Chapter 161 Caught a super big fish

In the first-class compartment of the train, a group of people in woolen military uniforms came up. Unlike the railway guards outside who were wearing shit-yellow military uniforms, this group of people looked more imposing.

The leader was dressed in a brown military uniform, carrying the rank of commander on his shoulders, and wearing high leather boots. He was not tall, but tall and straight, with firm eyes, no expression on his face, and indifferent like a robot.

The captain walked into the carriage and stood guard at the junction of the carriages. The steward who was always serving Zhang Zhiwei and his party immediately knelt down to greet him.

This is a real big shot, he didn't dare to overstep in the slightest, otherwise he wouldn't know how he died.

Da Zuo, among the Japanese pirates, is second only to the rank of general, equivalent to a colonel or senior colonel in our country, or even slightly higher.

Because of the influence of many divine dramas in later generations, Japanese pirates at the level of Da Zuo are overly underestimated.

In fact, a senior commander, in the army, can often directly command four to five thousand soldiers, which is equivalent to two or three regiments, and has great power.

In Liangjian, Li Yunlong led more than 1 people to attack Ping'an County. The biggest result of the battle was the death of a chief.

It is conceivable how difficult it is for Japanese pirates at this level.

But now, Japanese pirates of this level appeared majestically in front of Zhang Zhiwei, within reach.

The moment the chief officer got into the car, he noticed Zhang Zhiwei and his party. He examined them and walked straight over.

It's not that he found any clues when he came here, but that Zhang Zhiwei and his party are too dazzling, and this temperament is destined to be extraordinary.

The leader of the pirates was getting closer and closer, Wang Ai was a little panicked, clutching the package tightly, he didn't dare to look the pirates in the eyes.

Because his eyes were too sharp, he was afraid that some clues would be seen after they looked at each other.

Lu Jin's demeanor is as usual, and he looks calm, but this is just an appearance, and his heart is not calm.

When the pirate first got into the car, he didn't feel it clearly, but as the pirate got closer and closer, he could clearly sense that Brother Zhang was right, this pirate was a different person, and he was very powerful.

There may be a gang, there may be a fierce battle, Lu Jin keeps calm while mobilizing the Qi in his body, ready to go.

Lu Jin was not calm, and so was Lu Ci.

However, he is different from Lu Jin, who is turbulent in his heart but calm on the outside. The more critical Lu Ci's situation is, the crazier he is.

As the Japanese pirate at the rank of senior officer approached, the corners of Lu Ci's mouth curled up, and his smile became more and more obvious, which meant that he was ready to fight to the death at any time.

The mentality of the little brothers is still not good... Zhang Zhiwei's expression is normal, he is not nervous at all, his own strength is his confidence.

He boasted that even if the Japanese pirates turned against him, he would be able to hold the audience and retreat. After all, this is only Fengtian Station, and he has not been to the Japanese pirates' lair.

However, in this kind of public place, it is better not to turn your face, otherwise it will be difficult to bomb the railway company.

The Japanese pirate Da Zuo got closer and closer, Zhang Zhiwei removed the silent talisman, and was about to break up with the Japanese pirates.

For this situation, Zhang Zhiwei had a strategy long ago. Their current identities on the surface are wealthy businessmen who have come to invest, and their identities secretly are Cheka agents.

If the Japanese pirate asked, he would say that he was a wealthy businessman who had lived abroad for a long time. He heard that Bincheng was developing very well, and he was going to invest and make money.

However, Zhang Zhiwei failed to master English in the end.

Before the chief came close, a Japanese pirate soldier behind the chief quickly walked a few steps, came to his side, and whispered a few words in his ear.

"Master Ishikawa, the person we were negotiating with Zhang Yuzi just now came back, and happened to be in the same car with us, and said he brought some news and wanted to report it to you!"

Hearing this, Colonel stopped immediately, turned around and entered the VIP room at the entrance of the carriage.

In the special seats of the Japanese pirate train, there is also a VIP room, which is set up at the entrance of the carriage. It is equipped with sofas, coffee tables and other facilities, which are extremely luxurious and have strong privacy.

According to the previous flight attendant's introduction, this VIP room is usually where dignitaries travel with their mistresses.

However, the entry of this group of Japanese pirate soldiers must have nothing to do with Fengyue.

Zhang Zizi... Ishikawa Colonel... Zhang Zhiwei thought about a few words in the sentence he heard just now.

This Japanese pirate is called Ishi Chuan, and as for Zhang Jizi, he definitely wasn't referring to me, it should be the Marshal Zhang from my family.


Wang Ai heaved a sigh of relief, and let go of his grip on the package.

Lu Jin's tense body relaxed.

Lu Ci's smile also subsided, he is indeed a murderer, but he is not a brainless person.

In the situation just now, it is better not to fight, especially this Japanese pirate is very strong.


Lu Ci wanted to speak, Zhang Zhiwei gave him a silent gesture, and then took out the silent talisman and pasted it again.

"Okay, we can talk!"

"Brother Zhang, big fish, big fish, when will we kill this old bastard?"

Thinking of the crisis he faced just now, Lu Jin was so annoyed that he swears directly.

Lu Ci also said excitedly: "Yeah, Senior Brother Zhang, those ordinary Japanese pirates were just appetizers. This old thing made me feel a life-and-death crisis. He is the main meal that can play a role in experience. When will we Fuck him?"

Wang Ai remained silent. If he had a choice, he didn't want to be the Japanese pirate commander just now.

"Don't get so excited. For us, this Japanese pirate chief is just an appetizer. We must do it, but we should do it on the train or after we get off the train. Let me find out what they are discussing first." Make a decision later!"

After all, Zhang Zhiwei took out a heaven and earth audio-visual talisman from his luggage.This is also produced by his practice of opening the altar before departure.

With a thought, the talisman was activated, Zhang Zhiwei's breath rose, his consciousness was raised, and he overlooked the whole situation, and he had a panoramic view of everything in the VIP room of the carriage.

At this moment, in the VIP room, that Ishikawa Colonel was sitting upright on the sofa, and a young man was standing straight in front of him.

"Come closer, what's your name?" Said Ishikawa Colonel.

The young man took a few steps forward, bowed and said in salute, "Master Ishikawa, your subordinate is Kameda Ichiro!"

Colonel Ishikawa sized him up and said, "Son, are you a descendant of God Amaterasu?"

Kameda Ichiro said: "I am a real Japanese, and my hometown is Fukuoka, Kyushu."

Hearing this, Colonel Ishikawa showed a slight smile: "Oh, we are still from the same hometown. By the way, when did you come here?"

Kameda Ichiro said: "I came with my parents when I was very young, and it has been more than ten years."

Ishikawa Dazuo said: "Let me tell you, your eyes have lost the brilliance of the descendants of Amaterasu, but you look a bit cowardly like that person. This is not good, do you know?"

Kameda Ichiro bowed his head and remained silent.

Colonel Ishikawa picked up the writing brush on the desk in the VIP room, wrote a few words, and said:

"Do you know these words?"

Kameda Ichiro stepped forward, took a look, and said:

"The sage faces the world in the south, and governs toward the Ming."

Colonel Ishikawa asked, "Do you understand what it means?"

Kameda Ichiro smiled a little awkwardly, and said, "It feels very deep."

Colonel Ishikawa shook his head, and said: "This is a sentence in the ancient Chinese book "Book of Changes", which means that a person who has achieved something should govern his country well in a bright place. The name of Emperor Meiji came from this It came from a sentence."

Kameda Ichiro lowered his head and said humbly, "Master, I have been taught!"

Colonel Ishikawa continued: "Son, we Japanese, whether we are farmers, workers, or businessmen, are actually all for one thing."

Kameda Ichiro asked puzzled, "Which thing?"

Ishikawa Osamu did not answer him immediately, but stared at him, watching Kameda Ichiro trembling with fear.

After a while, Colonel Ishikawa said slowly, "It's Emperor Kochu!"

Kameda Ichiro didn't dare to meet Colonel Ishikawa's gaze, he lowered his head and said, "I understand."

After washing the minds of the younger generation, Ishikawa continued: "Have you obtained the mining license from that... General Commander Zhang?"

Kameda Ichiro said: "No, that Marshal Zhang said that the materials we prepared are not complete, and he can't judge whether it is feasible. Let us prepare more fully and show it to him!"

Colonel Ishikawa sneered and said: "Slippery, this self-proclaimed commander-in-chief is even more slippery than a loach. Since he said that the materials are not complete, then prepare all the materials and pass them to him, so that he can approve the mining report!"

Kameda Ichiro nodded and said: "Yes, I must hurry up. This time I went back to Bincheng for this purpose. However, Ishikawa Commander, I think that Commander Zhang doesn't seem to want to give us mining rights in his bones."

Colonel Ishikawa sneered and said: "This is their country, and their land is under their feet. Of course, he doesn't want us to mine it. However, the Chinese are cowardly in their bones. He dare not refuse. He only dares to delay the attack."

"I asked you to cooperate with him, not to say that we are afraid of him, Chinese, this is called, if he is really a tough bone, then I will break his bone."

Kameda Ichiro listened silently without saying a word.

Colonel Ishikawa continued: "Do you know the war between the Empire and the Qing Dynasty more than 20 years ago?"

Kameda Ichiro said: "I know, that year the empire and the Qing Dynasty first fought in the Yellow Sea, and then occupied Bincheng and Shizikou."

Colonel Ishikawa said: "At that time, I was still a young soldier. When I first set foot on this strange land and participated in that battle, I was very nervous."

"But after the fight, I knew that this land and the people on this land, nothing more, this will be the back garden of the empire."

"In my opinion, Fengtian's Zhang Jizi is the same as the Qing Dynasty back then. He looks as fierce as a tiger. If you squeeze him, he will turn into a cat and rub against your hand."

Colonel Ishikawa said with a look of disdain.

"But Colonel, I found that the ferocious cat we raised seems to be in contact with Mao Zi, as if discussing something about the railway!" Kameda Ichiro said.

"What's the specific content?" Colonel Ishikawa said.

Kameda Ichiro said: "I don't know yet, but I heard a gossip that a few Chikat workers pretended to be businessmen and wanted to blow up our railway company. I don't know if it's true or not?"

Shi Chuan frowned, pondered for a moment and said: "Recently, there are only strangers making troubles here, trying to hinder my empire's plans, so I sent a unit to go into the mountains to encircle them."

"The Lion's Mouth side is okay, but the defense of Bincheng is a little empty. It is very possible that Cheka agents will come to make trouble at this time!"

(End of this chapter)

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