Chapter 152

Zhang Zhiwei picked up a glass of wine with a big smile, drank it down, and said, "I think it's okay, Lao Lu, how about you?"

Lu Jin pondered for a moment, and said: "Before, I was practicing in the Sany School. Master heard that the Gao family organized people to deal with Japanese pirates in Liaodong. The four families wanted to join forces, so I wanted to bring the Sany School to participate."

"But helplessly, the warlord I provoked last time was like that dog skin plaster. He kept coming here to find fault. The master was too busy to take care of Liaodong, so he let me go home and wanted me to go to Liaodong to practice and practice."

"As a result, after returning home, my grandfather and father refused to let me participate in it on the grounds that Liaodong was a war-torn place and it was very dangerous. At this time, Brother Zhang happened to write a letter asking me to gather at Longhu Mountain. Tiger Mountain."

Lu Jin looked at Zhang Zhiwei and Lu Ci, and asked, "Do you think I should listen to my master, or my father and grandfather?"

Zhang Zhiwei looked at Lu Jin with a smile. He probably understood the kid's inner thoughts. He just wanted to go, but he didn't want to violate the orders of his father and grandfather, so he needed someone to encourage him. After all, he still had the mentality of a child.

However, Lu Ci was not used to him, so he slapped the table and reprimanded him: "Lu Jin, it's fine for you to go out and babble like a bitch, but how do you make decisions like a bitch?"

"What do we mean, should you listen to your master, or should you listen to your father and grandfather? As the old saying goes, generals are outside, and military orders are not accepted. You have gone out, and you still care about your master and you. Dad, who cares what your grandfather said?"

"Don't forget, we are now in Longhu Mountain. Here, let's listen to Senior Brother Zhang. Senior Brother Zhang, tell me, let's do it, or not?"

The two looked at Zhang Zhiwei together again.

Zhang Zhiwei took the wine glass and found that there was no wine in it, so he simply put the wine glass away, picked up the wine jar, and put it heavily on the table:
"It's just a Japanese pirate, is it necessary to engage in strong men who will never return? Fuck them!"

Lu Ci also looked decent, picked up the wine jar, put it heavily on the table, gave Zhang Zhiwei a thumbs up, and said: "Tough!"

"Is it hard?" Zhang Zhiwei smiled.

"Tough enough!" Lu Ci picked up the wine jar, wanting to touch Zhang Zhiwei.

Zhang Zhiwei also picked up the wine jar: "Whether it's hard or not, let's talk about it in Liaodong. Lu Jin, how about you!"

Without any hesitation, Lu Jin picked up the wine jar and hung it on the table: "It's him, I'm not hard!"

"well said!"

The three of them were about to touch the jar, and suddenly found Wang Ai who was huddled in the corner of the table, trying to reduce his sense of existence.

"Fatty, are you tough?" Lu Ci asked.

Wang Ai shook his head straight: "It's not hard, it's not hard. I heard that Liaodong is very turbulent, and the war is very fierce. If I get shot suddenly, I will be gone. I am so fat. It's very soft, so don't join in the fun, don't join in the fun!"

Lu Ci said: "Fatty, it doesn't really matter whether you go or not. If you go, it may be a burden, but if you don't go, what if you go back and inform me?"

Lu Jin said: "It's true, if Wang Ai goes back, maybe we will be stopped before we reach Liaodong."

Wang Ai quickly said: "No, no, I will keep it secret and never reveal anything!"

Lu Ci said: "You keep it secret? Uncle Wang is such a smart person. You will definitely not be able to keep it. You have to go. Besides, what are you afraid of following Senior Brother Zhang? With Senior Brother Zhang's cultivation base, following him is better than being with Uncle Wang." All safe!"

Wang Ai shook his head like a rattle: "No, I won't go, even if you beat me up, I won't go either!"

Wang Ai just looks stupid, but he is not stupid in reality, he is very smart, how could he not know the danger at the border?The Japanese pirates were rampant there, Hongmao looked around, it was impossible for him to go.

Lu Ci's eyes were fixed: "Fatty, we're on good terms, but if you don't go, I'll really beat you!"

It is rare for Lu Jin to agree with Lu Ci: "I want to beat you too, the kind that doesn't show mercy!"

Zhang Zhiwei said: "Fatty, fat girl Guan Shihua is a local snake in Liaodong. Are you sure you don't want to go? Do you want to get along with her?"

Upon hearing Guan Shihua, Wang Ai hesitated for a moment.

In fact, when he first learned that the Wang family was going to Liaodong, he told his father that he would go too. After all, Guan Shihua was there, but the head of the Wang family frightened him, so he canceled it. thought.

Now that Zhang Zhiwei mentioned it again, Wang Ai became a little moved. After all, if he went to Liaodong, he might be able to meet his sweetheart.

Zhang Zhiwei continued: "What's the trouble, Guan Shihua, a big girl from the Northeast, hates people who are not comfortable. Look at you, a cowardly coward. If you are not tough, how can people like you. "

Lu Ci said: "Have you heard, Fatty, Senior Brother Zhang took you to beg for your wife, and you kept chanting Guan Shihua every day, and tried to coax her when you went to find her. How can you sleep with her?"

Lu Jin said: "vulgar, it's marriage!"

Lu Ci said angrily, "Isn't that the same thing, Fatty, do you want to go or not? If you don't, we'll beat you!"

Wang Ai was a little eager to try, but cautiously, he still questioned: "Brother Zhang, you are a Taoist priest, do you understand this?"

"Hahaha..." Zhang Zhiwei said with a smile: "Fatty, you should understand that I am not a Taoist priest of the Quanzhen Sect. I belong to the Zhengyi Sect. We are allowed to marry wives and have children in the Zhengyi Sect. Many of my senior brothers have a lot of children." , do you think I understand?"

Wang Ai thought about it for a while, he was cautious by nature, but he couldn't stand the instigation of the three people. After some words, he was ready to go to Liaodong. He was not responsible for the rise and fall of the country. warrior.

As soon as Wang Ai gritted his teeth, he also picked up a jar of wine and went to touch Zhang Zhiwei and the others: "I'm a bit hard too!"


The four altars collide.

Several people picked up the wine jar and drank for a while.

Then he got up, checked out and went out, walked to the side of the official road in Shangqing Town, Zhang Zhiwei stood still, and took out a talisman. The names of Zhang, Liu, Zhao, Zhong, and Shi Wufang and Five Ghosts were written on the head of the talisman.

After chanting the mantra, the talisman turned into a cloud of clear air, in which five ghosts and gods appeared three feet above the sky.

The five ghosts wear five-color robes, and each holds an object, one holds a spoon and a pot, one holds a leather bag and a sword, one holds a fan, one holds a hammer, and the other holds a fire pot.

"Five Powers Talisman, Brother Zhang, what are you doing?"

Lu Ci hurriedly asked, the last time he performed martial arts in the Lu family compound, he had seen Zheng Zibu of Maoshan use the Wulishi Talisman, and the Wulishi he summoned looked like this. He had discussed it with Zhang Zhiwei at that time, so he was very impressed .

Zhang Zhiwei said: "This is not the Talisman of the Five Powers, but the Talisman of the Five Ghosts. The Five Powers are the five ghosts in the sky and the five pestilences in the earth. Although the deities are the same, the priesthoods and functions of the decrees are different. .”

Zhang Zhiwei pinched a formula with one hand: "Go, bring my things here!"

The moment the order was issued, the five ghosts turned around and disappeared without a trace.

After a few breaths, the five ghosts suddenly appeared and dissipated in a cloud of clear air.

On the ground, there are five more mahogany swords, one Dongfeng sword, one burden,
There are some oceans in the baggage, and some talismans that have been drawn a long time ago. This is the luggage that Zhang Zhiwei prepared for Liaodong.

Before going down the mountain to drink, in order to avoid being too conspicuous, Zhang Zhiwei didn't go down the mountain directly with the bag on his back, but threw the bag in the mountain for convenience to pick up later, just to use the effect of the five ghosts carrying Dafa.

As for the five ghosts carrying talismans, Zhang Zhiwei drew them when Lu Jin and Lu Ci were unconscious, and the package was also placed in the wild at that time. After all, you can't let the five ghosts go to the Tianshi Mansion to carry things, or you will be caught.

Zhang Zhiwei looked at the objects placed in front of him, and thought to himself, the five ghosts flew there directly, but they didn't fly back with things, but came through a certain medium and crossed the space.

It means that when the five ghosts summoned by the Five Ghosts Transporting Dafa find an object that needs to be transported, they will use themselves and the caster as the anchor point, open the medium, and use the way to cross the space to directly transport the object to the caster. in front of the person.

It involves space transportation, no wonder it takes a lot of effort to draw this talisman, so there is this way.

"Fuck, Senior Brother Zhang, this is a bit useful for you!"

Looking at the objects that suddenly appeared, Lu Ci said in surprise.

Wang Ai's brain was wide open: "Senior Brother Zhang, you can move things directly with this talisman, so can you move us to the provincial capital? Shangqing Town is still some distance away from the provincial capital!"

Zhang Zhiwei glanced at him angrily: "It cannot be used to carry living things."

Moreover, the five ghosts are transported with the five ghosts and the caster as the anchor point, and they can only be moved to the side of the caster. No matter how you think about it, it is impossible to move to the provincial capital!

Zhang Zhiwei stretched out his hand, and the package on the ground and the six swords were taken into his hands through the air.

Then he took out a few talismans from the package and handed them to Lu Jin, Lu Ci, and Wang Ai.

"Take it, what the fat man said is right. Shangqing Town is some distance from the provincial capital. The official road is conspicuous. The mountain road is rugged and difficult to walk. Ignoring the terrain, as if walking on flat ground, we happened to take the trail into the provincial capital!"

The three of them took the armored horse, put it on their laps, and recited the formula. They immediately felt that their bodies were much lighter. When they walked, their speed was extremely fast. strenuous.

"By the way, Senior Brother Zhang, what about you?"

Lu Jin noticed that Zhang Zhiwei himself did not use the god-shaped armored horse.

"I can do whatever I want!"

After Zhang Zhiwei finished speaking, he took out a cyan talisman, pinched a formula in his hand, and recited the spell. In an instant, a white light gushed out from the talisman, which turned into a crane hanging in the air. He stepped out and stood on the back of the crane superior.



The three of them were dumbfounded.

"Let's run away, Senior Brother Zhang, you can fly!" Lu Ci muttered to himself.

"Brother Zhang, you are too casual!" Lu Jin complained.

"The Taoist priest named Tian Jinzhong used to brag to us all the time. He rode a crane down the mountain with Senior Brother Zhang. So it was this crane that he rode. Senior Brother Zhang, this crane can carry many people, can we?" Wang Ai Said eagerly.

"Generally, it can carry two people. We have four people here. It's overloaded. So, you should run. Don't ink, keep up with the speed!"

Zhang Zhiwei made a trick, and the crane fluttered its wings to fly, but in order to avoid being too conspicuous, he did not fly high, and walked close to the ground all the way.

And behind him, Lu Jin, Lu Ci, and Wang Ai stepped between the mountains, stepping more than ten meters away, chasing headlong.

(End of this chapter)

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