Chapter 167

"Don't use these on me, I'll do it, I'll do it all!"

Kameda Ichiro's fingers tightly grabbed Lu Ci's trouser legs, his fingers turned white, his face was full of fragility and fear.

Seeing that Kameda Ichiro wanted to rape that day, Ishikawa wanted to reprimand him.

Lu Ci pressed the knife in Shi Chuan's mouth, and cut a gap in his tongue, preventing him from making a sound.

"Isn't it over if you cooperate so early?"

Lu Ci turned his head to look at Kameda Ichiro, and said with a smile: "I am the one who treats captives the best, so tell me!"

Kameda Ichiro secretly glanced at Ishikawa who had been disembowelled.

This is called preferential treatment of prisoners?

He looked terrified, but he didn't dare to say a word, and explained honestly.

He really doesn't know where the real railway company is. This is a secret among secrets. It is said that it involves some human experiments that cannot be made public, and few people know about it.

He also didn't know about sending troops to Changbai Mountain. At that time, he was negotiating mining rights with Fengtian and Marshal Zhang.

But he knew some information about the Japanese pirates' headquarters in Bencheng, including where some military supplies, artillery shells, and weaponry warehouses were located.

He also knew where some local aliens of the Japanese pirates were stationed in Bincheng. These aliens were invited by the official Japanese pirates to cooperate with the army.

Because he is not a soldier, so he did not live in the barracks, but scattered in various places in Bincheng. Kameda Ichiro gave the detailed location, respectively in Tiger Beach, Xiaogangzi, Civil Affairs Department, Dagang...

He also talked about the number and approximate strength of the aliens in these places.

Basically, it is dominated by Bushido warriors, with a few Shinto priests and ninjas, but not many.

"Senior brother Zhang, tell me, is the news he said true or false!"

Seeing that Lu Ci was concentrating on torture, Lu Jin didn't bother, and asked Zhang Zhiwei for his opinion.

"Nine truths and one falsehood. The places he mentioned just now should be true, but the number and strength of the aliens inside should be inaccurate. There may be one or two difficult bones in it. He said less and rushed in." Maybe once you go, you won't be able to come back!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

"I think so too. You can't believe everything this ghost grandson says, but how can you extract useful information from the pile of information he said?" Lu Jin said with a frown.

Zhang Zhiwei shook his head and said: "Don't care about those details, as long as the place is real, it doesn't matter what the staffing inside is, how many more or how few less, and we won't go there in person. God!"

"Dongfeng Express? What is that?" Lu Jin asked in confusion.

"Don't ask, you'll know when you get off the train!" Zhang Zhiwei said mysteriously.

"Senior Brother Zhang, I've discovered it. People in your Taoist sect like to give answers to riddles. They don't like to speak out. They just like to use secret words like knocking your head three times, closing the front door and turning your hands behind your back!"

Lu Jinxu looked at Zhang Zhiwei, feeling as if a cat was scratching him.

Wang Ai looked at the big sword in Zhang Zhiwei's hand.

He knew that the big sword in Zhang Zhiwei's hand was called Dongfeng.

But I have never seen Zhang Zhiwei use it.

Including the previous battle where Ishikawa was defeated, although he didn't see it with his own eyes, judging from the scene and the scars on Ishikawa's body, Zhang Zhiwei didn't use the Dongfeng sword.

Could it be that this sword is a powerful and terrifying weapon?With one shot, you can kill all the pirates and aliens...

Wang Ai was thoughtful.

Lu Jin was not as thoughtful as Wang Ai, and hummed:

"The train will arrive at Bincheng in a while, Senior Brother Zhang, then I have to wait and see!"

When Lu Jin was talking with Zhang Zhiwei, Lu Ci was not idle, he gagged Kameda Ichiro.

He turned around and tortured Shi Chuan again, scraped all his internal organs, and made Shi Chuan pass out several times.

Kameda Ichiro looked heartbroken.

Afterwards, Lu Ci inserted the knife into Shi Chuan's stomach and scraped his internal organs.

Ishikawa, who was originally in a coma, was awakened by the pain.

Lu Ci pulled out the knife from his stomach, and said coldly:

"I'll give you a chance to fight for leniency, tell me what you need to say, and I'll give you a good time!"

Shi Chuan slowed down for a while, unexpectedly, he quietly opened his mouth:

"We can negotiate a deal!"

"What deal?" Lu Ci asked.

Zhang Zhiwei, Lu Jin, and Wang Ai also listened attentively.

Shi Chuan smiled: "My heart, liver, spleen and lungs are a little cold!"

Lu Ci pondered for a moment, then pulled out a few threads from Shi Chuan's clothes, and using Qi as a guide, sewed him on his belly.

Until then, Ishikawa continued to laugh and said:

"You are with the group of aliens who went to Changbai Mountain, right? I sent a fully armed regiment into the mountain, and there are many aliens to cooperate. They can't escape even if they have wings. Why don't you put me back? Send a telegram to transfer that unit back, so wouldn't it be the best of both worlds?"

"Damn it!" Lu Jin was furious: "This bastard thinks we are stupid?"

"Just kill it!" Zhang Zhiwei suggested.

Although he knew that Shi Chuan was irritating them and wanted to have a good time, Zhang Zhiwei didn't want to waste time with this guy anymore.

Lu Ci's forehead was bulging with blue veins, he gritted his teeth and said:

"He wants to have a good time, but there is no door, and I still have a lot of methods that I have not used. When I give him a set, I am not afraid that he will not recruit!"

In fact, Lu Ci was impatient. Like Zhang Zhiwei, he wanted to kill all of them.

But when he thought that his father and brother were still in Changbai Mountain, and they were about to face a team of Japanese pirates and many other Japanese pirates, he couldn't feel at ease.

This Japanese pirate is a clue, so it can't just be broken.

"You can continue to torture if you want, but the train is about to arrive, so let's pack it up and take it away!"

As Zhang Zhiwei said, he took out a suitcase from the corner.

This was brought by Kameda Ichiro when he got on the train, and there were some clothes and documents in it.

The document was written in Chinese. Zhang Zhiwei glanced at it. It was some information about mining Fangming. The general content was that a mine was discovered somewhere and Zhang Dashuai was asked to cooperate in mining.

With great strength in Zhang Zhiwei's hands, he shattered the information into powder, leaving a space for people to install.

"Brother Zhang, it's okay to put one in this box, but it's a little bit reluctant to pack two, why don't you make another one?" Lu Jin said.

"It's not overpowering, it's spacious!"

Zhang Zhiwei walked up to Shi Chuan, picked him up, gagged his mouth, and broke off all his limbs like folding a quilt, folded him into a "ball", and stuffed it into the suitcase.

Then he came in front of Kameda Ichiro, and under his terrified eyes, he concocted it according to the law.

There was only a creepy crisp sound, and Kameda Ichiro also turned into a "ball" and stuffed it into the suitcase.

"Look, I'll just say it's very spacious!" Zhang Zhiwei laughed.

The three of Lu Ci and Lu Jin stared blankly at this scene. Is this really a Taoist priest from Longhu Mountain?

Noticing the eyes of everyone, Zhang Zhiwei said with a smile: "Everyone, don't be nervous. As a Taoist priest of the Zhengyi Sect, I take it as my duty to subdue demons and eliminate demons. It is normal and suitable for me to have a few special skills to deal with these Japanese pirates and monsters. Common sense!"

"Yes, yes, it's reasonable!" The three nodded repeatedly.

No wonder... Lu Jin thought to himself, suddenly felt that he was a bit out of place in this team, everyone seemed to have a side job, Lu Ci could be an executioner, Wang Ai was a mobile bank, he had no other specialties.

I have to find a way to start a side business and expand my means, Lu Jin secretly decided.

After packing Ishikawa and Ichiro Kameda, Zhang Zhiwei opened the door of the VIP room, revealing a crack, and shook the flight attendant at the door with mental force as usual.

Then, while he was in a trance, a group of people dragged their suitcases out of the VIP room, returned to their seats and sat down, waiting for the train to arrive at the station.

"Senior brother Zhang, what should we do if we didn't find out the location of the real railway company?" Lu Ci asked.

"Didn't you find out the location of the Japanese pirates and aliens in Bincheng?" Lu Jin remembered what Zhang Zhiwei said earlier, and said, "Senior brother Zhang, after getting off the train... give them something, Dongfeng Express?"

"Don't panic!" Zhang Zhiwei said, "We only know a few locations. If you don't know the place in Bincheng, even if I want to deliver a courier, I have to know the location!"

"So, after we got out of the car, we went to step on the spot first?" Lu Jin said.

"Brother Lu, you should be more cautious when doing things. This person is not familiar with the place, and there are assassins like the Tang Sect among the Japanese bandits and other people. We are all new faces. If you step on the spot rashly, it is easy to be discovered!" Zhang Zhiwei explain.

"Then what should we do?" Lu Jin was stunned.

Zhang Zhiwei fiddled with the chessboard, messing up all the pieces on the chessboard, and said:

"The current Bincheng is like a lake. It looks calm, but in fact it is undercurrents. Many truths lie in the undercurrents. We are new here, and we are not familiar with this place. If we act rashly, we are easy to be targeted."

"In addition, we kidnapped the Japanese pirate's captain. Although he did it covertly, there are only so many people on the train. It will be a matter of time before we are found."

"So, for the sake of convenience, we have to muddy the water, and get out all the hidden ghosts and monsters, so that the Japanese pirates have no time to take care of us."

Lu Ci's eyes lit up: "How to muddy the water?!"

Zhang Zhiwei's eyes turned hard: "Since we don't know the real railway company for the time being, let's blow up the fake railway company on the surface."

"By the way, blow up the Japanese pirate headquarters on the side of Bincheng, give him a double-sided flower, and make Bincheng panic. The more chaos here, the better we can act!"

"Two bombs together?" The three of them were stunned, "We don't have any bombs, how should we bomb them?"

"It's all about Dongfeng Express. I got ready before I came. I got off the train later. In order to let the Japanese pirates welcome us, I just let the clouds roll up!"

Zhang Zhiwei smiled, with a hint of sternness in his smile.

Lu Ci, Lu Jin, and Wang Ai became more confused as they listened, and asked a few more questions about what Dongfeng Express is.

But Zhang Zhiwei acted like I don't tell you, you can guess for yourself, which made the three of them itch, but they had no choice but to wait for the train to arrive at the station earlier.

Not long after, with the sound of a loud whistle, the train arrived at the station.

Zhang Zhiwei and his group were about to get off the car, when the steward next to them saw a large suitcase standing next to their seats, and thoughtfully wanted to help carry it down.

In the end, I lifted it a few times, but I didn't move it. After all, there were two people in it, and it was about three hundred catties. How could it be lifted by ordinary people.

"Sir, what's in your suitcase?" The flight attendant blushed.

"It's just a cheap souvenir!"

Zhang Zhiwei took the suitcase from the flight attendant with a relaxed face, got off the car, pulled the tow bar, and under the gaze of many Japanese pirate soldiers, dragged the suitcase containing the commander, walked out of the train station grandly, and officially set foot in Bincheng .

(End of this chapter)

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