Chapter 153 Zhang Zhiwei in a Suit

It was night, and the four of Zhang Zhiwei came to the provincial capital.

Although Shangqing Town is backed by Longhu Mountain, and there are many pilgrims, it is very lively, but it is still not comparable to the provincial capital.

Even at night, there are still many people walking on the street, and occasionally a few rickshaws can be seen passing by.

People on the street dress in different ways, some wear linen short-sleeves, some wear Chinese tunic suits, some wear suits, some wear long gowns, and some wear priest gowns...

The era seems to be condensed at this moment, interweaving a completely different atmosphere.

"By the way, how did members of your four families get to Liaodong?" Zhang Zhiwei asked, "Did it go by train, or by some stranger?"

Going to Liaodong here is at least two to three thousand kilometers, and it is obviously unrealistic to run there on a Shenxing armored horse.

As for the way the cranes drive, not to mention whether the divine power of the edict in the talisman is enough, the key is that this way of driving is too ostentatious, almost putting itself in the clear, and it is easy to be shot. Of course, the most important thing is, overloaded .

Hearing this, Lu Jin said: "There are a lot of people going to Liaodong this time, and the way of traveling by foreigners is not practical. I don't know how other sects got there. Anyway, the four of us are going on a chartered boat. No, let's charter a boat too, go down with the water, and enjoy the scenery along the way!"

"If you want to charter a boat, it's too troublesome if you don't know how to do it. This time we will go secretly, and we can't use the resources of the sect. We can just take the train!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

Lu Jin said: "Brother Zhang, it's not very good to take the train. There are too many people and the Japanese pirates still control the South Manchuria Railway. If you take the train, you will undoubtedly fall into the net!"

The Nanman Railway originally belonged to the southward branch of the Middle East Railway built by Hongmao. Later, Hongmao was defeated by Japanese pirates, and this section of the railway was also occupied by Japanese pirates.

"What are you afraid of? The enemy is in the open, and I am in the dark. Let's take the train and go there openly!" Zhang Zhiwei laughed.

"Okay then, let's buy tickets now and leave overnight!"

Lu Jin said, before he made a decision to go, the kid hesitated, but after he decided to go, he became impatient again.

"Look at you, you're in a hurry!"

Zhang Zhiwei smiled and said: "Drink the wine one sip at a time, and walk step by step. The steps are too big. Kah, it's easy to mess around. Before we go, we must not get dressed? Forgot what I told you earlier?"

When Lu Jin heard this, he instantly remembered that Zhang Zhiwei had asked him to prepare a few suits, and immediately realized:

"But this thing has to be made to order, and it will take about a month, so I'm afraid it's too late!"

Zhang Zhiwei said: "It's okay, just buy the finished product directly, there is no need to make it so formal."

"What line?"

Lu Ci was a little dazed when he heard that, his brain was wide open, and he guessed: "Is it night clothes? You can have this, it's convenient to wear!"

"..." Zhang Zhiwei was speechless, Lu Ci was indeed a reckless man with muscles in his head.

"It's a suit!" Lu Jin pointed to himself: "Just this outfit?"

Lu Ci suddenly showed an indescribable expression: "Are we going to dress like a fake foreign devil?"

"What is a fake foreign devil? The Qing Dynasty is dead, can you improve your thinking? Even if you don't wear a suit, you can still wear a tunic suit. You wear a ragged mandarin jacket every day. I don't know. I thought you were an old man from the previous dynasty. It's too late!"

Lu Jin was not happy about being called a fake foreign devil, and began to criticize Lu Ci's attire.

Lu Ci suddenly became unconvinced: "Crybaby, who do you think is the old and the young?"

"Hedgehog, I'm talking about you!"

The two looked at each other, as if lightning was intertwined.

Looking at the two people who were fighting each other, Zhang Zhiwei felt a little headache. He didn't know that these two people were still enemies.

Zhang Zhiwei came between the two and embraced one of them.

"Okay, okay, calm down, calm down, what you need to do, in fact, whether it is a mandarin jacket or a suit, they are just clothes."

"However, the place we are going to is Liaodong, which is a territory controlled by Japanese pirates and Hongmao. It is more convenient to do things uniformly in a suit."

"Otherwise, Lao Lu wears a suit, Erbi wears a mandarin jacket, I wear a Taoist robe, and the fat man wears children's clothes. How awkward it is to walk together!"

"I'm afraid I'll be embarrassed by those second devils who have taken refuge in the Japanese pirates before they start to make trouble."

As soon as Lu Ci heard this, she immediately had no objection: "Senior Brother Zhang is right, and everything is up to Senior Brother Zhang!"

At this time, Wang Ai said weakly: "I am not wearing children's clothes, this is a red mandarin jacket!"

Zhang Zhiwei said: "You are dressed like a Fuwa, even if you are not a child. As the saying goes, a man depends on his clothes, and a horse depends on his saddle. How can you go after Guan Shihua and learn from Lao Lu!"

Wang Ai glanced at Lu Jin's face secretly, and thought to himself, this is impossible to learn!
Afterwards, several people came to the foreign clothing store on the central street of the provincial capital.

Push the door and enter, because it specializes in foreigner clothes, so the decoration of this clothing store is more western-style. There is a row of formal clothes against the wall on the left, shirts, pants, vests and ties in the center, and a pair of them in a glass cabinet on the right. leather shoes and boots.

"Get out, there's no..."

A male clerk in a white shirt and a gray vest saw Zhang Zhiwei in Taoist robes and thought he was here for alms, so he wanted to throw him out.

But then, he saw behind Zhang Zhiwei, Lu Jin, who was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, looking like a nobleman, and immediately swallowed back the words behind him.

It is expected that this tall Taoist priest may be the bodyguard of that noble son or something.

The male clerk greeted him, faced Lu Jin, nodded and bowed, and asked politely, "Sir, what do you need?"

Lu Jin looked at Zhang Zhiwei.

Zhang Zhiwei said: "You choose, you are a professional after all!"


Lu Jin immediately chatted with the clerk. On the road before, Lu Jin already knew the sizes of the three of them, so he knew the size of the clothes when he picked them up.

While Lu Jin was picking out clothes, Lu Ci walked up to Zhang Zhiwei and whispered:
"Senior brother Zhang, that clerk started to see the clothes you and I are wearing, and he looks down on you. Do you want to teach him a lesson so that he can remember it long!"

"No need, this is the meaning of changing clothes!"

Zhang Zhiwei waved his hand and said that he doesn't care what outsiders think, as long as it doesn't affect him.

Lu Jin is still very good at dressing, and in a short time, he helped everyone choose a suit.

"There's a fitting room there, everyone, try on and see if it fits!"

Lu Jin said with a smile on his face, in this era, very few people wear suits, especially the alien circle is still a relatively traditional circle.

So he is definitely an unconventional guy, often ridiculed by people like Lu Ci, calling him a fake foreign devil.

Now I see my idol Zhang Zhiwei, and my childhood and rival Lu Ci also put on a suit. It would be a lie to say that I am not excited.

Several people took the suits and went to the fitting room.

After a while, Lu Ci and Wang Ai came out first.

Lu Ci was dressed in a neat suit, and the leather shoes on his feet were not even a speck of gray. They were so bright that their faces could be seen, and they couldn't find any faults at all.

Even standing with Lu Jin, he is not inferior. If Lu Jin is a handsome noble son, then Lu Ci is an unruly noble son.

But Wang Ai's appearance is not flattering. The suit is straight, but the belly is shy, giving people a somewhat funny feeling.

But there is no way to do it. After all, this is a finished product purchased directly, not custom-made. It is normal that some of the clothes do not fit well.

However, even so, it is more appropriate than Wang Ai's previous children's outfit that looked like Fuwa.

"Not bad, it looks much more pleasing to the eye than before!" Lu Jin nodded in satisfaction and said.

Lu Ci and Wang Ai felt a little awkward. After all, they were used to wearing loose mandarin jackets, and suddenly wearing such well-fitting clothes felt a sense of restraint.

But then, they froze.

The door of the fitting room opened, and Zhang Zhiwei came out, with his hands in his trouser pockets, his neat black hair loose and tied behind his head.

He was dressed in a black suit with hard lines, 1.9 meters tall, extremely tall and straight, with a majestic appearance, completely lacking the unscrupulous look of wearing Taoist robes before.

"How about tidying up your hair?" Zhang Zhiwei said with a smile.

"Senior Zhang... Senior Brother Zhang!" Lu Jin's eyes widened, "It's like two different people. If we met outside, I might not even dare to recognize you!"

Lu Ci also sighed, "It's so handsome!"

Wang Ai didn't speak, but quietly stepped on his feet, and used his shoulder to meet Zhang Zhiwei's shoulder.

"The outfit is done, check out, and leave!"

Zhang Zhiwei waved his hand and walked out of the clothing store first, followed by Lu Ci and Wang Ai.

"Ah... close... check out...?"

Lu Jin who stayed in the store looked dull.

"Sir, please settle the bill, the total is..."

(End of this chapter)

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