Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 162 Killing and Throwing Corpses, Just One Batch

Chapter 162 Killing and Throwing Corpses, Just a Batch

The train rumbled away, leaving white smoke trails in the wilderness, and the noisy Fengtian Station gradually went away.

In the special compartment of the train, Zhang Zhiwei was leaning on the sofa, wearing a black suit, and Dongfeng Dajian was leaning against the seat.

He closed his eyes, and with the blessing of the heaven and earth audio-visual talisman, he knew all the movements on the train like the back of his hand.

After a moment, he opened his eyes.

"Brother Zhang, how are you doing?"

"Brother Zhang, what did you hear?"

As soon as they opened their eyes, Lu Jin and Lu Ci couldn't wait to ask.

"I heard three important news!"

Zhang Zhiwei didn't make a fool of himself, and said bluntly: "First, the Japanese pirates sent a team of people to encircle and suppress the people on the side of Gao's operation!"

As soon as Zhang Zhiwei's words came out, Lu Jin, Lu Ci, Wang Ai and the others were immediately shocked.

"One...one alliance?"

"So many pirates?"

"The Gao family is in danger!"

No wonder they reacted so strongly, you know, there are more than 4000 people in a wing, and 4000 people are fully equipped with guns and fully armed.

"Senior brother Zhang, have you found out where the Gao family is operating?" Lu Ci asked quickly.

"No, I only know that the Japanese pirates' unit is going into the mountains to encircle and suppress them, so it should be in the mountains!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

In fact, before coming to Liaodong, he also had some guesses about the actions of the Gao family.

His initial guess was that the operation might revolve around the railroad.

After all, the most peeping thing for Japanese pirates at this stage is the railway. Only by occupying the railway can it be more convenient to suck blood and absorb various resources.

But now it seems that this is not the case at all. This dispute was actually carried out in the mountains.

In this regard, Zhang Zhiwei couldn't guess what he could fight for in the mountains, minerals?oil?
"Encircle the mountains? There are many mountains here. By the way, how many Japanese pirates are there in total? They dare to send 4000 people to encircle and suppress the Gao family. Are they not afraid that the headquarters will be empty and will be handed over? " Lu Jin said.

"Damn it, this is our chance to blow up the railway company of these bastards, and share some pressure with the Gao family!"

Lu Ci swears directly, the people participating in this operation, but his father and brother are there, so he can't help but be in a hurry.

Seeing that Lu Ci was in a hurry, Wang Ai quickly said, "Calm down, hedgehog, let's hear the other two news from Senior Brother Zhang first!"

Zhang Zhiwei said: "The second news, what Lao Lu said is correct, the defense of Bincheng is indeed empty."

But before the three of Lu Ci were happy, Zhang Zhiwei said again:
"But it's just pretending. The Japanese pirates have transferred some alien forces from the mainland to hide in the dark. They want to pretend to be weak. Please enter the urn and catch the troublesome 'Cheka' agents like us."

"The third news is that the Japanese pirates' railway company is divided into one bright and one dark. The bright one is a magnificently decorated office hall, which is responsible for handling some bright business, and the dark one is used to handle some Where is the invisible thing, I haven't heard it!"

Zhang Zhiwei only talked about the key points, and he didn't say anything about the pirates looking for Zhang Dashuai to acquire mining rights.

"So, the railway company we're going to blow up is actually only on the surface?" Lu Jin scolded: "These bastards are really cunning!"

Zhang Zhiwei said: "The Japanese pirates must be cunning. They can't be cunning. Since the Japanese pirates defeated Maozi more than ten years ago and took Shizikou and Bincheng, the two families have been fighting openly and secretly. The aliens on the side attack from time to time."

"That's why he set up two railway companies, the bright one and the dark one, and heavily guarded the railway company on the bright side. It is a good way to attract firepower for the real railway company behind the scenes."

"The method is good, but the devil is one foot tall and ten feet high, and we have discovered it!" Lu Jin said: "Senior brother Zhang, since the chief knows where the real railway company is, or we can follow him and see if we can find out where the real railway company is." You can’t follow the clues to find the hidden railway company.”

As soon as Lu Jin proposed this idea, he was opposed by Wang Ai:
"Lu Jin, you are really careless. Brother Zhang has already said that the Japanese pirates sent strangers to guard the real railway company. The few of us are not as good at tracking and assassinating as Tangmen, so we rashly follow. What does this have to do with throwing yourself into a trap the difference?"

Lu Jin scratched his head, speechless. After thinking about it carefully, it seems that this is really the case. Among the few of them, there is really no one who is good at this, and said:

"Senior Brother Zhang, what do you think we should do?"

Lu Ci also waited for Zhang Zhiwei to make up his mind.

Zhang Zhiwei pondered for a moment, and said: "What the fat man said is not unreasonable. There is a school of aliens called ninjas on the Japanese pirates side. They are as proficient in lurking and assassination as Tangmen. Even if Tangmen masters come, they may not be able to do it." Avoiding their eyeliner!"

What Zhang Zhiwei said is not to increase the ambition of others and destroy his own prestige, this is the truth.

In the chapter of Tang Sect, in order to assassinate Nintou, even Tang Jiaren, the eldest master of Tang Sect, the Laughing King of Hell, was found by the ninjas, let alone their reckless men.

Without waiting for a few friends to respond, Zhang Zhiwei continued:

"Except for Fatty, we are all reckless people who are good at fighting head-on. Reckless people naturally have the style of reckless people."

Hearing this, the reckless Lu Jin was taken aback: "Then we reckless should..."

Zhang Zhiwei picked up a white chess piece, landed on the center of the chessboard with a "snap", and said:
"The reckless man should go straight to Huanglong. Let's get off the train and find the location of the railway company. Let's blow him up first."

Lu Jin was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't realize it: "How can I find it? Isn't it that I can't find the real railway company?"

Lu Ci's eyes lit up: "Could it be that Brother Zhang has a way to find out the real railway company?"

Wang Ai remained silent, he couldn't see through Senior Brother Zhang.

Zhang Zhiwei said: "We don't know, but the Japanese pirate chief knows. We tied him up and tortured him. Wouldn't it be good to know from his mouth?"

"Hey... Brother Zhang, do you want to do something on the train?"

Lu Ci was stunned. He had actually thought about this proposal, but considering the strength of the Colonel, he didn't bring it up. He didn't expect Zhang Zhiwei to bring it up.

Wang Ai hurriedly said: "Brother Zhang, calm down, this commander is not weak, won't it be too much force to take him down on the train, or, let's retreat to Fengtian, and then think about it in the long run?"

The situation ahead is getting more and more dangerous and uncertain, and Wang Ai has already retreated. After all, fighting for love can only be a hot-headed thing, and it has cooled down now.

"Fatty, don't hit your morale. When you encounter setbacks, you will be slack and slack. How can you become a master? Since Senior Brother Zhang brought it up, he must have his reasons!"

Lu Ci said that he had an almost blind trust in Zhang Zhiwei.

Zhang Zhiwei said: "This commander's status is not low. Once he gets off the train, there must be many Japanese pirate soldiers escorting him. If he wants to fight again, he has to fight against the Japanese pirate military. What's the difference between this and entering the Japanese pirate barracks openly, so To be on the safe side, we have to get him on the train."

"As for the question of whether the fat man can hold it or not, don't worry. The strength of this Japanese pirate chief is a tough nut to crack for you, but to me, it's just a piece of cake!"

As Zhang Zhiwei said, he flipped his hand and slapped it on the table: "It's easy for me to take him down."

Lu Ci, Lu Jin, and Wang Ai were all startled for a moment, they had faced that Japanese bandit directly, and that kind of power was definitely the strength of the older generation.

Now, senior brother Zhang actually said that he is a chicken and a dog, and it is easy to take him down. How strong is that senior brother?
The three of them were silent for a long time.

Zhang Zhiwei continued: "After taking down this Japanese pirate, we will torture him on the spot in this carriage. It is best to find out the result before getting out of the carriage!"

"Torture on the spot? It sounds very exciting!" Lu Jin thought for a while and said: "But what if nothing can be obtained from torture? I heard that Japanese pirates are tough, and they often have a small knife for seppuku in their arms. !"

Zhang Zhiwei said: "It's okay, if torture doesn't work out, I have a second plan, but I hope I don't use it!"

"Crybaby, don't keep talking frustrating words, you crow mouth, Senior Brother Zhang, don't worry that you won't be able to get out of torture. My wishful energy can destroy the meridians and veins without hurting the skin, making life worse than death. I will concoct him well." I'm not afraid that he won't give in obediently!"

Lu Ci clenched his fists and said with a ferocious face.

Now that the situation is urgent, Lu Jin didn't care about Lu Ci calling him a crybaby, and turned to Zhang Zhiwei:
"Brother Zhang, when are we going to do that old thing?"

Zhang Zhiwei said: "Although it is not difficult for me to take down the opponent, but there are about ten people in the Japanese bandit commander's party, and we have to deal with them together. I have no skills at all, so you need to work hard to kill them."

"However, if you want to kill so many people at once, no matter how you control them, you may still have to make some small noises, and how to deal with the corpses is also a problem."

"There are Japanese pirate railway guards patrolling this railway from time to time, so we must not throw the corpse directly."

"So, we need to find a suitable place to do it, which is convenient to do it, and then kill and throw the corpse in one go!"

When Lu Jin heard this, he felt dizzy: "How do you find this kind of time and place?"

"How to find it?" Zhang Zhiwei turned his head and looked towards the side of the carriage.

On the wall there is a map hanging, recording which stations the train will pass by and what is going on around the stations.

"From Fengtian Station to Bincheng Station, a total of 39 stations need to be passed through. On the way, we have to pass a bridge with a long span. Under the bridge is a canyon with turbulent currents rushing into the sea. The noise should be very loud."

"Coupled with the noise made when the train is running, it is the most suitable for hands-on, and it is on the bridge, with the water flowing into the sea below. After we kill those insignificant guys, we can directly throw the corpses."

(End of this chapter)

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