Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 166 Liu Kunsheng's Motivation to Live the King of Hades

Chapter 166 Liu Kunsheng's Motivation to Live the King of Hades
"Say it or not, will you fucking say it or not?"

"Tough bones, right? They're broken!!"

In the VIP room, in order to facilitate the torture, Zhang Zhiwei posted a silent talisman.

Then, Lu Ci showed extremely superb torture skills. First, he gave Ishikawa Dazuo and Kameda Ichiro a heavy beating, and then he split his muscles and bones, and the degree of torture gradually increased.

Shi Chuan was fine, he was a soldier with steely will after many battles, even though his head was covered with cold sweat from Lu Ci's pain, he didn't even hum.

And that Kameda Ichiro was in a terrible situation. After being greeted by Lu Ci, his eyes became a little lax, and he rolled on the ground with his head in his arms. It was thanks to Lu Ci that he blocked his mouth, otherwise he might follow the killer. Like a pig.

"I said hedgehog, that guy named Guizi seems to be recruiting, don't keep gagging him!" Lu Jin looked anxiously from the side.

Zhang Zhiwei also saw that Kameda Ichiro couldn't hold on anymore under Lu Ci's all over the place.

But he didn't speak, this Kameda Ichiro is just a small fish, and the big fish is Ishikawa, he has to be convinced.

"What do you know?"

Lu Ci glanced at Lu Jin, and said angrily, "This is called a killing power stick. These Japanese pirates are cheap. Before serving the main course, you have to give them a good beating and give them loose skins!"

Hearing that the painful torture just now was just a killing power, not a main dish, Kameda Ichiro's heart was half cold, and he was so frightened that he shook like a sieve.

Shi Chuan was better, he didn't show it obviously, but his eyes still flickered a few times.

"It's been a long time and it hasn't officially started yet. If I said it earlier, then I'll come and loosen the skins of these two bastards!"

Seeing that Lu Ci was playing vigorously, Lu Jin was eager to give it a try, and stepped forward to meddle a few times, but was then shouted back by Lu Ci.

Ruyijin is good at attacking the meridians, and Lu Ci's understanding of the meridians is much higher than that of Lu Jin. Although he is very ruthless, his moves seem to kill people, but he is actually very measured.

But Lu Jin is not sure, maybe he accidentally beat him to death. After all, Zhang Zhiwei destroyed the dantian of these two people, and one of them was disabled.

Lu Jin had no choice but to return angrily.

"I wasted a lot of time just now. The flight attendant I called to get the wine came over. Er Bi, you continue to torture me here. Let's go out and drink some celebration wine first, and wait for your good news." Zhang Zhiwei said.

"Leave it to me, let me deal with them well, I'm not afraid they won't recruit!"

Lu Ci waved his hand and said that he prefers to torture the Japanese pirates rather than drink the celebration wine.

Zhang Zhiwei pushed open the door of the VIP room and walked out, followed closely by Wang Ailu.

The VIP room is near the junction of the carriages, next to it is a dressing room, and opposite is a toilet.

When several people came out of the VIP room, it felt as if they had come out of the dressing room and toilet, and no one noticed anything unusual for a while.

No one even pays attention to these at all, and they are too busy to take care of themselves.

When crossing the bridge just now, Liu Kunsheng led his people into the sea, the noise was so loud that everyone in the car saw it.

Especially the glance Liu Kunsheng looked back at, and the tail that shook the bridge, made people terrified to the depths of their souls.

Many people were so scared that they peed their pants, and now they are hiding under their seats. They are fighting with each other, and they haven't recovered. There is no way to control the disappearance of a few Japanese pirates.

The three of Zhang Zhiwei had just returned to their seats when the flight attendant from before walked over in a disheveled manner pushing a small car. He was also scared and got under the seat when he crossed the bridge earlier, so he was a little embarrassed.

"Hello, sir, here is the Sha Mao wine you want, and there are a few dishes of side dishes as a gift at the dining car!"

The flight attendant put the wine and dishes on the table with a smile. While setting the dishes, he glanced at Lu Ci's vacant seat, but didn't ask any further questions.

"Thank you, by the way, the train is so noisy, what are they talking about?" Zhang Zhiwei asked the flight attendant.

The flight attendant explained: "It's the passengers in the carriage who are discussing the 'snake walking away' incident just now, and many people are still kneeling and kowtowing, please forgive me, Lord Dragon!"

The so-called "Snake Zoujiao" refers to a big snake that has achieved success in cultivation in the mountains and fields. When it reaches a certain level, it will enter the water and transform into a dragon.

They often take advantage of the power of the flood and waves, from the river, follow the force of the water veins, engulf the huge waves, fall into the sea, and transform into dragons in one fell swoop.

Throughout the ages, every time there is a flood that has never happened in a hundred years, when the water recedes, many people will see continuous gullies on the ground, and they call it the traces that snakes crawled over when they walked away.

"Oh, the horrific scene just now was a snake running away, it was really scary, by the way, go get busy, don't guard us!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"Okay sir, I'll go down first, just let me know if there's anything to do!"

The flight attendant returned to the junction of the carriages, glanced at the empty seats, and then looked away, without any thought of exploring where the Japanese pirate soldiers had gone.

On the train of the Japanese pirates, if you are too curious, you will not live long. Moreover, when normal people see a few people suddenly missing on the train, they will not think in the direction that they have been murdered and thrown away.

"This thing is also called Moutai wine. It is said to have a history of 700 years. It is very famous. Do you want to try it?" Zhang Zhiwei picked up a bottle of Hui Sha Mao wine and said.

"Brother Zhang was fooled when he saw it. He said it was 700 years. In fact, the wine was interrupted. A few decades ago, during the Taiping Rebellion, the Qing army and the Taiping army fought a bloody battle in Maotai Town, and the entire Maotai Town was razed. The ground is flat, let alone the Moutai distillery, which has been rebuilt in the past few decades. During the period, it has been tepid. A few years ago, I went to the Panama World Expo and won an award. Fame, sales have skyrocketed!"

Lu Jin was quite knowledgeable, so he explained it to Zhang Zhiwei.

"Brother Lu, you actually know this?" Zhang Zhiwei was a little curious.

Lu Jin chuckled: "Because this is invested by my family. After my mother knew that the wine had won an award abroad, she made a mistake and bought a lot of shares. Now it has doubled several times!"

"Really, Auntie really has the foresight. I'll try buying a few shares some other day!"

Zhang Zhiwei said with a smile, he knows that this thing can rise for 100 years.

"Why are you so troublesome? My mother bought the stock under my name. I'll share some with you, Senior Brother Zhang!"

"This... how embarrassing!"

"What's there to be embarrassed about? We went deep into the Japanese pirates' base camp. We are comrades-in-arms entrusted to our backs. It's a fateful friendship. If you look at me like this, Brother Zhang looks down on me, Lu Jin?"

"If I don't like it, I won't come here with you!"

"It's true, everyone, don't see outsiders, come, come, drink, drink, fat man, open a bottle too!"

With a bold expression on his face, Lu Jin picked up a bottle of Hui Sha Mao wine, unscrewed the cap, touched the bottle with Zhang Zhiwei and Wang Ai, and blew on the bottle in one breath.

Then, he let out a long breath of alcohol.

After the killing just now, and the sip of wine now, his mood is exceptionally relaxed, and the stagnation that had accumulated in his heart before has been swept away.

It was a worthwhile trip to take down a Japanese pirate chief.

Thinking about blowing up the railway company which is the economic center of Japanese pirates, Lu Jin couldn't help singing in a low voice:

"Great ambition eats the devil's meat hungry, and laughs and talks about drinking the blood of the Japanese pirates thirsty. Wait for the scratch, clean up the old mountains and rivers, and face the sky."

This is the poem in Yue Fei's Man Jianghong, and Lu Jin used it to change it, but it is quite suitable for the occasion.

Lu Jin chanted poems to express his feelings, but Zhang Zhiwei didn't cooperate with him. He picked up a plate of peanuts on the table and drank them into his mouth.

"Alas, why did you pick up the plate!"

Lu Jin's poetry was interrupted, and he quickly grabbed the plate of peanuts that Zhang Zhiwei had "drunk" by a third, and said:
"Senior brother Zhang, can you save some for us? Look at your food, how embarrassing you are. This is a special class seat. Everyone is dressed in formal clothes, and they are all civilized people!"

Zhang Zhiwei was chewing peanuts: "The way you were holding the wine bottle and blowing it just now is no better than me."

Seeing this situation, Wang Ai just wanted to stay away from these two guys. He only likes to eat big meals, and he is not interested in the side dishes on the table.

The two fought a battle of wits and courage in order to compete for the appetizers, and in the end Zhang Zhiwei, who was both wise and brave, won an overwhelming victory.

"By the way, Senior Brother Zhang, do you know what that Liu Kunsheng did for leaving Changbai Mountain to enter the sea? It can't be a real snake, right?" Wang Ai asked, thinking of his uncle.

"Fatty, I don't know if it's true or not, but it's obviously not the case just now. It should be Liu Kunsheng leading the people on the move. As for what they are going to do..."

Zhang Zhiwei began to think, and Liu Kunsheng's message appeared in his mind.

Liu Kunsheng, a willow fairy enshrined by the Ma family, was once invited to the upper body by a disciple of the horse at the Luo Tian Dajiao in later generations.

At that time, Lu Jin, who was a top ten guy, saw him, and they all called themselves juniors, and they sighed that they were inferior, which shows that they are powerful.

It's just that because the Five Immortals don't pass Shanhaiguan, it is usually through the way of divine descent, the spirit body descends on the disciples who descend on the horse, and is sent by Juling in the Eight Wonders to restrain the sky, so it is done by Wang Ai's grandson. Very embarrassing.

As for the agreement of the Five Immortals not to pass through Shanhaiguan, it was made by the Five Immortals and Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty. With the demise of the Qing Dynasty, it has become a piece of waste paper.

According to the news that Zhang Zhiwei heard in Zhengyiguan last time, since Omiyaji of the Japanese pirate Ise Shrine came to the Northeast, five immortals have already breached the contract.

Some of them took refuge in Japanese pirates, some continued to live in seclusion and did not care about worldly affairs, and some were at odds with Japanese pirates. I wonder which type Liu Kunsheng belongs to?
Zhang Zhiwei thought about it in his heart, and first ranked the first one.

In later generations, since Liu Kunsheng dared to appear on the Luotian Dajiao in Longhu Mountain, it should not have taken refuge in Japanese pirates.

And later in the battle of the Tang Sect's hole through the sky, although Liu Xian didn't make a direct move, he acted as an eyeliner and provided Tang Sect with a lot of information.

In this way, Liu Kunsheng may be the third type, a fairy family who fights against Japanese pirates.

After all, this guy has a very hot temper, and he likes to pretend to be aggressive. Anyone who sees him wants to try it. If Lu Jin takes a look at it, it will have a few tricks with Lu Jin.

This kind of character that passes by dogs will be slapped twice when they see it, how can they stand the bird's anger of Japanese pirates?
Thinking about it this way, Liu Kun gave birth to Changbai Mountain, which is worth pondering.

Zhang Zhiwei looked at the map hanging on the wall of the carriage.

The estuary just now leads to the Bohai Sea.

Liu Kunsheng is a willow fairy, not a dragon, so he shouldn't be reluctant to emigrate to the sea, so the purpose of his trip can be predicted.

Enter the sea from that direction, if you don't consider crossing the sea to the other side of the ocean.

There are only a few places around the Bohai Sea that can be visited.

The closest places to the estuary are Bencheng and Shizikou.

A little further away is places like Weihaiwei and QHD.

But to go to these places, there are closer estuaries to the sea, so there is no need to detour and enter the sea from the place just now.

Zhang Zhiwei thought for a moment, and said: "Look at the posture just now, the murderous look, it must not be for sightseeing, if it is not Lu Chi, it is very likely that it is heading for Bincheng or Shizikou!"

"Bincheng and Shizikou, isn't that the concession of the Japanese pirates? This Uncle Liu also wants to attack the Japanese pirates?"

Wang Ai said with a look of shock, ever since he knew that this was the uncle of the immortal family enshrined by Guan Shihua's lineage, inexplicably, the big snake just now is not so scary, and its appearance is so hideous.

"It can only be said that it is possible, after all, the thinking of animals is very different from ordinary people!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"Fatty, you've recognized him as a master so soon, but if it really wants to attack the pirates, it's not too much to call it a master, but I don't know if this uncle Liu is going to Bincheng or Shizikou?" Lu Jin said.

"Brother Lu, if it were you, where would you choose to go?" Zhang Zhiwei asked.

"If it were me, I would go to Bincheng!" Lu Jin said.

"Tell me your reason!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"Because the persimmons have to be picked softly. As far as I know, the Japanese pirates have a fleet in Shizikou. The naval guns equipped on these ships are powerful. One shot can level four tennis courts. I think even I'm afraid that Uncle Liu's size can't be stopped, but this is just my idea, and I don't know what Uncle Liu will do!" Lu Jin said.

"It makes sense, no matter where it goes, but as long as it finds trouble with Japanese pirates, I, Zhang Zhiwei, must help out. Let's go and see how Erbi's torture is going!"

Zhang Zhiwei got up and walked towards the VIP room, followed by Lu Jin and Wang Ai.

When he arrived at the junction of the carriages, Zhang Zhiwei glanced at the flight attendant waiting there.

The majestic mental power reached out and shook him, causing him to be in a trance for a few seconds.

Taking advantage of this gap, the three of them walked into the VIP room in front of him.

As soon as he entered, he saw Lu Ci's extremely professional scene.

"Where's the real railroad?"

"Where is the alien hiding in Bencheng?"

"What is your intention in sending troops to Changbai Mountain?"

In the VIP room, Shi Chuan, who was abandoned by Zhang Zhiwei, was sweating profusely, and seemed to have suffered a period of inhumane torture, but he was a tough one, and he just smiled ferociously, but did not speak.

As for Kameda Ichiro, he was yelling, "I don't know, I don't know anything!"

Zhang Zhiwei knew this, but he really didn't know it!

However, Lu Ci didn't care about these things, stood up silently, and took out a short knife, which was called rib cha, which was found from Ishi Chuan. Ishi Chuan carried two knives with him, a long Japanese sword and a rib cha.

Among them, Japanese swords are used for frontal attacks, and ribs are used for armor-breaking and sneak attacks in close-to-hand combat. In "No. The yin man stabbed his daughter to death with a knife that was bad.

Lu Ci slapped Shi Chuan's face with his ribs, and said with a smile: "I heard from my father that an authentic Japanese warrior would carry three swords with him, a long knife, a ribs, and a short chest. Sword, the first two are used to kill people, the latter is used to cut seppuku, you are so incompetent, you only have a long knife and a rib, and no sword? Why, you say you are loyal to the emperor, but your body is very sincere , don’t want to die, right!”

Shi Chuan remained silent, just looked at Lu Ci and laughed.

Lu Ci showed a grim smile. He practiced Ruyi Jin since he was a child. Although he was not like Zhang Zhiwei, he could look inside himself and see the meridians and acupoints intuitively, but he had a thorough understanding of their positions. He is extremely professional.

Later, when he was able to torture his grandson Lu Liang, cutting off his limbs without harming his life, he knew that Lu Ci was extremely good at this.

"In our place, there is a torture called Ling Chi's execution, but it's all a low-level trick played by a low-level executioner. Since you pretend to be with me, then I will let you have a good time!"

After all, Lu Ci calmly cut open Shi Chuan's stomach with his ribs in his hand, cut off a piece of his liver, pulled out a few nails, and cut a piece of skin...

If ordinary people used this kind of torture, the victim would probably be on the verge of death, but Shi Chuan is a different person, even if he is crippled, his physique is still there.

In addition, Lu Ci was very measured. When cutting Ishikawa's liver, he used Ruyi Jin to seal off the meridians, blocked those wounds with Qi, and did not cause massive bleeding. Therefore, even though Ishikawa was in pain, his life was not in danger. .

"This is just a side dish. If you don't recruit, if you don't recruit, I will continue to cut you inside and out, even your heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys!"

Lu Ci grinned grimly, picked up the thing he had just cut off with a knife, and stuffed it into Shi Chuan's mouth. It was a bit brutal when he stuffed it, and cut Shi Chuan's mouth full of blood.

Shi Chuan's eyes were about to burst, the veins on his face were bulging, and the cold sweat was like a waterfall. His whole body was no different from being lifted out of the water, trembling uncontrollably, he was convulsing, and he was almost speechless.

On the other side, Kameda Ichiro, who witnessed this scene, had a complete mental breakdown, feces and urine poured out, and he opened his mouth and howled dryly:

"I recruit, I recruit everything!"

"Although I don't know where the real railway company is, I know some other secrets."

"I said, I said everything!"

(End of this chapter)

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