Chapter 168

Bincheng, formerly known as Tunshi County, Sanshan, Sanshanpu, Sanshan HK City, and Qingniwakou.

But since it was occupied by Japanese pirates, it has been called "Kandong Prefecture".

Because it is surrounded by the sea on three sides, under the control of Japanese pirates, it has become an isolated island on the sea. The ancient city wall is like a huge fence, enclosing the isolated island tightly.

After leaving the train station, there is a wide street outside, and trams pass by from time to time on the street.

Although it is in a state of high-pressure control, the Japanese pirates intend to make this the base camp of the Far East.

Therefore, among domestic cities, Bincheng is considered to be relatively well-developed.

Standing on the side of the road, looking at the vast street, Lu Jin asked:

"Brother Zhang, where is Dongfeng Express? We're all here, hurry up, let the clouds roll!"

"I said, brother Lu, your name is Lu Jin, be careful, if you don't change it to Lu Mang, you won't be happy in the public!" Zhang Zhiwei said angrily.

"Hey, I agree with Brother Zhang. Lu Mang is indeed more suitable for the occasion. Let's catch a few pirates and stuff them in boxes secretly, let alone blow up the headquarters of the pirates and the railway company with special means. This kind of thing, How can it be done on the side of the road?"

Lu Ci, who was a good friend of the two brothers in the car before, saw a chance to hurt Lu Jin, so it was naturally a temporary severance of kindness.


Lu Jin was about to refute.

Wang Ai made up his sword: "My name is Lu Mang, a reckless man's recklessness, absolutely, this sounds much better than being prudish!"

"Let's not talk about being reckless, just be careless anyway!" Lu Ci and Wang Ai sang together.

Lu Jin was speechless for the violent attacks of several friends one after another. He turned his head, ignored others, and sulked.

"Speaking of business, Senior Brother Zhang, where are we going now, should we first find a place to stay and arrange these two dirty things in the suitcase, or go to bomb those two places first, so that...the clouds will roll? "

While Lu Ci was talking, a yellow and green tram with a rough shape, approaching from a distance like a matchbox, stopped in front of everyone.

"If you want to blow up, you have to step on it first. I only know an address. How about blowing it up?"

Zhang Zhiwei turned his head to look at the stop sign on the platform, and compared the addresses mentioned by Ichiro Kameda.

"Go, get in the car!"

After all, he took the big suitcase and walked onto the tram.

Tram, a very ancient means of transportation, was basically eliminated in later generations.

But in this day and age, it's a very novel and advanced thing.

The status of a city is equivalent to the subway of later generations, and only a few big cities are equipped with it.

When you get on the train, you have to buy a ticket. The tram is the same as the train. The tickets are divided into grades, with first-class seats and second-class seats.

The first-class seat is in the front half of the car, the seat is a soft seat, the second-class seat is in the second half of the car, the seat is a hard seat, separated by a partition in the middle.

Among them, the fare of first-class seats is 0.03 silver dollars per section, and the fare of second-class seats is 0.02 silver dollars per section.

This kind of small denomination money naturally doesn't need Wang Ai, a mobile bank.

Zhang Zhiwei beckoned: "Brother Lu, don't you still have some steel coins in your pocket? Come, pay the fare!"

Lu Jin was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Lu Ci and Wang Ai, he only had this little money on him, did he want to squeeze out all the shit?
"What are you looking at me for?" Lu Ci said with a look of reason, "I don't have any money with me!"

"The denomination is too big, I can't find it!" Wang Ai said with a smile.

"Got it!"

Lu Jin had no choice but to take out the little change left over from buying a suit before, and bought four first-class tickets for the front section of the tram.

Although Lao Lu was a little angry, he still had the pomp of a rich son, a second-class seat, and he couldn't afford to lose that person.

After buying the tickets, he touched his empty pockets, Lu Jin secretly sighed, this guy is so shameless, he stole a lot of ignorant money, and made friends carelessly!
Several people came to their seats and sat down, and then, the little episode just now was left behind by Lu Jin:
"By the way, Senior Brother Zhang, what are we doing on this tram? Not to mention the speed of this thing is very slow, and it will creak during driving. It is simply a low-end version of the train. After sitting on the train for so long, my ass It's all deflated, and you're not tired of it!"

"Tired, why not?" Zhang Zhiwei said: "But the best way to understand a city is to take its public transportation, walk around the city, and step on the spots!"

After listening, Lu Jin suddenly realized: "It turns out that this is the stepping point of Senior Brother Zhang. Taking public transportation such as trams, the conductor will read the place names at every stop, and it is not easy to follow the crowd in the car." Not to mention the small chance of being discovered, it's also very efficient, Senior Brother Zhang, why didn't I think of it?"

If you can think of it, you won't be called Lu Mang... Lu Ci sighed: "As expected of Senior Brother Zhang, the arrangement is well done. This time I invited you to Liaodong, I really invited the right person!"

He felt more and more that it was an extremely wise decision to abduct Zhang Zhiwei to Liaodong this time.

Lu Ci always felt in his heart that he was the one who initiated the trip to Liaodong. He first encouraged Zhang Zhiwei, then provoked Lu Jin, and finally dragged the fat man Wang Ai.

Lu Jin and Wang Ai also thought so. After all, the proposal to come to Liaodong was indeed proposed by Lu Ci first.

Of course, Zhang Zhiwei also thought so. The reason why he came to Liaodong was instigated by Lu Ci.


Accompanied by a piercing sound of rubbing iron and stone, the tram started to move.

The speed of travel is very slow, not much faster than a rickshaw, and it will creak during driving

However, Zhang Zhiwei and the others didn't care about this.

Slower speed is better, so that they can have an overall impression of the city.

The tram creaked all the way on Bencheng Street.

After several times of transfers, Zhang Zhiwei and his team also had an overall understanding of Bincheng, and they had already stepped on the points that should be stepped on.

A group of people got off the tram, and under the leadership of Zhang Zhiwei, they came to the port of Bincheng.

The cool wind blows towards the face with a strong smell of water and the buzzing voice of people.

There were people coming and going in the port, and all kinds of ships, big and small, crowded the docks.

Countless coolies wore open-toed straw sandals and ran around carrying burlap sacks weighing more than one hundred kilograms.

In the sky, seagulls occasionally jumped down to eat the rice left on the ground.

"Brother Zhang, what are we doing here?" Lu Jin asked with a puzzled look on his face, "I just got off the tram, so why don't we take a boat?"

Zhang Zhiwei pointed to a cargo ship moored far away, with Maozi's national flag flying on it.

Lu Ci said thoughtfully: "Could it be that senior brother Zhang wants to take a boat ride again, to deepen his understanding of this city, to better set foot on the ground, and to make it easier to do it?"

Wang Ai narrowed his eyes, feeling that the matter was not simple, so he didn't speak.

What does it mean to take a boat to deepen your understanding? Am I in conflict with the means of transportation... Zhang Zhiwei said angrily: "You guys, don't be too outrageous, don't forget that our real identity is Cheka agents. Under the national flag, it is very reasonable and logical to give Japanese pirates two ruthless blows!"

The three of them were a little reckless occasionally, but they weren't really idiots. They realized in an instant that they were going to pour dirty water on Maozi.

"Fuck, Senior Brother Zhang, you're such a shameless horse!" Lu Jin sighed, feeling ashamed of himself.

Lu Ci also sighed: "Senior Brother Zhang, I suddenly felt that we only met in the Lu family's compound. It's really a pity that we met so late!"

"It's the same as we are all in our seventies and eighties. We are all young, and we will still grow up in the future. Let's go, get on the boat, and the 'Dongfeng Break' operation will officially begin!"

After all, Zhang Zhiwei went a little farther, found a hidden corner in the port, jumped up, gathered qi on his legs, walked on the water, and under the cover of night, quietly boarded Maozi's passenger ship.

To achieve this, it is easy for Zhang Zhiwei, he can even directly pave a path on the water surface with golden light, but considering that the golden light is a bit conspicuous, he chose this simple and unpretentious way.

It's not difficult for Lu Jin to do this, but his control over qi is far less than Zhang Zhiwei's, and he can't be as chic as Zhang Zhiwei.

As for Wang Ai, it's not good at all, but he has Lu Ci to help him.

Lu Ci's Ruyijin has a very high degree of control over Jinli. When the Lu family compound was fighting with Huodezong Fengping, he could walk on the water as if he was walking on the ground, and he could also step on the water to intercept the painting boat, let alone now after his strength has improved. , Bring someone or something, it's a piece of cake.

Holding the big fat man Wang Ai in one hand, he stepped forward on the water, only a little slower than Zhang Zhiwei.

The four jumped onto the freighter. Lu Jin glanced at himself with wet trouser legs, and at the other three who were not stained with water. He suddenly felt that he was reckless just now, and he should let Senior Brother Zhang or the hedgehog take him across the sea. That's right.

In order to cover up the embarrassment and avoid hurting his friend Lu Ci and finding opportunities to hurt him, Lu Jin hurriedly steamed his wet pants dry.

However, this is indeed his overthinking. Now Lu Ci and Wang Ai's attention is all on Zhang Zhiwei, and they are waiting to see how Zhang Zhiwei bombards the headquarters of the Japanese pirates and the railway company. How can he have time to see if his pants are wet? .

After getting on the cargo ship, Zhang Zhiwei first looked around, but he couldn't even see a person on the ship. It should be that at night, the crew all got off the ship and went off in style.

Moreover, the position of this cargo ship is a bit off, at the corner edge of the port.

Looking towards the port, there is a huge lighthouse. Looking to the other side, there are only endless rocky beaches and black undulating sea.

There were wooden boxes piled up on the boat, and there was a very strange smell in the air, which Zhang Zhiwei had smelled before.

Where did I smell it? Zhang Zhiwei thought for a while, and recalled that it was when Master Zhang Jingqing used a talisman to destroy a big smoke den.

Thinking of this, Zhang Zhiwei's heart trembled, and he understood a little, so he asked Lu Jin, Lu Ci and others to open the container to have a look.

Several people were a little puzzled, but they followed suit and opened a container.

I saw that there were some messy local products inside, especially Chinese cabbage and so on.

"Is this a ship that mainly transports Chinese cabbage?" Lu Jin asked in surprise.

"With such a big cargo ship to transport this thing, can we get back the cost?" Lu Ci expressed his doubts.

"The weather in Maozi seems to be bad, and it is difficult to grow live vegetables, and there may be a special market!" Wang Ai said.

Without saying a word, Zhang Zhiwei dug his hands into the pile of cabbage, took out a small bag from it, and tore it open. Inside was a dark brown paste with a strong smell of ammonia or stale urine.

Seeing this situation, the three of them who were still using their brains just now were all taken aback.

Lu Jin was the first to react, and cursed:
"Damn it, it's big smoke!"

Lu Ci was also furious: "No wonder such a big ship transports some broken cabbage. It's just a cover-up. It's a big cigarette business in the dark. It really deserves a thousand cuts!"

"Is this big smoke? It's pitch black and smells like urine. Does anyone really want to smoke it?" Wang Ai asked with a puzzled expression.

He has been well protected by his family since he was a child. His grandfather and father have sternly warned him not to touch these things, so he doesn't understand.

Thinking of his father and grandfather's instructions, he even walked a little further away, covering his mouth and nose, for fear of smelling it.

You are quite cautious... Zhang Zhiwei glanced at Wang Ai and explained:
"This should be the first product. After another process, cooking and fermentation, it will be brown or golden yellow, and it will have a sweet smell. It can be circulated in the market at that time."

"Senior Brother Zhang, what should we do?" Lu Jin's face turned hard, "Let's burn this cargo ship with a torch?"

"It's not advisable to burn it. If it evaporates, half of the people in the city will get high. This is not the homeland of Japanese pirates, so we have to restrain ourselves and just sink!"

Lu Ci's suggestion should be a little more cautious.

"No need, don't forget the original intention of our boarding, isn't it just to muddy the water and let them eat dogs? This should be just a transfer station, and the Japanese pirates will help us get rid of this ship and the people who transported this thing together !"

After all, Zhang Zhiwei stopped talking nonsense, stuffed the package back, and closed the box.

Walking to the cabin, he waved to Wang Ai, but Wang Ai was still thinking about the opium, but didn't react.

"Fat man, burden!" Zhang Zhiwei reminded.

"Oh!" Wang Ai quickly handed it over.

Zhang Zhiwei took the burden and took out two newly consecrated mahogany swords from it.

To use the flying sword to slay demons, you need to set up an altar, but when you went down the mountain last time, your uncle Zhang Yi gave him five flying swords to slay demons, so this time you don't need to set up the altar, you only need to use the talisman.

Zhang Zhiwei took out two talismans and pasted them on the mahogany sword. Suddenly, the two swords rose across the sky, ready to go.

Of course, it can't be launched yet. This is just a flying sword, and it needs to be reprocessed before it can be turned into a cruise missile.

Zhang Zhiwei moved his hands together, and applied Yang Wulei's fire qi and golden qi on the two mahogany swords respectively, allowing them to spread on the two ends of the sword respectively, so that there would be no thunder reaction for the time being.

Compared with the nearly expired mahogany sword used last time, these two newly consecrated mahogany swords can undoubtedly carry more lightning spells.

Zhang Zhiwei made dozens of shots in a row, until most of the qi in his body was used up, and he expected that the mahogany sword had reached the limit of its carrying capacity, so he stopped.

At this time, the two mahogany swords have already changed their appearance greatly, exuding a dazzling blue light, and a large amount of heart fire qi and lung gold qi circulate on the surface, but the two qi circulate but do not intersect, so there is no lightning for the time being.

The three of Lu Jin watched quietly, although they didn't understand, they all had a tacit understanding and didn't make a sound.


Even Zhang Zhiwei felt a little tired after hitting so many lightning spells in a row. He let out a long breath, and brushed his fingers across the two swords, bringing the two qi together.


In an instant, a silver thunder burst out, and the entire cargo ship was lit up with a dazzling white light, and the mahogany sword in the center of the white light also began to burn.

Without delay, Zhang Zhiwei quickly made a decision.

"Anyone who violates our Divine State will be punished even though he is far away!"

The moment the order was issued, the sword partner wrapped the billowing thunder and flew straight into the air.

All of a sudden, the sky above Bincheng was full of wind and thunder.

(End of this chapter)

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