Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 159 Tianjiao is missing, the elders are in a hurry

Chapter 159 Tianjiao is missing, the elders are in a hurry
The seats in the first class car are comparable to a double sofa, spacious and comfortable to sit on.

Moreover, the flight attendant who received them before did not leave after sending them into the carriage, but stood respectfully by the side, as if waiting for orders at any time.

After taking his seat, Lu Jin, a scholarly family, looked at the bookshelves. There were many famous books on the bookshelves in the carriage. He picked one at random and read it.

Lu Ci, who killed the blank, was looking around, choosing the right target to attack.

This is a special car, and the people who come up are either rich or expensive, and there should be many Japanese pirates.

However, perhaps because the price is too high, there are only four of them in the special compartment for the time being.

Wang Ai picked up the menu on the table and looked at it. He was going to get something to eat. It can be said that he couldn't eat or sleep well on the national train these days. He wanted to taste the taste of the Japanese pirates.

As for Zhang Zhiwei, he glanced at the Go on the table and said, "Can you play chess in such a bumpy environment?"

The steward waiting on the side quickly said: "Sir, this is the first time that the iron train is full. The Go board is made of iron, and the flag is equipped with magnets, so it can ensure that the Go pieces will not slide due to the shaking of the car body."

Zhang Zhiwei fiddled with Go: "So that's how it is. You have some ideas. By the way, are there many people who usually ride in this car and play Go?"

"Not many, most of the people who love to play Go are the gentlemen from Japan!" The flight attendant said with a slight bow.

"Oh, Mr. Dongying!"

Zhang Zhiwei picked up a chess piece with a metallic texture, and then released it. With a "snap", the chess piece landed firmly on the chessboard with a crisp sound.

"By the way, you work in Manchurian Railway, how about your salary?"

Logically speaking, the flight attendant shouldn't answer such words with a hint of prying eyes, but when Zhang Zhiwei spoke, there was an unquestionable feeling. The flight attendant did not dare to hide anything, and said honestly:
"The salary is not bad, it is enough to support the family, but there are more rules. Before going to work every day, you must recite the five trainings of the railway intensively: be sincere and dedicated to the public, integrate with one heart, strictly abide by the rules, study and practice, be solid and vigorous, and shout slogans. Manchuria is one family, and Asia is one..."

Zhang Zhiwei listened carefully, and it was nothing more than some brainwashing education, something like the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere.

At this time, Wang Ai, who had finished reading the menu, closed the menu and asked kindly: "By the way, how many of the flight attendants on your train are from Dongying and how many are from Huaxia?"

This question was asked by Wang Ai on behalf of Lu Ci.

The flight attendant bowed, approached Wang Ai, lowered his voice, and said honestly: "On the train, the service personnel are all Chinese, the driver and co-driver, as well as the security personnel, and the police personnel are all from Dongying!"

"So that's it!" Lu Ci suddenly came over, grinned, and asked, "By the way, how do those people speak Chinese?"

"Nian... most of the younger generation... can say it, and they say it well, most of the older generation can't, and even if they can, it's very awkward!"

The flight attendant stammered a bit and said that although the thorn in front of him was handsome, he just had an inexplicable palpitation.

"So this is ah!"

Lu Ci smiled, sat back in his seat and lay down, looking leisurely, but in fact, he was holding his breath, listening to the conversation around him, and at the same time, his toes were touching the ground rhythmically, with a subtle wishful energy like It came out like a sound wave.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Ci sat up abruptly, waved his hand, and told the flight attendant to stand away, they wanted to talk about something.

"Sir, I'm not far away, please call me anytime!" The flight attendant retreated to the junction of the carriage door and stood up.

Lu Ci leaned out to Zhang Zhiwei who was next to him, and whispered:

"Senior Brother Zhang, just now I controlled the Ruyi Jin to the lowest strength and poked it out like a wave. I found that the feedback given by a few people on this train was not normal, and most of them were strangers!"

Zhang Zhiwei played Go and responded: "Normal, I found out as soon as I arrived at Fengtian Station. Apart from us, there are many strangers here, but most of them are not strong. Remember to avoid them when you do it. I don't want to Once you get off the bus, you will be in ambush!"

Zhang Zhiwei didn't order Lu Ci not to do anything just because there were strange people around him, he couldn't give up eating because of choking.

But you have to be prepared, Zhang Zhiwei stretched out his hand to Wang Ai.

Wang Ai froze for a moment, noticed that Zhang Zhiwei was referring to the package in his hand, and quickly handed it over.

Lu Ci continued: "Brother Zhang, my Ruyi Jin's effective attack radius on ordinary people is close to [-] meters. It is straight and straight, and I can bypass these people. The means of perception, maybe it will be discovered!"

"It's okay, I'll give you two talismans to hide your aura, as long as you don't perform your exercises in front of others, others will not be able to find you!"

With that said, Zhang Zhiwei took out three talismans from the package, pressed them in the palm of his hand, and handed them to King Lu Ci and Ai Lu Jin respectively.

This is the result of Zhang Zhiwei's crazy practice of talismans a few days before his departure. He has learned all kinds of messy functional talismans and can be used in various occasions. This is also Zhang Zhiwei's confidence to bring Lu Ci and Lu Jin to Liaodong .

"Senior Brother Zhang is really thoughtful!"

Lu Ci, Lu Jin, and Wang Ai took the talisman with a smile on their faces, and stuck it on the inconspicuous inner lining.

The moment it was affixed, the effect of the talisman was activated, and an invisible wave enveloped the whole body, covering the alien's qi, which was very different from ordinary people.

That is to say, unless the naked eye sees the purple light on Lu Ci's hands, it is almost impossible to judge whether he is a foreigner from his qi.

"Your talisman is really easy to use!" Lu Ci sighed, and immediately discovered the blind spot: "By the way, Brother Zhang, don't you use it yourself?"

"This is for you guys. I have already reached the perfect level of cultivation, and I have returned to the basics. I don't need this thing!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

He still didn't say a word, if the other party can detect him, it means that the other party's cultivation base is far superior to his. In front of such a master, the talisman that conceals the breath is not easy to use.

Cultivated to the highest level, returning to the basics... Lu Ci was taken aback for a moment, and then exclaimed: "You really deserve to be Senior Brother Zhang!"

"Senior brother Zhang, you really are not humble, such words are usually said by outsiders!" Lu Jin is an upright person, and couldn't help reminding.

"Senior Brother Zhang is straightforward, Lao Lu, you have to learn a little bit!" Wang Ai also said with a smile.

"You guys, the atmosphere of the four families has been ruined by you!" Lu Jin said in a bad mood.

Old Lu was tall and clean, and he was definitely not a sycophant. He then said:

"However, you can hide your own breath without using talismans. Brother Zhang's cultivation level is indeed very high!"

"..." Zhang Zhiwei silently gave a thumbs up.

"Old Lu, why don't you listen to what you're talking about?" Lu Ci couldn't help but said.

"I'm telling the truth!" Lu Jin said.

"I see, the ethos of the Four Families has been corrupted since you. They are prudish and prudish!" Lu Ci said.

"What is sanctimonious, look at the reckless aura on your body, you don't look like the gentle and gentle Brother Lu and Uncle Lu, you are like a gangster!" Lu Jin's mouth is not weak.

"What underworld? This is true temperament, you know what a fart!"


Before getting on the train, the two guys who were still hooking up with each other as good brothers broke up within a few minutes of getting on the train and started to expose each other's weaknesses.

Zhang Zhiwei looked at it with a smile on his face. Lu Jin's evaluation of Lu Ci was really vivid. Zhang Chulan of later generations saw Lu Ci for the first time, and his first impression of him was that the old man was a social person at first glance.

But when the two of them were bickering, Wang Ai, who was watching from the sidelines, changed his expression, and took out a blank piece of paper from his bag. After reading it, he said with a panicked expression:

"Hedgehog, Lao Lu, Senior Brother Zhang, our disappearance was discovered. My father came to see me and asked where we went?"

The two bickering, their words froze, they looked at Wang Ai together.

"What did Uncle Wang say?" Lu Ci asked.

"They won't find out that we came to Liaodong?!" Lu Jin said.

"Your father is looking for you? We are in Liaodong, how did your father find you?" Zhang Zhiwei was a little unresponsive.

"Here, look!"

Wang Ai put the white paper in his hand on the table directly in front of the seat for everyone to watch.

I saw that on the white paper, handwriting was constantly being generated out of thin air.

"My big baby, where did you go? Longhushan just sent a letter saying that you are missing, are you in any danger?"

"Oh, my dear grandson, my sweetheart, where are you going, are you in danger, have you encountered any difficulties, if you have anything, tell the grandfather, and the grandfather will save you!"

"My little baby……"

Words kept jumping out of nowhere on the paper, and the handwriting became more and more scribbled. It could be seen that the people over there were in a hurry.

Zhang Zhiwei: "..."

Good guy, this shit is a WeChat family chat group...

Looking at the white paper on the table where words were constantly being generated, Zhang Zhiwei vaguely noticed something strange in it.

It is the power of that medium again, but compared with the previous methods, the fluctuation of this piece of paper is so small that it is almost negligible.

Zhang Zhiwei would not have noticed it if he hadn't looked at him face to face.

Lu Jin noticed that Zhang Zhiwei didn't understand something, and explained intimately:
"Senior Brother Zhang, this is the fat man's family's secret technique—Shen Tu. The yin and yang paper produced is divided into yin paper and yang paper. Yin paper is white paper with black characters, and yang paper is black paper with white characters."

"Write on yin paper, and it will appear on yang paper, and write on yang paper, and it will appear on yin paper."

"So as long as each holds a piece of paper, the two sides can send messages from thousands of miles away. In this situation, it should be Uncle Wang who is communicating with the positive paper in the fat man's hand through the negative paper."

Looking at the words of concern from his father, mother, grandfather and others on the paper, and thinking that he was going to the Japanese pirates' stronghold and would blow up the Japanese pirates' economic center, Wang Ai became a little restless, feeling homesick. mind.

Seeing Wang Ai's strange behavior, Lu Ci quickly patted him on the back to comfort him.

Lu Jin continued: "Brother Zhang, judging from the content on the paper, Longhushan learned that you were missing, and there was a lot of movement. They also sent letters to inform my family, the fat man's family and the hedgehog family. The movement is not small, what should we do?"

(End of this chapter)

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