Chapter 184 Peak Collision
"Why is this person blocking our way? Could it be..."

Lu Ci wanted to talk about the second ghost, but he stopped when the words came to his lips, and his intuition told him that if he said it, there might be bad results.

Lu Jin should be more cautious: "This person seems to be very strong. Every time he breathes out, there seems to be a muffled thunder in his body. He must be practicing thunder!"

Speaking of this, a flash of light flashed in Lu Jin's mind: "Senior Brother Zhang, could it be that the elders of your school have come here?"

Wang Ai didn't say anything at all, but just squeezed silently towards Zhang Zhiwei.

Although his cultivation is not very good, he still has sharp eyesight. This strong man has a turtle-shaped crane back and stands tall. Although his figure is far less tall than Senior Brother Zhang, he gives off an atmosphere of a tiger dominating a dragon, which makes him There is a feeling of suffocation.

Zhang Zhiwei stared into the eyes of the man in black in front of him, and said with a smile:

"Brother Lu, this is not the thunder method of Taoism, but the thunder sound of tigers and leopards in Wumen. This sound does not come from the mouth, nor does it come from the movement of Qi in the abdomen."

"It is to control every bone, muscle, skin, and internal organs of my body to vibrate slightly and regularly."

"All the vibrating sounds gathered together, and they sounded like thunder rolling in the sky. The person here is a master!"

With that said, Zhang Zhiwei opened the door and got out of the car, and put on this posture on the opposite side, some of the visitors were not kind.

He got out of the car and walked a few steps, listening to the thunder sound from the opponent's body, Zhang Zhiwei had a whim, and unconsciously mobilized his meridians, moving every muscle and bone in his body.

This is not difficult for him, he has already reached the realm of internal sage and external king in alchemy, and he can control the meridians and acupoints of the whole body like his fingers, just follow the opponent's rhythm, it is as easy as flipping the palm of his hand.

In the regular rhythm, Zhang Zhiwei gradually heard the regular buzzing sound of his own bones, matched with the sound of the gurgling blood flowing in the blood vessels like a mountain spring, which was indistinguishable from the thunder sound from the man in black coat , completely merged together.

Unintentionally, he actually cultivated into Tiger Leopard Leiyin.

These changes made the man in the black coat in front of the car startled, his eyes fixed, he stared at Zhang Zhiwei, and said:
"There are rumors in the world that the younger generation has produced a super master with superb methods. It is obviously a weak year, but the cultivation level is not inferior to the older generation. Now it seems that it is indeed good."

"But you are an idiot, you don't cultivate your way well, and you don't do your job properly. It must have taken a lot of effort to practice this tiger and leopard thunder sound. Come, come, and give the old man a hand!"

These words seemed to mean that the elders were reprimanding the younger generation, but it was more of a meaning of seeing the younger generation happy and wanting to give the younger generation some advice on how to practice.

As for hand-holding, it is a rule in the Jianghu. Sometimes when encountering a matter to be divided, but you don't want to fight, you will join hands, and the two will secretly compare each other's qi, and use the strength of qi to judge the superiority.

But Zhang Zhiwei obviously didn't intend to join hands with him. Where did he come from? He has no brains and no brains to block my way and doesn't say anything. If he is not a relative or a reason, he dares to teach me. You can say that I am Zhang Zhiwei...

"No, no, senior, you have misunderstood. I am actually a very serious Taoist priest, but I didn't hear clearly what you said!"

Zhang Zhiwei smiled, tilted his head, and looked arrogant:
"You seem to say that it takes a lot of effort to practice this thing? This kind of easy-to-find thing is not easy to see at first sight. If I want to say how much effort I have spent, then I can only say that it took a lot of effort!"

The tip of the needle is against the wheat awn.

This's easy to come's easy to takes a lot of effort...the black-coated man Li Shuwen was stunned for a moment, grinned, and said with a serious smile:
"Good boy, I was entrusted by someone to take some of you juniors away from this place safely, but you are a little too arrogant, I won't beat you, if you feel unhappy, watch!"

Li Shuwen clenched his fists, and his whole body was shaken violently naturally, followed by the sound of thunder that lasted for a long time.

In the sound of thunder, his whole body's muscles and bones groaned. The originally wide black gown was supported by the suddenly swollen muscles, and his whole body became a bit taller. Compared with Zhang Zhiwei, he no longer looked very short .

He is a master of martial arts, known as the number one outsider, his kung fu has reached the peak, he has practiced from the outside to the inside, and he has given birth to various incredible abilities, and the tiger and leopard Leiyin is just one of them.

Controlling the tiger and leopard thunder can shake the bone marrow, gradually change the physique, enhance physical fitness, and greatly increase the cultivation base of life.

It is also possible to integrate the thunder sound into every movement through the bursting power of mind fusion. With each fist and foot, the punch will be accompanied by the thunderous explosion and roar. Not only the strength has greatly increased, but the momentum is also twice as vigorous as before.

Compared with the former, the latter is more difficult. Even martial arts masters who have been immersed in this way for many years may not be able to master it thoroughly. However, Li Shuwen has obviously practiced to this level.

Therefore, the moment he clenched his hands, thunder exploded, and huge sound waves vibrated the air, directly triggering a whirlwind.

Both Lu Jin and Lu Ci felt their hearts tremble inexplicably, their hearts almost jumped into their throats. Experts knew if there was one as soon as he made a move. Before this man made a move, they knew that he was invincible just by clenching his fists.

This guy Wang Ai is even worse. Lu Jin and Lu Ci's cultivation bases in fate are not low, but his family's unique knowledge is not a kung fu for cultivation of fate. My ears are ringing, and my eyes are full of stars.

Thanks to his young age and good health, if it were an old man with a heart problem, he might have an attack immediately and faint.

And Zhang Zhiwei, who was facing the sound of thunder directly, also looked serious. Even though he hadn't fought, Zhang Zhiwei knew from the thunder pipe just now that this big man in black coat would be the strongest opponent he encountered.

As for the master and uncles, Zhang Zhiwei didn't regard them as opponents in his heart, and neither side took the occasional school exams seriously.

But at this moment, Zhang Zhiwei took it seriously, and directly operated the Golden Light Curse to the extreme.

There was only a "clang" sound, and there seemed to be drums and horns contending between the heaven and the earth, and the bright golden light came out through the body. At first, it spread out like mercury leaking out of the ground, but then it was suddenly closed, and the golden light was extremely compressed, turning into a layer as thin as a cicada. Wings cover the body surface.

This is the ultimate of the golden light that Zhang Zhiwei is currently controlling. He does not pursue thickness, nor does he pursue sharpness like Lin Huaiyi, but pursues intensity.

What is strength? It is strength that can compress the golden light that covers a wide area into a solid shape like a cicada's wings.

The energy machines of both sides collided.

"Clatter!" The air trembled, like the surface of water being cut, and the aftermath rippled in circles.

Zhang Zhiwei hooked his fingers at the other party.

Li Shuwen, a big man in a black coat, smiled and took the lead. His feet moved, and the distance of ten meters was reached in an instant. With a suffocating momentum, he rushed towards Zhang Zhiwei like a rolling thunder.

The first move is the signature move of Bajiquan, Tie Shan Kao.

Faced with this overwhelming blow, Zhang Zhiwei did not dodge or dodge, his body sank suddenly, and he slapped him.

However, unlike the usual casual slap, Zhang Zhiwei took this slap seriously, and all kinds of things he learned, such as the shock strength of Bajiquan, the collapse strength of Xingyiquan, the fivefold strength of Tianshi Wudouquan, the dragon Tiger Liuhe Bafaquan...all in one palm.

The ferocity of this slap, the violentness of the movement, is like a landslide and tsunami, thousands of troops and horses killed together, people can't help but feel that under this slap, everything will be smashed into powder.


As soon as the two came into contact, the air was torn apart, and there was a long, sharp whistle like a train whistle, and the sound of cracking the air, resounding through the air.

An extremely strong air wave swept across the surroundings, setting off a wave of earth and rocks. The scene seemed like a building with dozens of floors was blasted in an instant.

The military vehicle that was close at hand was directly sent flying by this shock wave.

"Damn it, this guy is amazing!"

"Hurry up, hurry up, go farther away, don't get hurt by mistake!"

Inside the military vehicle, Lu Jin and Lu Ci turned pale with shock, while Wang Ai was still in a state of tinnitus and deafness.

Lu Jin steadied Wang Ai, while Lu Ci broke the window and jumped onto the roof of the car, stepping on the military vehicle, running Ruyi, using the military vehicle as a surfboard, and the shock wave just now as waves, gliding in the air for a while After the distance, stepped on the military vehicle and landed safely.

After landing, several people quickly looked towards the field.

I saw that the big man in black coat was like an unstoppable iron mountain leaning against the rolling thunder, but he was completely blocked by Zhang Zhiwei's slap, and the two sides seemed to be wrestling.

"Damn it, who is this black coat? He's so fucking fierce. His Tie Shan Keng is probably a thousand times stronger than the Ties Shan Keng of Liu Deshui I fought against last time?"

Lu Jin's jaw dropped in shock. It was the first time he had seen such a fierce Tieshankou. Putting himself in Zhang Zhiwei's place, Lu Jin felt that he would definitely be hit to nothing.

Lu Ci took it seriously and said: "It's really fierce, don't compare it with that little fat man in Yanwutang, I have a feeling that just now the iron mountain leaned in suddenly and broke through everything with one force. Can't handle it!"

"I also feel this way, but Senior Brother Zhang caught it, and he looks very steady. That slap seems to be no different from the one that slapped you." Lu Jin said.

"Prudish, what are you farting again, it's like you didn't get slapped, you were the first to get slapped, and you were slapped and cried!" Lu Ci immediately retorted.

"Expose it, expose it!" Lu Jin hurriedly said, "Just go to that Tieshanjia just now, this person is not an ordinary person, have you guessed who he is?"

Lu Ci said: "The sound of tigers and leopards, as well as the deep vibration of Baji, this is what I have always wanted to integrate into Ruyi energy but can't get it. This guy is by no means a mediocre person, could it be..."

As Lu Ci spoke, he and Lu Jin exchanged glances.

Then, Qi Qi said: "It's Li Shuwen, Senior Li!"

(End of this chapter)

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