Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 180 Steel Fist No 2 Hit, Details of General Fujita

Chapter 180
"What the hell, why did you catch a ghost as soon as you stretched out your hand!"

Dashuai Zhang looked at the ghost in the hand of the big man in black with surprise, but he was not afraid at all.

A person like him has too much blood on his hands. If he is afraid of ghosts, he will not be able to make it this far.

The big man in the black coat squeezed his brows, and said with a smile: "Does the commander know that there is something called a ghost?"

Dashuai Zhang pondered for a moment: "Of course I know, it is said that people killed by tigers will turn into ghosts and obey the tiger's orders!"

The big man in black coat nodded and said: "This thing is actually similar to ghosts, but they don't obey the orders of the tiger, they obey the orders of the Onmyoji."

"I know Onmyoji, it's about the same as Lushan School and Meishan School!" said Marshal Zhang.

The big man in black coat nodded and said: "That's right, the Lushan School and the Meishan School use special methods to refine Wuzang soldiers and horses, and the Onmyoji also has a unique method, which can advance ghosts one by one, and finally become the legendary hundred monsters. The appearance of a ghost, that is, Shuten-douji, Yatengu and other things."

"And this kind of person with many eyes on its face is called a multi-eyed ghost. It is very weak and has no combat power. It usually exists as the eyeliner of Onmyoji and is also responsible for delivering messages. I think it flies towards Fujita, and it should be aimed at him. Send any news, just on a whim, and let it intercept it."

Hearing this, Zhang Dashuai got excited: "That bastard is quite high-level, what news is conveyed in it?"

"I don't understand the language of the Japanese pirates. The commander and the Japanese pirates often communicate, do you understand?" asked the big man in black.

"I have never read a book. I was born as a bandit, so I don't know a single word, but after staying with the pirates for a long time, I can still speak a few words, such as Arigado, Bageyalu, Sayanara!" said Marshal Zhang. explain.

"It's weird to read, what do these sentences mean?" the big man in black coat asked.

"Damn, I really forgot, I seem to be an idiot, thank you, you mean it!" Dashuai Zhang said.

At this time, the interpreter next to him reminded in a low voice: "Commander, these three sentences mean thank you, idiot, and goodbye. When you see Fujita, you can say more about Arigado, but don't say Bageya Road, or you will be killed." I can't borrow any more money!"

As soon as he heard that he couldn't borrow money, Zhang Dashuai immediately remembered that when he met Fujita, he couldn't talk about Bageya Road.

"By the way, you understand, come, listen, what does this thing say?"

The man in the black coat raised the multi-eyed ghost in his hand and said to the translator.

The translator looked at the multi-eyed ghost who was close at hand, and was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat:
"Uncle Li, then you have to be sure!"

"Don't worry, you still don't understand my abilities? Don't say that this is just a multi-eyed ghost, even if it has advanced to Shuten-douji, if I hold it in my hands, it won't be able to cause any trouble!"

The man in black said with a look of reason.

Of course, the translator believed this.

The strong man in the black coat in front of him, although he looks like a middle-aged man, is actually over sixty years old and has been famous for a long time.

As early as more than 20 years ago, he was already famous all over the world. At that time, he was still in his prime, and was invited by Yuan Datou to serve as an instructor in Tianjin Wei.

Because of a sentence about a sick man in East Asia, there was a conflict with the four Japanese pirate masters invited by Yuan Datou at that time. He directly shot them one by one, killing all four Japanese pirate masters, and has been awarded the title of sharp gun ever since.

Afterwards, a master from Maozi's side set up a ring in the capital and uttered wild words that he wanted to beat all the invincible hands in the capital. Indignantly, many masters from the Beijing and Tianjin area went to compete with each other, but they were all defeated.

As a result, as soon as this Uncle Li entered the ring, with just one move, Mao Zi, who clamored to beat the invincible hands of the capital, was seriously injured and nearly died.

Later, he was invited by the commander in chief to come to the Northeast, and he was invincible all over the Northeast, defeating the enemy would always take only one move.

Even the Japanese pirates who are rampant here, meeting him is like a mouse meeting a cat.

He was also given the nickname "Gangquan Wuer Strike", which means that the punch is so strong that he doesn't need a second move to hit someone, which shows his fierce momentum.

With this little ghost in his hands, it's really like holding an ant.

But the truth is this, but the translator still feels a little guilty when he looks at the ghost in front of him.

He carefully stretched his head over and listened for a while, then said with a look of horror:

"Commander, Uncle Li, at the Yamato Hotel, there are a few strangers of unknown origin who killed the railway garrison with more than three squadrons. The people over there are asking Fujita for help. I hope he and some great priest will take action to suppress them. Kill each other!"

"More than three squadrons died?" Dashuai Zhang was stunned for a moment, then clapped his hands and laughed loudly: "Okay, okay, fuck you, good job!"

"Over there at the Yamato Hotel, heh, it's interesting!"

Li Shuwen smiled, and smashed the multi-eyed ghost in his hand. Since he had already got the news, there was no point in keeping it.

The translator also laughed and said, "I just don't know who did it?"

"Who did it? Damn it, it must be someone from the fucking Cheka!" Dashuai Zhang laughed.

The translator was stunned for a moment, observed his words and expressions, and said quickly:

"Yes, yes, it was all done by the Cheka!"

At this time, General Fujita's guards arrived and asked Dashuai Zhang to meet him.

"Go, meet my old friend whose daughter just died!"

Dashuai Zhang got up and went over.

As a bodyguard, Li Shuwen naturally went together.

However, he was stopped by the guards.

"You can't go in, the general only promised to see Marshal Zhang alone!"

"Go away!" Li Shuwen stared, the guard suddenly fell silent as if struck by lightning, and did not dare to stop him.

Li Shuwen strode in.

inside the house.

"Arigado, Sayanara, General Fujita is very energetic with his saber!" The commander walked in with a smile.

The decoration inside the house is very simple. General Fujita Ohma Kanto sat on a chair, watching Dashuai Zhang walk in with a blank expression, turning a deaf ear to his plastic Japanese,
He didn't pay much attention to Marshal Zhang, but when he saw Li Shuwen coming in, he narrowed his eyes suddenly, clapped his hands, and asked the guards to serve tea.

The strong are worthy of respect everywhere.

Soon, the tea tray was placed on the table. The so-called tea tray was actually a charcoal stove lit on the table.

Sitting on the stove is a Kansai iron pot, which is dark and heavy, with a red-faced and long-nosed crow tengu engraved on it.

"This tea smells really good!"

The marshal said something, but no one answered, and he didn't feel embarrassed, so he asked the big man in black coat next to him:

"What do you think of Shuwen!"

"The tea is very fragrant." Li Shuwen said casually.

"It's a blessing to get the approval of Gangquan Wuerda for this tea!"

General Fujita has been here for a long time and speaks fluent Chinese, he said while making tea.

Li Shuwen also ignored General Fujita.

After a while, the water boiled. General Fujita lifted the iron pot, poured the boiling water into the tea bowl, and poured the water away.This is a standard tea ceremony procedure, the first hot water is only used to heat the tea bowl.

Then he picked out the tea, put it into a tea bowl, then poured a large spoonful of hot water from the iron pot into the tea bowl, stirred it gently with a tea whisk, and said while stirring:
"I'm short on time, so to make a long story short, what is the commander-in-chief's intention for this trip?"

Wanting to borrow money, Zhang Dashuai naturally didn't bother me, and said, "Money is a little tight recently, so I'm here..."

He was about to borrow money, but the translator next to him reminded him in a low voice, "It's a loan!"

"Yes, yes, loan, the kind that comes out of nine and thirteen returns!"

General Fujita didn't speak. Loans are actually out of his control, but he can still speak.

However, this is not what he wanted, so Fujita casually pushed a cup of tea to Dashuai Zhang:

"If you can't give any useful information, please leave after drinking!"

On the other hand, when delivering tea to Li Shuwen, Fujita took the tea bowl in his hand, turned it gently, and turned the patterned side towards Li Shuwen, which was a sign of respect.

The commander-in-chief lowered his eyes, picked up the tea, and drank it all in one gulp. Facing a person like Fujita, the worldly wisdom doesn't make sense. He said bluntly:
"I have news from Cheka agents!"

"The loan is fine, what's the specifics?"

"A total of 12 people, they are lurking in the cultural residences on both sides of the Laohutan street..."

This is a high-end residential area in Bencheng, and most of the people living in it are Japanese.

After some exchanges, General Fujita saw off the guests, and he couldn't wait to deal with those guys.

At this time, the head of the special high school came out from behind the screen and said:

"What Zhang Zizi said is very likely to be true. Most of our high-level executives here live there. Every time we investigate, they are not very cooperative, so it is not surprising that some fish slipped through the net."

Hearing this, General Fujita stood up, pushed down the tea tray, and said angrily:

"What Zhang Zizi knows, why don't you know?"

The head of the extra-higher course lowered his head and said, "Maybe I learned about it from Maozi. Zhang Jizi and Maozi were very close some time ago. He may have bribed a lot of people and obtained a lot of information."

"However, they broke up recently because Maozi took over part of his railway and said that he wanted to manage it with him. He worked hard, but in the end he didn't give him a penny, so he wants to drive away the wolf. !"

"Who is a wolf and who is a tiger, it is not certain!"

General Fujita showed a sinister smile, and immediately went out. He wanted to deal with the Cheka agents himself.

the other side.

"What the hell, Shuwen, I think Fujita respects you very much, have you ever fought with him?" the commander asked.

Li Shuwen said: "No, but I see that his shoulders are very broad, which is different from ordinary people. It seems that there are two pairs of wings curled up hidden on his back. This is one of the external manifestations of Tang's hand practiced to the extreme. This person is a master. !"

"Tang Shou?" The marshal was taken aback: "What the hell, is this old dog Fujita learning from our ancestors?"

Li Shuwen nodded and said: "Some things have been changed, but the foundation is the same. The Tang hand came from the Tang Dynasty. It was a skill created by Li Jing, the god of war at that time, to pierce the Turkic cavalry phalanx. It's called karate."

"Fucking shit, grab everything!" The commander said, "Shuwen, if you fight Fujita, what will happen?"

"He is not my opponent!" Li Shuwen said with a look of reason.

"Hahaha...then I don't worry, there is a lot of noise here in Bincheng, I don't want to stay for a long time, I will leave it to you, you can figure it out, and others don't care, that little celestial master is not dead, just pretend to be Chikat Worker, really, he's a bitch, but if he doesn't do that, I really didn't find him so quickly!"

"It's okay to leave it to me. I also want to meet this famous little celestial master for a while, but I'm not here, so be careful on the way!"

"It's okay, I'm escorted by guards, besides, don't you still have a few apprentices of yours?"

(End of this chapter)

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