Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 154 The Godfather Version Zhang Zhiwei, Which Path Are You On?

Chapter 154 The Godfather Version Zhang Zhiwei, Which Path Are You On?

After leaving the clothing store, several people walked on the street.

Zhang Zhiwei, who was walking in the front, was wearing a black suit, 1.9 meters tall and tall, with black hair like a waterfall, holding a black Dongfeng sword in his hand, and his star-like eyes could burn people.

Along the way, the people walking in front of him, whether they were foreigners, local squires, or others, all felt like they were on their backs, and they all made way for Zhang Zhiwei, not daring to walk in front of Zhang Zhiwei.

The reason for this effect is not that Zhang Zhiwei deliberately radiated his aura and frightened others, but because he changed his clothes, let down his hair in a bun, and opened his eyes that were often squinted.

People rely on clothing, Buddha depends on gold clothing, this sentence is true, there is no other change, just changing the clothes, the aura will be different.

And behind him, Lu Ci and Lu Jin followed from left to right, just like the guardians on the left and right. It's an exaggeration, but standing with Zhang Zhiwei, he was completely crushed.

Being suppressed does not mean that Zhang Zhiwei is more handsome than them. In terms of appearance alone, whether it is Lu Ci or Lu Jin, they are more in line with the public's aesthetics than Zhang Zhiwei.

But there are some people who can make people ignore his appearance. Zhang Zhiwei is such a person. Of course, Zhang Zhiwei is not ugly in fact, but he is usually a little casual and unkempt.

As for Wang Ai, with a small burden on his back, he followed the three big bosses step by step. It was a little bit reluctant to say that he was a small follower.

On the way to the train station, Lu Jin glanced at Zhang Zhiwei resentfully from time to time. He was really wasting money in the clothing store just now. He basically spent all the pocket money he brought from home when he went out.

Although the Lu family is a wealthy family, in this day and age, there is no mobile payment. No matter how rich he is, it is difficult to cash it out. I will go to Liaodong, so I am not prepared at all.

Lu Jin has a cautious character: "Senior Brother Zhang, Hedgehog, do we still have any money? Don't you run out of money to buy train tickets by then!"

Zhang Zhiwei glanced at Lu Jin: "Are you out of money?"

Lu Jin said: "There are still some, but not much. If you want to buy a train ticket, you can only buy a third-class seat!"

Zhang Zhiwei looked at Lu Ci: "Er Bi, what about you?"

Lu Ci said with a look of reason: "I never bring money with me when I go out!"

Lu Jin stared: "Hedgehog, how did you say such shameless words?"

"It doesn't matter if you don't bring it, I..." Zhang Zhiwei was about to say that he burned a bandit den last time, and he has quite a lot of money.

Seeing Lu Ci hugging Wang Ai, he said with a smile:

"I have Fatty, what money do I need to bring? Fatty, show the crybaby your strength!"

Then I saw Wang Ai take out a stack of bank notes in a very arrogant manner, all of which are universal bank notes, which can be exchanged in banks all over the place.

Lu Jin: "..."

Zhang Zhiwei: "..."

Good boy, it's no wonder you boy will be a top ten guy in the future, your ability is money ability, right?

"Fatty, Uncle Wang loves you so much that he asked you to carry so much money with you?"

Lu Jin's jaw dropped in shock. Compared with Wang Ai, he, the youngest of the Lu family, was simply poor.

Wang Ai stuffed the silver ticket back into his pocket, and said with a smile, "How could my father give me so much money? It was all given by my grandfather, who said it was for self-defense, hehehe..."

"Your grandfather really loves you!" Lu Jin said sourly.

It seems that there is a tradition for the grandpa of the Wang family to dote on his grandson. After Wang Ai of later generations became the grandpa, he would dote on his grandson the same way, Zhang Zhiwei thought.

Afterwards, several people came to the train station.

On the way, Wang Ai spent a lot of money to buy a large bag of various exquisite snacks. The heavy bag was carried on his back, making him really a small follower.

When we arrived at the train station, it was time to buy tickets. The last time Zhang Zhiwei took the train, he was still with Master. At that time, Master was sitting in the VIP area, and he went to buy tickets, but this time, it was his turn to sit in the VIP area, and the younger brother went to buy tickets. voted.

After a while, Wang Ai came over, holding four tickets for special seats, the one with sleeper berths.

"How much?" Zhang Zhiwei asked.

Wang Ai ate a snack with a piece of snack in his mouth. Hearing Zhang Zhiwei's question, he quickly swallowed it and said, "I just went to eat something, so I didn't pay attention!"

Zhang Zhiwei gave a thumbs up: "Haoheng!"

Not long after, the train arrived.

People in each compartment lined up to get on the train one by one.

Because it is a special class seat, there is no need to queue up for Zhang Zhiwei, and there are even special reception staff to help carry luggage.

Wang Ai threw his big bag of food to the reception staff, as for Zhang Zhiwei's bag and a few mahogany swords, he kept it close to him.

Wang Ai is not stupid. If you lose other things, you will lose them, but the things Zhang Zhiwei asked him to keep cannot be lost.

Zhang Zhiwei walked into the carriage first.

In fact, when he was walking towards the carriage, several ghosts in suits, top hats and canes also wanted to get on the carriage.

But as soon as they saw Zhang Zhiwei, these ghosts stopped immediately, and even bowed their heads slightly, acting like a gentleman.

Zhang Zhiwei didn't pay much attention to this, but Lu Jin and Lu Ci Wang Ai saw it.

Lu Cixin said: "Is this the meaning of what Brother Zhang said about changing our outfits? In the situation just now, if we were still wearing Taoist robes and mandarin jackets, it might be a problem. It really deserves to be Brother Zhang. Not only is he strong, but he is also very considerate in doing things. , Alas, such a perfect person, it would be great if I were a brother of the Lu family!!"

Lu Ci admired Zhang Zhiwei even more.

Seeing Zhang Zhiwei walk into the carriage, Lu Ci hurriedly followed.

Compared with the second-class carriage that Zhang Zhiwei sat in last time, the special-class carriage is much more advanced, with gorgeous equipment, carpeted floor, a dressing room at one end of the carriage, and a toilet at the other end.

The seat is wide and covered with goose down. Once you sit down, your body will be snug and soft, even more comfortable than a sofa.

Zhang Zhiwei sat on the velvet recliner and looked around. The passengers in this carriage seemed to be either rich or expensive.

A few even brought bodyguards with them. These bodyguards had bulging waists, and they were probably carrying guys.

Among them were two people who seemed to be the leaders of the bodyguards, and there was a faint qi all over their bodies. They should be strangers, but their strength is not strong.

When they saw Zhang Zhiwei and his group enter the carriage, these bodyguards all put their hands on their waists in unison, as if they were going to pick something up at any time.

And this change, not to mention Zhang Zhiwei, even Fatty Wang Ai noticed it.

The situation suddenly became tense.

Lu Jin's whole body was stretched into a string, and he was ready to go in reverse state.

Wang Ai silently took out the magic painting scroll left by Patriarch Wang for self-defense.

Lu Ci spread out his hands, holding Ruyi's energy in his palms without sending out any force. If these bodyguards had any intention of drawing their guns, he would use his energy to shock all the people in the carriage to death.

For Lu Ci, this is not a difficult task. The Ruyi Jin he cultivated is good at this. He has the ability to mow grass that is weaker than himself.

In fact, it's no wonder that Lu Ci and the others are so nervous. Although Yiren is strong, he is still a body of flesh and blood. If he has no time to dodge and gets shot, he will be close to death.

Especially in this group of bodyguards, there are two strangers, so we have to guard against them.

However, Zhang Zhiwei's expression was normal, he sat on the velvet recliner boldly, stretched out his hand to press down, and signaled Lu Ci and others not to get excited.

He is confident that he can hold the entire audience, even if the person on the opposite side draws a volley, he can also directly catch them all like Huoyun Cthulhu.

"Don't be so nervous, it's just a few broken pistols like toys, calm down, calm down!"

After all, they are going to Liaodong, so these few broken pistols are useless, and when they see the planes and cannons, why don't they freak out on the spot?
After all, Zhang Zhiwei looked around the audience, opened and closed his slightly squinted eyes, a pair of big star-like pupils, looked at those few big figures who were either rich or expensive, stared at the faces of these people, burning like a blade Same.

Ordinary people may not feel this kind of feeling clearly, but the two strangers among the bodyguards are already chilling.

They only felt a heart-wrenching chill rising from the tailbone, all the way up the spine, exploding in the brain, and the scalp was numb.

They have an intuition that if they act rashly, they will die miserably.

Zhang Zhiwei said with a half-smile: "Hey, guns are very useful, but there are so many of them, there is a fart to use. If you come out to mess around, you must have influence and background. Which one of you are on?"

Faced with Zhang Zhiwei's almost rude question, instead of reprimanding them, these few dignitaries who seemed to have a lot of status trembled and said very cooperatively:

"We're not on the street. I'm Liu Zhe, the director of Shanghai Dafeng Manufacturing Factory. You can call me Xiao Liu!"

This Xiao Liu is actually a middle-aged man with a fat head and big ears. He took off the hat on his head and held it in his hand. He lowered his head slightly and looked humble. He pointed to several other people and introduced them one by one:
"This is the vice president of Permanent Industry, and this is the director of Xingsheng Textile Factory. We are all businessmen, and these are our bodyguards!"

Zhang Zhiwei nodded: "Oh, you guys are businessmen, and businessmen value peace, so what are we going to do when we get in the car and dance with knives and guns? It scared me, I thought I encountered some thugs Woolen cloth!"

Liu Zhe, the director of the Shanghai Dafeng Manufacturing Factory, showed a flattering smile: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, self-defense, it's all for self-defense!"

"Self-defense?" Zhang Zhiwei tilted his head: "You mean, how many of us look like bad guys?"


The factory manager glanced at Zhang Zhiwei, only to see that he tilted his head, his face was full of anger, and his smile was so vicious, how could he look like a good person?

The hedgehog head next to him is grinning, okay? Those eyes are almost capable of killing people, you are the gangsters!

As for the festive-looking fat man, he was lowering his head slightly, and the light from the carriage hit his face, bright or dark, as if casting a shadow on him, giving him a chilling feeling. The sense of insidiousness is not a good thing at first sight.

Only the white-haired boy with smooth combed hair by the window, even though he was waiting in full force, had an upright face and looked like a good guy.

Of course, I want to think so, but I can't say that for sure.

"No, no, how could you guys look like bad guys? I was the one who was reckless!"

The Xiaoliu factory manager stared at Lu Jin, and said incessantly:

"How can the bad guy be like a few of you who are so graceful, suave, personable, handsome, talented, extraordinary, dignified, gentle and elegant, with both talent and appearance..."

He kept staring at Lao Lu and said... Pointing at Sang and scolding Huai, right... Zhang Zhiwei hooked the Dongfeng sword with his fingertips, turned it a few times in his hand, and punched the sword on the ground at will, making a "bang" sound, saying:
"Flirtatiously, the atmosphere of the society has been brought down by you. By the way, you rich businessmen in Shanghai, what are you going to do in the northeast? I don't know if it's chaotic over there?"

The factory manager quickly said: "In this world, there is no place that is not chaotic. We are going to invest in the Northeast!"

"Investment? What to invest in, where to invest?"

Zhang Zhiwei grinned, revealing his thick white teeth: "Who are you investing in?"

(End of this chapter)

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