Chapter 151

"It's nothing, you have a problem!"

Curiosity killed the cat, Lu Jin felt like a cat was scratching in his heart:

"Fatty, tell me, what did you say? Don't forget that I suffered a great loss in order to get you back. If you still hide such a little thing, it will be too embarrassing."

Wang Ai faltered for a moment, and said, "Well...that is why Senior Brother Zhang talked about his understanding of cultivation for the sake of mentoring younger brothers. Anyway, I didn't understand it very well!"

"Senior brother Zhang talked about the understanding of practice?" Lu Jin immediately bowed his head and stamped his feet angrily, feeling that he had lost a hundred million, and sighed up to the sky:
"That little Taoist priest with big ears is really..."

Just when he was about to say something bad, Lu Jin found that the little Taoist priest with big ears was not far away, looking straight at him.

Lu Jin's words froze, his face was stiff, and he smiled and said:

"Hmm... What a... What a coincidence, Huai... Brother Huaiyi!"

Unlike Lu Ci and Zhang Zhiwei who are more casual, Lu Jin is very concerned about face.

Otherwise, after being beaten and cried by Zhang Zhiwei, he wouldn't be crying while talking about the scene.

Seeing Lu Jin's appearance like this, Lu Ci and Wang Ai couldn't help laughing, and whispered: "Look, Lu Jin's prudence has started again!"

Zhang Zhiwei was speechless, Lao Lu's idol has a heavy burden!
Even Lin Huaiyi was stunned. Compared with Wang Ai and Lu Ci, he suddenly had a little more affection for Lu Jin. At least this person would take care of other people's feelings.

Lin Huaiyi hurried over, and sincerely apologized to Lu Jin, saying that he lost his sense during the discussion yesterday, and acted a little harshly, which harmed Longhushan's hospitality. I hope he doesn't mind something like that.

When Lu Jin heard this, he quickly smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, let's discuss and teach, that's how it should be. I, Lu Jin, didn't complain about Brother Huaiyi at all. Brother Huaiyi's cultivation is higher than mine, and my skills are not as good as others. I'm willing to bow down, me~! I don't take it to heart at all!"

"Huh!~ I don't take it to heart at all..." Lu Ci repeated in a low voice next to him, and immediately burst out laughing:

"Hahaha... Fatty, I'm about to die, this prudish, just wanted to speak ill of others, but was caught on the spot, and now he pretends to be, hahaha..."

Wang Ai also let out a barbell-like laugh.

You two are bad friends, right? You have been professionally dismantling the stage for 100 years... Zhang Zhiwei complained in his heart, and couldn't help but smile on his face. Lao Lu is still a very interesting guy.

"Since benefactor Lu didn't take it to heart, I can rest assured!" Lin Huaiyi said with a relieved smile.

Lu Jin waved his hand: "What is this, how can I take it to heart? But Senior Brother Huaiyi's cultivation is really amazing. Although I am not as good as it is for the time being, I will challenge again after a while!"

This is indeed Lu Jin's intention.

He and Lu Ci thought of going together. Zhang Zhiwei's strength was too far behind him. It was fine to ask for advice, but it would be a little too boring to challenge.

This Lin Huaiyi's attainments in the Golden Light Curse are quite high, and he can use lightning techniques. Isn't he a properly weakened version of Senior Brother Zhang?
Take him as a staged small goal first, overthrow the weakened version of Senior Brother Zhang, and then challenge Senior Brother Zhang.

Lin Huaiyi said with a smile: "Brother Lu Jin is welcome to fight at any time. By the way, brother Lu Jin, brother, I have to go and explain to the other brothers, so I won't stay any longer!"

Afterwards, Lin Huaiyi turned and left.

Only Zhang Zhiwei, Lu Ci, Lu Jin, and Wang Ai are left here.

"Brother Zhang, did you just preach? Why don't you preach again!" Lu Jin said.

"That's right, Senior Brother Zhang, do you want to stop talking?" Lu Ci also said.

"Why don't we go down the mountain for dinner?" Wang Ai had a unique opinion.

"I think it's ok, let's go down the mountain and have a big meal!" Zhang Zhiwei made a decision with a big wave of his hand.

Wang Ai smiled immediately, but immediately after, he felt a thorn in his back.

As soon as he turned his head, he looked at Lu Jin and Lu Ci with angry and indisputable eyes.

These two guys who often confronted each other, but at this moment they had a surprisingly tacit understanding, and they hugged Wang Ai's shoulders from left to right.

"Fatty, how do you know how to eat?"

"Yeah, is it important to preach or eat?"

After all, without waiting for Wang Ai's response, both of them clenched their hands into fists and pressed against Wang Ai's temple. As soon as they turned inward, Wang Ai grinned in pain.



A quarter of an hour later, at the foot of Longhu Mountain, Shangqing Town, and Shangqing Restaurant.

Shangqing Restaurant is the largest restaurant in Shangqing Town. It is a three-story red lacquer carved building with round lanterns hanging at the gate and various decorative murals on the walls.

There is a bookstore and stage on the first floor of the restaurant, and the corridor on the third floor is for people to stop and watch.

Because it is backed by the Heavenly Master's Mansion on Longhu Mountain, there are many pilgrims, so the business of this restaurant is very good, but few people know that this restaurant is opened by the Tianshi's Mansion.

Zhang Zhiwei brought Lu Ci, Lu Jin and Wang Ai into the restaurant, took out a few oceans and lined them up on the counter: "Senior brother, serve up anything delicious."

Even if it is your own restaurant, you still have to pay if you should pay. Otherwise, all the Taoist priests in Longhu Mountain come to eat free food, how can this restaurant continue to operate?
As for the shopkeeper, he is actually a senior brother of Zhang Zhiwei, a disciple of the Tianshi Mansion, and when he becomes an adult, he will take over the sect's business.

If the method of subjugating demons is high, you will usually be assigned to Zhengyiguan in the headquarters;

If you are not good at subduing demons, then you will arrange some other jobs, such as the restaurant business.

The shopkeeper swept the money into the tray, and said with a smile: "Hey, Zhiwei, why don't you ask the brothers to come together this time?"

"Next time, this time I will hold a separate banquet to entertain my friends from the four major families. By the way, brother, the food and drink must be prepared. Don't let me lose face of the Tianshi Mansion!" Zhang Zhiwei said with a smile .

The shopkeeper smiled and said: "Just kidding, Zhiwei, don't you trust me? It must be the highest specification!"

Immediately called Xiaoer over: "Take a few to the private room, the best one!"

A few people came to the private room on the third floor. It was a good location. Sitting in it, one could see the scenery of Shangqing Town through the window and the performances on the stage below.

Soon, plates of delicacies were served one after another.

The previous discussions and teachings had consumed a lot of energy. Now that the delicious food was on the table, how could they hold back, and immediately started to drink heavily.

While eating, Lu Ci raised his glass suddenly and said:

"I, Lu Ci, have never been convinced by a few people in my life, especially by no one. Brother Zhang, you are No.1. Come, let me toast you!"

Zhang Zhiwei raised his glass with a smile, touched Lu Ci, and said with a smile:

"What is beating and convincing? Do we call it beating? That is making friends with martial arts!"

"That's right, make friends with martial arts, make friends with martial arts!" Lu Ci said quickly.

Afterwards, the two drank it all in one gulp.

At this time, Lu Jin also raised his glass and said: "Brother Zhang's cultivation level, needless to say, my grandfather said that many older generations are no match for you, you must respect one!"

"Good talk good talk!"

Zhang Zhiwei raised his glass and touched Lu Jin, and then drank it down.

He has always been unrestrained when it comes to drinking, and he never raises fish.

Everyone here is like this, even Wang Ai, when it comes to drinking, he doesn't play tricks.

After all, he is someone who can get along with Lu Ci. He looks innocent, but deep down, he is a ruthless person.

"Hey, Senior Brother Zhang, I'm not afraid of your jokes. Although I said I didn't care about it on the surface, I still cared about it in my heart when I was defeated by your junior brother earlier. You watched the whole process of the match, Senior Brother Zhang, can you Give me some advice on how I can improve my skills so that I can better catch up with him!"

Maybe after drinking some wine, Lu Jin's burden of being an idol was relieved, and he blushed and said with some embarrassment.

Hearing this, Lu Ci quickly put down his wine glass and listened attentively. Then he heard the sound of gurgling in his ears. He turned his head and found that it was Wang Ai who was feasting. He held Wang Ai down and made a silent gesture, Let him calm down.

Wang Ai stopped eating immediately, but slowly chewed the food in his mouth with puffed cheeks.

You kid is a chicken thief, let me teach you to defeat my junior brother... Zhang Zhiwei smiled and said:

"Actually, I don't have anything to advise you. Your Trinity sect is on the same path as I am, both cultivating both life and soul. Generally speaking, our practice is actually like building roads, and we want cars and horses to pass through. , we can only open roads in the mountains and build bridges in the water.”

"Some people pursue means and 'skills' too much. It's like building a narrow path and building a single-plank bridge. Although it is fast, it can go far in a short period of time, but the further you go, the greater the limitation will be."

"The practice of focusing on life is to build a broad road. Although it takes a lot of effort, once the life is cultivated to the extreme, it is not as unpredictable as some strange arts. But it can also crack city walls with fists and split rivers with palms. With a body of majestic qi, all evils will not invade, and thousands of troops will be defeated, even a mediocre slap contains an unbearable weight."

"You can't beat Huaiyi for the time being, it's not that you have a problem with your skills, it's that your cultivation of life is not high enough, if you have my cultivation, you can go up and slap him down!"

Upon hearing this, Lu Jin quickly said, "Then how can we quickly improve our life cultivation?"

Zhang Zhiwei shook his head and said: "The polishing of life is hard work, so there is no rush!"

"Brother Zhang, I really want to improve!" Lu Jin said impatiently.

"Want to make progress? Who doesn't want to make progress, and I want to make progress too!" Zhang Zhiwei picked up the wine glass, drank it down, and then put it heavily on the table: "But I'm practicing on the mountain every day, and the progress is slow!"

Lu Jin was taken aback, and was about to speak.

Lu Ci next to him expressed his feelings: "Senior Brother Zhang said that my heart is on the line. I compete with the people in the village every day, thousands of times, but I don't make much progress. In my opinion, you can't become a master if you practice. Only in the bloody battle between life and death can a real master be tempered!"

"Old Lu, do you know why I always wanted to see the full strength of Senior Brother Zhang? It was because of the last rehearsal in the Lu family compound, Senior Brother Zhang made me feel a life-and-death crisis and the great terror between life and death."

"But at the same time, I also have a feeling that once I see through the gate of life and death, my next cultivation will be progressing at a rapid pace, but Senior Brother Zhang seems to have reservations all the time, so I won't allow me to fulfill my wish."

Zhang Zhiwei glanced at Lu Ci angrily: "If I didn't keep it, you would have died a long time ago!"

Lu Ci nodded and said: "I understand what Brother Zhang said. Whether it's you or my elders, no matter how big the movement is, they are actually keeping their hands. This sense of crisis is not obvious and has little meaning!"

"You mean life-and-death fight?" Lu Jin picked up his wine glass, thought for a moment, and said, "Then, let's kill...the whole-sex monster. The last time Senior Brother Zhang asked me to investigate the case of the human trafficker who made a little ghost, there are already some clues." That's right, it was made by a full-sex demon..."

Before Lu Jin finished speaking, he was interrupted by Lu Ci:
"What kind of decapitation is there for a demon? It's hard to find those who are hiding in Tibet. Otherwise, let's go to Liaodong!"

As Lu Ci said, he slapped the table with a "bang", and said excitedly:

"As the saying goes, everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of a country. Over there in Liaodong, the Japanese pirates are making trouble. Let's go drink the blood of the Japanese pirates, how about it?"

Lu Jin frowned and said, "But the situation in Liaodong is very chaotic now. I wanted to go too, but my father and grandfather insisted repeatedly, so I can't go!"

"I'm afraid, my brother can go, why can't we go? Besides, we have Senior Brother Zhang!"

Lu Ci looked at Zhang Zhiwei: "Brother Zhang, don't you feel it's a pity that you have been staying in Longhu Mountain to clean up with your skills? How about you take us to Liaodong for a while?"

With that said, the two looked at Zhang Zhiwei.

But Zhang Zhiwei grinned wider and wider, and he was laughing.

It is indeed the like-minded person he is looking for.

Before he started to persuade, they started to encourage him!

(End of this chapter)

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