Chapter 155
Zhang Zhiwei looked at those wealthy businessmen with a half-smile, and asked who they were investing in.

Now in the Northeast, the Japanese pirates occupy Liaodong, and their influence radiates across the entire Northeast.
As long as these few people are profiteers who make the country rich, he will use the magical power of the god mask, his eyes will be blazing, and burn them to the ground.

Faced with Zhang Zhiwei's question, these people dare not not answer.

"We are going to build a factory, we are going to build a factory in Fengtian, and invest in Dashuai Zhang!"

Fengtian... Marshal Zhang... Zhang Zhiwei had a blind eye, knowing that these people were not lying, so he restrained his anger a little.

The malice that went straight to the door, almost choosing someone to eat, subsided a little, and the people on the other side breathed a sigh of relief, with cold sweat on their backs, feeling like they had walked before the gate of hell.

"What do you invest in?" Zhang Zhiwei asked.

The middle-aged factory manager who claimed to be Xiao Liu put his hat on his chest, lowered his head and smiled and said:
"Investing in textile factories, sugar factories, iron mines, education, etc., all aspects are a little bit!"

"so much?"

Zhang Zhiwei put the Dongfeng sword on the ground on the recliner, and said: "Businessmen don't get up early, why do you want to go to Fengtian to do this? I wonder if there are many rules there?"

Factory Manager Xiao Liu said: "I know, but this time is different. This time, Dashuai Zhang gave a lot of preferential policies, and these projects were all led by Dashuai Zhang. He gave the green light all the way, and no one dared to embarrass him."

"Also, I heard that the commander-in-chief is going to start heavy industry, and he is already talking with the foreigner's company. He plans to expand the Fengtian Ordnance Factory and start building three factories for guns, cannons, and shells..."

Under Zhang Zhiwei's intimidation, this Xiaoliu factory manager knew everything, and spoke out like a bean.

After listening to what the factory manager said, Zhang Zhiwei was thoughtful.

Thanks to the large population brought by the "Crossing the Guandong", the Northeast, at this stage, had a period of rapid development. As for the so-called heavy industry, the arsenal of the three eastern provinces that people talked about most later was born from this.

"It's courageous, but the surname Zhang took over the mess in Sanxing. Where did he get the money to make such a drastic move?" Zhang Zhiwei asked.

The one surnamed Zhang... Xiao Liu, the director of the factory with cold sweat on his face, paused, swallowed his saliva forcibly, and said:
"Yes... it's from the Dongying people... borrowing... loan... loan, yes, loan!"

The loan... Zhang Zhiwei smiled, but he knew that his own family was a fool. He said it was a loan, but it was actually a white wolf with empty hands, and he never thought of paying it back.

However, as the old saying goes, if you come out to hang out, you have to pay back.

What's more, the Japanese pirates are like wolves, and the red hair is like a tiger.

Doing this with them is undoubtedly seeking skin from tigers and wolves. If you are not careful, you will overturn your car!

Zhang Zhiwei was thinking about it when a man in a flight attendant uniform with a long box hanging around his neck walked into the carriage.

As soon as he stepped in, he felt extremely dull, as if he was carrying a heavy weight on his back, which made his legs tremble.

His thoughts were interrupted, Zhang Zhiwei narrowed his eyes slightly, his star-like pupils were hidden, and his sharp aura like a blade was restrained.

Since he didn't directly invest in Japanese pirates, he didn't bother to do it.

As soon as the big brother Zhang Zhiwei restrained himself, Lu Jin's tense bowstring-like state was also cancelled, gathering in the upper dantian, and the qi that was about to start the reverse state flowed back to the lower dantian.

Lu Ci withdrew the wishful energy circulating in his palm, ready to strike, intending to shock the people in the carriage to death.

As for Wang Ai, he stuffed the painting scroll back, took out a few pastries and gnawed on it, eating something to calm his surprise.

Suddenly, the tense atmosphere in the carriage relaxed.

Under the ups and downs, the bodyguards who were about to draw their guns before, their legs softened, and they sat back on their seats, gasping for breath with lingering fear, as if they had just been soaked in water, covered in cold sweat.

As for those wealthy businessmen, they were all slumped on velvet chairs, their bodies were limp, their backs were cold, and their heads were covered with fine beads of sweat.

It was the flight attendant who came in last, because it was over as soon as he came in, so he didn't feel deeply.

The moment of depression just now was regarded as physical discomfort by him.

He was a little confused, so he looked at the crowd. Why did he react like he met a ghost?

Finally, he found the most normal-looking and tallest of the group.

"Sir, there are free cigarettes in the first class, do you want them?"

The flight attendant showed Zhang Zhiwei the box hanging on his chest.

It turned out that this was a small smoke cabinet with various cigarettes placed inside.

Zhang Zhiwei took a glance. These cigarette boxes are similar to those 100 years later, but the patterns on the boxes are very earthy.

Although Zhang Zhiwei doesn't smoke, since he was given for free, don't take it for nothing, maybe he can use it in Liaodong, and cigarettes will make the way.

After picking and picking in the box, Zhang Zhiwei saw a pack of cigarettes with Pirate written on it and a picture of a ghost holding a knife, and said:

"That's it, Pirate Cigarettes!"

"Hey, sir, you have a good eye. This cigarette is a good one. Many great writers like it, but... this cigarette is not a pirate cigarette, it is called 'Old Knife' cigarette, because this cigarette There is a picture of a foreigner holding a knife on the box, so it is called 'Old Sword Brand'."

The flight attendant explained with a smile while handing the cigarette to Zhang Zhiwei.

"is it?"

Zhang Zhiwei took a look at the "Old Sword" cigarette, pointed to the Pirate on it and said:

"The knife is just a pattern. This string of letters means pirates in foreign language. However, if you want to call it 'Old Sword Card', then call it 'Old Sword Card'!"

Of course Zhang Zhiwei knew that the cigarette was called "Lao Dao Brand", and he even knew that after the founding of the People's Republic of China, the cigarette would be nationalized and renamed "Labor Brand", and finally stopped production in the [-]s.

However, that was many years later.

Now, Zhang Zhiwei prefers to call it by its original name—Pirate Cigarettes—compared to the name of Laodao.

After all, the people who made it were originally a group of pirates.

"This is sir, you have a foreign style and profound knowledge. How can I understand foreign language? Everyone calls him Lao Dao Pai, and I also call him Lao Dao Pai." The flight attendant laughed.

He then went on to distribute cigarettes to others.

Seeing that Zhang Zhiwei took a pack of Pirate brand cigarettes, Lu Jin, Lu Ci, and Master Wang Ai also took a pack each.

Soon, the train started, spouting steam, like a long dragon galloping on the rails, and countless wild flowers and weeds were rolled up in the gust of wind.

The train went up the mountain, and Zhang Zhiwei sat on the recliner and fell asleep, but in fact he began to polish his life again.

After making eye contact, Lu Jin and Lu Ci handed over the night watch to Wang Ai in a tacit understanding, and the two also began to meditate.

They are all young people who know the basics, although Wang Ai looks like a fool who doesn't understand anything and can only do bad things.

But if he was really a fool, Lu Ci would not drag him to Liaodong.

This kid might make a fool of Guan Shihua and make a fool of himself, but at other times, he's a bad bunch.

Therefore, Lu Jin and Lu Ci also entrusted their backs to Wang Ai and asked him to watch the night.

I saw Wang Ai's simple and honest face.After rummaging through the bulging package for a while, I took out a bunch of sweet-scented osmanthus cakes, a picture scroll, and a paintbrush.

Then, while eating sweet-scented osmanthus cake, he leisurely paints and draws on the scroll.

His paintings are villains, a little ugly, as abstract as those drawn by a child who just learned to draw.

But what no one saw was that every time he drew a weird and abstract villain, the villain would jump out of the painting and turn into a cloud of black air that was invisible to the naked eye.

At this moment, it was the middle of the night, and the steam train was bang-dang-dang-dang. The boiler was burning, and while steam was coming out, it also brought out a large amount of coal ash, which spilled into the air.

The villains painted by Wang Ai are hidden in the soot. Some of them climbed out of the window and came to the roof, while others came to other compartments to guard and look around.

Others crawled along the car windows, stuck their heads out, looked at each person one by one, eavesdropped on their conversations, and determined whether it was dangerous.

I could only hear the wealthy businessmen who were frightened by Zhang Zhiwei before discussing matters.

However, perhaps because they knew that Zhang Zhiwei and his party were highly capable, they did not speak and communicate, but took out a piece of paper and communicated the situation by writing.

One person wrote: "Why don't we get off at the next stop and change cars, those young people are too scary, especially the tallest one, the waves of the Qiantang River I watched last year were not as oppressive as he gave Ah, I'm afraid it's a foreigner with cultivation!"

"I also think it's time to change. Just now my bodyguard told me that these people are all highly capable people. Once he makes a move, he may not even have time to shoot, and he will be killed. You have also seen my bodyguard's ability. What happened, is a strange person, dozens of people can't get close to him, he said so, so there is still a lie? When I think that such a strong person is not far away, I feel terrified!"

"It's all your fault, Old Liu. I told you to take a car, but you just said no, and said that those who can take the special car are either rich or expensive. We can make friends and expand our network. It is easier to do things when you have more friends. Look, what's going on here, I almost lost my life!"

"That's right, old Liu, you're not honest about this. We're really in bad luck this time, so let's change carriages quickly!"

The old director Liu wrote: "Actually, I can't say that. Judging from the dress and temperament of these people, it is definitely either rich or expensive, and they may even have status in the alien circle. The reason why this happened This kind of thing is mainly due to the fact that a few bodyguards didn't open their eyes and reached out to touch their guns and offended them. If it's normal, not to mention making friends, at least they won't be friends."

"Then what should we do now, shall we change cars?"

Old factory manager Liu pondered for a moment, and wrote: "No need, judging by their appearance, most of them are also going to the Northeast. They didn't do anything to us just now, and they probably won't do anything in the future. We will follow all the way, safety is guaranteed!"

"I also went to the Northeast, and I also went to seek refuge with the Marshal?" Another person wrote.

"It shouldn't be, haven't you heard? Before he called the commander-in-chief Zhang, he probably wasn't a member of the same group. So next, we have to be careful with our words and deeds, and don't make them unhappy. We will report to the commander-in-chief when we arrive in Fengtian. Take a look at this matter and see if the commander-in-chief can know the details of these people!"

Old factory manager Liu took a pen and wrote rustlingly.

But what he couldn't see was that when he was writing, a distorted figure invisible to the naked eye was lowering his head, almost sticking to his paper.

(End of this chapter)

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