Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 163 Zhang Zhiwei, who is both wise and brave, pours dirty water on Maozi

Chapter 163 Zhang Zhiwei, who is both wise and brave, pours dirty water on Maozi
On the railway, the high-pitched siren sounds from far to near.

Lu Jin looked out and saw a train full of coal passing by them on the railroad track next to them.

When the two cars met, the drivers of both sides honked their horns in a tacit understanding to say hello.

"Damn it, what the heck, how many freight trains have I seen this way? These bastards, are they really going to empty out our place?"

After entering Liaodong, Lu Jin completely let go of himself. Except for his appearance, his speech and demeanor were not at all like the handsome young man from a rich family.

"I said, old Lu, I know you are very angry, but can you calm down, recharge your energy, and find those Japanese pirate soldiers to vent your anger later, okay?"

Lu Ci was also very angry, but he could still hold it back. He even felt excited when he thought of capturing the chief officer later, he would use Ruyi force to break his meridians and torture him severely.

Wang Aizheng is like a primary school student, lying on the table in front of his seat, holding a brush, and drawing vigorously. He will make trouble later, so now prepare more means to be prepared.

As for Zhang Zhiwei, he was sitting on the sofa and practicing meditation. He was out of sight and out of mind about things outside, and his life and practice were important.

"I'm exhausted, so I don't need to recharge my batteries!" Lu Jin continued to look out. They had already left Fengtian and were heading towards Bincheng along the Nanman Railway.

The Northeast is a good place, full of great vigor and vitality. You can often see deer flashing between the trees, and birds flying on the water chasing schools of fish.

It was late autumn, and depending on the vegetation on the mountain, the mountain color ranged from dark green to pale yellow, mottled and gorgeous, just like the brushstrokes of a master.

"Peach blossoms are thick with dew, and deer can be seen when the trees are deep. This is a good place. What a pity, what a pity!"

Lu Jin sighed, he is a young master who grew up in the south of the Yangtze River, even if the warlords were fighting in the melee there, they were fought by their own people, but when he came to the northeast, the feeling of the country being broken suddenly flooded his heart .

"I said, old Lu, why didn't you realize that you are still a bitch, this train is rattling, and there is such a big commotion, how could you see a deer? You are probably looking at a silly roe deer!"

Zhang Zhiwei knocked on the table, stood up, and said: "There is still a while before we start, let's go to the dining car to eat something, we are full, so we can send them on the road!"

I'm full and ready to go on the road, why is it weird? "Wang Ai put away his stuff, he who had a lot of appetite suddenly lost his appetite, and muttered in his mouth: "Why is it the same as we want to eat a decapitated meal! "

"Fatty, can you talk? What do you mean we have to eat a meal of decapitation? We are giving them a meal of decapitation!" Lu Ci corrected.

"Give me a hammer, these bastards are worthy of a good meal? Go be a starving ghost, let's go eat a good meal first to replenish our strength."

Lu Jin got up and walked towards the dining car.

"Aren't you overwhelmed?"

Lu Ci muttered, and Wang Ai and Wang Ai quickly followed.

The dining car of the train was in the third compartment. As soon as the four of them entered, their eyes lit up instantly.

The decoration of this dining car is extremely grand, with red carpets, gauze curtains, ceiling lights and wall lamps, all are available, solemn and elegant.

What's more worth mentioning is that the waiters in this dining car are not East Asians, but all blond and blue-eyed Caucasian beauties in uniform, full of exoticism.

"Fuck, these grandchildren are very good at playing!" Lu Jin said with a look of surprise.

Lu Ci whispered: "Old Lu, you often dress like a fake foreign devil. Tell me, where did these big foreign horses come from?"

Lu Jin replied in a low voice: "I don't know, these white people are in a lot of messy countries, and it's hard to tell them apart just by their appearance!"

Zhang Zhiwei was quite insightful: "This is Liaodong, these big ocean horses must be from Maozi's side!"

Lu Jin whispered: "Didn't Maozi get into a fight with Japanese pirates? Why did you come here to be a waiter?"

Zhang Zhiwei said: "We also had a very stiff fight with the Japanese pirates!"

At this time, someone from the dining car came to receive him. He was wearing a white chef's uniform, a tall hat, and a hygienic mustache. He was a Japanese pirate at a glance.

In later generations, few people go to the train dining car to eat, let alone this era.

After finally seeing a business come to the door, this person's eyes lit up,
After some communication, he called a few big horses, took Zhang Zhiwei and his party to their seats, and started ordering.

Zhang Zhiwei pushed the menu in front of Wang Ai:
"Fatty, you are rich, you order!"

Wang Ai picked up the menu and looked at it: "There are only Japanese and Western styles on this menu. I have eaten both before. From my experience, most of the Japanese styles are raw, and the Western styles are half-baked. You should eat them." Which kind?"

Zhang Zhiwei said: "I'm not used to raw food!"

Lu Ci said: "I want to be familiar!"

Lu Jin said, "Me too!"

"Okay, then let's eat western food!"

Wang Ai picked up the pen and didn't look at the price. Under the surprised gazes of several big wild horses, he scratched for a while, and then handed it to the big wild horse next to him:

"Speed ​​up the dishes, we are in a hurry!"

Dayan Ma left with a menu in shock.

"Fatty, what did you order? I think the big horse is shocked!" Lu Jin asked curiously.

"Small, the gringo just hasn't seen the world, it's just a little food, what's the fuss?"

Wang Ai said arrogantly, he is not good at fighting, but logistics support, food, clothing, housing and transportation must be in place.


Zhang Zhiwei lowered his voice so that the waiter next to him couldn't hear him, and said:

"When you're eating later, you can pretend it's delicious, say 'ruthless Hala Shao' in a low voice, and then say 'Ula' after eating!"

"Brother Zhang, what does this mean?"

Lu Jin, Wang Ai and Lu Ci looked at Zhang Zhiwei in bewilderment.

"It means delicious and long live. This is Maozi's language. You can read it when you see the time later. Remember to read it in a voice that can be vaguely heard by those big ponies, and see if you can splash some dirty water on Maozi. !"

Zhang Zhiwei explained: "The Japanese pirates must investigate the disappearance of a senior officer. We are too conspicuously dressed, so it must be the top priority. Therefore, our current words and deeds should try to bring some points to Maozi's side, and see if we can hurt them. , if you can get involved, that's a surprise, but if you can't, then forget it!"

Hearing this, Lu Ci, Lu Jin, and Wang Ai looked at Zhang Zhiwei in surprise, as if they were meeting him for the first time.

After a while.

"As expected of Senior Brother Zhang!" Lu Ci whispered.

"Senior brother Zhang is indeed wise and brave!" Wang Ai whispered.

The rebellious Lu Jin never flattered, and said in a low voice:
"Senior brother Zhang, you still say we are reckless, you are so shameless, how dare you say that you are reckless, you have been expelled from recklessness!"

Zhang Zhiwei said with a smile: "I'm not in the registration. Everyone says I'm reckless, and I don't think about things. In fact, I'm not reckless at all. Most of the time, I have both wisdom and courage. It's just that my wisdom tells me that courage is enough." gone."

The three of them were speechless.

Lu Jin said softly: "Brother Zhang, you say that, it seems that we are neither wise nor brave!"

"You thought it yourself, I didn't say it!"


Not long after, a big ocean horse came over pushing a small dining cart, and thoughtfully put tableware and food for Zhang Zhiwei and his party.

The tableware of the Japanese pirate dining car is also very particular, such as high-end crystal cups, silver knives and forks, and the porcelain wares produced by JDZ are also placed on the gold-plated lining plate.

As for the food, it is steak, bread, jam, high-end ham, fried red sausage and the like. It is worth mentioning that there is also a can of top-quality sturgeon caviar.

These high-end ingredients are all paid by gram. The Japanese pirate chef who had received them before brought up a measuring scale and began to carefully select and distribute caviar to everyone.

He looked divine and focused, and seemed to enjoy the process.

But Zhang Zhiwei became a little impatient, and glanced at the clock on the wall of the dining car.

According to the level of ink stains on the caviar that the Japanese pirate weighed, it must have delayed the time to send the Da Zuo on the road.

And this was seen by Wang Ai.

As the team's logistics support, Wang Ai looked at the pirate chef, stared at the Japanese pirate chef, and said:

"We charge by weight!" the pirate chef said with a professional smile.

"Is there a mistake? Let the neighbor next door see it, and think we can't afford it!" Wang Ai said, pointing to a big wild horse next to him.

"No, no, no, they're all the same!" The pirate chef quickly explained.

"What do you mean everyone is the same? Just a little bit is enough for anyone, and another can, one can for each person!" Wang Ai waved his hand.

This momentum is a proper nouveau riche.

The Japanese pirate chef is still very entertaining, with a smile on his face, nodding and bowing his head, he took the scale away. After all, it can’t be too much with the money. One person, one can, a lot of money.

"..." Zhang Zhiwei looked at Wang Ai in surprise, this kid is enlightened, and he has a full personality when he spends money!

"Fatty, why are you suddenly angry?" Lu Jin asked in confusion.

"I said you're in a hurry, what if you're so troublesome with something broken, what if you delay the big event?" Wang Ai explained.

Lu Jin reacted: "That's right, this Japanese pirate is so stupid, he is here with us in ink, if there is a delay, I will send him on the road first."

At this time, Lu Ci scooped up a large spoonful of caviar, which was like miso, spread it on one side, and started to eat it.

After taking two bites, he remembered Zhang Zhiwei's instructions, raised his voice slightly to the decibel level that the Dayan horses on the side could hear, and imitated Zhang Zhiwei's previous tone, and said "Ruthless Halla Shao"!
Lu Jin and Wang Ai were taken aback, Lu Ci said, why is it so awkward?

Apart from being a bit ghostly, there is no other problem, Zhang Zhiwei gave a thumbs up silently, this sentence is very appropriate.

Several people are not inkblots.





After a few Ullas, he checked out and left under the somewhat surprised eyes of several big ponies, and returned to the first-class compartment.

On the seat, Zhang Zhiwei glanced at the map on the wall, turned his head to look out the window, and said:

"I have vaguely heard the sound of water. After passing through the tunnel ahead, we are about to reach the bridge. Prepare to do it!"

(End of this chapter)

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