Chapter 177
"Da da da da da!"

There was a burst of rapid and violent gunshots in the corridor, and Lu Jin shot all the way to where Lu Ci was.

He turned a corner of the corridor, and a strong and pungent thick fog suddenly spread over, covering his mouth and nose, and stuffing his vision.

Lu Jin hurriedly held his breath and closed his eyelids, but the smoke seemed to pervade him, making him dizzy.

"Damn it, it's poisonous, and it's hidden in the qi. Is this the Japanese bandit that Senior Brother Zhang said, similar to the school of the Tang Sect? It turned out that I encountered it first!"

Lu Jin quickly turned on the reverse life state, isolated the qi poison, transferred the innate qi in his body to detoxify himself, and at the same time, the two guns crazily fired at the surroundings.

But unfortunately, there was a "click" sound, and the submachine gun was emptied.

Lu Jin quickly threw it out. In fact, he still had a few magazines in his pocket, but at this juncture, it would be unwise to change magazines.

But at this moment, there was a stabbing pain in his chest that went deep into the bone marrow.

It was the alien who was hidden in the poisonous mist, and two kunai like daggers were inserted into his chest. The wound was so deep that it almost touched his heart.

Lu Jin is a new batch of reckless people. In the crisis of life and death, what he considers is not to retreat and escape, but to kill the other party.

Grabbing Kunai with both hands, preventing him from advancing an inch, he pressed his body down, and suddenly an iron mountain leaned against the attacker's chest, sending him flying horizontally, spitting out blood.

But at this moment, in the poisonous mist, another ninja attacked and killed him. Lu Jin jumped up, and the two collided!
The opponent brandished Kunai, and poked Lu Jin's chest directly at a tricky angle.

Lu Jin's body was slightly tilted, and Kunai brushed across his chest.Dangerously avoided.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lu Jin grabbed the opponent's wrist and snapped it off.


The sound of the arm breaking made one's teeth ache.

While breaking the opponent's wrist, Lu Jin pulled him in front of him, wiped his neck with the other hand, and then pushed him away.

He was about to jump out of the poisonous fog, but what Lu Jin didn't expect was that the ninja who was supposed to be hit to death by his strike of iron mountain before, turned back and threw himself on him, dragging him tightly. Looking at him, he shouted "Long live the Emperor".

Immediately afterwards, outside the poisonous fog, several tongues of flames spewed out, covered with bullets as dense as rain, and two grenades came along with them.


The grenade exploded, and at the same time the shrapnel shot out, it set off a shock wave.

The shock wave also blew away the poisonous mist of the ninja, revealing the situation there in front of the Japanese bandit alien team.

I saw a pothole with a diameter of two meters in the place where Lu Jin was just now, which means that the floor was blown through.

Around the pothole, there are still some scattered pieces of charred black meat, which are the corpses of the two ninjas just now.

Three Japanese pirates and strangers came to the pothole and looked down.

"Ba Ga, let him escape, but he was also seriously injured, chase after him!"

Several Japanese pirates jumped down from the pit and continued to chase and kill Lu Jin.



In the hotel medical room, there was a smell of disinfectant in the air.

Lu Jin opened the medical kit, first wiped the wound with alcohol, then applied some healing medicine on it, then wrapped the bandage, and treated the injury urgently.

He didn't run the three layers of reversing life to repair himself, that would consume too much energy.

At this juncture, preserving enough energy is more important than recovering from the injury.

After bandaging the wound, Lu Jin looked around and took out the yin and yang paper to check the news.

Wang Ai: "How are you doing? Is there anything wrong?"

Wang Ai: "Prudish, Hedgehog, how are you, Senior Brother Zhang? Everyone in this hotel is crazy about killing people. A few brats yelled "Ula" and fought with a group of Japanese pirates. Blood was splashed all over my face!"

Lu Ci: "The blood is all over your face, and I still can't find you. You're hiding very well. Keep it up. I'm hunting. I'll come pick you up when I kill all the pirates!"

Zhang Zhiwei: "There are troops surrounding us outside. They want to set up firepower points to encircle and suppress us. I will fight a way out first, and then I will pick you up and leave!"

Lu Jin picked up the yin and yang paper, and was about to write that he was injured and was in the medical room, please help!

But looking at the content on the paper, he hesitated: "The hedgehog is hunting...I am being hunted...Do I, Lu Jin, still want to lose face?"

Lu Jin was beaten and cried, and she was the one who wiped her tears and talked about the scene at the same time.

If the words "quick rescue" are typed out, Lu Ci will laugh at him for the rest of his life.

Moreover, he was so aggrieved just now, he was forced to dig a hole in the ground and escape.

How can you swallow this breath?

"It's not like I can't hunt. I just didn't pay attention when I went upstairs. I was attacked by a few yinbis. I really opened my posture. They are not my opponents. Moreover, he was the first day of the junior high school, and I was the fifteenth. Also sneak attack back!"

Lu Jin thought for a while, gritted his teeth, and wrote on the paper:

"I'm also hunting, and I want to fight to the death with the alien team of Japanese pirates in the medical room!"

After finishing writing, Lu Jin didn't read the reply letter, quickly put away the yin and yang paper, gathered Qi in his legs, turned over the wall like a big spider, stuck it to the dark corner of the ceiling, and hibernated quietly.

He wanted to kill all the Japanese pirates who came after him.

After a while.


The door of the medical room was kicked open, and a young samurai in a tactical military uniform with a Japanese sword pinned to his waist walked in first.

He saw the medicine box on the ground at a glance, as well as the bandages, alcohol, and healing medicine scattered on the ground, and sneered at the corner of his mouth:
"The rat in China looks pretty badly injured!"

I don't dare to compete with Senior Brother Huaiyi for nicknames... Lu Jin on the ceiling tilted his head, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"However, he doesn't seem to have escaped. If that's the case, let's catch a turtle in a urn. You two, block the door!"

The leading young samurai commanded, and behind him, there were also two samurai with Japanese swords pinned to their waists.

The configuration of their alien team is three samurai practicing kendo and two ninjas.

On the Japanese pirate side, the samurai had a high status and were nobles.

The status of ninjas is very low, and they generally exist as dead soldiers and consumables.

Therefore, when Lu Jin was attacked just now, it was two ninjas who took the lead and exchanged their lives for injuries.

"You are a foreigner from China, so I will end you in the form of a foreigner, and let you experience the spirit of bushido!"

The young samurai drew out the Japanese sword at his waist, held the sword in both hands, and his qi energy was bursting.

However, Lu Jin, who was hiding in the dark, didn't want to play with him with these vain things. He reached out and touched his waist, and took out two box-like pistols.

This is what he picked up in the middle of the road. It is commonly known as the mirror box and the box cannon. It is a standard German weapon. It is powerful, has a long range, a fast rate of fire, and is easy to carry.

But the downside is that it has a lot of recoil.

However, for Lu Jin, this amount of recoil was almost non-existent.

"Bushido spirit? Fuck you. When I went upstairs earlier, you smoked poisonous smoke, sneaked up on me, fired cold shots, and threw grenades. Why didn't you talk about Bushido spirit? When I was injured, you all came to your spirits?"

Lu Jin yelled in his heart, the appearance of the Japanese pirates really made him sick, so he decisively opened his gun and fired continuously.

The mirror box in his hand has a maximum firepower of 20 bullets, and can replace submachine guns and machine guns in close combat.

Lu Jin was hanging upside down on the wall, holding the gun firmly with his hand, pointing where to shoot, pulling the trigger continuously, and the bullets fired in an instant were like pouring rain.

However, as aliens, these Japanese pirate warriors are not just putting on airs, they are wielding Japanese swords wildly under the cover of firepower.


The low humming of gold and iron is endless, this is the crisp sound produced by the fierce collision of bullets and Japanese knives.


Seeing that the pistol could not do anything to the opponent, Lu Jin threw the emptied shell gun and rolled down from the ceiling. The persimmon was picked softly first, and he launched a fierce attack on the weakest one first.

The Japanese pirate samurai in the corner brandished the Japanese sword in his hand, and just after blocking the incoming bullets, he saw a murderous face appeared in front of him.

Lu Jin's eyebrows stood upside down, like a quenched blade. When he launched an attack, he was so powerful that he was like a landslide. He beheaded his opponent with just one encounter.

With one strike, Lu Jin grabbed the Japanese sword of the Japanese bandit and started fighting with the other two warriors.

Even though the killing was so brutal, the three of them didn't talk any trash, they all held their breath and were fighting for their lives.

During the few moments of the battle, the three samurai swords collided dozens of times, and the sound of clashing swords exploded in the air.

A moment later, accompanied by the sound of the blade piercing into the flesh and a muffled groan, another samurai died.

Lu Jin shook the Japanese sword, kicked away the corpse of the dead warrior, channeled all the energy in his body, chopped and moved the blade, and killed the captain of the Japanese bandit alien team.

Under repeated attacks, the overwhelmed samurai was slashed back again and again, his chest heaving violently like a ruptured bellows.

It turned out that several blood holes had been poked out of his chest, and the lung lobes inside were cut.

Seemingly aware of the terrible injury, the red-eyed samurai shouted "Long Live the Emperor", allowing the Japanese sword in Lu Jin's hand to pierce his heart.

Then, taking this opportunity, he was extremely fierce, and stabbed the Japanese sword in his hand into Lu Jin's abdomen, just about to stir it up, and perform a seppuku on Lu Jin.

Lu Jin, who was in pain, kicked him and flew him away. At the same time, he was shocked and staggered back a few steps. He sat down on the ground, covered his stomach with his hands, and gasped for breath.

After being pierced through the heart with a knife, the warrior actually stood up staggeringly, but before taking two steps, his legs gave way and he fell weakly, with only the breath left in his mouth, no more breath.

"Fuck, shit, I just said I can kill you, hahaha..."

Lu Jin was leaning against the wall, laughing softly, and was about to take out the yin and yang paper to report her results when footsteps came from outside the door.

Lu Jin's heart shuddered, and he quickly put away the yin and yang paper, clenched the handle of the knife with bloody hands, rolled a few times, and hid behind the door, ready to sneak attack at any time.

A moment later, a leg came in from the door of the medical room. Lu Jin bounced up instantly, and slammed it with a knife. After exhausting his energy, he was pushed to the ground, and then he was stepped on by someone. orbital.

"My life is over!"

Regardless of the swelling and pain in his eyes, Lu Jin growled unwillingly, his face was so ferocious that he almost gritted his teeth.

Then he saw that the one who pushed himself to the ground and gave him a kick in the eye socket was a white thorn head.

Lu Jin: "..."

"Lu Ci, hedgehog, what the hell are you doing, it's me, it's me!"

Lu Jin just wanted to yell at her, and she was waded through the wind and the waves, and she capsized at the hands of her own people, what a matter.


Lu Ci was taken aback, and quickly helped Lu Jin up, looking at Lu Jin's dark blue eyes, with uncontrollable joy on his face:
"Oh, it turned out to be you, Lao Lu, and I was reckless, but it's also your fault, Lao Lu, why didn't you say it earlier?"

"I said?" Lu Jin glared at Lu Ci angrily: "I said your grandma has a leg!"

He was not stupid, and he knew in his heart that Lu Ci must want to avenge his grandfather's birthday party, when he punched him black-eyed.

"You made a mistake, Lao Lu, don't blame me, I'm also very sad!"

As Lu Ci spoke, he tapped Lu Jin's body a few times, sealing his broken blood vessels with Ruyi Strength, and stopped the bleeding for him.

(End of this chapter)

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