to get along with others for so many years, haven't you thought enough? I found that you seem to care about other people's opinions."

Lin Huaiyi nodded: "Yes, I'm not very good at getting along with people. When I meet an acquaintance, the first thought in my mind is to hide."

"Besides, I really care about other people's words. Sometimes I will be very happy when I get a compliment."

"Sometimes, just one or two words will make me feel uncomfortable for a long time, just like that fat man called me a mouse!"

Hearing this, Wang Ai weakly said, "I didn't call you a mouse, I obviously called you a mouse..."

Lin Huaiyi stared over.

Wang Ai stopped talking immediately.

Zhang Zhiwei smiled and said, "The reason for this is because your thinking has been affected."

"People have two sets of thinking, one is entirely their own and is manipulated by themselves."

"There is another set that is mistakenly thought to belong to oneself, but in fact it is just the thinking itself."

"In short, the former can be completely controlled by oneself. This thinking is one's own thinking and judgment of oneself and the external world."

"The latter is that you cannot control yourself, or even be controlled. This kind of thinking is a delusion imposed on you by the past and future, and it is the manipulation of yourself by the outside world."

"The reason why you care so much about the opinions of people around you is because you are controlled by the second set of thinking and lost your own thinking."

"What you need is to separate your true self, to sit high on the altar, not to be disturbed by external delusions, not to be disturbed by your own delusions, and to understand your true self. This is the self-cultivation self!"

What Zhang Zhiwei said is actually to observe the realm of inner sage and outer king.

After listening to Zhang Zhiwei's words, Lin Huaiyi said thoughtfully:

"Brother, Master has also told me similar things, but he is not as mysterious as you said."

"Master said that people live in groups. In a person's world, there will be many "hes". .”

"Probably, if you know what you really want, no matter how complicated other people's words are, they won't affect you."

Lin Huaiyi thought for a while, and continued: "Master also said that Jianghu is like a big store, with everything in it, you just want to go in and buy a bottle of oil."

"But many people next to you tell you, this is good, you need to get some of this, you need to get some of that. Some of them are people you don't know, some are your parents, relatives, some are kind, and some have bad intentions. I hope you will suffer."

"In the words of these people, you will be affected, or in other words, people in this world are affected every day, and are constantly shaped by the outside world. Each of us will have more or less traces of other people's lives, too much. Extreme people will not live like themselves, but like people living in other people's mouths."

"Cultivating the Tao is to find yourself in such a complicated world. Get rid of distracting thoughts, know what you want, and know what you want to do."

"Master said, if I can keep everything from being stuck in my heart, then I can be at ease."

After hearing Lin Huaiyi's words, Zhang Zhiwei was in a daze for a moment. His master had also told him these words.

He was able to reach this state so quickly before, because of his high talent and good comprehension, it was one aspect, and the master's teaching was another aspect.

"Now that you know, why do you still ask?" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"Brother, you know what you know, but I can't do it. It runs counter to what I've always thought!" Lin Huaiyi said with some pain.

Zhang Zhiwei looked at Lin Huaiyi with a tangled face, thought for a while, patted him on the shoulder, and said:

"If you can't figure it out, don't insist on it. Just stick to your own Tao. Everyone's understanding of Tao is different. If you can't comprehend it, don't force it. Once you reach the realm, you will understand it!"

"Really?" Lin Huaiyi looked up at Zhang Zhiwei.


Zhang Zhiwei nodded seriously, but he sighed in his heart, knowing is easier than doing, and there is often a gap between knowing and doing.

If there were no special encounters in this test, Lin Huaiyi might not be able to pass it for the rest of his life.

Because, in the plot, Lin Huaiyi, who later became Zhang Huaiyi, lived like someone else all his life.

Even in the last few years of his life, he was still teaching his grandson Zhang Chulan to hide his clumsiness, saying that these mortal beings in the rivers and lakes are not afraid of the sky and the earth, but they are afraid of people who are too different from him.

If you are too bad or cowardly, they will destroy you and step on you. If you are too good or too strong, they will not be at ease, they will suppress you and alienate you.

As long as you are similar to them, they will accept you with peace of mind. At that time, they don't care whether you are good or bad.

So those who live the most carefree lives in the arena are those who know how to pretend to be the same as others.

This is his understanding.

That's what he's done, and he's done it all his life.

His strength, in the alien world, can definitely be called a master, but is he at ease?

Maybe he thinks that his life of hiding in the world but others can't find it is a happy life, but Zhang Zhiwei doesn't approve of it.

What is Happy?If you want to live in seclusion, no one will dare to disturb you. If you want to kill, you can kill as many as you like.

What ten guys, what company's broken rules, if it runs counter to my ideas, it's bullshit, this is freedom and freedom.

And this, perhaps, was also the reason why Lin Huaiyi wanted to pursue those eight miraculous skills crazily, to pursue the end of that technique, the origin of the body.

Because life can't get through together, so I can only pursue techniques to improve my strength.

This can actually be seen from the way Lin Huaiyi used the Golden Light Curse.

Zhang Zhiwei's golden light curse is used to polish life, golden light is ordinary golden light, the reason why it is extraordinary is an external manifestation of a strong life.

However, Huaiyi's golden light is different. What he pursues is the embodiment of the golden light mantra in terms of "skills". An example is the extremely sharp golden light qi blade that is designed to break the golden light.

Everyone has their own ambitions, and some people are more suitable for practicing life.

Some people are more gifted in the use of magic.

That's why Zhang Zhiwei asked Jin Lin Huaiyi not to force, but to follow his own heart, so as not to blindly imitate him and delay himself.

"Brother, I understand!" Lin Huaiyi nodded, feeling a lot more relaxed.

Beside Zhang Zhiwei, Lu Ci was comprehending what he had just said with an almost uncontrollable excitement on his face.

Wang Ai listened in a cloud of fog.

At this moment, a voice sounded.

"Hahaha, I've been waiting for a long time, I've been waiting for you, I'm ready!"

Everyone looked back and saw Lu Jin standing at the door, with his hands in his trouser pockets, neat white hair, and a black suit, looking handsome and handsome.

Lu Ci curled her lips: "Some people, in order to tidy up a ball head, they are like a woman, and you will never know what you missed!"

"Ah?" Lu Jin was taken aback: "What did I miss?"

Zhang Zhiwei: "Nothing!"

Lu Ci: "Yes, nothing!"

Wang Ai: "Yeah, nothing, nothing!"

(End of this chapter)

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