Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang.

Chapter 183 Encountering the No. 1 Master of Foreign Family

Chapter 183 Encountering the No. [-] Master of Foreign Family
As soon as Wang Ai's words came out.

Lu Jin and Lu Ci also couldn't help wondering.

Didn't it mean to kill a bloody road to break through?

What about the people around?
What about the bloody way out?

Just thinking about it, before he had time to ask, the military vehicle made a graceful turn and turned into another street.

Then...they saw the surrounded people, and also saw the way of blood.

Looking from the end of the long street, as far as the eye can see, until the end of the long street, there are dense corpses.

Because the street was low and the corpses were blocked at the drain, the blood pooled on the street.

A strong bloody smell filled the surroundings, with a stale stench.

Lu Jin was a rough boy when he was a child. After joining the Trinity School, he often went to suppress bandits and thieves with his master Zuo Ruotong. He saw a lot of bloody things.

Even when he moved his hands, it could be described as cruel, as if his nerves were forged into steel bars.

But when he saw this scene suddenly, he couldn't help but gasped, but there was no cool air in this place, only the bloody smell so strong that it smoked the eyes.

When he took a sip, he was choked by the bloody smell of alveoli, and couldn't help coughing violently.

The military vehicle broke into this street, Zhang Zhiwei didn't stop, stepped on the clutch, shifted the gear to the second gear, and pushed down on the accelerator. The military vehicle rolled over the corpse all the way and swayed forward.

Inside the car, Wang Ai's face was pale, even worse than Lu Jin's. He tightly grasped the handle of the car window, staring at the scene outside the window, dumbfounded.

He was already stupefied with fright, and in a trance, he even thought that he had stepped into hell and jumped into the pool of blood.

There is a feeling that in the next second, this military vehicle will fall into the abyss and sink into this bloody water forever.

Lu Ci was better. Strictly speaking, his method of torture was much bloodier than this, but the number was far less.

But even so, he still felt trembling in his heart.

This scene is so brutal that people dare not look directly at it!

Lu Ci secretly looked at Zhang Zhiwei.

I saw Zhang Zhiwei staring at the front without changing his face, and stepped on the accelerator, the car engine roared, the tires rubbed against the ground, and a bloody mud was thrown up.

"Senior Brother Zhang, do you call this killing a bloody path? How many Japanese pirates have you killed?" Lu Ci asked in surprise.

"Not much, it's because the streets here are too narrow, so it looks like there are too many. Besides, why isn't this called killing a bloody road? Just ask you, is this a bloody road?"

As Zhang Zhiwei said, he stepped on the gas pedal to the bottom, and walked across the bloody road into a clean street.

"Blood path in the literal sense, what you said...seems like there is nothing wrong with it!"

Lu Ci smacked his lips, feeling something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

He stuck his head out of the window, looking back at the bloody and terrifying scene behind him.

Suddenly, he found that on the street next door, there were also large pools of blood pouring out, and there were two wreckages of burning fighter jets.

But before he could observe carefully, the military vehicle turned a corner, and everything behind it disappeared from sight.

"Senior brother Zhang, you... killed a bloody road in the street next to you just now?" Lu Ci asked hastily.

Zhang Zhiwei said: "Everyone said it was a breakout. Breaking through the siege, if there are enemies on only one street, what kind of breakout is it?"

"I killed all the pirate troops in the surrounding streets, otherwise why do you think it took so long?"

Hearing this, Lu Ci's eyes widened: "Brother Zhang, do you call this breakout? You're clearly annihilating, okay?"

"Don't care about these details, just ask you, did we stand out?!"

Zhang Zhiwei held the steering wheel with one hand, and leaned out the window with the other hand, enjoying the feeling of the wind blowing through his palm.

"It suddenly stands out, it's just that this method is a bit too..."

Speaking of this, Lu Ci paused.

Zhang Zhiwei thought that Lu Ci would say that this method was too cruel.

Unexpectedly, Lu Ci suddenly grabbed her hair and said regretfully:

"This is so fucking enjoyable. I didn't get to participate in such an enjoyable event. Instead, I was fighting wits with a bunch of idiots in that broken hotel. I'm so stupid, really!"

Lu Ci incarnated as Xianglin's Wife, thinking non-stop there, bowing her head and stamping her feet, feeling extremely remorseful.

"There are still chances, don't you practice more and practice more diligently, and I will take you with you when you break through next time!" Zhang Zhiwei said.

When Lu Ci heard this, he became excited: "Brother Zhang, let's make an agreement, we will fight a bloody road together, literally!"

"You are very positive, kid!" Zhang Zhiwei laughed.

"Cough cough cough... count me in, count me in, cough cough cough..."

Lu Jin was still coughing there, and when he heard about such a thing, he quickly raised his hand to sign up.

Lu Ci glanced at Lu Jin, who was coughing constantly, and his friend-harming attributes flared up again, and he said sarcastically:
"I said prudence, I have been choking on a mouthful of blood for so long, and my ability to bear it is so poor, how can I come out to make a living with us!"

"Cough, cough, cough... I'm causing the injury, my lungs are convulsing, it's not because I can't bear it!"

Lu Jin said with a stubborn face, the head can be broken, the blood can flow, and the face cannot be lost.

After finishing speaking, in order to increase his persuasiveness, Lu Jin pointed to the fat man Wang Ai who was retching with his head stuffed into the corner of the seat, and said:
"This is the real psychological endurance!"

"No, no, I really can't, next time you come out to make a living, don't call me!"

Wang Ai felt that it was safer for him to stay at home.

"You're worthless, fat man!"

After Lu Ci said something, he suddenly glanced out of the corner of his eye and found several fighter planes passing by at a high altitude. He immediately remembered the wreckage of the two fighter planes he saw earlier, and said:

"By the way, Senior Brother Zhang, I saw the wreckage of two fighter jets in the street next door. Don't tell me, you shot them down too?"

Lu Jin, who was coughing, heard the news suddenly, hiccupped suddenly, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and looked at Zhang Zhiwei in disbelief:
"This thing flies so high, how did you shoot it down?"

"It was indeed shot down by me. If it was flying over a thousand meters above the ground, then I would have nothing to do with it, but whoever made the pilot inside lose his mind and wanted to lower the altitude and shoot me with an aviation machine gun Well, I will step on the building and jump up, drag him out of it, and make him sober up!"

Zhang Zhiwei said lightly, as if jumping on a high-speed flying plane and catching the pilot inside was a trivial matter.

In fact, even at a height of a thousand meters, he still has a way to shoot it down, but that requires him to enter the Lightning Reverse Mode, using the ability of electric field to propel himself into the air to chase after it.

This method is too expensive for him, it is a desperate technique, a few broken planes, it is not worth him to go to war so much.

"Senior Brother Zhang, I don't study much, so don't lie to me!" Lu Jin said, "Even if the plane lowers its altitude, there is no way to jump on it directly. The speed of the plane is so fast. Just jump on it without being smashed into meat mud?"

"Then if you are at the same speed as the plane, wouldn't you be able to jump on it?" Zhang Zhiwei said, "Or your body is stronger than the plane, so you can crash it directly!"

Zhang Zhiwei shot down two fighter planes in total.

In the first one, he jumped directly onto the engine, pulled out the pilot, and kicked the plane down.

The second one was much simpler and rougher. He, who was covered by the golden light, crashed head-on.

The speed is the same as the plane, or the body is stronger than the plane... Lu Jin thought for a while, the speed is as fast as the plane, and he can still do it with hard work. The recovery has performed well.

But it is very difficult to make the body harder than steel. After all, it is not a horizontal kung fu practice, and it is impossible to be invulnerable.

"From this point of view, the Golden Light Curse is really powerful!" Lu Jin sighed.

"It's not the Golden Light Curse, it's Senior Brother Zhang!" Lu Ci corrected.

The Golden Light Mantra is the introductory method of Longhushan. Not only the Taoist priests in the main altar are practicing it, but also the Taoist priests in the Fenguan. Lu Ci has dealt with the Taoist priests who practice the Golden Light Mantra. Zhang Zhiwei's golden light curse has refreshed his three views.

Lu Ci still remembered that day in the Lu family compound, when Zhang Zhiwei carried him, his hands were so soft that Jin Guangshu didn't even tremble.

That sense of despair and powerlessness is still fresh in his memory, and this is also the driving force that spurs him to keep moving forward.

But for this aspect, Lu Jin didn't really feel it. He hadn't faced Zhang Zhiwei's Golden Light Curse yet.

The strongest golden light he had ever seen belonged to Lin Huaiyi. Although it had caused him some suffering, it was far from being a psychological shadow.

"By the way, the Ruyi Jin I poked out just now found that there seemed to be pirates blocking the way ahead. What should we do?" Lu Ci said.

Lu Jin slapped his neck with his hand: "How about we just kill a bloody road? Just like the one just now, let's see who can't bear it?"

"You brat, don't talk, just you two remnants, don't hold back Senior Brother Zhang!"

Hearing that Lu Jin was about to kill, Wang Ai, who was retching at the side, immediately stopped vomiting and said hastily.

"The fat man makes sense, let's find a place to rest first!"

Zhang Zhiwei nodded and said, he is not an iron man either, he has consumed a lot of energy after repeated fierce battles and needs to rest.

At this moment, an extremely strong energy suddenly approached.

When the qi machine was diverging, the air was stirred, and a gust of wind blew up, causing the military vehicle to sway.

A man in a black mandarin jacket with a turtle-shaped crane back and broad hands appeared in the middle of the road at some point, watching them quietly.

That gust of qi that swayed the wind was emanating from him.

It looked menacing, but he just stood ten meters in front of the car and made no other moves.

The eyes of the four people in the car were all on this person.

I saw that his breathing was very even. When he inhaled, his hair stood up like electricity, but when he exhaled, he fell down. Between each exhalation and inhalation, there were bursts of muffled thunder-like sounds from his body.

(End of this chapter)

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