Chapter 178 One-sided slaughter
Yamato Hotel Medical Room.

"Hedgehog, why did you come here?" Lu Jin asked.

"Didn't you write on the yin and yang paper that you were going to fight to the death with the pirates here? You were about to fight to the death. Brother Zhang asked me to come over and have a look, lest you really die."

Lu Ci said unhappily, he would never admit it, even if Zhang Zhiwei didn't remind him, he would come over.

"How could it be?" Lu Jin poked his neck and said, "I, Lu Jin, am very cautious in doing things, and I don't fight uncertain battles. The meaning of a fight to the death is... yes... I am here alone, and they have to fight to the death too! "

Lu Jin is a little reckless, but he is by no means a fool. He really meant that I am in danger and I need to be rescued quickly in the message he sent, but it is a bit too embarrassing to ask him to ask for help directly.

"Okay, okay, old Lu, don't hold on." Lu Ci looked at the injured Lu Jin, and said, "How did you become like this?"

"Oh, don't mention it, damn it, these dogs are too dark!"

Even now, when Lu Jin thought of being ambushed before, he was still a little bit aggrieved.

That kind of sudden assassination is simply impossible to guard against. Even now, his body is slightly numb, and his hands and feet are not flexible.

This is the poison he got when he was attacked by a ninja before. Even though he treated the wound and used the innate qi to expel the poison, there was still a residue.

Reckless people hate Yin Bi the most. To Lu Jin, those two ninjas are much more difficult to deal with than the next few warriors.

However, Lu Ci did not experience what happened to Lu Jin.

The wishful energy he practiced in such a narrow place as the Yamato Hotel is absolutely unfavorable. There are all directions for him to transmit energy. It is almost impossible to guard against, even more difficult than a ninja.

Think about it, you are staring at the front with a high concentration of energy, waiting for the battle, suddenly there is a strong force from your feet, breaking your leg, maybe the two sides are fighting, you are sticking to the wall as a cover, and you are shooting, the wall Suddenly they give you a punch, you can't guard against it, you can't guard against it at all.

This is the terrifying aspect of the Lu family's wishful energy.

Of course, there is more than enough treachery and unpredictability, and it is a bit stretched to fight head-on.

If someone who practiced Ruyi Jin faced Lu Jin's previous situation, he might be killed in just one face-to-face encounter, and it would be impossible to turn things around.

And what is missing in this aspect is exactly what Lu Ci wants to make up for.

At this time, Lu Jin's ears moved, and said, "Hedgehog, there is a situation!"

Lu Ci nodded and said: "You made such a big commotion before, it's normal if there are situations, can you still do it? If not, just watch from the sidelines!"

"I don't want to leave so disappointed, but I need to give me some time to recover!" Lu Jin said.

"I'll give you time, I'll do it first!"

Lu Ci licked his lips, walked out of the medical room, stepped on the soft carpet of the hotel, his eyes scanned every corner in front of him.

The corridor of the hotel is supposed to be impossible to hide people, but the wishful energy he released to the ground sensed a very slight sound of footsteps, something invisible to the naked eye was approaching.

Lu Ci carefully sensed the opponent's position, purple light spread from his palm, and he slapped the ground violently, the purple Ruyi rushed out like a thunderbolt.

In the corridor not far away, a cloud of air suddenly twisted, and a graceful female ninja emerged from it.

Sensing the approaching danger, the female ninja instinctively reacted as quickly as possible and threw herself forward.

Then, she saw that the ground suddenly bulged, and the bricks of the hotel's floor and the steel bars inside were shattered.

A terrifying force surged out, tearing the part below her knees into a mass of exploding flesh and blood.

Lu Ci's wishful energy just now was struck through the ground.

Her reaction is fast, but the way of dodging is very problematic.

If he leaps into the air and does a backflip, he might be able to escape.

But she obviously had no chance.

Facing the opponent who had been severely injured, Lu Ci no longer used Ruyi Strength, and directly leaned close to her. With her excellent close combat ability, she pinched and broke her neck in two rounds.

"There seems to be something wrong with this person's invisibility!"

Lu Ci picked up the corpse and looked at it for a while, then realized that the reason why this female ninja was able to hide was all due to her clothes.

"And this good thing?"

Lu Ci was not polite, and directly took off her clothes.

Although it was a bit inappropriate, he still put it on his body, wanting to see if it had the effect of invisibility.

However, the result made Lu Ci a little disappointed, and it didn't have any effect.

"It seems that I overestimated. This thing alone is useless. It needs to be combined with a special method of expelling Qi to be effective. It's tasteless!"

Lu Ci tore off his clothes and walked a few steps forward, intending to ambush the enemy at the corner of the corridor ahead.

The female ninja who was killed by her was just a vanguard, and there was a rather sophisticated Japanese pirate team behind her, including aliens and ordinary people who were fully armed.

But after walking a few steps, Lu Ci thought about it, turned around and picked up the corpse of the female ninja, came to the corner, raised her hand and threw the corpse out.

This move is intended to be provocative.

Around the corner, a Japanese pirate team is waiting for the female ninja to bring back news.

They came to kill Lu Jin, and based on the clues left by Lu Jin in previous battles, they concluded that there was a more difficult target here.

In order to avoid the same situation as the previous team, they carefully sent a ninja to scout, but unfortunately, this female ninja bumped into Lu Ci.

Seeing a figure flying over in front of them suddenly, the team didn't have time to think about it.


Immediately afterwards, dense tongues of flames gushed out, and the flying figure was instantly smashed to pieces, with flesh and blood scattered.

After a while, the firepower ceased.

The Japanese pirates looked over and quickly identified the figure flying over.

"It's Sakura, she...she was beaten to death by us!" One person tremblingly said.

"No, she wasn't killed by us, she was already dead when she flew out!"

A young man in a tactical military uniform with a scarlet hemorrhoid on his forehead walked over and said.

He is the captain of this Japanese pirate alien team, and he has mastered the unique secret technique of the Japanese pirates.

At this time, the ceiling above his head creaked strangely.

The people in this team immediately raised their guns, and the black muzzles were aimed at the ceiling, but there was nothing on it except for a little scattered wall.

"It's okay, this is the wall that was shaken by the shooting just now, don't worry!"

As soon as the team leader finished speaking, the energy from below exploded, and several bursts of sharp purple wishful energy emerged, and in an instant, blood splattered everywhere.

They were all focused on the top of their heads, and they didn't expect that the terrifying power would hide deep underground. They were caught off guard and suffered heavy losses in a short time.

Several team members had their legs broken by the shock, and two unlucky ones were pierced through their bodies by force and died suddenly on the spot.

Even the squad leader lost a leg in the blast.

Unlike Lu Jin, who likes to be straightforward, Lu Ci is reckless and can do anything with his hands.

Just now, Lu Ci's strategy was to spread out a small ray of wishful energy to make a little movement above their heads to distract them, and then hide a large wave of wishful energy under their feet to take advantage of the situation to attack.

The strategy is simple and crude, but it works. He has already killed many Japanese pirates and aliens in the building with this tactic.

After a successful blow, Lu Ci didn't bother to fight. Surrounded by purple Ruyi Jin, he jumped into the air and disappeared.

As soon as he left, a monkey, a dog, a bird and three beasts came through the wall and launched a fierce attack on the position where he was just now.

The three beasts are all in the form of golden qi, but the qi is highly condensed, which is no different from the essence.

This is a secret technique unique to the Japanese pirates, the method of manipulating qi beasts, created by a foreigner named Momotaro.

The three qi beasts lingered in place for a while.

One of the Qi beasts, which resembled an Akita dog, sniffed the ground with its nose fluttering.

As a dog, it naturally has the ability of a dog. It quickly recognized the scent left by Lu Ci, barked a few times in the distance, and then the three beasts followed Lu Ci away.



And when Lu Ci hunted down the aliens at the Yamato Hotel.

On the long street outside the hotel, a huge shadow covered it, and a fighter jet fell to the ground with a cloud of black smoke. At the moment of the explosion, thousands of fire wreckages splashed out.

Zhang Zhiwei walked out on the wreckage of the fighter plane. Behind him, billowing black smoke wrapped in flames fluttered and fluttered, as mighty as a god reaching the sky.

Here, the fight between Zhang Zhiwei and the army also came to an end.

The crazy Japanese pirate army pulled the trigger and let out a desperate roar.


The storm-like attacks continued continuously, hitting Zhang Zhiwei's golden light, and there were countless crisp sounds of fierce collisions of gold and iron.

In the past, when Zhang Zhiwei activated the Golden Light Curse, if a hard object hit it, it would be bounced off, but after using Tai Chi Yuanzhuan, it was different.

Under the high-speed rotation of the golden light, it was like a vortex, and the bullets that hit were all involved in it, and countless copper bullets were wrapped and rotated by the golden light.

And behind the vortex of golden light wrapped in a large number of brass bullets, there is a pair of murderous eyes!

Facing the hail of bullets, Zhang Zhiwei spun the golden light in the opposite direction. Under the high-speed rotation of the golden light, the trapped bullets all vented without reservation.

For a while, the sound of bullets entering the flesh continued to sound, and the Japanese soldiers who shot at Zhang Zhiwei were immediately beaten into sieves.

After solving this wave of Japanese pirates, Zhang Zhiwei let out a sigh of relief.

Looking back, he saw densely packed corpses starting from his feet all the way to the end of the long street.

Among them, except for a few who were killed by the bullets that hit the golden light, most of them were cut by Zhang Zhiwei with extremely thin and sharp golden light.

Compared with the battle in the hotel, the battle here is like a blunt knife breaking a bone, so rough that people dare not look directly at it.

"Mowing the grass is tiring!"

Zhang Zhiwei let out a long breath, and put away the golden light that spread like a long whip from his fingertips.

With a movement of his body, he headed towards the Yamato Hotel.

Now that the road outside has been opened, it is time to welcome the people inside.

There was a lot of commotion here, as soon as Zhang Zhiwei left, a large number of elite Japanese pirates arrived.

Looking at the scene in front of them, these elites were suddenly at a loss.

On the walls of the buildings on both sides of the street, sticky blood dripped little by little.

The streets were full of broken limbs and arms scattered all over the place. They were lying in a pool of blood, and few of them were complete.

"What's the situation? A few well-trained infantry squadrons, fully armed, were killed in just a few minutes."

Someone said with a look of disbelief.

You know, an infantry squadron has a full 180 people, there are guns and cannons, and there are bombers covering the sky, there is no reason for this!

Speaking of fighter planes, they found two flaming wreckages of fighter planes on the street next to them.

"The fighter planes have fallen, and so many people have died. How many people are ambushing on this street. Could it be that the people on this street are all enemy agents?"

"No matter what, the people who came to surround the Yamato Hotel are all dead. You can't send people here anymore. Human lives are not filled like this. You have to report to the commander as soon as possible!"

(End of this chapter)

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