Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 165 Thunder Slaughter, Meeting Liu Kunsheng by Occasion

Chapter 165 Thunder Slaughter, Meeting Liu Kunsheng by Occasion

When Zhang Zhiwei and Lu Jin fought, Lu Ci was not idle, and he also confronted the Japanese soldiers.

A purple ray of light burst out from Lu Ci's hand.

The incomparably solid Ruyi Jin was like a long spear, directly hitting the face of a Japanese pirate soldier.

In an instant, red and white burst and splashed.

Ruyijin is much more unreasonable than Nisheng Sanchong in terms of abusing vegetables.

Lu Ci controlled treacherous strength, and killed several Japanese soldiers in an instant with a few unexpected angles.

Although Lu Ci's main cultivation direction now is to consolidate Ruyi energy and pursue greater power, but this basic method has not been forgotten.

"Vulnerable, unfortunately, the current occasion is not suitable, otherwise I have to try my tricks with that shitty chief?"

Thoughts flickered in Lu Ci's mind, but in the next second, a cold light hit his face directly in front of his eyes.


Lu Ci grinned grimly, concentrated Ruyi Jin in his hand, and grabbed the Japanese sword that was attacking him.

Afterwards, the strength burst out, Ruyi Jin meandered upwards from the blade, and in an instant, the hand of the Japanese pirate soldier who was attacking was bloody and bloody, and he could no longer hold the knife, and the Japanese sword was released from his hand.

Lu Ci grabbed the fallen Japanese sword and stabbed the Japanese soldier's abdomen with his backhand.

Then he held the knife with one hand, with the blade pointing up, picked up the Japanese pirate soldier, and lifted his feet off the ground.

"As a knife player, you can't even hold a knife. How can you make a living? It's time for seppuku!"

Lu Ci grinned grimly, twisted the blade slightly, blood drops dripped along the blade like a curtain of red beads.

The Japanese soldier gritted his teeth and looked at Lu Ci, his face full of unwillingness, but he had no choice but to struggle on the tip of Lu Ci's knife.

While the two of them were doing it, Wang Ai's great cause of cleansing the land also began.

All I saw was that the horrifying scene created by Lu Jin and Lu Ci was disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The blood and broken limbs on the ground were all cleaned up by Hualing.

The cleaning method is also very simple. Once the painting spirit is pasted on the ground, it immediately becomes like a mural. When it rises again, it can bring the blood stuck to the ground.

However, because Lu Jin and Lu Ci attacked too hard, the painting spirits sent by Wang Ai all changed from ink color to blood red.

But it's not a big problem, Wang Ai manipulated these blood-red painting spirits and devoured the corpses of the Japanese pirates in batches.

This devouring does not really digest these corpses, but simply wraps them up, which is equivalent to packing them in batches, so that they can be thrown away later.

The painting spirit, which was originally full of blood, was stretched a lot after wrapping the corpses. The rich blood color faded a bit, but it was still a little dazzling.

Wang Ai thought for a while, then flicked the scroll again, and flew out a few painting spirits, splashed on several "big blood-colored packages", and painted them so that they would not be so dazzling.

"Hedgehog, what are you doing holding him up, time is running out, throw it in quickly!"

The train was about to rush out of the tunnel, Wang Ai said hastily when he saw Lu Ci giggling while picking up the Japanese pirates.

Lu Ci's hand holding the saber twisted suddenly, and while the saber was spinning, the Japanese pirate soldier's intestines were pierced, and he died.

Then he threw the Japanese pirates with their knives into Wang Aihualing's mouth, and turned to look at Lu Jin beside him.

Seeing that Lu Jin was also looking at him, he raised his palm: "Come on!"

Lu Ci went to pat it, and then his hand was stained with blood.

"Prudish, what the hell are you doing? It's full of blood, not professional at all, why don't you clean it up quickly, I don't know if Brother Zhang has done it!"

Lu Ci said something angrily, and Ruyi was shocked, and the blood sticking to his hands was shaken away, and then pushed open the door of the VIP room.

I saw Zhang Zhiwei sitting on the sofa in the VIP room, with two Japanese pirate soldiers lying under his feet. They were the former Ishikawa Dazuo and Kameda Ichiro.

"Fuck, Senior Brother Zhang, this is a ruthless character, did you get it done so quickly?"

Lu Ci was taken aback for a moment, he thought there would be a fierce battle between Zhang Zhiwei and Chief Ishikawa, and the whole VIP room was beaten into a mess, but he didn't expect it to be so clean and tidy, not even the furnishings in the room How to destroy.

Zhang Zhiwei knocked on the table: "This is called professionalism, by the way, how is the corpse handled?"

As soon as the words fell, three ink-colored corpse balls were pushed in by Wang Ai.

"Senior Brother Zhang, it was handled very cleanly, and I guarantee that there is no trace of blood left!"

As Wang Ai said, he pushed the corpse ball to the window of the VIP room.

At this time, the bright light at the entrance of the tunnel was getting closer and closer, and the sound of rushing water became more and more clear.

After a while.

"Boom boom boom..."

The deafening roar of the train suddenly disappeared, and the surrounding light suddenly lit up. It turned out that the train rushed out of the tunnel.

At this moment, there is a bridge outside the window.

Under the bridge is a big river that flows into the Bohai Sea.

The river is rushing, and the waves are flying across the sky.

Wang Ai followed the plan, pushed the three corpse balls down, then stuck his head out of the window and looked down.

Seeing this, his complexion changed drastically, he quickly retracted his head, pointed out the window, and said tremblingly:

"Master Zhang...Senior brother, there is a situation under the bridge...the corpse I just threw...was eaten by...something!"

was eaten?Zhang Zhiwei, Lu Jin and Lu Ci hurried to the window and looked down.

I saw that in the tributary flowing into the Bohai Sea below, the demonic energy was billowing like black clouds, gathering but not dispersing, billowing like smoke.

In the demonic aura, one can vaguely see a huge tail turned up, it is so big and scary, just a little outline is exposed, just like a water tank.

"Fuck, Senior Brother Zhang, what the hell is this?" Lu Jin looked confused.

"This... this black energy is qi, so strong qi, the rich qi has turned black, this should be called monster qi, there is an old monster down there!"

Lu Ci muttered to himself, his voice trembling a little. They faced the powerful evil spirit on the bridge. For a while, even he felt a little uneasy.

Zhang Zhiwei was not affected by the evil spirit, he stared down as usual, thoughtful.

Looking at the size, it is not small, either a big fish or... a big snake, no, there are some small ones beside it.

Zhang Zhiwei used his delusional eyes to see through the demon qi billowing like black smoke.

I saw huge snakes about ten meters long winding past the rushing water.

These big snakes are full of strong black air, and every one of them can be taken to the Amazon, the kind that can make a movie about the catastrophe of the python.

In the northeast, a group of snakes are out, and there is such a big demon energy, is this the Liu family?

Zhang Zhiwei thought for a moment, and on a whim, the tip of his tongue touched his palate, and he took a deep breath like a long whale sucking water, and the breath poured into his lungs and straight into his dantian.

next moment.

"Liu! Kun! Live!"

Zhang Zhiwei deliberately compressed the sound. It was weak and inaudible at first, but it became louder and louder. When it reached the water surface and reached the ears of the snakes, it exploded like thunder.

Suddenly, the wind and waves under the bridge calmed down, and the group of snakes winding into the sea stopped together and looked around blankly. They didn't know where the sound came from.

"Is this reaction really Liu Kunsheng?" Zhang Zhiwei just had a thought, when he saw a vortex on the surface of the water.

In the vortex, a pair of Bisen's icy and huge snake eyes suddenly lit up, like two red lanterns, staring in the direction of Zhang Zhiwei, following the sound to identify the position, it found Zhang Zhiwei.

One person and one snake looked at each other from afar.

The next moment, the giant snake roared, turned around in the air, and slammed its tail on the pier.

There was only a loud bang, which made the pier rumble and cracks were densely covered, and even the train shook three times.

Then, the giant snake jumped into the water, leading a group of big snakes, rushing into the sea without looking back.

"Fuck, Senior Brother Zhang, what the hell is this monster, the bridge... the bridge is about to collapse!" Lu Jin said, pointing to the pier below.

Everyone looked and saw several huge cracks appearing on one of the bridge piers, and they were still expanding.

"Let's not fall into the sea!" Wang Ai said in a trembling voice, frightened.

"Damn it, it's just a few cracks. The train we're riding on is for soliciting passengers. It's not that heavy and won't crush it. But if it's a train pulling mines, it's hard to say!" Zhang Zhiwei said .

"By the way, Senior Brother Zhang, just now you called out Liu Kunsheng, and the biggest snake turned its head back. Do you know it?" Wang Ai's face still had lingering fear.

Zhang Zhiwei glanced at him thoughtfully, and said:
"Calm down, fat man, I don't know this thing, but if you want to get along with Guan Shihua, then it is your uncle!"

"Ah... Senior Brother Zhang... why are you swearing?"

Wang Ai was a little flustered and didn't react right away.

But Lu Ci who was behind understood it, and said:

"Fatty, isn't senior brother Zhang scolding you? Have you forgotten what Guan Shihua does? He's a talent trainer, so please ask someone to do it?"

Just now Wang Ai was so frightened that he lost his mind and his mind was in a mess. Now that he had slowed down for a while, he suddenly figured it out. He stared and said:
"This... this big snake is the willow fairy enshrined by Shihua and the others?"

Zhang Zhiwei nodded and said: "If there is no accident, it should be, but this Liu Kunsheng should live deep in Changbai Mountain. What are you doing at the mouth of the sea to make such a big commotion?"

After finishing speaking, he suddenly thought that the Japanese pirates sent a team to enter the mountain to encircle the people from the Gao family. Could the mountain they entered be Changbai Mountain?
Zhang Zhiwei thought about it, so naturally Lu Jin, Lu Ci, and Wang Ai also thought about it, Qi Qi said:

"There is a situation in Changbai Mountain!"

"Senior brother Zhang, should we go to Changbai Mountain?" Lu Ci asked again.

"It's just a guess. It's not close to Changbai Mountain. Besides, I don't have any news. Are we going there to catch the blind? We are already very close to Bincheng, and we have no choice but to blow up the Japanese pirates' railway company first. Erbi , it's your turn!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

Lu Ci's face turned hard, "Torture, I'm a professional, leave it to me!"

Then he walked up to the unconscious Ishikawa Osamu and Kameda Ichiro, unbuttoned his belt, and woke them up with a pee.

The two people who were beaten up by Zhang Zhiwei woke up in a daze.

Feeling a warm current coming in, I instinctively opened my mouth wide and took a few mouthfuls.

It wasn't until a smell of urine hit his throat that he woke up suddenly, and saw that thing when he looked up.


Before the word "ga" could be uttered, a pitch-black sole magnified in front of his eyes, and kicked them both.

In order to prevent the two from screaming, Lu Ci tore off their military uniforms and stuffed them into their mouths.

Then he used both hands and feet, and immediately gave them a violent beating.

"Damn it, can you tell me, can you tell me?"

When punching, Lu Ci still had Ruyi Jin attached to his hands, every punch would not only hurt the skin, but also hurt the meridians.

(End of this chapter)

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