Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 179 Master Zhang's Intention

Chapter 179 Master Zhang's Intention
Not far from the Yamato Hotel, on a street strewn with corpses, a group of elite Japanese pirates stopped here.

These elites were originally going to Shizikou to help the navy, but because of the death of their daughter, General Fujita kept them.

"Ozawa, how did you do this?"

A super fat man with a height of two meters and wearing an oversized military uniform said.

The Ozawa he was talking about was a young woman with an oval face, with a longbow on her back, a white dress on her upper body, and a red skirt called a hakama on her lower body, which was a typical Shinto shrine maiden dress.

At this moment, the priestess stepped on the pile of corpses expressionlessly, looking back and forth at the corpses, trying to collect some valuable information.

After a while, the witch stopped, shook off the blood stains on her hands, and said:

"At first, I thought that there were many aliens involved in the attack and killing of these squadrons, but after a rough inspection, I found that my previous thinking was wrong. There are not many enemies, and there may even be only three to four!"

"Three to four?" The fat man asked in shock.

The witch nodded: "Yes, three to four, there may be deviations, but the deviations should not be large!"

She explained: "First of all, one of these enemies has the ability to control lightning, because I found a group of charred corpses among the many corpses."

"These soldiers are almost all carbonized, and some parts are even gasified. This shows that the person who made the shot is very capable. It is impossible to judge how strong he is, because he rarely makes shots!"

"Most of the other soldiers were cut. I checked it. The wounds on the corpses were extremely smooth, but they were not real. They even had a wide range. The swords, and even the sword qi and sword qi went straight, and they couldn't cause this effect."

"So I guess the murder weapon should be some very sharp thin wires. This thin wire is extremely long, at least more than ten meters. I can't imagine what it looks like without seeing the real thing!"

"There are also soldiers who were probably killed by heavy blows. The shooters should be extremely good at physical skills, with clean hands and easy retraction of strength."

"As for the murder weapon, judging from the marks on the corpse, it should be a slap. This may be a stranger who is good at using palms."

"In addition to these, some soldiers were shot and killed by bullets. At first I thought that some of the aliens who fought were good at using thermal weapons."

"But after looking at the corpse carefully, I found that the shrapnel in the corpse was our own, and I realized immediately that this alien is not good at using thermal weapons as I thought before, but he is good at rebounding attacks."

"These soldiers were killed by the bullets they shot back!"

"As for how the two fighter jets were shot down, I can't see it for the time being, because after the plane crashed, there was an explosion, and the traces inside were covered up!"

It has to be said that this Shinto priestess has a very vicious vision.

However, perhaps the resulting scene was too shocking. She never thought that all these abilities came from one person, and it was the tip of the iceberg of this person's skills.

After hearing Miko's analysis, everyone's expressions softened a little.

Fear often comes from the unknown. Only by knowing the cause of death and some methods of the opponent can we make targeted countermeasures.

"Sounds tough!"

Said a man in hunting clothes and an onmyoji costume.

On his left and right sides, there are two ghosts with eyes on their faces floating, these are his shikigami.

The onmyoji continued: "My shikigami told me that the opponents are quite terrifying, and just sensing some remaining breath is enough to make them terrified!"

"Kobayakawa, do you want to back down?" shouted a samurai wearing the red armor from the Heian period.

"It's not shrinking, it's not necessary to die!"

The onmyoji named Kobayakawa said, he is not a samurai, he is not so full of samurai spirit, it is okay to work for the emperor, but it is not okay to die for the emperor.

"I agree with Kobayakawa. The enemy is too powerful. In such a short period of time, several squadrons have been wiped out without any damage. Even if we find them, we will die."

The witch just now said: "Report to the general. Now all the powerful aliens on our side have gone to Changbai Mountain. Only the general and the great priest can deal with this group of people."

"I'll report to the general right away!" Onmyoji Kobayakawa said a few words to the shikigami beside him, and the shikigami turned into a ghost immediately and passed through the wall.

In this year, communication is not well developed, and timely communication cannot be achieved.

It is already very high-end for this Japanese bandit alien team to transmit messages through ghosts.

A method like the Wang family's yin and yang paper is rare in the world.

Bencheng Provisional Headquarters, where General Fujita sits.

"What's the result of the cleanup?" General Fujita asked.

The head of the extra-high class said: "Of the fifteen first-level targets, two of them were captured alive, and the other thirteen were confirmed dead. Of the 76 second-level targets, 52 have been killed, and the rest are under siege. It is estimated that they will not last long, and unexpectedly, during the big cleansing, there were a lot of fish that escaped the net, and they were also dealt with. As for how many there are, there is no statistics for the time being!"

General Fujita said coldly: "In addition to the suspicious targets on the list, there are still many fish that slipped through the net? I really can't agree with the level of your special advanced courses!"

The head of the special high school did not refute it. This is a fact. There is nothing to say. The handling ability of the special high school really needs to be improved.

"If everything went according to the list you gave me, there wouldn't be so many incidents at all. Your special high school is a bunch of incompetent waste. The Cheka people bombed my headquarters. You even gave me a list of suspicious personnel. Incomplete, I..."

Fujita is angrily scolding the head of the special high school.

A guard came in and reported: "General, Marshal Zhang from Fengtian has arrived in Bincheng and wants to see you!"

Fujita's angry tone faltered. At this juncture, why did Zhang Zizi come to him?
"No, let him go!"

He didn't have the slightest intention to make false claims with this dishonest and shameless person. If it wasn't for the expansion of the empire that needed such a person, he would be the first to spare him.

"Yes, General, I'll let him go!" the guard turned and left after saying that.

At this time, the head of the extra-high school, who was scolded, suddenly said: "He seems to be running some kind of military factory, and he is probably in short supply again, and he is probably here to borrow money!"

General Fujita was stunned for a moment, and thought, Borrowing money, at this juncture, he came to ask me to borrow money, if it wasn't that Zhang Yanzi had a problem in his mind, or he had some news, a news that I couldn't refuse him to borrow money.

Thinking of this, General Fujita called to stop the guards who came to the door, and said, "Let Marshal Zhang come to see me!"



living room.

"Commander, will this old devil Fujita meet us?"

Said a burly man in a black mandarin jacket with a turtle-shaped crane back and wide hands.

"Why the hell does Fujita not see me? If he doesn't see me, he can get things done even if he fucks up?"

Dashuai Zhang is a lean middle-aged man with a big beard on his upper lip. Unlike General Fujita who can see iron and blood at a glance, he actually gives people a feeling of being easy to get along with.

"If Fujita doesn't see you, it's just that he can't get things done. If Fujita sees you, it's just spending money and getting things done!" said the man in the black coat.

"Hahaha, what the fuck, those who know me, Shuwen!"

Dashuai Zhang laughed loudly.

"I said Marshal, why did you suddenly think of pulling me to borrow money from that old dog Fujita? At this juncture, Fujita lost his army and lost his daughter. I'm afraid I'm not in the mood to treat you well, I'm afraid I'm going to make fun of myself !” said the man in the black coat.

"There are too many boring things, but this time, I not only want to borrow money from Fujita, but also ask him to borrow money!" Dashuai Zhang laughed.

"Borrow who?" The big man in black coat was puzzled.

Marshal Zhang said: "Shuwen, I am different from you. Your arena is about fighting and killing, while my arena is about people's understanding of the world."

"This time I came to Bincheng, I intended to ask the Heavenly Master to owe me favors, but I don't know if I don't come, and I will be scared when I come."

"I have a feeling, fuck it, I might owe favors to the future celestial masters!"

"Heavenly Master... I said you don't get up early for nothing, but... you owe a favor to the handsome man, tsk tsk tsk, it's really not easy!"

As the man in the black coat said, he grabbed his hand casually, heaved his palm out with strength, and when he retracted it, there was a struggling and twisted terrifying ghost in his palm.

When Dashuai Zhang saw it, he said with a look of surprise: "I'm so fucking stupid, why did you catch a ghost as soon as you stretched out your hand!"

(End of this chapter)

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