Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 157 New Identity, Action Code, Dongfeng Break

Chapter 157 New Identity, Action Code, Dongfeng Break

Zhang Zhiwei's words stunned Lu Jin and Lu Ci Wang Aiqiqi.

Lu Jin sucked his teeth and said, "Brother Zhang, do you want to listen to what you are talking about? The Japanese pirates' railway company headquarters is the most important place. It is more dangerous than what Lu Ci said about pretending to be a horse bandit and going to the railway guerrilla to kill Japanese pirates." There are too many!"

Even Lu Ci, nicknamed Mad Dog, felt that Zhang Zhiwei's proposal was a little too crazy, and said, "It would be a little risky to go straight to Huanglong!"

Wang Ai also said: "I think so too, the hedgehog's guerrilla is more reliable!"

Sure enough, when you want to open a window, you have to open the door first. Wang Ai now thinks that it is good to be a bandit or a guerrilla!
"Why are you panicking? You won't be allowed to charge forward. Just watch me perform for this matter!"

Zhang Zhiwei rubbed the Dongfeng sword in his hand: "I said it was a temptation, so it must be painful. If it's just killing a hundred or ten Japanese soldiers on the railway, it's not painful, so what's the matter? Scratch the pirates!" itch?"

Upon hearing this, Lu Ci stopped being entangled, and showed a kind smile on his face:

"Since Brother Zhang is so confident, then I, Lu Ci, will risk my life to accompany the gentleman!"

Lu Jin is still very cautious: "It is estimated that there are only more than 3000 Japanese pirates guarding the railway. If one hundred people die, it is already a big deal!"

Lu Ci said angrily: "Crybaby, what are you talking about, are you afraid? Senior Brother Zhang will take the lead, so you can decide whether you want to do it or not!"

Lu Jin couldn't be provoked the most, and glared at Lu Ci: "I'm afraid of a bird, fuck him, fuck him!"

Fatty Wang Ai glanced at his two haircuts, and felt a little gritty, this is really a thief's boat.

Lu Ci is not kind, and he is ruthless in his bones, he is a murderer.

Lu Jin was only superficially cautious, but in reality he was very crazy, and he would blow up at any point.

As for Senior Brother Zhang with the highest ability, his Zhang is probably not a false Zhang, but an arrogant Zhang.

It was agreed to bring him to Liaodong to beg for his wife, but now the wife has not seen him yet, so he is about to go to the railway company where the Japanese pirates were taken away, and he might be chased and killed by then...

Life is not easy, Fatty sighed, now on a pirate ship, there is only one way to go to the dark... Wang Ai said:
"Brother Zhang, is the way you show your strength the Duanping Railway Company? But will the movement be a little too loud? What if the warlords make a mistake and come to encircle and suppress us? Then we will just I can hide in the mountains!"

Zhang Zhiwei said with a smile: "Fatty is still cautious. My family is definitely not a fool to be able to get to where it is today from a horse bandit. Of course, in order to prevent him from being confused, we can say hello first and let him know something! "

Based on the understanding of some literature in later generations, Zhang Zhiwei still has some understanding of Zhang Dashuai. Although he colluded with the Japanese pirates, he has a very tough attitude on the railway and land issues, and he does not allow core interests. This is also for his death. Buried foreshadowing.

It can be said that the Japanese pirate's railway company is a thorn in Zhang Dashuai's heart, and now, if he wants to pull out this thorn, then this Zhang Dashuai has no reason to come to him for trouble.

However, sometimes, people don't have such a tacit understanding, or Zhang Dashuai's subordinates may not have such a tacit understanding.

Therefore, he needs to say hello in advance and let them know, they know something.

Of course, this announcement was made in a gimmicky but absurd way, which made people impressed at the first hearing, but subconsciously did not believe it, and only after the incident happened did they suddenly realize it.

Wang Ai said: "Should I say hello through the group of businessmen? But the information just now, even if they report it, is meaningless!"

"So I need to operate it!" After speaking, Zhang Zhiwei patted Lu Jin's shoulder and said:
"Old Lu, did you notice earlier that those rich businessmen seem to be more pleasing to your eyes, and there are still a few days' journey from here to the northeast, how about this, take advantage of this time to get acquainted with them, and then Inadvertently, pretend to let them discover our 'true identity'!"

"Real identity?" Lu Jin looked a little dull: "Do you want them to know that we are members of the Trinity Sect, the Four Great Families, and the Heavenly Master's Mansion?"

Lu Ci and Wang Ai looked at Zhang Zhiwei, also a little confused, not understanding what kind of medicine Zhang Zhiwei sold in his gourd.

Zhang Zhiwei said: "What are you thinking? If we go to Liaodong with these identities, let alone cause trouble, we are afraid that we will be picked up by our respective sects as soon as we arrive, so we have to get some new identities!"

Zhang Zhiwei tugged at his suit: "What do you think our outfit looks like?"

Lu Jin said: "What do you look like? This is just an ordinary dress!"

Lu Ci said, "Like a foreign devil!"

Wang Ai said: "Compared with foreign devils, our outfit looks more like Japanese pirates!"

As soon as these words came out, the three of them stared at him unkindly.

"Fatty, why are you swearing at people?" Lu Ci said.

"You can eat shit, but you can't talk nonsense!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"That's right, Japanese pirates, a group of things that are not as good as pigs and dogs, have our temperament and demeanor?" Lu Jin smoothed his tie and said.

Under the eyes of the three of them, a drop of cold sweat dripped from the corner of Wang Ai's forehead, and he said hastily:
"Yes, yes, you said the wrong thing, you said the wrong thing, Senior Brother Zhang, what is our new identity!"

The fat man quickly changed the subject.

Zhang Zhiwei said: "Don't you think we are like secret agents in this suit?"

The three of them stayed together for a while, and agreed to go the same way.

"Spy?" Lu Jin said.

"Spy?" Wang Ai said.

"Careful work?" Lu Ci said.

Zhang Zhiwei: "..."

Elaborate work...so harsh...how come the more you say it, the worse it sounds...Taking something in my heart, Zhang Zhiwei said:
"You don't need to care about these trivial things. This identity has no special meaning. It's just to let this group of rich businessmen bring a gimmick and eye-catching news to the past."

"Of course, this news has to sound like that. So, from now on, our public identity is a wealthy businessman, and our 'real identity' is the 'Cheka agent' placed here by Mao Ziguo."

"As the four brave agents of Yigao, our mission in Liaodong is to cut off the Japanese pirates' minions and destroy the Japanese pirates' railway company. The shame of Yixue's defeat in Liaodong last time, and the code name of this operation is 'Dongfeng Break' ,do you understand?"

After all, Zhang Zhiwei looked at Lu Jin and the others.

As for the Cheka agents mentioned by Zhang Zhiwei, they are the current spy organization on Maoziguo's side and the predecessor of the later famous KGB.

In fact, this kind of organization also exists on the Japanese pirate side, called super high class. As for the military and central government that people talked about during the Republic of China, they have not yet been established.

If it is further away, MI[-] is too far away.

Therefore, Zhang Zhiwei planned to play Cheka under the guise.

Using this guise has two meanings.

One is that the red-haired ghost had only fought against Japanese pirates a few years ago, and was defeated. It was reasonable and reasonable to cause some damage.

Moreover, Liaodong used to be Hongmao's territory. Even if it was later occupied by Japanese pirates, there must still be many Hongmao forces here.

This time he pretended to be a Cheka agent and took down the Japanese pirate railway company. No matter what the investigation results of the Japanese pirates are, it is certain to anger Maozi.

The second is to let that Marshal Zhang know that the red-haired ghosts and Japanese pirates are starting to bite dogs, and you should just watch from the sidelines, and don't let your people make trouble for me.

Of course, if the commander-in-chief is not blind, and can figure out a little reason, and provide some convenience secretly under the premise of not doing things for the pirates, that would be great.

As for whether this matter will reach the ears of Japanese pirates, Zhang Zhiwei is not worried. Their identities are fabricated. So far, they have been regarded as flattery, and there is no evidence at all.

Of course, even if the Japanese pirates were cautious and became vigilant after hearing the news, Zhang Zhiwei was not afraid. If a sword came down from the sky, what would you use against it!
In short, Zhang Zhiwei and his party are just a shit-stirring stick, under the banner of Maozi, to make the already treacherous situation in Liaodong even more chaotic.

The more chaos here, the easier it is for him to act, and maybe he can share the firepower with the Gao family.

After listening to Zhang Zhiwei's explanation, Lu Jin said: "I understand what Brother Zhang means, but how should I get in touch with these wealthy businessmen?"

Zhang Zhiwei said: "Didn't you say it? Let you pretend to be a rich businessman."

Lu Jin looked embarrassed: "I don't have a few steel coins on me, how can I pretend to be a rich businessman, I have no confidence!"

Zhang Zhiwei patted Wang Ai: "Fatty, come on, give Lao Lu some activity funds, let him be more arrogant, and pretend to be rich!"

Wang Ai was also unambiguous, and immediately took out a few bank notes and handed them to Lu Jin, and ordered:

"Old Lu, remember, you are made to pretend to be rich, not to be rich!"

"It's as if I'm going to be greedy for your little money, don't worry, leave it to me!"

Lu Jin took the bank note, stuffed it into his pocket, and then sat back in their seats to meditate and practice, while the fat man continued to be vigilant.

In the early morning of the next day, Lu Jin saw the wealthy businessman named Liu Zhe go to the bathroom, and immediately followed him.

After a while, the two hooked their shoulders and walked back to the carriage, talking and laughing.

I have to say that Lu Jin, this kid, is very good at dealing with people and dealing with others, coupled with his dignified appearance and personable demeanor, he soon became friends with the group of rich businessmen, and he started to be called "brother and brother". A look of talking about everything.

It was a long journey to Liaodong, and the few people spent the next few days on the train.

Because he bought a special seat this time, Zhang Zhiwei did not encounter the human trafficker incident like last time. Along the way, except for eating, he was basically practicing.

On the fourth day, Lu Jin was already very familiar with those wealthy businessmen, and even Zhang Zhiwei and others had made acquaintances with those wealthy businessmen.

Seeing that the time came, Zhang Zhiwei arranged for Lu Ci and Lu Jin to do a scene, and inadvertently let the wealthy businessman Liu Zhe discover their "true identities".

This changed the way the rich businessman Liu Zhe looked at them. After all, the scene of Zhang Zhiwei and his party getting into the car was still vivid in his mind.

If such a terrorist person is an ace agent of another country, it is reasonable and reasonable. Even if he is not an agent, he has other identities, which is not easy anyway.

When these people go to the Northeast, they must report to the commander in chief, maybe it is a credit.

With this in mind, the rich businessman Liu Zhe wanted to monopolize the news, so even if he knew about it, he didn't tell the other rich businessmen, and the two sides were still communicating very politely.

On the fifth day, the train arrived at Fengtian Station, which was the headquarters of that Marshal Zhang.

"There is always a banquet in the world. We have already arrived at the station. If you want to go to Bincheng Station, you need to change trains and take the train controlled by Dongying people!"

In the special-class carriage, the wealthy businessman Liu Zhe was the first to get up, stood at the door of the carriage, folded his hands and said that he couldn't wait to see Dashuai Zhang.

Lu Jin also clasped his hands and said, "Just leave now!"

After a group of wealthy businessmen and their bodyguards left one after another, Lu Jin looked at Zhang Zhiwei and said in a low voice:
"Senior Brother Zhang, what should I say next, should I take a rest in Fengtian, or directly transfer to the train of the Japanese pirates and go to their Bincheng?"

"It's tiring, let's take a break and go eat some delicious food!" Wang Ai swallowed, and suggested that he really had enough food on the train.

Beside him, Lu Ci stared out of the window with his eyes wide open. From this angle, he could see a train with a sun flag parked not far away.

Is this what my father and brother have to face... Lu Ci grinned and said with a serious smile:

"The Japanese pirates are right in front of you. How can you eat them? I suggest you go straight to Huanglong!"

Zhang Zhiwei also squinted his eyes, looked at the train, and said with a smile: "Okay, then let's go directly to Bincheng, let's go, get off and change trains, let's try this pirate train, it's not too bad!" "

"Then I'll try it first!"

As Lu Ci said, he slowly put his hand on the carriage wall, exerted a little force, and the Ruyi energy pulsated out.

Not far away, a man in a shit-yellow military uniform stepped out of the train flying the sun flag and staggered suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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