Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 181 The Three of Us Killed indiscriminately

Chapter 181
Yamato Hotel, medical room.

The water sprayed by the faucet mixed with blood and flowed into the sewer. Lu Jin shook off the water stains on his hands and bandaged the wound again. While bandaging, he said to himself:
"Damn it, if I knew that this trip would come to this ghostly place of Liaodong, I should have brought some Dahuan Dan from home. How can I be so passive like I am now?"

After all, Lu Jin took out the yin and yang paper and took a look.

After Lu Ci walked out of the medical room, she didn't leave any more messages.

Zhang Zhiwei left a few sentences.

Zhang Zhiwei: "I have successfully broken through and made a bloody road outside, and I am ready to pick you up!"

Wang Ai: "Brother Zhang is mighty, welcome to Master Wang...ah no, welcome to Master Zhang!"

Zhang Zhiwei: "Wait a minute, there is an alien team of Japanese pirates sneaking around two streets away. In order to avoid being ambushed when we come out later, I will go and kill them!"

Wang Ai: "We were discovered two streets away, Senior Brother Zhang is indeed wise and brave."

Why does it feel like me and the hedgehog are in a bloody battle, one of you is watching the fire from the other side, and the other is watching the flowers on horseback...

Lu Jin complained in his heart, stuffed the yin and yang paper into his bosom, licked his lips, took out two pistols, and began to reload silently.

Although the qi in his body was consumed a lot and his body was very tired, he still planned to go out to help Lu Ci, and he didn't want to collect Lu Ci's body later.

After filling, Lu Jin leaned her head against the wall for a while, listened to the movement, and immediately went out the door with the gun in hand.

Although he didn't know the exact location of Lu Ci, he guessed that the place where the commotion was the loudest should be where Lu Ci was.

He followed the sound all the way, but learned a lot of wisdom. He was attacked by a ninja recklessly before and suffered serious injuries. This time, Lu Jin became a lot more cautious.

On the way, Lu Jin passed by the presidential suite where they lived before. Thinking of Wang Ai, he subconsciously went in and took a look.

The suite was also attacked indiscriminately, and it was burning raging fire.

While the fire was flickering, a Ukiyo-e painting on the wall unexpectedly illuminated, with a feeling of "just about to move".

As for Ishikawa Osamu and Kameda Ichiro in the room...

It had turned into two scorched corpses, and they should have been burned alive by the white phosphorous bombs thrown in by their own people.

This method of death may be a relief for Colonel Ishikawa, who was hacked into pieces by Lu Ci inside and out.

But for the soft-boned Kameda Ichiro, it was inhumane torture.

Lu Jin looked around, but couldn't find the fat man. Just as he was about to leave, he heard someone call him "prudish"!
"Who is he? Call me, this voice is Fatty!" Lu Jin hurriedly chased him out.

Immediately, Wang Ai's hurried voice came from behind:
"Lu Jin, Lu Mang, reckless man, in the living room, I'm in the living room!"

Lu Jin hurried back to the living room, but still did not see Wang Ai.

But at this moment, he suddenly discovered that there was a strange fluctuation in the living room.

Looking over quickly, I found that the strange fluctuations were uploaded from the ukiyo-e hanging on the wall of the living room.

That ukiyo-e is very exquisite, in which men and women in kimonos are entangled and kissing, and the woman’s half-dressed clothes are exposed with white flesh. It looks like a erotic picture of a Japanese harem theme.

When they came in, Lu Ci and Zhang Zhiwei made serious comments.

However, Lu Jin is a decent person, and he only glanced at it secretly, and never looked at it openly.

Now that I look at it, I can see the problem.

On the picture of the erotic palace, a half-naked lady with an upside-down jade bowl suddenly became alive and ready to emerge, and then opened her eyes, protruding from the ukiyo-e painting a little bit.

With the sound of "Bo", the half-naked lady with the jade bowl turned upside down turned into a fat figure and rolled out of it.

Who else could it be if it wasn't Wang Ai?It turned out that in the face of the Japanese pirates' attack, this guy hid in the painting for a short time by relying on his family's secret technique.

"Oh, hot eyes, hot eyes, fat man, you are so fucking disgusting!"

Lu Jin just wanted to pick out his own eyeballs.

He felt that he would be under the shadow of this kind of half-naked lady in his life.

"A man doesn't stick to trifles, safety first!" Wang Ai scratched his head and said.

In the scene just now, Wang Ai was also a little embarrassed, and quickly changed the subject:

"By the way, prudish, where's the hedgehog?"

"He's still fighting Japanese pirates and aliens, let's go help!"



At this moment, Lu Ci is in the midst of a fierce battle with the Japanese bandit alien team.

Relying on Ruyijin's treacherous and unpredictable ability, Lu Ci attacked and killed the Japanese bandit alien team several times, and took away several lives. Treacherous features to sneak attack.

Moreover, in this team of Japanese pirates, there is also a foreigner who is proficient in the way of yin and yang, and released several ghosts to chase and interfere with him. For a while, the attack and defense changed, and he became the target of hunting.

However, Lu Ci is still Lu Ci in the end, and when faced with a difficult situation, what he thinks of is not the wind and the wind, but a desperate gamble like madness.

Since Ruyi Jin's treacherous traits are not easy to use, then it is not treacherous.

Instead of retreating, he directly attacked the enemy head-on, attacking and killing the enemy with a wave-like offensive.

The Japanese bandits alien team caught off guard, never expected that this guy who can only play tricks in the dark would suddenly explode and kill his carbine.

Moreover, the power is astonishing, much stronger than a sneak attack. Without noticing for a while, Lu Ci killed four people with explosive strength in one face-to-face.

At this moment, there are only two people left in the alien team of the Japanese pirates.

One of them was the captain who controlled the Qi beast.

Lu Ci made a surprise attack for the first time and broke one of his legs with Ruyi Strength.

Now he was riding on the Qi beast in the shape of an Akita dog, commanding another monkey, a chicken, and two Qi beasts to attack Lu Ci.

The other was a samurai wearing crimson carapace armor.

The body armor on his body is a magical weapon, not to mention extremely strong defense, and it can also increase his own strength.

Not only that, this magic weapon also has a special ability, which can absorb the blood energy of the dead to give the host a short-term boost.

The more it is absorbed, the stronger the improvement will be. The effect is somewhat similar to the Yaodao Zhiwan, but it is a low-end version, not only time-limited, but also has side effects, and it will collapse for a while afterwards.

However, this effect is already very strong, this person's threat to Lu Ci is even stronger than that alien who manipulated the Qi beast.

During the fierce battle, in order to prevent the Qi beast from attacking, Lu Ci condensed the Ruyi energy and draped it on his body like armor, his fists gushed out purple light, and kept colliding with the warrior holding the Japanese sword and wearing the pill.

Two figures, one purple and one red, were erratically rushing to kill, the scene was anxious and deadly!

"You condense the Qi highly and disperse it all over your body, you won't last long!"

The Tomaru samurai grinned grimly.

In fact, he was very surprised. The unarmed hedgehog head in front of him was full of murderous intent, his eyes were as sharp as blades, and his fists with purple light boiling over, the offensive was like a tsunami.


The purple fist collided with the samurai sword several times, and the exciting clashing sound exploded in the air.

Originally, the Tongwan warrior was at an absolute disadvantage, but because it was two against one, with a chicken, a monkey and two Qi beasts helping him, he was able to suppress Lu Ci and fight.

However, this situation soon changed.

Because, Lu Ci's teammates arrived.

Holding two shell guns in his hand, Lu Jin gave a sudden chug to that strange man who controlled Lu Ci who was besieging the qi beast.

Forced, he could only call back the Qi Beast to defend himself. This greatly reduced Lu Ci's pressure and greatly increased the pressure on Tongwan Warrior.

"here you go!"

Lu Ci laughed out loud, and finally no longer had to be timid, fighting against sneak attacks from the surrounding area.

Lu Jin shot with both guns: "It wasn't fair just now, but now three hits two, is it fair?!"

"It's so fucking fair!"

Lu Ci laughed loudly, gathered the Ruyi energy covering his whole body in his hands.

In an instant, the offensive became much faster and fiercer.

"Damn it, if I don't have the armor, I'm afraid I won't be able to last for a few rounds!"

Samurai Tomaru was sweating on his forehead, but he wasn't flustered, his treasure armor hadn't been activated yet.

So many people died here, as long as he activates his ability, he will definitely be able to defeat this hedgehog.

The samurai Tomaru sensed it, and found that the blood energy stored in the armor was enough, so he immediately used the magic weapon ability.

Suddenly, the armor of this Tomaru warrior began to glow red, and his aura suddenly became dark and dark, more than a little stronger.

"suffer to death"

The saber in the hands of the Houwan warrior turned red, and fell towards Lu Ci with a whistling sound.

This knife was extremely swift and fierce, Lu Ci received it forcefully, his arm went numb, and he knew that he could no longer receive the blade with bare hands.

Using his ingenuity, he slapped the side of the saber with his palm, defusing the menacing slash, and then slapped the Tomaru warrior on the face.


The Tomaru warrior was staggered, but his armor had a visor, so even if he was hit on the head, it was not fatal.

"It still works!"

Seeing this, Lu Ci was just about to gain power, so he bullied himself and continued to attack the head, but saw Wang Ai throwing a big object.

"Hedgehog, go on!"

Lu Ci subconsciously caught it, and after a closer look, it turned out to be Zhang Zhiwei's Dongfeng Great Sword.

Before Zhang Zhiwei went out, he didn't bring a sword, but stayed in the house, and Wang Ai kept it all the time.

Now Wang Ai saw that this Japanese pirate was wearing a body armor and was as difficult to deal with as a turtle, so he threw the magic sword to Lu Ci.

Holding the Dharma sword in Lu Ci's hand, he shook off the scabbard abruptly. In an instant, a cold light shot out, and an extremely sharp aura emanated, which made people feel a chill in their hearts.

"Good, good sword!"

Holding the sword in both hands, Lu Ci didn't talk nonsense, and with a big stride, he slashed at the samurai with a sword.

The Domaru warrior raised his sword to block, and the Dongfeng sword was 1.3 meters long, which was not shorter than the Japanese sword in the hands of the Donmaru warrior.

When the two collided, the strength went straight through the blade, and with a "clang", the Dongfeng sword swung past, and a head soared into the sky.

On the other side, the alien who controlled the Qi beast was also killed.

The death was very simple, Wang Ai used the painting spirit to block his Qi beast, Lu Jin stepped forward and smashed his head with a palm.

After the battle, Lu Ci stuck the Dongfeng Great Sword on the ground, leaned on the sword, gasped for breath, and fought fiercely again and again. Although the injuries were not serious, the qi in his body was exhausted.

Lu Jin is better, but just now, the bandage he tied up in an irregular way was opened again, and he took out another roll and wrapped it around his body.

On the other hand, Wang Ai, who was in good condition throughout the whole process, was as fierce as a dragon, with a big grin and big teeth, and laughed there:

"The three of us went out to fight these Japanese pirates, it was really a quack!"

(End of this chapter)

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