Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 160 Killing to protect life, killing business is not killing people

Chapter 160 Killing to protect life, killing business is not killing people
Looking at the yin and yang paper, Wang Ai's family chat group kept flickering.

Zhang Zhiwei thought about it, this is indeed an ability of Shentu.

Later, when the Tang Sect and the pirates Biheshan ninja fought ten against ten in the Toutian Cave.

In order to help Lu Ci, Wang Ai made a lot of fuss, and even equipped the people in the Tang Sect with this yin and yang paper to facilitate their communication.

It can be said that although Wang Ai did not make a move in the whole process, he was also credited for the Tang Sect's ability to defeat everyone in Bihe Mountain.

After all, in this era of underdeveloped information transmission, in such a complex environment, having such a timely communication tool can imagine the impact on the battle situation.

"I forgot that your family still has this ability!"

As Zhang Zhiwei said, he took out another talisman from his bag, and activated his Qi.

In an instant, the clanging of the train outside and the sound of crowds of people suddenly disappeared, and the whole surrounding was suddenly quiet.

The three of Lu Ci also sensed this change, and they all looked at him.

Zhang Zhiwei said: "This is a silent talisman, a useless gadget invented by my uncle, because I often practice thunder in the middle of the night to keep him from being pure, so I got this thing to block the sound."

"Now, let's get closer and discuss how to deal with the fat man. During the discussion, as long as no one comes in, it's okay to shout inside!"

In this sentence, Lu Jin found a blind spot, and leaned closer and said, "So, Brother Zhang, you are also god-hate and ghost-hate in Longhu Mountain!"

Zhang Zhiwei stared at him: "Old Lu, have you been living too comfortably recently, you want to try it with me!"

Lu Jin shrank his neck. The old Lu still dare not shout in front of Zhang Zhiwei that he is a bully, a bull-nosed man, and the situation is stronger than others. He, Lu Jin, is cautious.

"You guys, stop making trouble!" Wang Ai said with a sad face, "Help me, how should I answer?"

Lu Jin suggested: "Why don't we just say that we are in Liaodong, and communicate with the Gao family through Uncle Wang, and then see if it can be incorporated into the actions of the Gao family!"

Lu Ci immediately retorted: "Old Lu, your thoughts are simply naive. We were not allowed to come to Liaodong in the first place. If you said so, why don't you immediately order us to return!"

Wang Ai also quickly said: "It cannot be said that we are in Liaodong. The situation here is not good. If I say it, I am afraid that my grandfather will rush over immediately. He is old, so it is better not to come here to take risks."

Zhang Zhiwei also nodded and said: "My master is a celestial master, so it is unlikely that he will come, but there is a high probability that Gao Gong who participated in the operation of the Gao family will come and send me back."

Lu Ci said again: "Senior brother Zhang said so, it is true, my father and my brother participated in this Gao family operation, if they knew that I was also in Liaodong, wouldn't they arrest me immediately? "

As he said that, Lu Ci looked at Lu Jin with contempt: "Old Lu, thanks to you, you are still called Lu Jin, look at your bad idea, you are not cautious at all, just like a reckless man, if they come to us , Doesn’t this delay the actions of the Gao family? We came to Liaodong, firstly to kill Japanese pirates to practice ourselves, and secondly, to help them share the firepower, not to cause trouble for them!”

Lu Jin, a reckless man, immediately felt that it made sense: "Then what should we do?"

Lu Ci said: "Let's not care about it for now. Let's blow up the Japanese pirates' railway first. In this way, even if we are arrested, we will not lose!"

Wang Ai cried and said: "Hedgehog, your idea is also like a reckless man. Brother Zhang, you are both wise and brave, so you should help me!"

The wise and courageous Zhang Zhiwei in Wang Ai's mouth thought for a moment, looked at Lu Jin, and said:
"Brave man, before we set off, didn't you say that you have a clue to the case of the little ghost in the altar made by the trafficker?"

"Wang Ai, why don't you write it like this, just say that after eating and drinking that day, we went to the provincial capital to watch a performance, but halfway met the monsters who made the little ghosts in the altar, and found that behind these monsters, there was a big gang, everywhere. Abducting children to make imps."

"At the suggestion of the eager and righteous brother Zhang in Longhu Mountain, we are going to form a small team to eradicate this monster gang completely. Because of the emergency, we did not report back to the sect and followed all the way. Now I'm about to arrive at the demon's lair, I'm going to wipe them all out, I hope my family members don't miss it!"

After hearing what Zhang Zhiwei said, the three of them were taken aback.

"This is good, this is good, Senior Brother Zhang is indeed wise and brave!" Wang Ai immediately wrote what Zhang Zhiwei taught.

When Wang Ai was writing, Lu Jin discovered a blind spot again, and couldn't help complaining:
"You can make up a very real story so quickly, Brother Zhang, you are very skilled in deceiving teachers, and you still say that you don't hate gods and ghosts in Longhu Mountain?!"

Then he was hit twice by Zhang Zhiwei, hitting him on the forehead, and the bang bang sound was extremely clear.

Zhang Zhiwei blew on his knuckles: "Lao Lu, let's talk about business, I'm not in the mood to argue with you!"

"Hiss..." Lao Lu bared his teeth in pain, stretched out his hand to touch the spot on his head where he was knocked, found two big bumps, and complained, "You're a black hand!"

"I'm already very reserved!" Zhang Zhiwei stared at Lu Jin's handsome face, and inexplicably thought of a sentence in his heart, if our roles were reversed, I would let you know what cruelty is.

If it were Lao Lu, he wouldn't have to slap his face swollen?This is based on facts, knocking a few bags on Lao Lu's head is already very restrained, okay?

"I'm back, my great-grandfather has replied to the message, please read it quickly!" Wang Ai said, pointing at the paper.

The three of them leaned over to see that writing was being printed on the positive paper. The old man of the Wang family first praised Wang Ai, saying that my big baby is really capable and has a sense of justice.

Then he said that these kind of monsters are punishable by everyone, but the monsters are full of tricks. In order to avoid accidents to Wang Ai, Wang Ai asked Wang Ai to send the address quickly, and he came to eradicate the monsters himself.

"My grandfather is coming, what should I do?" Wang Ai looked at Zhang Zhiwei.

"Fatty, your family's kindness to you is a little too much!" Zhang Zhiwei took a deep look at Wang Ai, and said that the Heavenly Master's Mansion protects the calf, but compared with the Wang family, it's really nothing!

"It's all a family, please pay more attention, it should be, I will do the same in the future, by the way, that brother Zhang, how should I reply?" Wang Ai said.

Zhang Zhiwei thought for a while and said: "Tell him, I, Wang Ai, am also a person who wants to achieve great things, and I can't rely on my family for everything. This time, you have to make a name for yourself!"

Wang Ai hastily complied.

Soon, the grandfather of the Wang family replied, asking if his eldest son was stimulated by anything?Or was it threatened?Or maybe Lu Ci, the little bastard, encouraged him...

Lu Ci rubbed his nose, ginger was still hot, the old man made a good guess, but he was not the little bastard who encouraged Wang Ai.

"Senior brother Zhang, if my grandfather doesn't believe me, how can I write it?" Wang Ai looked at Zhang Zhiwei.

"You just write, I have to prove to Guan Shihua that I, Wang Ai, am also a man of kindness, and I want to be a strong man, be strong!" Zhang Zhiwei said with a twist of his hand.

When Wang Ai heard this, she immediately raised her eyebrows in embarrassment, and blushed like a monkey's buttocks: "Really...really...that's how you write it!"

Zhang Zhiwei said: "Write quickly, why do you think I brought you to bomb the railway company of the Japanese pirates? This is the reason, you think, you dare to go deep into Liaodong, go directly to the Japanese pirates' lair, and bomb their economic and cultural center. Is this a thing?" Very kind of thing!"

Wang Aizhi nodded: "Yes!"

Zhang Zhiwei continued: "Then you did such a kind thing, aren't you also very kind?"

Wang Ai nodded: "That's so kind!"

Zhang Zhiwei said: "You're so kind, are you afraid that you won't stand up in front of Guan Shihua? Will she underestimate you? Don't you think differently?"

As soon as Wang Ai heard this, he became excited immediately, and the energy to charge for love came up again.

"Don't just get excited, write quickly, write as I say!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

Wang Ai immediately followed suit.

After a while, the grandpa of the Wang family wrote back saying that his big baby had grown up. He, the grandpa, was very pleased and asked the two little bastards, Lu Ci and Lu Jin, to write a few words to make sure they were by his side.

Lu Ci and Lu Jin immediately wrote a few words to reassure the old man of the Wang family.

Among them, Lu Ci wrote cursive script, which was rough and powerful, while Lu Jin wrote regular script, which was extremely correct, and they were all good handwriting anyway.

Seeing words is like seeing people, the old man of the Wang family saw the handwriting of the two, and knew it was him, and he was relieved immediately, and asked Wang Ai, who was the one who was in the limelight in the Lu family compound a few days ago, and was given a nickname Is the little celestial master young and extremely present? If so, leave a message.

"Brother Zhang, say a few words?"

Wang Ai, Lu Ci and Lu Jin looked at Zhang Zhiwei.

Zhang Zhiwei pondered for a moment, and slapped him up.

After a while, Yang Zhi's handwriting appeared: "The palm print is arrogant and domineering. My little baby is indeed true. Your strength, not to mention the younger generation, even the older generation, can be called a good player."

"I have an unfeeling request. My eldest baby has never been out of the house. She has been carefree since she was a child. She wants the wind to get the wind and the rain to get the rain. Now she is going to take risks for the sake of a little affair. The old man is relieved at the same time. My heart hurts again, I also ask the little celestial master to take care of me, this old man is very grateful."

"If my big baby can return home safely, this old man hereby makes a promise, the Wang family accepts you as a favor, and if there is any request in the future, my Wang family will definitely try my best to do it!"

Looking at the words on the Yang paper, Zhang Zhiwei didn't doubt the authenticity of this promise. Although the Wang family was not authentic in some things, as a family that had been passed down for thousands of years, and had a good relationship with a family with a very upright family like the Lu family, Definitely not going back on promises.

"Your old man is very open-minded. Tell him, I will try my best to bring you all back safely, and ask him to bring the news to Longhu Mountain so that my master doesn't have to worry about it!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

Wang Ai followed suit and got a positive answer.

Then, Wang Ai's family chat group, which had been ringing non-stop, finally stopped.

The few people breathed a sigh of relief. Although they were happy before, the incident of leaving home without authorization was still a thorn in their hearts. Now that the thorn is gone, they feel much relieved. Although it was made up, there is always an explanation.

"By the way, fat man, you are your big baby, who is your little baby, why do you know about me, I don't seem to have fought against your Wang family last time!" Zhang Zhiwei thought of the content of the letter, Can't help but ask.

Lu Ci and Lu Jin also looked curious.

Wang Ai faltered for a moment, and said, "Yes...it's my father!"

Lu Ci: "..."

Lu Jin: "..."

Zhang Zhiwei: "..."

Good guy, Patriarch Wang is almost 50 years old, and he is still called a baby. This feeling...

Zhang Zhiwei tilted his head and thought for a while. Those senior brothers in his family are all in their forties. When they saw Master Zhang Jingqing, they also had a hippie smile on their faces. This feeling is really good!
At this time, Lu Jin said: "Brother Zhang, how will we deal with it in the end? Lies will always be exposed. How can we explain that we came to Liaodong?"

Zhang Zhiwei has a lot of experience in this kind of thing, and said with a smile: "Isn't this simple? We can say that after investigating all the way, it was found that the black hands behind the scenes were Japanese pirates. Didn't they chase them to Liaodong?"

Lu Jin immediately understood, and slapped his thigh: "Put the shit bowl on the Japanese pirates, right? Although the subtleties are still a bit unsightly, it can be used as a complete reason, that is, what should the group of real traffickers do?" solve?"

Lu Ci wiped his hands on his neck: "Turn around and take a moment to kill them!"


Several people discussed the details again. During this process, some people walked into the carriage from time to time.

Because this train is bound for Bincheng, the base camp of Japanese pirates in Liaodong, most of the people who come up are Japanese pirates, and they are Japanese pirates who have been reimbursed for travel at public expense. After all, the fare is too expensive. Can't bear it.

After these people got in the car, most of them would cast a strange look at Zhang Zhiwei and his party.

This is not surprising, in Zhang Zhiwei's group, whether it is Lu Ci or Lu Jin, they all have outstanding appearances, and if they are complemented by a well-made suit, they will stand out from the crowd even more.

Especially Zhang Zhiwei is even more eye-catching. Japanese pirates have a kind of worship for tall and mighty people in their bones. Zhang Zhiwei is more than a head taller than them, and he can't wait to be taller than them standing.

Almost every Japanese pirate would look enviously at him when they got in the car, but envy was nothing but envy, but no Japanese pirates came to trouble them.

The main reason is that Zhang Zhiwei and Lu Ci's auras are here, so they are not easy to mess with at first sight, and being able to sit in the first class seat is itself a symbol of financial resources and status, and there is no conflict of interest, so naturally it is not worth asking for trouble.

However, they don't look for trouble, which doesn't mean they don't look for trouble.

Every time a person came up, Lu Ci would take a look at each other.

Lu Ci is not kind, for these Japanese pirates, he has no rules not to attack ordinary people, Ruyi Jin is like a poisonous needle, he stabs one at a time.

In this regard, Zhang Zhiwei did not stop. In this year, the large-scale immigration of Japanese pirates to this side has not yet begun. Among the people who come here, 99 out of [-] people are the vanguard.

These people will transform into one of the most notorious legions in the next few years.

Therefore, if Lu Ci kills one person, that means one less person, and if he kills one person, the impact on the future may be to save hundreds of people. Compared with their later killing contests, Lu Ci's current methods are still very kind.

Those who are not of my race must have different hearts, even Lu Jin is supportive of this, and even silently gave Lu Ci a thumbs up.

Lu Ci grinned, and the two who had confronted each other just now returned to their brotherly good condition.

"By the way, Senior Brother Zhang, what do you think the behavior of a hedgehog should be called?"

Lu Jin tilted his head and asked Zhang Zhiwei in a low voice. He was afraid that Zhang Zhiwei, a monk, would feel uncomfortable.

Zhang Zhiwei, a monk, replied to him: "Killing is to protect life, killing karma is not killing people, Lu Ci, a great achievement, in the future, I will live a long life!"

"With Brother Zhang's words, I will live a long life!"

Lu Ci grinned, he was very happy to be recognized by his idol.

"Of course!" Zhang Zhiwei picked up a pawn, dropped it with a snap, and said in a low voice, "After finishing this vote, we will all live a long life and live to the next century!"

"Senior brother Zhang, I accept your good words!"

Wang Ai and Lu Jin laughed.

At this time, someone got into the car again, and Lu Ci said excitedly: "A big fish has arrived, wearing a military uniform with a collar and carrying the Commander's Medal on his shoulder, I'll kill him!"

After all, Ruyi Jin was about to pulsate out, but was stopped by Zhang Zhiwei's hand.

"Senior Brother Zhang..." Lu Ci looked at Zhang Zhiwei in confusion.

Zhang Zhiwei said in a deep voice: "It's a big fish, not bad, but the other party is a strange person who has restrained his breath, and his cultivation level is not low. You can't kill him with this hand, and you will even scare the snake!"

As soon as Zhang Zhiwei finished speaking, a middle-aged man with a vigorous face came up. He was dressed in a woolen military uniform that fit his short body, with the rank of commander on his shoulders, high leather boots on his feet, and the seams of his trousers were straightened. Behind him , followed by several Japanese pirate soldiers.

Like the Japanese pirates who came up before, as soon as they got in the car, their eyes focused on Zhang Zhiwei and his party.

(End of this chapter)

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