Chapter 185
"Martial saints have their weaknesses, sharp spears really kill people!"

Lu Ci was dry-mouthed: "Why did we meet such a scumbag as the sharpshooter Li Shuwen here?"

"I heard that he seemed to be invited by Marshal Zhang to Fengtian to be the instructor of the whole army, but why did he come to Liaodong and fight us?" Lu Jin said.

"You didn't hear what he said. He was entrusted by someone to take us out of this place safely. Some elder invited him?" Lu Ci said.

"The master invited by the elders is actually fighting with Senior Brother Zhang, what should we do now?" Lu Jin asked.

"How to do it, of course I watched Senior Brother Zhang do it. A master has the temper of a master. If there is a disagreement, he will do it. Watch and learn. I will be like this in the future."

Lu Ci looked at the scene with burning eyes, and continued: "This senior Li is known as the number one master of the foreign family, and is one of the two great priests of Yanwu Hall. He is only named in Yanwu Hall, and he is usually Yanwu Hall's It’s rare to see anyone.”

"But it's this kind of top figure in the older generation who unleashed a thunderous blow, which was blocked by a slap from Senior Brother Zhang. To be serious, tell me, how powerful is Senior Brother Zhang?!"

Lu Jin also exclaimed in amazement: "Brother Zhang's strength can't be guessed at all. It is said that he has the strength comparable to the older generation. Now it seems that this is obviously beyond most of the older generation!"

"To be honest, to be honest, this trip to Liaodong, I was able to encourage Senior Brother Zhang to come here, it was definitely the most sensible thing I did!" Lu Ci sighed.

"Don't give money to yourself, the main thing is that Brother Zhang is loyal and righteous, otherwise you can use your head to encourage!"

As for the initiator of this trip to Liaodong was Lu Ci, Lu Jin had no objection, because it was originally Lu Ci who initiated it first, and his original proposal was to kill Quanxing.

But at this moment, the field has changed again.

The two fought hard, and the autumn colors were evenly divided, and they began to wrestle.

When they were wrestling, the energy of the two people was full of vigor, and the needle point pointed at the wheat awning, and the surrounding air was shaken like a cannonball.

"Good boy, as a Taoist priest, not talking about magic techniques, just the cultivation of life is so solid, without any fancy, no wonder he is called the No.1 of the younger generation, come, come, give me some tricks , try your style of play!"

Li Shuwen laughed loudly, and then, the fist frame was opened, and the wind of the fist filled the sky, and the shadow of the fist roared towards him.

However, Zhang Zhiwei was not afraid at all, nor did he back down at all, and he went up against this overwhelming offensive.

Bajiquan evolved from marksmanship, and those who are proficient in Baji must be proficient in marksmanship.

That's why Li Shuwen got the nickname "Smart Spear". Although he didn't bring a gun today, but at his level of cultivation, a gun is a fist, and a fist is a gun.

Facing Li Shuwen's punch like a big gun, Zhang Zhiwei's arm shook, and he took a few big steps forward. His big slap hit Li Shuwen's fist like a millstone.

The shadows of fists all over the sky, the violent wind, and the sound of tearing, almost made people breathless.

That piece of ground was actually submerged slightly by the coercion generated by the fighting between the two parties.

In the blink of an eye, the two had fought hundreds of times.

However, the two people who were in the midst of a fierce battle suddenly took a big step back after making a forceful move.

In an instant, the two separated tens of meters away, and each looked at each other calmly, as if they had never fought against each other just now.

In fact, both of them have a steelyard in their hearts, and they are not the kind of people who don't care about anything when they get on top.

Li Shuwen came to pick up people, not to kill.

Kung Fu, click to stop.

If you continue to fight, something will happen.

Zhang Zhiwei thought so too.

In fact, as soon as Li Shuwen reported his family name and said he was invited by his elders, he didn't really want to fight.

Therefore, he was quite restrained when he shot, and he didn't even use Lei Fa's specialty.

It was originally sneaked out, if the helper invited by the master is beaten up by him, what is it?

After returning home, Master didn't tie him to a flying sword with his old face on his shoulders, and send the flying sword to the sky in a spiral from the top of Tianmen Mountain?
Therefore, when a certain critical point was reached, both of them felt that they could no longer fight, so they each took a step back in a tacit understanding.

Zhang Zhiwei put away the golden light that was as thin as a cicada's wing.

Li Shuwen's forehead was sweating, and a strong airflow spewed out, like a knife and axe, blowing away the messy place made by his actions just now.

"It's been a long time since I've had such a good time, boy, if it wasn't for the wrong venue, I would definitely fight you hard!"

Li Shuwen received his power, Tiger Leopard Leiyin restrained, his figure shrank suddenly, and returned to his normal body shape. A white mist rose faintly above his head, and the mist dispersed.


Zhang Zhiwei walked over and said with a smile: "It is said that the martial arts sage has nothing to do, and the sharp gun really kills people. Old man, you are so old, you are so angry. You have to say something about yourself. Your master invited you. Why do you want to do this?" out!"

Experts know if there is one as soon as they make a move, and Zhang Zhiwei knows the identity of the other party as soon as they meet.

In this year, Li Shuwen is the only one who has practiced Bajiquan so profoundly.

"Using martial arts to make friends, I don't shudder after doing this. However, I was not invited by your master. I was invited by your master, but it seems a bit redundant."

Li Shuwen walked over with a smile, hugged his hands and said.

At this moment, he no longer put on the airs of a senior like before.

Although he is dozens of years older than Zhang Zhiwei, as he said, Zhang Zhiwei has already caught his eye when making friends with martial arts. He is a friend, not a junior who can be reprimanded at will.

"One thing and one thing, and what is superfluous, the old man is too polite!"

Zhang Zhiwei smiled, and the two exchanged a few words.

"By the way, just now I looked at your methods, you have practiced a lot of boxing techniques!" Li Shuwen asked suddenly.

"Indeed there are quite a few. In addition to some boxing techniques of my own school, I have been involved in boxing techniques such as Xingyiquan, Bajiquan, and Baguazhang!" Zhang Zhiwei said bluntly.

"Let me just say, by the way, when did you practice Hubao Leiyin?" Li Shuwen asked again.

As Zhang Zhiwei said before, he learned Tiger Leopard Leiyin at a glance, and it took a little effort, so he still cared a lot.

"Old man, wise people don't speak secretly, I just learned it!"

After Zhang Zhiwei finished speaking, seeing Li Shuwen's face change, he said again:
"It's not really like what I said before, it was a waste of effort, but a trick. Although I have practiced Bajiquan, I only practiced the big frame. For the small frame, I don't know how to stand up. is not involved."

"However, I have made some achievements in the practice of inner alchemy in my sect. As the saying goes, one Dharma meeting, ten thousand dharmas can be mastered. Just now, I was impressed by your tiger, leopard and thunder, so I imitated it. It's done."

Zhang Zhiwei explained.

As for the big frame and small frame of Baji, the "big frame" is a technique, which records the methods of exercising energy of various moves, while the "small frame" is the practice of pile skills, which is used to practice life skills and improve cultivation. .

This tiger and leopard thunder sound is the product of the practice of Xiaojia to reach the realm of transformation.

Zhang Zhiwei majored in his own alchemy, so naturally he didn't practice small frame.

Therefore, even if the realm is reached, it does not have the ability to give birth to Tiger Leopard Leiyin.

But after watching Li Shuwen's Tiger Leopard, I felt something in my heart for a moment, and I directly understood it.

However, at his current state, such things as tiger, leopard and leiyin are of no great use.

Even though Zhang Zhiwei explained it again, Li Shuwen was still stunned for a long time after hearing it.

He thought that in order to comprehend the thunder sound of the tiger and leopard, he traveled far away, challenged opponents everywhere, and comprehended the rhythm of the spring thunder explosion... It can be said that it took a lot of hard work to master this ability.

But this kid realized it after seeing him use it only once, it really compares people to others, it's so pissing off, and he couldn't help but feel a little frustrated in his heart.

But immediately after, this trace of frustration dissipated in smoke. As a dignified martial arts master, he would not be jealous of a junior.

Besides, the other party started with the alchemy and comprehended the Tiger Leopard Leiyin. Although it was easy to comprehend, he must have spent a lot of effort on the practice of alchemy.

Thinking of this, Li Shuwen nodded and sighed:

"I see. It seems that your inner alchemy is terrifyingly high, but no matter what, if you watch me use the tiger leopard thunder sound once, you can realize that this kind of talent is really inhuman, no wonder With your current strength, even your master can't rest assured!"

Zhang Zhiwei smiled, waved to Lu Jin, Lu Ci and Wang Ai who were far away, and said:

"Misunderstanding and misunderstanding, they are all our own people, come and get to know each other!"

The three of them, Lu Jin, Lu Ci, and Wang Ai, who were watching the battle from afar, were still wondering why the fight was so fierce just now. The two of them who looked like they were going to die or die, suddenly started talking and laughing.

Then I heard Zhang Zhiwei's voice, and hurriedly ran over.

"Boy, Lu Jin from Sanyi School, meet Senior Li!" Lu Jin clasped his fists and said gracefully.

Lu Ci also clasped his fists, and said neither humble nor overbearing: "Boy, Lu Ci from Lu Family Village, pay homage to Senior Li!"

"Young boy, Wang Ai from the Wang Family, pay homage to Senior Li!"

Wang Ai also clasped his fists and said, but this time he changed his usual timid manner and spoke loudly, which made several people look sideways at him.

Could it be that Fatty wanted to show off in front of Senior Li?Several people thought in their hearts.

However, they thought it was wrong. The reason why Wang Ai did this was not to earn performance from Li Shuwen.

It was because he was yelled at by the tiger and leopard Lei Yin at close range before, and now he still has some tinnitus, and his voice is so soft that he can't hear it himself.

"Good boys, they are all descendants of aristocratic families. It's just a good time to be a honey at home. Those who come to this ghost place to beat people to death are not disgraceful, disrespectful, and lose the face of their ancestors. They are all good. I will be with you!" Bi, I am a bit ashamed, old man!"

Li Shuwen sighed. When he was young, he also had the same drive. When he saw injustice, he would kill any Japanese or red-haired ghost. I shot one at a time.

But when he was old, he had family members, apprentices, and too many ties, even if he had an astonishing ability, he had to think twice before doing things.

The last time he competed with a master named Okamoto on the Japanese pirates side, he only smashed the opponent's shoulder blades, and did not pick and kill him as usual.

The reason is that he was worried that the Japanese pirates would anger his family.

Now, he actually saw his youthful appearance in front of several juniors, and he felt emotional for a while.

"Predecessors are absurd. Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the country. A family like ours naturally has to shoulder the responsibility!"

Lu Jin smiled and said, "In my Lu family, those who are talented in practice are practicing, and those without talent are sent abroad to study advanced foreign knowledge."

"I have a few cousins ​​who can drive airplanes. They said that they will join the Air Force and serve the country in the future. It's ridiculous that I can't even drive a car. Speaking of which, Senior Brother Zhang can drive a car!"

Lu Jin refrained from swearing indiscriminately, and when speaking of polite words, he was still a dog, like a personable son of an aristocratic family.

In comparison, in terms of temperament, Lu Ci and Wang Ai are far inferior.

Lu Ci's rebelliousness was written all over his face.

And Wang Ai is still young, and his cunning face has not yet been highlighted, and now he looks a little stupid.

(End of this chapter)

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