Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 156 Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang

Chapter 156 Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang
The train passed through the long tunnel, and the huge roar turned into a monster-like roar in the echo, which was deafening.

Reflected in the dim light, Wang Ai put away his brush, got up and walked a few steps, and came to Zhang Zhiwei's seat.

Just about to wake up Zhang Zhiwei, Zhang Zhiwei opened his eyes and looked at him:
"What's the situation?"

Zhang Zhiwei knew that Wang Ai kept watch at night, and he also knew that Wang Ai sent out many painting spirits to monitor the surroundings.

But his own wealth and life still have to be in his own hands, so even if he is practicing meditation, he still has a part of his mind to observe the surroundings.

However, because he was only distracted in his investigation, he couldn't get an exhaustive insight into the surrounding situation. Unless someone showed hostility towards him or launched an attack, he would only be alert.

Therefore, Zhang Zhiwei didn't know about the discussions that the wealthy businessmen had in private with paper.

"Senior Brother Zhang, there is a situation!"

Wang Aidang informed Zhang Zhiwei of the news he was about to hear.

While Wang Ai was reporting the matter to Zhang Zhiwei, Lu Jin and Lu Ci also woke up one after another.

The train rattled, and they couldn't get into a deep concentration. Seeing the situation, they all came over and listened.

After hearing this, Lu Ci's face turned hard, and he stretched out his palm, and wiped it on the front of his neck:
"Senior brother Zhang, let me kill these two devils with my wishful energy!"

Wang Ai also grinned, and said in a low voice, "I can do it too. My painting spirits have already climbed onto their backs. As long as Senior Brother Zhang gives an order, they will be killed immediately!"

Lu Jin, on the other hand, looked solemn and did not speak, obviously agreeing with Lu Ci's approach.

Although Lao Lu is righteous, he is by no means a Holy Mother, and he can tell the situation clearly. They are going to deal with Japanese pirates, which is already very dangerous. If there are warlords making trouble halfway, wouldn't it be more dangerous?

Zhang Zhiwei thought for a moment, shook his head, looked at Lu Ci and Lu Jin, and said:

"It's pointless to kill them. With your crazy personality, you went to Liaodong, can you hide? Maybe it's not the turn of these people to make small reports, and all forces have noticed you."

Hearing this, Lu Jin and Lu Ci looked at him blankly.

"Senior Brother Zhang, are you talking about yourself!" Lu Ci said.

"That's right, you still say that we are arrogant, don't you think about how arrogant you were before, compared with you, we are harmless to humans and animals!" Lu Jin echoed.

"Really? I'm obviously restrained!" Zhang Zhiwei looked at Wang Ai: "Fatty, tell me something fair!"

Wang Ai opened his mouth: "Then I..."

Lu Ci clenched his fists and reminded: "Fatty, be fair!"

Lu Jin also said with a kind face: "A liar will swallow a thousand needles!"

Wang Ai struggled for a while, neither of them could afford to offend him. In the end, he made a compromise and replied:
"Brother Zhang was indeed not very arrogant before, but he can restrain himself a little more!"

The three of them looked at him angrily and let him go.

"Senior Brother Zhang, let's just leave those people alone and let them report?"

Lu Ci said somewhat unwillingly.

He still wanted to kill those wealthy businessmen. Although what Zhang Zhiwei said was true, with the character of the first batch of them in this team, it would be a matter of time before they were exposed, but it would take a while.

This kid is very murderous... Zhang Zhiwei thought for a while, and explained: "Erbi, I know what you think, but we went to the Northeast to deal with Japanese pirates this time, and we went behind our backs. There is no such thing as the Gao family." With the help of local snake forces as a cover, everything can only be relied on by oneself."

"In the Northeast, apart from the alien forces from all sides, the main two forces are the warlords and Japanese pirates, and there may be some red-haired ghosts, but they can be ignored. If we confront the warlords and Japanese pirates at the same time, I am not afraid , but it’s hard for you and me to guarantee it.”

"The current rich businessmen are invited by the warlords to invest in Fengtian. If we kill them, it means that the Japanese pirates have not seen them yet, and they are at odds with the warlords first, and it is the kind that cannot be eased. This is contrary to our original intention. .”

"So, I thought about it just now. Instead of killing them and completely fighting against the warlords, it's better to operate and let them bring some news to the past, so as to test the attitude of this family in the Northeast."

Hearing this, Lu Jin said: "Brother Zhang, if I remember correctly, your Northeast family was supported by Japanese pirates. They are a pair of trousers. Going to test him, isn't this a self-inflicted trap?"

Lu Ci also said: "That's right, didn't the group of wealthy businessmen say that before? The king of the Northeast used the Japanese pirates as a loan for his construction. This relationship can be called a sweetheart!"

At this time, Wang Ai touched his chin and said in a low voice:
"It doesn't have to be honey, it's more likely to be a ghost, I think it's okay to test it out. We don't need any help from him, we just need to open or close one eye, and our actions will be smooth a lot of."

"After all, the Japanese pirates only occupied the corner of Liaodong, and their power radiated the entire Northeast through the warlords."

"If the warlords are obedient to the Japanese pirates, the Japanese pirates will be blind, and we can hide in the city. If the warlords and the Japanese pirates are of the same mind, then we can only hide in the mountains."

"However, we must be very careful in implementing it. We need to have enough capital, otherwise we will fall into the trap!"

Wang Ai analyzed it logically.

Zhang Zhiwei glanced at Wang Ai in surprise. Sure enough, people are not judged by their appearance. This guy who chases Guan Shihua like a pig chasing a swallow, once he doesn't think about his children's affair, his resourcefulness soars instantly, and finally he has a trace of old-fashioned in later generations. shadow.

"What the fat man said seems to make sense, but Senior Brother Zhang, there are only four of us, where did we get the money?" Lu Jin asked.

Before Zhang Zhiwei could speak, Lu Ci, the second little fan, said with a look of reason:
"Why not, we have Brother Zhang!"

Lu Jin said: "Brother Zhang is amazing, but how can we show it? We can't come to practice some tricks!"

"That fat man, what do you think?" Zhang Zhiwei looked at Wang Ai, the boy seemed to be enlightened.

As the little transparent in the team, Wang Ai was a little flattered by the sudden attention of the boss. After thinking about it, he said:
"We can report our identities. The identities of the direct descendants of our four major families and the identities of Senior Brother Zhang Longhushan's false surname disciples are definitely enough. If he is targeted by the top alien forces, he will not live in peace."

As the eldest son of the Wang family, Wang Ai's first thought was to use power to overwhelm others. If the Northeast King rises from the grassroots, then their four major families are families of thousands of years, and they are also families of strangers, which is very important.

Hearing this, Lu Jin pinched his chin: "In this case...it seems...it's not impossible!"

Lu Ci frowned: "But I think something is wrong!"

"Hedgehog," Wang Ai asked, "what's wrong?"

Lu Ci thought for a while and said, "I can't say why, but I just think it's not right!"

At this time, Zhang Zhiwei patted Lu Ci on the shoulder and said with a smile:
"The reason why Erbi is inappropriate is because Fatty's method is like begging for help with a low profile. This is not acceptable. Isn't that a lackey of a warlord? Don't forget our purpose!"

Zhang Zhiwei raised three fingers: "We only do three things here in the Northeast, kill Japanese pirates, kill Japanese pirates, or fucking kill Japanese pirates."

"It's not just to use your brains with some shabby warlords, but how to get in touch with the warlords?"

"My opinion is that the news is brought, but you don't deliberately touch it. As the saying goes, you can't allow others to snore in a couch."

"We help him solve the people who want to snatch his couch. Shouldn't he rush to visit me and thank us? We rush to find him, don't we just bow our heads?"

After Zhang Zhiwei finished speaking, Lu Jin said: "But Senior Brother Zhang, if you want him to come to visit, you must show your own strength as the fat man said. How should we show it?"

Zhang Zhiwei showed a malicious smile:

"Old Lu, you don't know how to show your strength, how will you eat in the world of aliens in the future?"

Lu Jin was taken aback for a moment, but his mind didn't turn around.

But Lu Ci reacted, and said with a smirk: "Senior Brother Zhang, who shall we kill first?"

Zhang Zhiwei picked up the Dongfeng Great Sword and beat it on the ground of the carriage:

Lu Ci was taken aback: "Train?"

Zhang Zhiwei said: "It's the railway!"

Lu Jin reacted: "The railway controlled by Japanese pirates? Is Brother Zhang trying to regain control of the railway?"

"It's indeed the railway!" Zhang Zhiwei said, "But it doesn't matter what the control right is. What I mean is, let's start with the railway!"

Killing Lu Ci was suddenly excited, his eyes lit up and said:
"Then let's pretend to be horse bandits, and under the guise of robbery, start killing the railway in Liaodong, and kill every Japanese pirate on the railway. It's exciting to think about it!"

Zhang Zhiwei: "..."

Be a horse bandit?It's very exciting to think about it, does this mean that I want to be Zhang Pocky?Then who is the master?

Thinking of this in his heart, Zhang Zhiwei's eyes subconsciously fell on Wang Ai.

However, before his thoughts diverged, Lu Jin said:
"Hedgehog, calm down, things are not as simple as you think, because my master wants me to come here to practice, so I have a general understanding of the situation. In order to compete for this railway, the aliens of Liaodong and Japanese pirates have confronted many times .”

"On that railway, there are thousands of elite Japanese pirates stationed, many of whom are strangers. They are hard nuts to crack. If the few of us are going to be horse bandits, we will undoubtedly hit a stone with an egg!"

"Elite?" Lu Ci didn't have the slightest fear, and smiled viciously: "It doesn't have to be a direct confrontation, we can go guerrilla, I would like to try, how elite are these picky bastards?"

Lu Jin and Wang Ai looked at Zhang Zhiwei, hoping that he would persuade Lu Ci not to be reckless.

Lu Ci is a very stubborn person. He used to listen to his brother Lu Ren the most, but now he listens to Zhang Zhiwei the most. Only Zhang Zhiwei can change his mind with a single word.

Then, Lu Jin saw Zhang Zhiwei grinning:
"Elite? We are fucking elite."

As soon as Zhang Zhiwei's words came out, Lu Ci was ecstatic.

Lu Jin and Wang Ai's complexion changed drastically. There were only four of them, and there was an army with guns, cannons, and planes on the opposite side.

"This... this is... really dangerous!"

Wang Ai swallowed her saliva, and suddenly regretted coming, this is not a charge for love, this is a long live charge, it is too deadly.

Lu Jin also said: "It's very dangerous. During this period of time, my Trinity School has been having conflicts with warlords. I know a little about the power of firearms. A single firearm is not worth mentioning, but once it becomes a standard, there are even It would be very dangerous for a foreigner to hold a firearm, not to mention that the firearms of Japanese pirates are better than those of warlords."

Lu Ci patted Lu Jin and Wang Ai's shoulders: "Look at what you said, you two really think I'm not brainy, if you fight guerrilla, it may have a miraculous effect the first time, but if they are prepared later, it will be dangerous. "

"But Brother Zhang didn't mean to test? Let's just test it out, attack suddenly, kill a group of people and leave, don't make a second attack, no matter how prepared they are, they will be caught blind!"

"Hedgehog, you can try what you said!" Lu Jin thought about it carefully, nodded and said.

They all say that what is lacking will come. Although Lu Jin has the word cautious in his name, he is a restless adventurer in his bones. As soon as Lu Ci encourages him, even if he thinks it is impossible intellectually, he will try it.

"But I still feel very adventurous!"

Wang Ai said weakly, unlike Lu Jin and Lu Ci, he was not good at force, he went guerrilla, but tied his head to the waist of his trousers.

But these two reckless men are already on top, and he can't be persuaded, so he has to look at another reckless man:
"Senior Brother Zhang, tell them quickly..."

Unexpectedly, Zhang Zhiwei, a reckless man, really agreed with his point of view.

"Lao Lu, Er Bi, you two are too arrogant. You don't have any information, and you want to pretend to be a horse bandit and attack the Japanese army?"

"I've already said to test it out first, you call this a test? How can you be overwhelmed as soon as you play!"

Zhang Zhiwei said with a smile.

As for the attack on the army that Lu Ci mentioned, he really wanted to do it, but he definitely didn't pretend to be a horse bandit to fight a guerrilla.

He is carrying the Dongfeng Great Sword, and when the time comes, a Dongfeng Express will send them to heaven, isn't it neat and tidy?

"Then according to what Senior Brother Zhang said," Lu Ci lowered his head, "How should we test it so that we don't become arrogant?"

Zhang Zhiwei said in a low voice: "The railway is long, how can it be a good target? We started directly from the source. When we arrived in Liaodong, I cast a spell first, and killed the headquarters of the Japanese pirate railway company..."

(End of this chapter)

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